Voters now trust Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 of the important issues


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
The GOP has consistently been trusted on most issues for months now, but in July they held the lead on only nine of the key issues.

Republicans lead Democrats 47% to 39% on the economy, which remains the most important issue to voters. Those numbers are nearly identical to those found in June. Republicans have held the advantage on the economy since May of last year.

But for the first time in months, Republicans now hold a slight edge on the issues of government ethics and corruption, 40% to 38%. Voters have been mostly undecided for the past several months on which party to trust more on this issue, but Democrats have held small leads since February. Still, more than one-in-five voters (22%) are still not sure which party to trust more on ethics issues.

Read all here: Trust on Issues - Rasmussen Reports

Now rememeber when Nancy Pelosi told us that they were going to have the most "ethical Congress in history." :lol::lol::lol:

I KNEW that was a Titanic in the making. That was the same words that Clinton used, "the most ethical administration in history."

We all remember how that wound up! :lol::lol::lol:

So, it was no surprise to me, WHATSOEVER, that Pelosi's Congress (and the Senate) are coming to eat those words.

You can't expect a bunch of corruptocrats (and that's the Democrat party to a "T") to act like anything other than corruptocrats.

How's that hope and change working for ya liberals!

November is coming! ;)

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Republicans will get elected because they are not Democrats. Similarly Obama was elected because he wasn't George W Bush. It doesn't matter what they are, it matters what they aren't.
And the public is sick of Democrats.
This is great news!

It's will set the USMB up for some awesome blatant hypocrisy from all sides!!!
This is great news!

It's will set the USMB up for some awesome blatant hypocrisy from all sides!!!

I can't wait until the Obama Administration pulls the executive privilege card for the first time.
And if there is one thing I have learned in the last 6 years or so it's that neither party is to be trusted on any important issue.
And if there is one thing I have learned in the last 6 years or so it's that neither party is to be trusted on any important issue.
This is why TEA Parties were created. The Republicans spent too much then the Democrats came in and spent too much. We're now supposed to believe the Republicans have learned their lesson?

I don't think either party has learned shit.
If that's true, then voters are stupid.

No, what would be stupid is voting third party.


What is stupid is voting for people - any party - who have already proved themselves to be corrupt, characterless, self-serving, lying, bastards.

What would be STUPID with a capital S, is in retaliation for that, making OURSELVES a minority fringe FOREVER while the corruption goes merrily on.

The ONLY solution for that is taking over the Republican party and making the RINOs the fringe element.

That will not happen with IDIOTS who cannot learn from the history that is so plainly there that third party votes NEVER WORK, and cling to a fantasy that this time such a vote will work.
Republicans will get elected because they are not Democrats. Similarly Obama was elected because he wasn't George W Bush. It doesn't matter what they are, it matters what they aren't.
And the public is sick of Democrats.

If only the public would learn that lesson for longer than two years.
And if there is one thing I have learned in the last 6 years or so it's that neither party is to be trusted on any important issue.
This is why TEA Parties were created. The Republicans spent too much then the Democrats came in and spent too much. We're now supposed to believe the Republicans have learned their lesson?

I don't think either party has learned shit.

I agree that the Republican party hasn't learned anything.

Insider elites are insider elites.

Conversely, the Tea Party is not a third party, but a protest movement.

The only way we are going to solve anything is taking over a party, and that is not going to happen with the Democrats.

We are going to have to vote in enough conservatives, (and vote out Rinos) that the Rinos, the Washington elites, are relegated to fringe status.
What is stupid is voting for people - any party - who have already proved themselves to be corrupt, characterless, self-serving, lying, bastards.
The Republican party has done no such thing.[/quote]I think that description fits John McCain to a "T". Who was enthusiastic about voting for a candidate who was only a few percentage points less big government than Obama? I certainly wasn't.

You know Mac wouldn't have been much better that Obummer. Especially with a Dem Congress that Capt. Queeg would have loved to "get a long with in a bi-partisan manner" (I fuckin HATE that shit)

Don't you remember him saying what a great man Obama is? Don't you remember him saying that Obama would be a good President?

What a POS McCain is. I'm supposed to admire him because he's a retired Capt and he comes from a Military family? I don't think so.
The GOP has consistently been trusted on most issues for months now, but in July they held the lead on only nine of the key issues.

Is this the closest you've ever come to posting thread about issues? Granted, this one isn't really on the issues but it's so close.

I'm curious, beyond the platitudes and a few tried-and-true Republican party slogans, where does the Tea Party stand on those ten issues? Is the Contract from America the official platform we're going with?
As a whole ,I trust neither Party on much of anything although there are a tiny few politicians that I like and support.

I hope the GOP wins this Fall;if the right kind win; and enough to turn Obama into a lame duck but I gotta say, I really don't care to ever see them have total control again until the neo/social ideology is eradicated.
As a whole ,I trust neither Party on much of anything although there are a tiny few politicians that I like and support.

I hope the GOP wins this Fall;if the right kind win; and enough to turn Obama into a lame duck but I gotta say, I really don't care to ever see them have total control again until the neo/social ideology is eradicated.

What scares the ever loving shit out of me, John, is that the country has buried itself in a political cycle from hell where each party will switch off taking full control of the government every couple of elections. If that's the case we are really effed.
I'm not so sure about the trust thing... Mostly I think it's because a lot of Democrats are going to get voted out (fired) come next election and there isn't anybody else to vote for. We're going to switch from DOPES to MOPES.

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