Voter Suppression by Republican State Legislature in Pennsylvania

"Touched a Right Wing nerve" with what?

The OP, Murf, the OP. You think not? Just run back over the past 13 or so pages and read the wheezing, ranting and puffing of all of you right wing whack jobs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

Dude, your OP failed.... Miserably...

You're whining is now absolutely pathetic...
"Touched a Right Wing nerve" with what?

The OP, Murf, the OP. You think not? Just run back over the past 13 or so pages and read the wheezing, ranting and puffing of all of you right wing whack jobs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

It's not conservatives who are pitching a fit at the prospect of Voter ID laws. That would be the left, frothing at the mouth and unable to come up with a legitimate argument to support their wild claims of racism.
I disagree. The FACT is that there are more potential Democratic voters without ID's than there are potential Republican voters. It that was not the case, you can bet your ass that disingenuous Republican state legislatures would not be going to the trouble of enacting laws such as this.

No. That is NOT the case. Democrats aren't lacking access to ID cards. If they were, THAT would be a separate issue. Think about it... if there actually were groups of people, who by virtue of race or poverty or party affiliation, were denied access to meaningful participation in the economy, we'd be hearing about it. :eek:
In fact, that's ALL we'd be hearing about. These people wouldn't be able to go to the bank, or the doctor, get library cards, access public services... nothing.

This is all about voter fraud and nothing else.

I don't think lack of access is the issue - it is more of a sociological thing. People from the lower walk of life (such as my clients - in case you were not aware, I am a public defender) just don't get (obtain) ID's. They are not as responsible as those who are more fortunate and who have the motivation to get ID's.

My clients - going to a bank (for some reason other than to rob it), going to libraries, accessing public services? Please.

But don't limit it to my clients. In general, people who vote Democratic are more loosely constructed than those who vote Republican, which translartes into we don't have as many ID's per capita as you guys.

You can argue all you want against this fact, but it is a fact that requiring ID's to vote impacts potential Democratic voters more than postential Republican voters. As I said before, if it didn't, Republican legislatures wouldn't be passing such laws. How many Democratically controlled legislatures do you see passing ID's to vote laws, hmmmmm?

Perhaps someone who lacks motivation to get ID, lacks motivation to vote too. Or even lacks motivation to make a sound decision. Would someone who lacks motivation to get ID be motivated to vote the way they are told for a nice fresh donut? What would be the motivation, having a voice in the process, or wanting that donut?

I know a woman who has never voted one time in her entire life. She has ID, she has just never paid attention to any of the issues, local, state or federal. She doesn't know anything about what's going on and has less interest. She shouldn't vote. If she's not motivated to know enough about the issues to make a decision, she's not motivated to vote either. People like that shouldn't vote.

The democrat's believe that people should vote early and often, even if they are dead.
The right to vote is afforded only to US citizens. So, the local government decides to try to confirm that someone is indeed a US citizen and the democrats complain. Why am i not surprised?

Not all citizens have a drivers licence.
The right to vote is afforded only to US citizens. So, the local government decides to try to confirm that someone is indeed a US citizen and the democrats complain. Why am i not surprised?

Not all citizens have a drivers licence.

A driver's license is not the only acceptable form of Voter ID in any of the States who have passed such legislation.
"Touched a Right Wing nerve" with what?

The OP, Murf, the OP. You think not? Just run back over the past 13 or so pages and read the wheezing, ranting and puffing of all of you right wing whack jobs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

Dude, your OP failed.... Miserably...

You're whining is now absolutely pathetic...

You know, what's funny is... they put these crazy threads up and then when they can't support their ridiculous claims with valid arguments... everybody else is somehow the bad guy.
Why does the left get so bent out of shape over showing a photo I.D. to vote? As I have already pointed out you have to show a photo I.D. to write a check, open a bank account, apply for a credit card, get a bank loan and many other things. Why does showing one for voting get your guts in such a knot?
I can't speak for all precincts, but years ago, when I first went online, a group of leftists were yappin' up the night hours at Pathfinder boards (now history) about how each of them voted 12, 20, 30, 40 times, and one said he was a precinct chairman and voted 30 times. These people were from all over the USA. The next morning, I got up to go and print out their claims--all missing. They erased their posts, because one of them was a moderator, and he knew that should not be public domain. I saw and never forgot what they said. It fits that they and their brethren and cisterns (joke) would not care to show a voter id. :rolleyes:

That's scary as HELL.
Well, yeah. It wasn't all bad, though. It was an eye opener that taught me just how important it is for a patriotic citizen to pay attention to what is happening at the polls, and how vital it is to monitor polling places and ensure that all is on the up and up.

"Dead voters" was the problem of the 50s. Today, it's monitoring brainwashees - naive people who are easy to lead astray - union aparatchiks - who are convinced the end justifies the wrongful means - and trainees - who disappear from boards from time to time, only to reappear a few months later with new updated tactics learned in closed-door sessions dealing with online posting geared to optimize favorable poll readings, etc. All engage in do as we do teamwork and stfu (omerta oath).

I'm old enough to recollect seeing Nikita Kruschev on television, pounding his shoe on the podium and the interpreter repeating his Russian phrase of "We will bury you." that sent chills down our backs. The Democrat Party's adaptation of community-based control does me likewise.
"Touched a Right Wing nerve" with what?

The OP, Murf, the OP. You think not? Just run back over the past 13 or so pages and read the wheezing, ranting and puffing of all of you right wing whack jobs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

What I find funny is the fact that you won't even go to the actual source (The Bill itself) to get your facts, you rely on a slanted source only to have it blow up in your face. Then come back with some pathetic damage control on your behalf.
"Touched a Right Wing nerve" with what?

The OP, Murf, the OP. You think not? Just run back over the past 13 or so pages and read the wheezing, ranting and puffing of all of you right wing whack jobs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

What I find funny is the fact that you won't even go to the actual source (The Bill itself) to get your facts, you rely on a slanted source only to have it blow up in your face. Then come back with some pathetic damage control on your behalf.

I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.
The OP, Murf, the OP. You think not? Just run back over the past 13 or so pages and read the wheezing, ranting and puffing of all of you right wing whack jobs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

What I find funny is the fact that you won't even go to the actual source (The Bill itself) to get your facts, you rely on a slanted source only to have it blow up in your face. Then come back with some pathetic damage control on your behalf.

I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.

The OP was wrong and didn't present the facts, BDBoop. When the facts are presented to the contrary, you and he still stand behind the flawed article. I can only guess that it's adds to your agenda...when it's no more than a conspiracy article.
Yes, I have to laugh at you people. If I didn't I would be down right disgusted at the lies you people will lap up.....all in the name of your party. That is disgusting.
What I find funny is the fact that you won't even go to the actual source (The Bill itself) to get your facts, you rely on a slanted source only to have it blow up in your face. Then come back with some pathetic damage control on your behalf.

I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.

The OP was wrong and didn't present the facts, BDBoop. When the facts are presented to the contrary, you and he still stand behind the flawed article. I can only guess that it's adds to your agenda...when it's no more than a conspiracy article.
Yes, I have to laugh at you people. If I didn't I would be down right disgusted at the lies you people will lap up.....all in the name of your party. That is disgusting.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
The OP, Murf, the OP. You think not? Just run back over the past 13 or so pages and read the wheezing, ranting and puffing of all of you right wing whack jobs. If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

What I find funny is the fact that you won't even go to the actual source (The Bill itself) to get your facts, you rely on a slanted source only to have it blow up in your face. Then come back with some pathetic damage control on your behalf.

I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.

Time for a Reality Check.
What I find funny is the fact that you won't even go to the actual source (The Bill itself) to get your facts, you rely on a slanted source only to have it blow up in your face. Then come back with some pathetic damage control on your behalf.

I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.

Time for a Reality Check.

All around?

Time for cooler heads to prevail.

They're not likely to be found on this board. Not these days.
What I find funny is the fact that you won't even go to the actual source (The Bill itself) to get your facts, you rely on a slanted source only to have it blow up in your face. Then come back with some pathetic damage control on your behalf.

I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.

The OP was wrong and didn't present the facts, BDBoop. When the facts are presented to the contrary, you and he still stand behind the flawed article. I can only guess that it's adds to your agenda...when it's no more than a conspiracy article.
Yes, I have to laugh at you people. If I didn't I would be down right disgusted at the lies you people will lap up.....all in the name of your party. That is disgusting.

Wow. Thanks for the refreshing slap in the face, Meister.

You too, Tonto.
What I find funny is the fact that you won't even go to the actual source (The Bill itself) to get your facts, you rely on a slanted source only to have it blow up in your face. Then come back with some pathetic damage control on your behalf.

I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.

The OP was wrong and didn't present the facts, BDBoop. When the facts are presented to the contrary, you and he still stand behind the flawed article. I can only guess that it's adds to your agenda...when it's no more than a conspiracy article.
Yes, I have to laugh at you people. If I didn't I would be down right disgusted at the lies you people will lap up.....all in the name of your party. That is disgusting.

You are not going to get "party firster" democratics to embrace anything that discourages voter fraud... EVAH!
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I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.

The OP was wrong and didn't present the facts, BDBoop. When the facts are presented to the contrary, you and he still stand behind the flawed article. I can only guess that it's adds to your agenda...when it's no more than a conspiracy article.
Yes, I have to laugh at you people. If I didn't I would be down right disgusted at the lies you people will lap up.....all in the name of your party. That is disgusting.

Wow. Thanks for the refreshing slap in the face, Meister.

You too, Tonto.

What did you expect, BDBoop?
That I would agree with you?
What bullshit! You have to show a driver's license or a state ID. You need some kind of State identification to participate in society. If you don't have it, then voting is the LEAST of your problems. Do a balancing of priorities: Preventing voting fraud vs supposedly a small handful of people that are burdened and can't vote!

Word to Liberals and the FAUX outrage. You need identification for:
(1) Opening a Checking Account
(2) Opening a Saving Account
(3) Cashing a Pay check
(4) Cashing a unemployment check
(5) Cashing a welfare check
(6) Cashing a social security check
(7) Applying for a job
(8) Paying your taxes
(9) Getting a tax return
(10) Renting or buying a house
(11) Starting a business
(12) Getting healthcare
(13) Getting health insurance
(14) Driving a car
(15) Buying Liquor
(16) Getting into an ACLU/NAACP event
(17) Using a credit card
(18) Getting a credit card
(19) Getting an auto loan
(20) Buying a car with cash
(21) Getting insurance
(22) Boarding a Plane
(23) Getting business licenses
(24) Getting a room at a nursing home
(25) Getting a divorce
(26) Getting a marriage license or civil union license
(27) Getting your child registered for elementary or highschool
(28) Getting student loans
(29) Applying for college
(30) Getting a job

And the list goes on and on and on! Without proper identification you can't PARTICIPATE in society! I think it's more important for them to obtain proper identification, then it would be for them to vote.

In fact, it has NOTHING to do with economics why these people don't obtain identification. It has to do with: (1) LAZINESS, (2) FOOLISHNESS, (3) SHADINESS or (4) All of the above!!!!
I find it funny that that's how you see it.

Funny more of us aren't just sitting around laughing, innit.

The OP was wrong and didn't present the facts, BDBoop. When the facts are presented to the contrary, you and he still stand behind the flawed article. I can only guess that it's adds to your agenda...when it's no more than a conspiracy article.
Yes, I have to laugh at you people. If I didn't I would be down right disgusted at the lies you people will lap up.....all in the name of your party. That is disgusting.

Wow. Thanks for the refreshing slap in the face, Meister.

You too, Tonto.

Tonto is close, but no Cupie Doll.


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