Voter Suppression by Republican State Legislature in Pennsylvania

I see the left is getting their they stole the election talking points ready in case Obama should lose.

Pretty much it. Takes an OP with a link that is being disengenuous and stating it as fact, and they run with it.
The truth was moved by the LA Times, it's no longer the truth, it's a lie....and yes, a half truth or should I say a 1/4 truth is still a lie.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.
Wow, there are 100,000 dependents in that city and/or cities now ???

What happened ? Oh the federal government of the 60's happened that's what, yep yep that is what happened alright...

Now I ask why is it (((OK))) to ask millions of Americans for proof of insurance, ID or a drivers liscense when stopped in their vehicles for a road check or other , but somehow you can't ask an illegal or an unknown person in America ((who they are)), and/or whether or not if they got an ID just so they can prove who they are if they were to have to in a situation, and this so they can vote, drive a car, get a loan or apply for food services, medical help and/or excetra excetra excetra ?????????????????????????????????????

How is it that these people have more rights and protections than millions of Americans have anymore in this nation ??????????????????????????????????????????????

I bet if I wanted to get completely off of the grid or operate off the grid like many of these people are doing, having (NO ID, Social Security Number, Name), and then remain here making cash money, while living on the feds hine teet, it would be impossible for me as an American citizen to do so, but these people can and do it all of the time as found within these kind of numbers ?? Kidding me right?

A search party would be dispatched sooner or later for me, as the government would wonder where it's taxes were, and who exactly am I or was as a person in America sooner or later, and this once the right situation would eventually arise to expose me. I may have to go to the doctor or seek medical help, or once again apply for a job or any help of any kind, get a license, be responsible, vote and so on and so forth, and if I don't then I would be in big trouble, but these people aren't, yet they are voters if only for just a single American election, then they go poof into the night somehow ????
I see democrats.....

[ame=]Godsmack - Cryin' Like A Bitch!! - YouTube[/ame]
I see the left is getting their they stole the election talking points ready in case Obama should lose.

if another country had all of a sudden changed all the rules about who could vote, we would invade that country to assure honest elections

why do you hate America?

Yeah having to provide a photo I.D. to vote what a horrible burden I guess we should stop making people provide a photo I.D. when they write a check, open a bank account, apply for a credit and the dozens of other things we have to show a I.D. for go buy a clue would you.
I see the left is getting their they stole the election talking points ready in case Obama should lose.

if another country had all of a sudden changed all the rules about who could vote, we would invade that country to assure honest elections

why do you hate America?

One wonders.
I don't consider having rules that make sure only those who are legally eligible to vote do so is hating America silly me.
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if another country had all of a sudden changed all the rules about who could vote, we would invade that country to assure honest elections

why do you hate America?

One wonders.
I don't consider having rules that make sure only those who are legally eligible to vote do so is hating America silly me.
It is something that should have been done years ago, at least to keep from having what we had with Acorn, along with all of the other voter fraud situations in which has now prompted all this attention to these facts now, and the response there of. This is being done for a good reason, but of course for the lawless & the politically correct clueless in the nation, it is somehow a grave threat? Go figure!
One wonders.
I don't consider having rules that make sure only those who are legally eligible to vote do so is hating America silly me.
It is something that should have been done years ago, at least to keep from having what we had with Acorn, along with all of the other voter fraud situations in which has now prompted all this attention to these facts now, and the response there of. This is being done for a good reason, but of course for the lawless & the politically correct clueless in the nation, it is somehow a grave threat? Go figure!

Nice fiction... given there's no history of voter fraud.....

i suppose the governor of PA was lying when he said the purpose of the voter ID laws was to lead to a Romney victory.

Silly him.
I don't consider having rules that make sure only those who are legally eligible to vote do so is hating America silly me.
It is something that should have been done years ago, at least to keep from having what we had with Acorn, along with all of the other voter fraud situations in which has now prompted all this attention to these facts now, and the response there of. This is being done for a good reason, but of course for the lawless & the politically correct clueless in the nation, it is somehow a grave threat? Go figure!

Nice fiction... given there's no history of voter fraud.....

i suppose the governor of PA was lying when he said the purpose of the voter ID laws was to lead to a Romney victory.

Silly him.

I would REALLY like to see a quote from Gov. Corbett that says that. Seriously. Got a link???
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.
Didnt PA go for obama in 08.. Hey how about those DEMS who tried to steal an election in Troy NY.. Yeah I guess you dont care about that do you
The Mental Recession: Eighth Democrat Indicted in Upstate New York Ballot Fraud Investigation

Or this one

Or how about this one

8 Democrats Arrested for Voter Fraud | Nationwide

And lets not forget about ACORN.> Who knows really how many people voted fraudulently
Fraud Map :: Rotten Acorn ::
I don't consider having rules that make sure only those who are legally eligible to vote do so is hating America silly me.
It is something that should have been done years ago, at least to keep from having what we had with Acorn, along with all of the other voter fraud situations in which has now prompted all this attention to these facts now, and the response there of. This is being done for a good reason, but of course for the lawless & the politically correct clueless in the nation, it is somehow a grave threat? Go figure!

Nice fiction... given there's no history of voter fraud.....

i suppose the governor of PA was lying when he said the purpose of the voter ID laws was to lead to a Romney victory.

Silly him.

Sorry, there is no evidence of Voter Fraud, because there is no interest in documenting it. If we can't even clean up the Election Process, where are we? Ignoring Voter Fraud is not the solution. PA. Law is fair minded and a step in the right direction. Why defend Chaos?
It is something that should have been done years ago, at least to keep from having what we had with Acorn, along with all of the other voter fraud situations in which has now prompted all this attention to these facts now, and the response there of. This is being done for a good reason, but of course for the lawless & the politically correct clueless in the nation, it is somehow a grave threat? Go figure!

Nice fiction... given there's no history of voter fraud.....

i suppose the governor of PA was lying when he said the purpose of the voter ID laws was to lead to a Romney victory.

Silly him.

Sorry, there is no evidence of Voter Fraud, because there is no interest in documenting it. If we can't even clean up the Election Process, where are we? Ignoring Voter Fraud is not the solution. PA. Law is fair minded and a step in the right direction. Why defend Chaos?

And one has to ask why such rigidity in making sure a person IS who they say they are when voting?

It boggles the mind.
Why does the left get so bent out of shape over showing a photo I.D. to vote? As I have already pointed out you have to show a photo I.D. to write a check, open a bank account, apply for a credit card, get a bank loan and many other things. Why does showing one for voting get your guts in such a knot?
It is something that should have been done years ago, at least to keep from having what we had with Acorn, along with all of the other voter fraud situations in which has now prompted all this attention to these facts now, and the response there of. This is being done for a good reason, but of course for the lawless & the politically correct clueless in the nation, it is somehow a grave threat? Go figure!

Nice fiction... given there's no history of voter fraud.....

i suppose the governor of PA was lying when he said the purpose of the voter ID laws was to lead to a Romney victory.

Silly him.

Sorry, there is no evidence of Voter Fraud, because there is no interest in documenting it. If we can't even clean up the Election Process, where are we? Ignoring Voter Fraud is not the solution. PA. Law is fair minded and a step in the right direction. Why defend Chaos?

Never mind that, anytime there's an attempt to charge fraud, someone screams "suppression!".
Why does the left get so bent out of shape over showing a photo I.D. to vote? As I have already pointed out you have to show a photo I.D. to write a check, open a bank account, apply for a credit card, get a bank loan and many other things. Why does showing one for voting get your guts in such a knot?
I can't speak for all precincts, but years ago, when I first went online, a group of leftists were yappin' up the night hours at Pathfinder boards (now history) about how each of them voted 12, 20, 30, 40 times, and one said he was a precinct chairman and voted 30 times. These people were from all over the USA. The next morning, I got up to go and print out their claims--all missing. They erased their posts, because one of them was a moderator, and he knew that should not be public domain. I saw and never forgot what they said. It fits that they and their brethren and cisterns (joke) would not care to show a voter id. :rolleyes:
Why does the left get so bent out of shape over showing a photo I.D. to vote? As I have already pointed out you have to show a photo I.D. to write a check, open a bank account, apply for a credit card, get a bank loan and many other things. Why does showing one for voting get your guts in such a knot?
I can't speak for all precincts, but years ago, when I first went online, a group of leftists were yappin' up the night hours at Pathfinder boards (now history) about how each of them voted 12, 20, 30, 40 times, and one said he was a precinct chairman and voted 30 times. These people were from all over the USA. The next morning, I got up to go and print out their claims--all missing. They erased their posts, because one of them was a moderator, and he knew that should not be public domain. I saw and never forgot what they said. It fits that they and their brethren and cisterns (joke) would not care to show a voter id. :rolleyes:

That's scary as HELL.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

Sure it is George. :lol:
That is why AZ. passed it's law in 2004 voted by both Repubs and Dems in the state legislature and was signed by A Democratic Governor.
Each and every state who has passed these laws has had a rise in numbers of voter registration.

I've been showing my ID every time I vote for quite a while now, and I'm just not seeing the hardship.
You are the one who says it's Republicans who are trying to steal the elections, despite evidence that a lot of states have passed this by both parties in the state legislature and court evidence that voter registration fraud has occurred.

Actually, it's the L.A. Times and the ACLU and lots of others who are saying it, not me. I don't judge - I just report. ;)

Nonetheless, it does seem fairly obvious what is going on here with regard to the Pennsylvania legislature.

The LA Times and the ACLU say a lot of ignorant, half-assed shit. That's why so few people pay attention to either one any more.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote. Guess who this affects most in the two major, Pennsylvanisa cities.

Pennsylvania's strict voter ID law faces ACLU lawsuit -

Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are predominately Democratic cities. "If the election were held today, we would have more than 100,000 of our voters who could not vote," said Stephanie Singer, chairwoman of Philadelphia's elections commission. "It's a cynical attempt by the Republican leadership to steal the election. And absolutely it could sway the outcome."

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.

So what you're saying is Democrats are incompetent and stupid?

I am sure the ACLU has statistics out the gazoo which verify that, de facto, requiring ID prior to voting impacts negatively on far more Demorcratic voters than Republican voters.

I don't believe anyone is denying that Democrat voters are more likely to engage in voter fraud, and thus be negatively impacted by voter ID laws. :eusa_whistle:
The Left knows they are just spewing bull. It's been shown there is fraud again and again.It's not too hard to get an ID if you want to vote. If it's that hard, they aren't going to take the time to stand in line to vote anyway, right? It's just all bull.
No. That is NOT the case. Democrats aren't lacking access to ID cards. If they were, THAT would be a separate issue. Think about it... if there actually were groups of people, who by virtue of race or poverty or party affiliation, were denied access to meaningful participation in the economy, we'd be hearing about it. :eek:
In fact, that's ALL we'd be hearing about. These people wouldn't be able to go to the bank, or the doctor, get library cards, access public services... nothing.

This is all about voter fraud and nothing else.

I don't think lack of access is the issue - it is more of a sociological thing. People from the lower walk of life (such as my clients - in case you were not aware, I am a public defender) just don't get (obtain) ID's. They are not as responsible as those who are more fortunate and who have the motivation to get ID's.

My clients - going to a bank (for some reason other than to rob it), going to libraries, accessing public services? Please.

But don't limit it to my clients. In general, people who vote Democratic are more loosely constructed than those who vote Republican, which translartes into we don't have as many ID's per capita as you guys.

You can argue all you want against this fact, but it is a fact that requiring ID's to vote impacts potential Democratic voters more than postential Republican voters. As I said before, if it didn't, Republican legislatures wouldn't be passing such laws. How many Democratically controlled legislatures do you see passing ID's to vote laws, hmmmmm?

Do you mind if I quote you, George?
"They are not as responsible..."
"going to a bank (for some reason other than to rob it)..."
"more loosely constructed..."

In other words, they aren't responsible enough to participate in our system of government.

Sounds like a PERSONAL problem to me...

Sounds to me like you have a rather profound reading comprehension problem.

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