Voters have noticed GOP governors’ successes — but will the RNC? -


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Interesting. but they keep saying Republicans can't win Detroit and California is next
links in article at site

Written by Contributing Writer. Posted in 2014 Campaigns, Elections, Featured, Issue Watch, Polling

Published on June 11, 2013

The following is a guest post from pollster Chris Wilson, WPA Research, and part two of two in a series on Republican governors. (Part one is here.)

Having spent several hours over the past week immersed in ALEC’s Rich States, Poor States, followed by polling from corresponding red and blue states, I felt it necessary now to convey senses of both obligation and urgency to Republicans as a party, and to elected Republican governors.

In Washington, the institution of Congress is being held hostage to the politics of the Left. Republicans there are stuck between President Obama’s veto pen and a Senate Democratic leadership that is convinced the main problem of the last four years is that it didn’t spend or tax enough.

In the states, however, there is concrete evidence that the Republican economic message does actually work. There are 30 Republican governors today, and many of them are putting their states on strong paths to prosperity — some for the first time in a generation, and some for the first time in many generations.

It’s not political hyperbole to say Republicans are balancing budgets, reducing taxes, and creating environments attractive to both employers and employees. It’s plain, simple truth. As a result, polls show that voters in those states perceive their own situation as better than that of the nation as a whole. This should give the national Republican Party something positive to campaign on — and something perhaps more convincing than just the scandals within the Obama administration.

Polling amply demonstrates America’s general disapproval with Congress. According to the RealClear average of recent polls, just 15% of Americans say they approve of the job Congress is doing, while nearly 75% say they disapprove.

But public opinion of Red and Blue state governments is widely divergent.

all of it here

- See more at: Voters have noticed GOP governors? successes ? but will the RNC? | Conservative Intelligence Briefing
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