Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments

You learn history in books, not by gawking at statues.

By your 'reasoning' the city of Charlottesville should be required to put up a statue of U. S. Grant, because the absence of one is 'erasing history'.
No you claim you want to erase the racist history of the United states that also includes the civil rights ers. Affirmative action also since we are all created equal.
How is moving a statue from a public park to a museum "erasing history"?

Apparently, once the statue is taken down, every American forgets that Robert E. Lee ever existed.
It isn't theirs to take down, it belongs to the history of the country.
Confederate sympathizers can have their monuments. We have National Park Battlefields, cemeteries & museums. They don't have to be in the middle of downtown or on the steps of government.

America does not celebrate slavery
honoring those who suffered isn't celebrating, and you should learn that lessons not taught will repeat. Just saying, you are naive to think you can erase the past.
No you claim you want to erase the racist history of the United states that also includes the civil rights ers. Affirmative action also since we are all created equal.
How is moving a statue from a public park to a museum "erasing history"?

Apparently, once the statue is taken down, every American forgets that Robert E. Lee ever existed.
It isn't theirs to take down, it belongs to the history of the country.
Confederate sympathizers can have their monuments. We have National Park Battlefields, cemeteries & museums. They don't have to be in the middle of downtown or on the steps of government.

America does not celebrate slavery
honoring those who suffered isn't celebrating, and you should learn that lessons not taught will repeat. Just saying, you are naive to think you can erase the past.
Honoring is celebrating.

No one is trying to erase the past. Slavery is America's birth defect. Some of us need to learn from it so as not to repeat it.
How is moving a statue from a public park to a museum "erasing history"?

Apparently, once the statue is taken down, every American forgets that Robert E. Lee ever existed.
It isn't theirs to take down, it belongs to the history of the country.
Confederate sympathizers can have their monuments. We have National Park Battlefields, cemeteries & museums. They don't have to be in the middle of downtown or on the steps of government.

America does not celebrate slavery
honoring those who suffered isn't celebrating, and you should learn that lessons not taught will repeat. Just saying, you are naive to think you can erase the past.
Honoring is celebrating.

No one is trying to erase the past. Slavery is America's birth defect. Some of us need to learn from it so as not to repeat it.
post that definition jack that claims honoring is celebrating. Honoring is showing respect with high esteem. We should never forget those families that suffered through slavery of the past and you should be concerned for the slavery that is maintained by the left still today. it's sad. Look at the south side of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, all democratically governed and all in perils.
No one is trying to erase the past. Slavery is America's birth defect. Some of us need to learn from it so as not to repeat it.

Amendment 13
1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime
whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United
States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate
Judaism is looking awfully smart right now.
No Idols = no argument over venerating questionable men.

They are liars--Jeremiah 50:36.
Are mad (lost their reason)
upon their idols--Jeremiah 50:38.
Believes they are gods--Isaiah 47:8, 10
Breaks bones of God's people--Jeremiah 50:17
Builds great image of man
for all to worship--Daniel 3:1-7.
Make Metal idols Leviticus 19:4,
1 Kings 14:9, Isaiah 48:5
Makes a graven image that they be their own witness to: Isiah44;9
Carpenter creates a wood idol: Isaiah44;13
And the residue thereof he maketh a god-Even his graven image that ;He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD- Isiah44;17

-1 Kings 18:19-21, 2 Kings 18:1-37,
2 Kings 23:1-37.

The Temple Scroll:
(IIQT=IIQ19,20, 4Q365a)
Column II (The Covenant)
You must not bring any abominable idol into your house and come under the ban together with it.
You shall detest and abominate it for it is under the ban.
The rest talks about taking care not to make a covenant with the people who whore after their idol gods and sacrifice to it inviting them to do the same.

Metal idols
Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
1 Kings 14:9
Isaiah 48:5
Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?
Apparently, once the statue is taken down, every American forgets that Robert E. Lee ever existed.
It isn't theirs to take down, it belongs to the history of the country.
Confederate sympathizers can have their monuments. We have National Park Battlefields, cemeteries & museums. They don't have to be in the middle of downtown or on the steps of government.

America does not celebrate slavery
honoring those who suffered isn't celebrating, and you should learn that lessons not taught will repeat. Just saying, you are naive to think you can erase the past.
Honoring is celebrating.

No one is trying to erase the past. Slavery is America's birth defect. Some of us need to learn from it so as not to repeat it.
post that definition jack that claims honoring is celebrating. Honoring is showing respect with high esteem. We should never forget those families that suffered through slavery of the past and you should be concerned for the slavery that is maintained by the left still today. it's sad. Look at the south side of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, all democratically governed and all in perils.



I found great synonyms for "honor" on the new!
It isn't theirs to take down, it belongs to the history of the country.
Confederate sympathizers can have their monuments. We have National Park Battlefields, cemeteries & museums. They don't have to be in the middle of downtown or on the steps of government.

America does not celebrate slavery
honoring those who suffered isn't celebrating, and you should learn that lessons not taught will repeat. Just saying, you are naive to think you can erase the past.
Honoring is celebrating.

No one is trying to erase the past. Slavery is America's birth defect. Some of us need to learn from it so as not to repeat it.
post that definition jack that claims honoring is celebrating. Honoring is showing respect with high esteem. We should never forget those families that suffered through slavery of the past and you should be concerned for the slavery that is maintained by the left still today. it's sad. Look at the south side of Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, all democratically governed and all in perils.

View attachment 143824
View attachment 143823

I found great synonyms for "honor" on the new!
nice, but synonym isn't a definition. So in the definition of honor is there celebration? Not in what you posted son.
dude, again a synonym is not a definition. sorry bubba, it's an alternative word for a specific situation that fits the situation. define Honor and you won't get celebration as I already posted.
again, overthrow was not the mission and shame on you for not knowing the country's history. wow. NO wonder you want them erased.

Really, so if General Lee writing the President when he had Washington DC under siege to surrender the United States of America, that no longer counts as trying to overthrow the government? What about when Lincoln responded no, and General Lee commanded his armies to take Washington DC and Lincoln by force?

That's not trying to overthrow the government? Taking our capital and attempting to capture the President of the United States isn't good enough?

What is the vietnam memorial?

Aka the Wall on the Mall
You don't comprehend a wall can be a memorial just like a statue

dude I already answered that post. go fking read it. post #204

Names of the dead soldiers. It doesn't divide our country. - jc456

So what do you call what those names are written on?

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