Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments

dude, again a synonym is not a definition. sorry bubba, it's an alternative word for a specific situation that fits the situation. define Honor and you won't get celebration as I already posted.

Let me get this straight. You've spent two pages now arguing that synonyms of words aren't in the definition of those words?

He showed that Honor and Celebrate are synonyms. That means a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word. Of course you don't use a synonym to define something because it's the same thing. That's not defining it, it's using a word with the same meaning. Look up reindeer in websters dictionary and it defines it. A deer that lives in tundra regions, etc etc. Not just "Caribou" and leave you no definition of what it is, just a synonym. That's why it's a dictionary.

If you are looking if the words have the same meaning. Use a Thesaurus and see if they are synonyms. What you are asking for is not something literate people would ask.

If you want to prove honoring has the same meaning as celebrating you look at the thesaurus.

What's next? If someone tells you that there are 16 cups in a gallon you will want them to prove it only using an atlas and list of state capitals? Come on. You've got to see how dumb you are right there.
so just post up the definition of honor and one of celebrate. oh, already done, and neither mentions the other one. hmmm. it's why they are two separate words it's called our vocabulary.
The memorials, monuments, statues or whatever you want to call them, are being removed by local authorities who own the public property where they are on display and fund the cost of maintaining them. A national poll is hence, irrelevant since the people being polled are not responsible for the cost to the local taxpayers and voters of and for the venue of the memorials.
A national poll is relevant because the douche bags who demand that they be torn down claim the voters are behind them. Politicians who do this claim they are doing what the voters want. That's clearly false.

The cost is trivial. That's simply not a serious argument.
O.k., most people also say that Trump should be impeached.

Should be done, right?
no they don't and you have no poll to show that either. go for it though.
Agreed, the Civil War was not about overthrowing the USofA. It WAS about overthrowing the government of the Confederate States.

"We're leaving" and "No you are not!"

One was an unsuccessful overthrow, the other a successful one.
I think we all can agree it started out as succession, but when the south got the upper hand for awhile, the North got scared & the South started thinking about overthrow.
so just post up the definition of honor and one of celebrate. oh, already done, and neither mentions the other one. hmmm. it's why they are two separate words it's called our vocabulary.

Wow the education system failed you. A definition is a statement of the exact meaning of a word. Celebrate is a word, not a statement. If you want to see if two words have the same meaning you use a thesaurus to see if they are synonyms.

Caribou and Reindeer are the same thing. They don't define each other though. If I call you dumb and he calls you stupid, we are using synonyms. If you can't comprehend that word, you use a dictionary to see we are saying you are having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.

You didn't ask for a statement to define the word Celebrate. You asked if they had the same definition. TO find what you asked you use a thesaurus. HE showed you that. Now you are asking for dictionary definitions which are irrelevent to your question.
I think we all can agree it started out as succession, but when the south got the upper hand for awhile, the North got scared & the South started thinking about overthrow.

Well thinking about overthrow isn't quite there. I mean he didn't just sit there and think "hmm, what if I..." He commanded his armies to take action. Or "attempted to overthrow".
hmmm, all I stated is why the war started, the US wasn't going to allow the states to secede from the Union. what happened after it started is an entirely different subject. It's what happens in war.

But you posted, the war started when the CSA attacked Fort Sumter. They attacked US first. That's what started the war. what happened after it started is an entirely different subject.
But you posted, the war started when the CSA attacked Fort Sumter. They attacked US first. That's what started the war. what happened after it started is an entirely different subject.

No. When talking about overthrowing the government, I said the uniform Lee wears in his statues (the Confederate uniform) is the one he wore when trying to overthrow the government. Had nothing to do with starting the war in that statement.

NVM misread...
I did post about the CSA attacking fort Sumter in earlier posts. But the one where I said that Lee tried to overthrow the US government had nothing to do with that. Granted a revision to history was brought up about a universe where that didn't happen by a guy who's now shown his vocabulary skills are right on par with his history skills.
I think we all can agree it started out as succession, but when the south got the upper hand for awhile, the North got scared & the South started thinking about overthrow.

Well thinking about overthrow isn't quite there. I mean he didn't just sit there and think "hmm, what if I..." He commanded his armies to take action. Or "attempted to overthrow".
That we will never know, cuz they failed. The attacks on Washington was also when the South was already destroyed. I seriously doubt they could keep Washington. It was more like they wanted to embarass Lincoln so he would lose in the next election.

There were political as well as military benefits to be gained. The Union, heartily tired of war, would be electing its President in November. The likely Democratic candidate, George McClellan, was promising a negotiated peace while Abraham Lincoln was promising to finish the war no matter how long it took. If Early could embarrass Lincoln, deepen the war-weariness and brighten McClellan's prospects, he might assure the survival of the Confederacy.

When Washington, D.C. Came Close to Being Conquered by the Confederacy | History | Smithsonian
No. When talking about overthrowing the government, I said the uniform Lee wears in his statues (the Confederate uniform) is the one he wore when trying to overthrow the government. Had nothing to do with starting the war in that statement.

I was mocking him with his own words. "what happened after it started is an entirely different subject."
something that offends some doesn't make it a need to remove them. It highlights historic references, and removing it removes the history, like the other poster said. sorry toothers. just sorry, you're wrong.

So, by your logic, we can't remember WWII properly unless we put up memorials to the Nazis.

Your logic is retarded.
WE are not talking about putting things up, that's a different conversation. they are there, they are a part of our history for good or bad, the civil war must be remembered. conversation should go on, .
something that offends some doesn't make it a need to remove them. It highlights historic references, and removing it removes the history, like the other poster said. sorry toothers. just sorry, you're wrong.

So, by your logic, we can't remember WWII properly unless we put up memorials to the Nazis.

Your logic is retarded.
WE are not talking about putting things up, that's a different conversation. they are there, they are a part of our history for good or bad, the civil war must be remembered. conversation should go on, .
We now have electricity

I miss honoring the darkness
If you are so offended why not erase all of it and get over it.

Declaring people are "offended" is evading the issue. By your logic, our soldiers in WWII who blew up Nazi statues were "offended", and just a bunch of SJWs.

Sorry. This whole erect a statue to offend then tear it down issue is of no concern to me.

I view it as silly and petty.

And yet here you are, defending the white supremacist monuments. You seem to be offended by the idea of removing them.
White supremacist monuments? That's quite a stretch. Can you be more overly dramatic? * rolls eyes*
You learn history in books, not by gawking at statues.

By your 'reasoning' the city of Charlottesville should be required to put up a statue of U. S. Grant, because the absence of one is 'erasing history'.
No you claim you want to erase the racist history of the United states that also includes the civil rights ers. Affirmative action also since we are all created equal.
How is moving a statue from a public park to a museum "erasing history"?

Apparently, once the statue is taken down, every American forgets that Robert E. Lee ever existed.
It isn't theirs to take down, it belongs to the history of the country.
Confederate sympathizers can have their monuments. We have National Park Battlefields, cemeteries & museums. They don't have to be in the middle of downtown or on the steps of government.

America does not celebrate slavery nor treason.
No. I'm sure you whiners will try to end those as well. Give and inch and you will take a mile.
That we will never know, cuz they failed. The attacks on Washington was also when the South was already destroyed. I seriously doubt they could keep Washington. It was more like they wanted to embarass Lincoln so he would lose in the next election.

There were political as well as military benefits to be gained. The Union, heartily tired of war, would be electing its President in November. The likely Democratic candidate, George McClellan, was promising a negotiated peace while Abraham Lincoln was promising to finish the war no matter how long it took. If Early could embarrass Lincoln, deepen the war-weariness and brighten McClellan's prospects, he might assure the survival of the Confederacy.

When Washington, D.C. Came Close to Being Conquered by the Confederacy | History | Smithsonian

What do you mean we will never know? You give the command to capture the president you are attempting to overthrow the government. That's plain and simple. You yank him out of the White house, government is overthrown. What you intend to do beyond that or how long you intend to capture the president of the United States is irrelevent.

But you say the goal is that by capturing the President of the United States of America they could embarrass America and get the leader in power they wanted instead? How's this not textbook government overthrow?
so just post up the definition of honor and one of celebrate. oh, already done, and neither mentions the other one. hmmm. it's why they are two separate words it's called our vocabulary.

Wow the education system failed you. A definition is a statement of the exact meaning of a word. Celebrate is a word, not a statement. If you want to see if two words have the same meaning you use a thesaurus to see if they are synonyms.

Caribou and Reindeer are the same thing. They don't define each other though. If I call you dumb and he calls you stupid, we are using synonyms. If you can't comprehend that word, you use a dictionary to see we are saying you are having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.

You didn't ask for a statement to define the word Celebrate. You asked if they had the same definition. TO find what you asked you use a thesaurus. HE showed you that. Now you are asking for dictionary definitions which are irrelevent to your question.
or not.
We now have electricity

I miss honoring the darkness

Wow you are still trying that fight. Hmm, grab that atlas over there and show me how many gallons of water a bathtub can hold. I'd like your answer to be in meters.
WE are not talking about putting things up, that's a different conversation.

This sounds like a budget argument. Do you continue to fund something, just because you've funded it for years. Even if people no longer support funding it.

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