Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments

something that offends some doesn't make it a need to remove them. It highlights historic references, and removing it removes the history, like the other poster said. sorry toothers. just sorry, you're wrong.

So, by your logic, we can't remember WWII properly unless we put up memorials to the Nazis.

Your logic is retarded.

This is part of the history of HALF of the American population, not Germany. My god. Lol.
A number of snowflakes in this forum have said that the voters should decide whether Confederate moderates should be taken down. It appears the voters want them left alone. ANTIFA and BLM are a small fringe, and they do not represent the will of the majority. Does anyone believe the left would desist in their attacks on these monuments if a referendum were held and the voters decided to all them to stay?

Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments - Rasmussen Reports™

Four Confederate monuments were removed from New Orleans earlier this month following complaints that they celebrate racism, and now the city of Baltimore has plans to follow suit. But most voters oppose taking away these remnants of the past even if they are unpopular with some.

While proposals have been made to get rid of monuments such as the Jefferson Memorial and the carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia because they honor men who practiced or defended slavery, just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should erase symbols of its past history that are out of line with current sentiments. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 69% oppose erasing these historical symbols. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

well yeah leftists do not like democracy

more so democracy that does not favor their opinions

which is why they have to resort to riots and violence
something that offends some doesn't make it a need to remove them. It highlights historic references, and removing it removes the history, like the other poster said. sorry toothers. just sorry, you're wrong.

So, by your logic, we can't remember WWII properly unless we put up memorials to the Nazis.

Your logic is retarded.

during the civil war both sides had been Americans

not Americans vs Germans
A number of snowflakes in this forum have said that the voters should decide whether Confederate moderates should be taken down. It appears the voters want them left alone. ANTIFA and BLM are a small fringe, and they do not represent the will of the majority. Does anyone believe the left would desist in their attacks on these monuments if a referendum were held and the voters decided to all them to stay?

Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments - Rasmussen Reports™

Four Confederate monuments were removed from New Orleans earlier this month following complaints that they celebrate racism, and now the city of Baltimore has plans to follow suit. But most voters oppose taking away these remnants of the past even if they are unpopular with some.

While proposals have been made to get rid of monuments such as the Jefferson Memorial and the carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia because they honor men who practiced or defended slavery, just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should erase symbols of its past history that are out of line with current sentiments. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 69% oppose erasing these historical symbols. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Damn I must have missed that vote, was it yesterday? I thought you trumptards didn't believe in polls. Survey, all the same.
during the civil war both sides had been Americans

not Americans vs Germans

So of all the years we need to create monuments for, we need to create them for the people who turned traitor against the USA, and killed more American soldiers than any other enemy, and did it to keep millions of American's enslaved?

Damn. Only reason domestic terrorists don't get their own statue is they don't kill enough of us I guess. Had the 9/11 conspirators first gotten green cards, you'd have been lining up to celebrate them with a monument in front of a courthouse.
during the civil war both sides had been Americans

not Americans vs Germans

So of all the years we need to create monuments for, we need to create them for the people who turned traitor against the USA, and killed more American soldiers than any other enemy, and did it to keep millions of American's enslaved?

Damn. Only reason domestic terrorists don't get their own statue is they don't kill enough of us I guess. Had the 9/11 conspirators first gotten green cards, you'd have been lining up to celebrate them with a monument in front of a courthouse.

the left is famous for immortalizing terrorists

This is part of the history of HALF of the American population, not Germany. My god. Lol.

No, I'm quite certain far smaller than half the population is a descendant of Confederates. Your math stinks. Most of America is descended from more recent immigrants who weren't here during the Civil War.

And again, by your logic, Germany has to erect many, many Nazi-praising monuments, otherwise they're not showing history properly. Your logic is retarded and immoral.

Tell you what. How about, for every monument, we add to it, a big sign saying "racist white supremacists like this guy are the scum of the earth, as are all modern fascists and white supremacists, and every good American should spit on the ground if they see one." That way, the "history" you care so much will be preserved, in a more correct manner. If all you care about is "history", you should be good with that. Are you?
The United States has long since moved past the civil war. Yes, they are allowed to erect monuments to their war heroes and to those they lost. Why is the left trying to rehash old wounds by desecrating memorials to the civil war? It's funny because now, thinking back, and remembering things liberals spout about "the south" and "southerners" all the time. It is almost as if they still hold a grudge. Lol.
The United States has long since moved past the civil war. Yes, they are allowed to erect monuments to their war heroes and to those they lost. Why is the left trying to rehash old wounds by desecrating memorials to the civil war? It's funny because now, thinking back, and remembering things liberals spout about "the south" and "southerners" all the time. It is almost as if they still hold a grudge. Lol.

Really.. You mean nobody cares at what does on at those Civil war monuments? Yes they are allowed to erect monuments. And they are allowed to remove them just the same. That's what our representative democracy has the right to do. It doesn't matter how you FEEL about it. If you need a safe space, I am sure one can be provided.

It's funny because now, thinking back, you can see how they were brought up by those leaders in resistance to the civil rights movement. It's almost as if people still hold a grudge that movement happened.
The United States has long since moved past the civil war. Yes, they are allowed to erect monuments to their war heroes and to those they lost. Why is the left trying to rehash old wounds by desecrating memorials to the civil war? It's funny because now, thinking back, and remembering things liberals spout about "the south" and "southerners" all the time. It is almost as if they still hold a grudge. Lol.

Really.. You mean nobody cares at what does on at those Civil war monuments? Yes they are allowed to erect monuments. And they are allowed to remove them just the same. That's what our representative democracy has the right to do. It doesn't matter how you FEEL about it. If you need a safe space, I am sure one can be provided.

It's funny because now, thinking back, you can see how they were brought up by those leaders in resistance to the civil rights movement. It's almost as if people still hold a grudge that movement happened.

You are talking about fringe extremists. Stop trying to equate everyone to those people. Any intelligent adult can see the falsehoods in those assumptions.
Like I said earlier, some people in the south do have ancestors who fought and died in the Civil War, and they ARE recognized by the United States government (by an act of Congress) to be VETERANS with all of the same rights and privileges as any other veteran. You don't have a right to go and desecrate someone's grave because you don't like them or what they stand for either!
You are talking about fringe extremists. Stop trying to equate everyone to those people. Any intelligent adult can see the falsehoods in those assumptions.

Yeah the confederate leaders were able to get a whole lot more people behind their cause and kill a whole lot more Americans.
You are talking about fringe extremists. Stop trying to equate everyone to those people. Any intelligent adult can see the falsehoods in those assumptions.

Yeah the confederate leaders were able to get a whole lot more people behind their cause and kill a whole lot more Americans.

So you DO hold a grudge against the south for the civil war? Seriously?
Like I said earlier, some people in the south do have ancestors who fought and died in the Civil War, and they ARE recognized by the United States government (by an act of Congress) to be VETERANS with all of the same rights and privileges as any other veteran. You don't have a right to go and desecrate someone's grave because you don't like them or what they stand for either!

Yup. And that was quite a bit of disrespect to them when their leaders said they wanted to put away that civil war iconography and the Dixiecrats and KKK used their power of public office to tramp all over their graves not just to spite those veterans, but also to drive a spike into race relations during the civil rights movement.

So tell me. We have hundreds of thousands of veterans that don't get monuments. Why do you feel we should memorialize the ones who made their careers killing American soldiers?
something that offends some doesn't make it a need to remove them. It highlights historic references, and removing it removes the history, like the other poster said. sorry toothers. just sorry, you're wrong.

So, by your logic, we can't remember WWII properly unless we put up memorials to the Nazis.

Your logic is retarded.
that seems like your logic hairball. and your logic isn't logical at all.
You are talking about fringe extremists. Stop trying to equate everyone to those people. Any intelligent adult can see the falsehoods in those assumptions.

Yeah the confederate leaders were able to get a whole lot more people behind their cause and kill a whole lot more Americans.
so you're saying that the north soldiers didn't kill americans? really?
Like I said earlier, some people in the south do have ancestors who fought and died in the Civil War, and they ARE recognized by the United States government (by an act of Congress) to be VETERANS with all of the same rights and privileges as any other veteran. You don't have a right to go and desecrate someone's grave because you don't like them or what they stand for either!

Yup. And that was quite a bit of disrespect to them when their leaders said they wanted to put away that civil war iconography and the Dixiecrats and KKK used their power of public office to tramp all over their graves not just to spite those veterans, but also to drive a spike into race relations during the civil rights movement.

So tell me. We have hundreds of thousands of veterans that don't get monuments. Why do you feel we should memorialize the ones who made their careers killing American soldiers?

Holy smokes. I cannot believe that you are still hateful towards the south for a civil war that happened LOOONG before you were even born. Lol. If somebody erects a monument to ANY veteran, you wouldn't find me tearing it down that is for SURE.
so you're saying that the north soldiers didn't kill americans? really?

Absolutely. THey were on the side protecting the USA

I think it's pretty easy.

Attack the USA and attempt to overthrow the government. No moument.
Defend the USA from invaders and oppressors foreign and domestic. Monument is ok.
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I was being sarcastic.

Why remove a few statues.

Let's just completely erase everything from the Civil War era.

Sounds rather silly, does it not.

indeed. And you're the only one suggesting it.

Why are you suggesting such a thing? As sarcasm, it makes no sense, because your opposition isn't suggesting anything like it.

Your opposition is pointing that statues erected well after the civil war for the specific purpose of being monuments to white supremacy aren't a good thing. Do you disagree?

I was being sarcastic.

Why remove a few statues.

Let's just completely erase everything from the Civil War era.

Sounds rather silly, does it not.

indeed. And you're the only one suggesting it.

Why are you suggesting such a thing? As sarcasm, it makes no sense, because your opposition isn't suggesting anything like it.

Your opposition is pointing that statues erected well after the civil war for the specific purpose of being monuments to white supremacy aren't a good thing. Do you disagree?
It has never crossed my mind that these statues were erected to celebrate white supremacists.

Their existence never crossed my mind until the offended ones made them an issue.

I've never supported the KKK, skinheads, NAZI's, white supremacists, ANTIFA, etc.

Throw them and every other reference to the Civil War in a damned museum for all I care.

I look at these statues the same way I see buildings, streets, etc. with the names of politicians, dead police officers, civil rights icons, etc.


I'm not one to be perpetually offended by them.

If you are so offended why not erase all of it and get over it.

Sorry. This whole erect a statue to offend then tear it down issue is of no concern to me.

I view it as silly and petty.

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