Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments

city council is not the people. Put the vote to the people, what are they afraid of? dude the city council of Chicago runs this city like a junk yard. and have no common sense in the least. so no, no, no council people pleasssssssssssseeeeeeee

Nope, but that's how the constitution is built. A representative democracy, where they are elected to make those decisions. If you would like to forcibly overthrow the US and build a government that works differently that's another topic for another day.
no, this is a popular vote position.
The people of charlottesville, through their city council voted to get rid of the statue, technically to get rid of it, by sale.
city council is not the people. Put the vote to the people, what are they afraid of?

Damn, that's what we said of the electoral college, and you said different.

Pick a side, direct vote or representative vote.

Because if you want direct vote, than Hillary got 3 million more.
well that's how we vote in a president not take statues down. we do that kind of thing through municipalities and the people.
well that's how we vote in a president not take statues down. we do that kind of thing through municipalities and the people.

What's good enough for the president is good enough for a statue

Which is more important? The president or a statue?
If you are so offended why not erase all of it and get over it.

Declaring people are "offended" is evading the issue. By your logic, our soldiers in WWII who blew up Nazi statues were "offended", and just a bunch of SJWs.

Sorry. This whole erect a statue to offend then tear it down issue is of no concern to me.

I view it as silly and petty.

And yet here you are, defending the white supremacist monuments. You seem to be offended by the idea of removing them.
White supremacist monuments? That's quite a stretch. Can you be more overly dramatic? * rolls eyes*
Well, you need better cheerleaders to keep the monuments in public places.

I would love to see Confederate reenactors in full uniforms go kick the asses of KKK, white supremacists, and neo-nazis.

When do you think we will see that?
so you want them all dead?
I accept your surrender
well that's how we vote in a president not take statues down. we do that kind of thing through municipalities and the people.

Hmmm, Charlottesville Charter...

(b) The form of government for said city shall be the city manager plan as follows: All corporate powers, legislative and executive authority vested in the City of Charlottesville by law shall be and are hereby vested in a council of five members to be elected at large from the qualified voters of the city, except as hereinafter provided.

They do it through the City Council.
well that's how we vote in a president not take statues down. we do that kind of thing through municipalities and the people.

What's good enough for the president is good enough for a statue

Which is more important? The president or a statue?
well the statue is local, the president is country wide. so the president should win as many states votes as necessary to rule over the states. It is why it is done that way, so someone from California can't tell someone in vermont how to live.
well that's how we vote in a president not take statues down. we do that kind of thing through municipalities and the people.

Hmmm, Charlottesville Charter...

(b) The form of government for said city shall be the city manager plan as follows: All corporate powers, legislative and executive authority vested in the City of Charlottesville by law shall be and are hereby vested in a council of five members to be elected at large from the qualified voters of the city, except as hereinafter provided.

They do it through the City Council.
so you know the populace doesn't want them taken down. I see.
That would be a change of political power, not an overthrow & again, if they kept Washington. The South had already lost the war and the North got stupid with hubris over defending Washington.

Wait. Your army invades washington DC and Removes the President of the United States from power.. and you are trying to say that's not overthrowing a government?

Come on...

Let me get this straight. If North Korea somehow marched their military on Washington DC and took over the government, captured Trump and removed him from the white house, that's not really overthrowing our government? If they are just doing it to get a regime change that recognizes North Korea, they are just using their military to "change political power"
We have already been over this. I said it was close to overthrow. I also said we don't know what they would have done if they even took Washington. I have already also said I doubt they could have kept it and even the literature states they didn't think they could even if successful.

No that would not be over-throwing the government even with trump. Remember we are the Deep State.
well the statue is local, the president is country wide. so the president should win as many states votes as necessary to rule over the states. .

And the people of Charlottesville through their elected city council voted to take down (sell) the statue.

The people have spoken.
well the statue is local, the president is country wide. so the president should win as many states votes as necessary to rule over the states. It is why it is done that way, so someone from California can't tell someone in vermont how to live.

Exactly which is why instead of a represented elctorates across the entire US that vote on it, the elected representatives of the city vote on it.
so you know the populace doesn't want them taken down. I see.

I'm sure some do. Some don't. Haven't seen a popular vote in the City of Charlottesville one way or the other.

But it's kinda like saying the populace wants Hillary as president. Doesn't matter either way. That's not how this country works or has ever worked.
no, this is a popular vote position.

Like Hillary winning the popular vote for president?
I agree she is a statue, but alas, her votes only counted in california and they wish to secede. so she can go be president there.
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

Donald Trump owes his victory in the Electoral College to three states he won by the smallest number of votes: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So it's fair to say that the 2016 presidential election was decided by about 77,000 votes out of than 136 million ballots cast. According to the final tallies, Trump won Pennsylvania by 0.7 percentage points (44,292 votes), Wisconsin by 0.7 points (22,748 votes), Michigan by 0.2 points (10,704 votes). If Clinton had won all three states, she would have won the Electoral College 278 to 260. She fell short in all three, of course, and that's why we are now getting accustomed to the reality of President-elect Donald J. Trump. (This article has been updated to reflect final results.)

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated) ~ Weekly Standard even LOL

California ~ 39,250,017

Pennslyvania ~ 12,784,227

Wisconsin ~ 5,778,708

Michigan ~ 9,928,301

List of U.S. states and territories by population - Wikipedia

3 state total ~ 28, 491,236

California is bigger than those states combined by 38%
no, this is a popular vote position.

Like Hillary winning the popular vote for president?
I agree she is a statue, but alas, her votes only counted in california and they wish to secede. so she can go be president there.
The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated)

Donald Trump owes his victory in the Electoral College to three states he won by the smallest number of votes: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So it's fair to say that the 2016 presidential election was decided by about 77,000 votes out of than 136 million ballots cast. According to the final tallies, Trump won Pennsylvania by 0.7 percentage points (44,292 votes), Wisconsin by 0.7 points (22,748 votes), Michigan by 0.2 points (10,704 votes). If Clinton had won all three states, she would have won the Electoral College 278 to 260. She fell short in all three, of course, and that's why we are now getting accustomed to the reality of President-elect Donald J. Trump. (This article has been updated to reflect final results.)

The Election Came Down to 77,744 Votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan (Updated) ~ Weekly Standard even LOL

California ~ 39,250,017

Pennslyvania ~ 12,784,227

Wisconsin ~ 5,778,708

Michigan ~ 9,928,301

List of U.S. states and territories by population - Wikipedia

3 state total ~ 28, 491,236

California is bigger than those states combined by 38%
yep, funny how that works, but electoral college is the way we elect a president. the more votes per state wins an election. even if it's five hundred votes. read about it.

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