Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy

fixed it for you>

1. You can legislate disparity, by legislating the wealthy into prosperity.

2. What one faction of society receives without working for, like the wall street bailiouts inarguably the biggest monetary act of socialism ever, another faction must work for without receiving.

3. The government can and does give to any foriegn nationals through foriegn policies without reproach similar handouts that are under attack when granted to Americans

4. You cannot multiply wealth by trickle down economics

5. When half of the people are out of work because the other half believes in globalization, nobody is going to get what they work for now, this is the beginning of the end of any nation.
Further proof that the average American voter is a fool.

Further proof that you are a rabid RW hack.

Even if you buy that "Obama made it worse" swill.

That statement alone implies that he DIDN'T start it.

Just wasn't able to fix the mess.

Snap out of it fool!


The question in 2012 will be " Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?"

And, perhaps the American people will listen to you and vote for someone that has the ability to "fix this mess." It is obvious to the most casual observer that the present community organizer can't.
Obama wants to see this country become part of the Bannana Republic because thats his ideology. People who actually go out and vote see that. Then you have the millions of the Legions of Numb who only went to vote because they believed Obama was going to pay for their kitchen upgrade and car payment. Stay homers this time. The k00k left environmental nuts who wanted coal to be out of business by now? Stay homers. Independents? Wont be staying home and fcukking HATE having been duped.

The bald headed fossil who headed the GOP ticket in 2008 came a hair from winning in 6 or 7 states that have gone into the shitter even more since then.

Its all good...........
Voters are increasingly displeased with President Obama's handling of the economy, but a new poll finds most Americans still think George W. Bush is responsible for the nation's dismal financial state.

....the Quinnipiac poll finds more Americans trust the president on the issue than the GOP congress, 45 percent to 38 percent. Meanwhile, 48 percent of those surveyed say they will blame the GOP congress if a debt deal isn't approved, compared to 34 percent who say they will blame the Obama administration.

Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Seems the people aren't getting lost in the RNC propaganda machine anymore. Woe for republicans in the next election.:lol:

Are you serious?

"Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

If the election were held today Obama loses to the Republican candidate by 8%.

63% of Americans are against raising the debt ceiling.

Bernanke testified to Congress this week, I highly recommend watching the exchange with Ron Paul, that growth has failed to gain traction and that another round of the Federal Reserve printing money out of thin air to purchase US Treasury Bonds--fake money that is used to gain interest against American tax payers--you know the Quantitative Easing Program is going to be unnecessary. All while gold is looking to reach new heights.

The left seems to think that Bush is still in office. Bush isn't going to be in the election in 2012.
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Google........good point bro...........and nobody cares about George Bush except the internet nuts.

Seems the people aren't getting lost in the RNC propaganda machine anymore. Woe for republicans in the next election.:lol:

2010 midterms where historical, that doesn't sound to me like people getting lost, sounds more like people waking up. And even better yet, 2012 will even be more embarrassing for the Obamabots and the Democrat followers. Keep selling yourself ideas that give you warm and fuzzies, because numbers don't lie, and the left are in some serious trouble in this next election cycle.


Did the 2010 election give the Republicans a 100% mandate to advance their agenda without compromise?
Obama wants to see this country become part of the Bannana Republic because thats his ideology. People who actually go out and vote see that. Then you have the millions of the Legions of Numb who only went to vote because they believed Obama was going to pay for their kitchen upgrade and car payment. Stay homers this time. The k00k left environmental nuts who wanted coal to be out of business by now? Stay homers. Independents? Wont be staying home and fcukking HATE having been duped.

The bald headed fossil who headed the GOP ticket in 2008 came a hair from winning in 6 or 7 states that have gone into the shitter even more since then.

Its all good...........

You're retarded. Banana republics are places where the gap between rich and poor is huge, where the rich run the country, and where the poor get little or nothing to alleviate their condition. And where militarism is glorified.

That is a Conservative Utopia.
Voters are increasingly displeased with President Obama's handling of the economy, but a new poll finds most Americans still think George W. Bush is responsible for the nation's dismal financial state.

....the Quinnipiac poll finds more Americans trust the president on the issue than the GOP congress, 45 percent to 38 percent. Meanwhile, 48 percent of those surveyed say they will blame the GOP congress if a debt deal isn't approved, compared to 34 percent who say they will blame the Obama administration.

Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Oh boy, the paid liberal hacks have been given their marching orders and it's to say that we all Blame Bush, and we want our taxes higher.

That explains the elections last November.

Keep lying libs. Let's see how that works on elections come 2012.

Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

According to a new Quinnipiac poll, 54 percent of those surveyed say Bush is responsible for the "current condition" of the economy, compared to just 27 percent who blame Obama.

He was in office at the time, but the greater % of policies that caused this mess are not republican. After the shit stain in office is out watch how those number change .... the media is in his pocket!

Who is going to oust said 'shit stain'? None of your losers running now. You planning to fly someone in?:eusa_whistle:
In the blame game you can blame Carter whose tax reduction and lack of impetus on energy independence wasn't strong enough, you can blame Reagan for growing the military industrial complex's power while hurting working Americans through regulatory nonsense, even though Reagan raised taxes like crazy his ideas have been pernicious, you can blame Clinton for NAFTA and other kowtows to corporate power with his lessening of regulatory structure, Bush Jr was so momentous a failure even his voting base thinks he failed, his money base still loves him, and I blame Obama today for not being FDR. But I guess FDRs come rarely. Allowing the tax breaks Bush gave the wealthy has been a complete failure and Obama didn't fight hard enough to repeal them. BUT FINALLY you can blame the American voters who vote for buffoons, and the buffoons who sit home thinking none of this has any effect on me. Go look in the mirror.

PS I was watching a Tea party freshman congressman interviewed the other day and this man was so dumb it simply boggled my mind. He blamed the entire economic situation on Obama with not a thought of the real world. When fools like this are elected America gets what it voted for: complete and utter idiots.

"The materialistic and selfish quality of contemporary life is not inherent in the human condition. Much of what appears natural today dates from the 1980s: the obsession with wealth creation, the cult of privatization and the private sector, the growing disparities of rich and poor. And above all, the rhetoric which accompanies these: uncritical admiration for unfettered markets, disdain for the public sector, the delusion of endless growth." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

Seems the people aren't getting lost in the RNC propaganda machine anymore. Woe for republicans in the next election.:lol:

2010 midterms where historical, that doesn't sound to me like people getting lost, sounds more like people waking up. And even better yet, 2012 will even be more embarrassing for the Obamabots and the Democrat followers. Keep selling yourself ideas that give you warm and fuzzies, because numbers don't lie, and the left are in some serious trouble in this next election cycle.

you have to laugh how they like to just IGNORE THE November elections..but they will post poll after poll trying to make it seem it was a fluke and the people STILL love them and their boyking..
Repeating lies over and over doesnt seem to be affecting the public. They know who got us into this mess
While Republicrats and Democans aren't doing anything to help an economy that's been shitty for 12 years, the main entity that deserves most of the blame is the Fed.
Further proof that the average American voter is a fool.

Further proof that you are a rabid RW hack.

Even if you buy that "Obama made it worse" swill.

That statement alone implies that he DIDN'T start it.

Just wasn't able to fix the mess.

Snap out of it fool!


You know me not at all.

I blame Bush. I blame Obama. I blame Pelosi. I blame Boehner. I blame Reid. I blame all of Washington. Democrat, Republicans, Lobbyists, whoever. They all had a hand in fucking up this country. To believe otherwise makes you the fool.

Your post is proof that you are a rabid LW hack.

Funny, all I've ever seen from you is "Obama did it" nonsensical rhetoric.

Be fair MFer, be fair.
Further proof that the average American voter is a fool.

Further proof that you are a rabid RW hack.

Even if you buy that "Obama made it worse" swill.

That statement alone implies that he DIDN'T start it.

Just wasn't able to fix the mess.

Snap out of it fool!


He couldn't fix it therefore he failed and should be replaced.
You and your ilk are nothing by Far RW liars.

That is NOT the message that you're giving, the message is, it's all Obama's fault and he has to be taken out.

Mitch said his number one job is the make Obama a one-term President, and this was at the VERY beginning of his Presidency.

Stop lying.
You and your ilk are nothing by Far RW liars.

That is NOT the message that you're giving, the message is, it's all Obama's fault and he has to be taken out.

Mitch said his number one job is the make Obama a one-term President, and this was at the VERY beginning of his Presidency.

lol, So they and our ILK want the Obama GONE.

Like you on the left wanted GEORGE BUSH to stay.

you see the stupid.:lol:
You and your ilk are nothing by Far RW liars.

That is NOT the message that you're giving, the message is, it's all Obama's fault and he has to be taken out.

Mitch said his number one job is the make Obama a one-term President, and this was at the VERY beginning of his Presidency.

lol, So they and our ILK want the Obama GONE.

Like you on the left wanted GEORGE BUSH to stay.

you see the stupid.:lol:
Yes, I see YOU...stupid. :lol:
You and your ilk are nothing by Far RW liars.

That is NOT the message that you're giving, the message is, it's all Obama's fault and he has to be taken out.

Mitch said his number one job is the make Obama a one-term President, and this was at the VERY beginning of his Presidency.

lol, So they and our ILK want the Obama GONE.

Like you on the left wanted GEORGE BUSH to stay.

you see the stupid.:lol:
Yes, I see YOU...stupid. :lol:

Now that is stupid, you CAN'T see me..tsk tsk
That's because voters, for the most part, are morons who attempted to live like rock stars while earning carpenters wages and took down the banks with themselves, hence the bailouts to save the fatcats cronie criminal banksters.

Problem 2 is your goobermint pulled yet another false flag, also to make the fat cats fat-er.
They didn't expect all of the foreclosures ( because greed causes blindness) and it all backfired.
The greed,blatant ignorance, and materialism bought the nation one of the biggest clusterfucks in the history of the planet.
A major difference between Bush and Obama is that Obama knew what he was getting into while Bush (and the rest of the world) didn't. Deregulation of the financial industry in the 90s was unprecedented and we were unprepared for it's disastrous effect in the 2000s, as was Bush. Obama, on the other hand, witnessed the implosion from the sidelines and told the US he could fix it if we put him in the game. Rather than fix or even keep it leveled off, he's gone out of his way to enact his own failure agenda which has simply made the situation a lot worse right now than it needed to be.

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