Voters: Media Bias Bigger Problem Than Big Money in Politics

Conservatives have been claiming to be victims of the media for decades now.

What's new?
One thing Al Gores Internet has done is allow people to learn the truth and see how biased the Lame Stream Media is.

A Rasmussen Reports poll released on Tuesday confirmed a long-term trend in the attitude of American voters that biased news coverage was one of the worst problems plaguing the political system, even beating out concerns over big money campaign contributions.

The survey found that 47% of respondents named media bias as “a bigger problem than big campaign contributions in politics today,” edging out the 45% who saw campaign contributions as the bigger challenge. The poll also found that an overwhelming 66% of voters thought the press “have too much power and influence over elections.”

This is the best news I have heard in a long time.

It certainly fits in well with Trump's popularity despite the vicious media attack campaign.
Weird, you loserterians and your corporate media bend over backwards to attack people like Bernie sanders that would dare attack you cock suckers.

Mmm, the lib media is in the bag for the Appointed Dem candidate HIllary.

YOu are barking up the wrong tree.
So, posters are going to believe him when there is no link, yet again? This is a second time he has started a thread without documentation. I claim BS

While I may not agree with him, THIS IS AN OPINION PIECE!

Why the hell does it need a link? Just because you might disagree with it?
Conservatives have been claiming to be victims of the media for decades now.

What's new?
When the vast majority of media figures vote democrat, why wouldn't they say that?

I guess that's a failing of conservatives to do their part.
Which is what, start a news network that openly states they are fair and balanced? Take over the alternative media and drain eyes and ears from the major media? Oh, wait...
Conservatives have been claiming to be victims of the media for decades now.

What's new?
When the vast majority of media figures vote democrat, why wouldn't they say that?

I guess that's a failing of conservatives to do their part.
Which is what, start a news network that openly states they are fair and balanced? Take over the alternative media and drain eyes and ears from the major media? Oh, wait...

Then why are conservatives constantly complaining and playing the victim?
Conservatives have been claiming to be victims of the media for decades now.

What's new?

What's new is we created our own media. Fox News in the number one cable news network and Rush is the most popular conservative talk show host.

Then stop complaining, or tell your pals to stop complaining.

Not complaining, just discussing. it's an interesting topic given how the leftists stand by MSM's side and claim they are not biased.
Conservatives have been claiming to be victims of the media for decades now.

What's new?

What's new is we created our own media. Fox News in the number one cable news network and Rush is the most popular conservative talk show host.

Then stop complaining, or tell your pals to stop complaining.

Not complaining, just discussing. it's an interesting topic given how the leftists stand by MSM's side and claim they are not biased.

Freedom of the press is the freedom to BE biased.
Conservatives have been claiming to be victims of the media for decades now.

What's new?

What's new is we created our own media. Fox News in the number one cable news network and Rush is the most popular conservative talk show host.

Then stop complaining, or tell your pals to stop complaining.

Not complaining, just discussing. it's an interesting topic given how the leftists stand by MSM's side and claim they are not biased.

Freedom of the press is the freedom to BE biased.

No argument there. Everybody has the right to their opinion. However there is nothing wrong with pointing out that bias.
Facts are liberal, Fox is propaganda, corporate media are cowards and too often report bs with a straight face, never explain policy- just a horse race. Ex.: Nobody knows ACA (annual cap, actual premiums, even subsidies) or actual amount people pay in ALL taxes and fees- EVERYBODY 20-30%.
One thing Al Gores Internet has done is allow people to learn the truth and see how biased the Lame Stream Media is.

A Rasmussen Reports poll released on Tuesday confirmed a long-term trend in the attitude of American voters that biased news coverage was one of the worst problems plaguing the political system, even beating out concerns over big money campaign contributions.

The survey found that 47% of respondents named media bias as “a bigger problem than big campaign contributions in politics today,” edging out the 45% who saw campaign contributions as the bigger challenge. The poll also found that an overwhelming 66% of voters thought the press “have too much power and influence over elections.”

People thinking there is a media bias is NOT media bias.

One thing Al Gores Internet has done is allow people to learn the truth and see how biased the Lame Stream Media is.

A Rasmussen Reports poll released on Tuesday confirmed a long-term trend in the attitude of American voters that biased news coverage was one of the worst problems plaguing the political system, even beating out concerns over big money campaign contributions.

The survey found that 47% of respondents named media bias as “a bigger problem than big campaign contributions in politics today,” edging out the 45% who saw campaign contributions as the bigger challenge. The poll also found that an overwhelming 66% of voters thought the press “have too much power and influence over elections.”

People thinking there is a media bias is NOT media bias.


People who think there is no media bias are drones of the man

A competitive media with each claiming their superiority naturally leads me to believe the survey's conclusion itself is reflective of a media bias. Thus having faith in the validity of the survey's result, it leads me to conclude there is no media bias.
Which validates you are brainwashed.

Democratic Party received a total donation of $1,020,816, given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks (NBC, CBS, ABC), while the Republican Party received only $142,863 via 193 donations.[45] Both of these figures represent donations made in 2008.
Media bias in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Problem is--------> The MSM still controls what is being heard. When most people go on the internet, they put in a question, then go to the sight that mirrors their views, then post it as gospel.

Goes something like this-----------> I can find 50 sites that agrees with me, so there. OPPOSITION: Big deal, I can find 51 that takes my point of view, so I win.

That is how we have become more partisan I believe, because now we can find more so called "experts" that agree with us.

I gave up on trying to convince anyone with sites about anything, unless it is a mathematical equation that can be proven conclusively.

When it comes to OPINION, I kinda do it in reverse. What does Al (El) Jazeera think? What do the Russians think? What does Isis think? What does our resident Iranian mouthpiece Dani think?

Whatever they think is good for us, usually is bad, lol. Once you know what your adversaries want you to do, it is much easier to come to a logical conclusion; at least in my book it is-)
Conservatives have been claiming to be victims of the media for decades now.

What's new?
When the vast majority of media figures vote democrat, why wouldn't they say that?

I guess that's a failing of conservatives to do their part.
Which is what, start a news network that openly states they are fair and balanced? Take over the alternative media and drain eyes and ears from the major media? Oh, wait...

Then why are conservatives constantly complaining and playing the victim?
Because the major media is still biased. I thought that was obvious.

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