Voter Suppression by Republican State Legislature in Pennsylvania

why would they make a law to stop a non exsistant crime in which said law would then create a worse problem than what they designed the law to "fix"?

In 2008 there were 311 cases of prosecuted voter fraud in the whole U S A out of 131,000,000 voters.

Political Animal - The ‘evidence’ bolstering voter-fraud allegations

That's like saying there's nobody smoking weed because there are so few cases *prosecuted* for doing so.

That's bunk and you know it.

No... I do not "know" it.

There must be plenty of studies showing the occurances of voter fraud..even if it is just estimates. Where are these studies? They do not exist..because voter fraud is almost entirely in the imaginations of the paranoid and a lame excuse to commit true fraud by disenfranchising the voting privilege of a thousand times more real voters than the imagined fraudulent ones.

There are already laws with very stiff penalties available to prosecutors to punish those found voting fraudulently.

Why would ANYONE risk thier freedom or the cost of big fines to add ONE stinking vote to the total. The whole voter fraud thing is just statistically rediculous. There are REAL problems in this world that need addressing. VF is certainly not one of them.
In 2008 there were 311 cases of prosecuted voter fraud in the whole U S A out of 131,000,000 voters.

Political Animal - The ‘evidence’ bolstering voter-fraud allegations

That's like saying there's nobody smoking weed because there are so few cases *prosecuted* for doing so.

That's bunk and you know it.

No... I do not "know" it.

There must be plenty of studies showing the occurances of voter fraud..even if it is just estimates. Where are these studies? They do not exist..because voter fraud is almost entirely in the imaginations of the paranoid and a lame excuse to commit true fraud by disenfranchising the voting privilege of a thousand times more real voters than the imagined fraudulent ones.

There are already laws with very stiff penalties available to prosecutors to punish those found voting fraudulently.

Why would ANYONE risk thier freedom or the cost of big fines to add ONE stinking vote to the total. The whole voter fraud thing is just statistically rediculous. There are REAL problems in this world that need addressing. VF is certainly not one of them.
They aren't risking anything because there are so few prosecutions...You said so yourself.
translation: Obama was elected because poor people and students who usually dont vote, voted, and we must stop that from happening again

the single most treasonous and traitorous act in the history of these traitors actually think they can get away with it?

It would seem that you are the one trying to circumvent the integrity of the Election Process. If you are sincere, why not work to help get people Proper ID and help get them properly Registered. Nobody should be running around without Proper ID. It is Irresponsible.

Why do people need I D at all?

They know who they are. It is none of your damn business. Mind YOUR own business ya fascist nazi asshole.
Huggy, this is your retort? Really? :rolleyes:
translation: Obama was elected because poor people and students who usually dont vote, voted, and we must stop that from happening again

the single most treasonous and traitorous act in the history of these traitors actually think they can get away with it?

It would seem that you are the one trying to circumvent the integrity of the Election Process. If you are sincere, why not work to help get people Proper ID and help get them properly Registered. Nobody should be running around without Proper ID. It is Irresponsible.

Why do people need I D at all?

They know who they are. It is none of your damn business. Mind YOUR own business ya fascist nazi asshole.

Stupid is as stupid does. Grow up Huggy.
That's like saying there's nobody smoking weed because there are so few cases *prosecuted* for doing so.

That's bunk and you know it.

No... I do not "know" it.

There must be plenty of studies showing the occurances of voter fraud..even if it is just estimates. Where are these studies? They do not exist..because voter fraud is almost entirely in the imaginations of the paranoid and a lame excuse to commit true fraud by disenfranchising the voting privilege of a thousand times more real voters than the imagined fraudulent ones.

There are already laws with very stiff penalties available to prosecutors to punish those found voting fraudulently.

Why would ANYONE risk thier freedom or the cost of big fines to add ONE stinking vote to the total. The whole voter fraud thing is just statistically rediculous. There are REAL problems in this world that need addressing. VF is certainly not one of them.
They aren't risking anything because there are so few prosecutions...You said so yourself.

You live in CA ..right? I get it that the hispanics are pretty much taking over..many of them entered the country illegally. I would be willing to bet that of the several million illegals..NOT A SINGLE ONE votes. They have a hell of a lot more to lose than just the voter fraud case. It seems to me that you are just pissed at the illegals and think that supporting this outrageous voting suppression it is worth it to meade out your pound of justice towards those that must be bothering you. It does not affect THEM. It only affects old people and those that getting the manditory ID is stiffling. It just cuts off good Americans from the voter rolls. That's all. It does NOTHING to solve YOUR problem with Mexicans. I thought you were smarter than this.

New Voter ID Law

Proof of identification for voting purposes.

If a voter does not POSSESS PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION FOR VOTING PURPOSES as defined at section 102(z.5)(2) of the Pennsylvania Election Code (25 P.S. § 2602(z.5)(2)) and requires proof of identification for voting purposes, the following applies:

You must declare under oath or affirmation by completing the Oath/ Affirmation Voter ID form that you do not possess any of the following forms of identification: In particular,

-Identification issued by the United States Government that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.*

- Identification issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired (unless issued by the Department of Transportation, then the expiration of the identification cannot be more than 12 months past the expiration date).

- Identification issued by a municipality of this Commonwealth to an employee of that municipality that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

- Identification issued by an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

- Identification issued by a Pennsylvania care facility that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

*In the case of a document from an agency of the armed forces of the United States or their reserve components, including the Pennsylvania National Guard, that establishes the voter as a current member or a veteran of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard and that does not designate a specific date on which the document expires, the document must include a notation indicating that the expiration is indefinite.

$13.50 fee for acquiring an Identification Card will be waived for individuals completing the Oath/ Affirmation Voter ID form. All identification documentation is still required to obtain an Identification Card as follows:

To obtain a Pennsylvania Photo Identification card, an individual needs to visit a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Driver License Center with a completed Application for an Initial Photo Identification Card; form DL-54A, and the following:

Social Security Card
One of the following:

Certificate of U.S. Citizenship
Certificate of Naturalization
Valid U.S. Passport
*Birth Certificate with a raised seal


Two proofs of **residency such as lease agreements, current utility bills, mortgage documents, W-2 form, tax records

*If they do not have a birth certificate with a raised seal and are a Pennsylvania native; and do not have one of the acceptable, alternative forms of photo identification to vote; and will provide a signed oath/affirmation form, when visiting the PennDOT driver license center, they must:

Tell the PennDOT customer service representative they are a Pennsylvania native who needs a photo ID for voting purposes, and do not have a certified copy of their birth certificate;
Sign an oath/affirmation that they do not have an acceptable form of ID for voting purposes and the photo ID is needed for voting purposes;
Show a Social Security card and two proofs of residence, such as a deed, lease, tax bill, or utility bill;
Fill out a DL-54A form requesting a non-driver photo ID and;
Complete the HD01564F (Request for Certification of Birth Record for Voter ID Purposes Only) form, which collects information such as birth name, mother and father's name and place of birth. This Department of Health form is available at all Driver Licensing Centers.

PennDOT will then forward the completed form to the Department of Health, which maintains birth records. After verifying the birth record is on file, the Department of Health will securely transmit this information to PennDOT. PennDOT will then notify them by letter that their birth record has been confirmed. They may then return to any driver license center, with the above noted documentation, to receive your free photo ID for voting purposes. This verification process will take about ten days and does not require the payment of a fee.

**Students at least 18 years of age: Accepted proofs of residency include the room assignment paperwork (considered a lease) and one bill with their dorm room address on it. Bank statements, paystubs and credit card bills are all acceptable. Other Individuals who may not have any bills, leases or mortgage documents in their name may bring the person with whom they are living along with their Driver’s License or Photo ID to a driver license center as one proof of residence.

Step 2
When their application and supporting documentation have been reviewed and processed, a Driver License Center staff member will direct the applicant to the Photo Center to have their photo taken for their Photo ID card.

Step 3
Once their photo has been taken, they will be issued a Photo ID card.

PennDOT Photo ID Website
Obtaining a Photo ID
Find a Driver's License Center Near You

PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services - Personalized (Vanity) License Plate Availability

translation: Obama was elected because poor people and students who usually dont vote, voted, and we must stop that from happening again

the single most treasonous and traitorous act in the history of these traitors actually think they can get away with it?

You are a moron of the first order. Poor people and students have no excuse for not having an ID.
why would they make a law to stop a non exsistant crime in which said law would then create a worse problem than what they designed the law to "fix"?

Americans are getting very tired of GOPers BIG LIES. One of them they have beaten to death is "voter fraud"..

In 2008 there were 311 cases of prosecuted voter fraud in the whole U S A out of 131,000,000 voters.

What needs prosecuting is liars representing the public. I suggest we have republicans take a lie detector test at the polls. Those found lying should be excluded from voting.

"To rationalize the “war on voting,” Republican policymakers point to the scourge of voter fraud. The problem, of course, is that the allegations of fraud are largely imaginary, and GOP officials are really just looking for excuses to block traditionally-Democratic constituencies from voting.

But wait, Republicans say, occasionally there really is fraud. In fact, the Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) released a report last week to document all the cases of voter fraud that have been prosecuted over the last decade."

Political Animal - The ‘evidence’ bolstering voter-fraud allegations

I wasn't just in was for ten years.

So there is no voter fraud. So why are you bitching then?
New Voter ID Law

Proof of identification for voting purposes.

If a voter does not POSSESS PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION FOR VOTING PURPOSES as defined at section 102(z.5)(2) of the Pennsylvania Election Code (25 P.S. § 2602(z.5)(2)) and requires proof of identification for voting purposes, the following applies:

You must declare under oath or affirmation by completing the Oath/ Affirmation Voter ID form that you do not possess any of the following forms of identification: In particular,

-Identification issued by the United States Government that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.*

- Identification issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired (unless issued by the Department of Transportation, then the expiration of the identification cannot be more than 12 months past the expiration date).

- Identification issued by a municipality of this Commonwealth to an employee of that municipality that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

- Identification issued by an accredited Pennsylvania public or private institution of higher learning that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

- Identification issued by a Pennsylvania care facility that includes my name, a photograph, and an expiration date that is not expired.

*In the case of a document from an agency of the armed forces of the United States or their reserve components, including the Pennsylvania National Guard, that establishes the voter as a current member or a veteran of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard and that does not designate a specific date on which the document expires, the document must include a notation indicating that the expiration is indefinite.

$13.50 fee for acquiring an Identification Card will be waived for individuals completing the Oath/ Affirmation Voter ID form. All identification documentation is still required to obtain an Identification Card as follows:

To obtain a Pennsylvania Photo Identification card, an individual needs to visit a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Driver License Center with a completed Application for an Initial Photo Identification Card; form DL-54A, and the following:

Social Security Card
One of the following:

Certificate of U.S. Citizenship
Certificate of Naturalization
Valid U.S. Passport
*Birth Certificate with a raised seal


Two proofs of **residency such as lease agreements, current utility bills, mortgage documents, W-2 form, tax records

*If they do not have a birth certificate with a raised seal and are a Pennsylvania native; and do not have one of the acceptable, alternative forms of photo identification to vote; and will provide a signed oath/affirmation form, when visiting the PennDOT driver license center, they must:

Tell the PennDOT customer service representative they are a Pennsylvania native who needs a photo ID for voting purposes, and do not have a certified copy of their birth certificate;
Sign an oath/affirmation that they do not have an acceptable form of ID for voting purposes and the photo ID is needed for voting purposes;
Show a Social Security card and two proofs of residence, such as a deed, lease, tax bill, or utility bill;
Fill out a DL-54A form requesting a non-driver photo ID and;
Complete the HD01564F (Request for Certification of Birth Record for Voter ID Purposes Only) form, which collects information such as birth name, mother and father's name and place of birth. This Department of Health form is available at all Driver Licensing Centers.

PennDOT will then forward the completed form to the Department of Health, which maintains birth records. After verifying the birth record is on file, the Department of Health will securely transmit this information to PennDOT. PennDOT will then notify them by letter that their birth record has been confirmed. They may then return to any driver license center, with the above noted documentation, to receive your free photo ID for voting purposes. This verification process will take about ten days and does not require the payment of a fee.

**Students at least 18 years of age: Accepted proofs of residency include the room assignment paperwork (considered a lease) and one bill with their dorm room address on it. Bank statements, paystubs and credit card bills are all acceptable. Other Individuals who may not have any bills, leases or mortgage documents in their name may bring the person with whom they are living along with their Driver’s License or Photo ID to a driver license center as one proof of residence.

Step 2
When their application and supporting documentation have been reviewed and processed, a Driver License Center staff member will direct the applicant to the Photo Center to have their photo taken for their Photo ID card.

Step 3
Once their photo has been taken, they will be issued a Photo ID card.

PennDOT Photo ID Website
Obtaining a Photo ID
Find a Driver's License Center Near You

PennDOT Driver and Vehicle Services - Personalized (Vanity) License Plate Availability

translation: Obama was elected because poor people and students who usually dont vote, voted, and we must stop that from happening again

the single most treasonous and traitorous act in the history of these traitors actually think they can get away with it?


Get it ACE?
It would seem that you are the one trying to circumvent the integrity of the Election Process. If you are sincere, why not work to help get people Proper ID and help get them properly Registered. Nobody should be running around without Proper ID. It is Irresponsible.

Why do people need I D at all?

They know who they are. It is none of your damn business. Mind YOUR own business ya fascist nazi asshole.
Huggy, this is your retort? Really? :rolleyes:

UHHHhh.... Ya? Did I answer the question incorrectly? Do I get a free toster if I change my "retort"?
"To rationalize the “war on voting,” Republican policymakers point to the scourge of voter fraud. The problem, of course, is that the allegations of fraud are largely imaginary, and GOP officials are really just looking for excuses to block traditionally-Democratic constituencies from voting."

Political Animal - The ‘evidence’ bolstering voter-fraud allegations

As we have already proven to you a great number of times, no legal voters will be blcked from voting. You are full of partisan bull shit.
In 2008 there were 311 cases of prosecuted voter fraud in the whole U S A out of 131,000,000 voters.

Political Animal - The ‘evidence’ bolstering voter-fraud allegations

That's like saying there's nobody smoking weed because there are so few cases *prosecuted* for doing so.

That's bunk and you know it.

No... I do not "know" it.

There must be plenty of studies showing the occurances of voter fraud..even if it is just estimates. Where are these studies? They do not exist..because voter fraud is almost entirely in the imaginations of the paranoid and a lame excuse to commit true fraud by disenfranchising the voting privilege of a thousand times more real voters than the imagined fraudulent ones.

There are already laws with very stiff penalties available to prosecutors to punish those found voting fraudulently.

Why would ANYONE risk thier freedom or the cost of big fines to add ONE stinking vote to the total. The whole voter fraud thing is just statistically rediculous. There are REAL problems in this world that need addressing. VF is certainly not one of them.

So whay are you bitching about voter IDs then? If it's not a problem.
The Republican dominated Pennsylvania legislature has enacted a law requiring voters to show a valid driver's license before they will be permitted to vote.
That's incorrect. A valid drivers licience isn't required to be an American citizen. American citizens have a right to vote.

Quote from your link:
Applewhite is among more than 186,000 registered voters who lack a valid driver's license in this heavily Democratic city. Many of them are minorities. And to vote in Pennsylvania in November, they will need to produce a government-issued ID or driver's license.

The ACLU is challenging this law - and rightly so.
*shrugs* Perhaps.
why would they make a law to stop a non exsistant crime in which said law would then create a worse problem than what they designed the law to "fix"?

Americans are getting very tired of GOPers BIG LIES. One of them they have beaten to death is "voter fraud"..

In 2008 there were 311 cases of prosecuted voter fraud in the whole U S A out of 131,000,000 voters.

What needs prosecuting is liars representing the public. I suggest we have republicans take a lie detector test at the polls. Those found lying should be excluded from voting.

"To rationalize the “war on voting,” Republican policymakers point to the scourge of voter fraud. The problem, of course, is that the allegations of fraud are largely imaginary, and GOP officials are really just looking for excuses to block traditionally-Democratic constituencies from voting.

But wait, Republicans say, occasionally there really is fraud. In fact, the Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) released a report last week to document all the cases of voter fraud that have been prosecuted over the last decade."

Political Animal - The ‘evidence’ bolstering voter-fraud allegations

I wasn't just in was for ten years.

So there is no voter fraud. So why are you bitching then?

I find the idea that you think I need to carry around "papers" to identify myself to ANYONE offensive. It's pretty much THAT simple.
No matter how many times the liberals call this voter suppression, it isn't going to fly.
There are several ID's that can be used to be able to vote.
ID's can be obtained free of charge.
I'm just shocked that the left didn't try to say that 1 out of 3 potential voters are being suppressed. They can't even put together a good conpiracy.

This is just another political stunt by the left, because Obama can't run on his own record....PERIOD!
No... I do not "know" it.

There must be plenty of studies showing the occurances of voter fraud..even if it is just estimates. Where are these studies? They do not exist..because voter fraud is almost entirely in the imaginations of the paranoid and a lame excuse to commit true fraud by disenfranchising the voting privilege of a thousand times more real voters than the imagined fraudulent ones.

There are already laws with very stiff penalties available to prosecutors to punish those found voting fraudulently.

Why would ANYONE risk thier freedom or the cost of big fines to add ONE stinking vote to the total. The whole voter fraud thing is just statistically rediculous. There are REAL problems in this world that need addressing. VF is certainly not one of them.
They aren't risking anything because there are so few prosecutions...You said so yourself.

You live in CA ..right? I get it that the hispanics are pretty much taking over..many of them entered the country illegally. I would be willing to bet that of the several million illegals..NOT A SINGLE ONE votes. They have a hell of a lot more to lose than just the voter fraud case. It seems to me that you are just pissed at the illegals and think that supporting this outrageous voting suppression it is worth it to meade out your pound of justice towards those that must be bothering you. It does not affect THEM. It only affects old people and those that getting the manditory ID is stiffling. It just cuts off good Americans from the voter rolls. That's all. It does NOTHING to solve YOUR problem with Mexicans. I thought you were smarter than this.

You are absolutely CLUELESS, DiaperBoy! The fact is California is paying NOW for the rampant voter fraud of the 90's committed by illegal aliens. And it's going to get worse, because so little of it is even looked for, let alone prosecuted.

There are very few states where the illegal alien population is less than 10%. There are very few states where the electoral margin of victory is greater than 10%. Mathematically speaking, illegal voting can and does swing elections across a broad swath of this country, especially in down ticket races where a couple hundred or even a couple dozen votes decide the outcome.
Americans are getting very tired of GOPers BIG LIES. One of them they have beaten to death is "voter fraud"..

In 2008 there were 311 cases of prosecuted voter fraud in the whole U S A out of 131,000,000 voters.

What needs prosecuting is liars representing the public. I suggest we have republicans take a lie detector test at the polls. Those found lying should be excluded from voting.

"To rationalize the “war on voting,” Republican policymakers point to the scourge of voter fraud. The problem, of course, is that the allegations of fraud are largely imaginary, and GOP officials are really just looking for excuses to block traditionally-Democratic constituencies from voting.

But wait, Republicans say, occasionally there really is fraud. In fact, the Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) released a report last week to document all the cases of voter fraud that have been prosecuted over the last decade."

Political Animal - The ‘evidence’ bolstering voter-fraud allegations

I wasn't just in was for ten years.

So there is no voter fraud. So why are you bitching then?

I find the idea that you think I need to carry around "papers" to identify myself to ANYONE offensive. It's pretty much THAT simple.

If you want to get on a plane, or if you wanted to apply for food stamps you better have your papers, Huggy. Just sayin.....
Americans are getting very tired of GOPers BIG LIES. One of them they have beaten to death is "voter fraud"..

In 2008 there were 311 cases of prosecuted voter fraud in the whole U S A out of 131,000,000 voters.

What needs prosecuting is liars representing the public. I suggest we have republicans take a lie detector test at the polls. Those found lying should be excluded from voting.

"To rationalize the “war on voting,” Republican policymakers point to the scourge of voter fraud. The problem, of course, is that the allegations of fraud are largely imaginary, and GOP officials are really just looking for excuses to block traditionally-Democratic constituencies from voting.

But wait, Republicans say, occasionally there really is fraud. In fact, the Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) released a report last week to document all the cases of voter fraud that have been prosecuted over the last decade."

Political Animal - The ‘evidence’ bolstering voter-fraud allegations

I wasn't just in was for ten years.

So there is no voter fraud. So why are you bitching then?

I find the idea that you think I need to carry around "papers" to identify myself to ANYONE offensive. It's pretty much THAT simple.

I don't. I think you need to identify yourself to vote. You can leave your papers home when you go to the store to buy your diapers.

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