Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments

something that offends some doesn't make it a need to remove them. It highlights historic references, and removing it removes the history, like the other poster said. sorry toothers. just sorry, you're wrong.

So, by your logic, we can't remember WWII properly unless we put up memorials to the Nazis.

Your logic is retarded.
WE are not talking about putting things up, that's a different conversation. they are there, they are a part of our history for good or bad, the civil war must be remembered. conversation should go on, .
We now have electricity

I miss honoring the darkness
I do that almost once a week in summer around camp fires. Hmmm
WE are not talking about putting things up, that's a different conversation.

This sounds like a budget argument. Do you continue to fund something, just because you've funded it for years. Even if people no longer support funding it.
well that's it, you don't know, but the people who live there and fund it want it. So why do you jamokes from somewhere in a distant land get to tell them what to do?
We now have electricity

I miss honoring the darkness

I'm sure you are the type of person who gets his tape measure to calculate how much he needs to pay for 5 gallons of gas. Then hands over his Library card to pay for it.
A number of snowflakes in this forum have said that the voters should decide whether Confederate moderates should be taken down. It appears the voters want them left alone. ANTIFA and BLM are a small fringe, and they do not represent the will of the majority. Does anyone believe the left would desist in their attacks on these monuments if a referendum were held and the voters decided to all them to stay?

Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments - Rasmussen Reports™

Four Confederate monuments were removed from New Orleans earlier this month following complaints that they celebrate racism, and now the city of Baltimore has plans to follow suit. But most voters oppose taking away these remnants of the past even if they are unpopular with some.

While proposals have been made to get rid of monuments such as the Jefferson Memorial and the carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia because they honor men who practiced or defended slavery, just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should erase symbols of its past history that are out of line with current sentiments. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 69% oppose erasing these historical symbols. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Wow- since when do you care what voters want?

52% Oppose Repeal of Obamacare If Fixes Can't Be Found - Rasmussen Reports™

52% Oppose Repeal of Obamacare If Fixes Can't Be Found
We now have electricity

I miss honoring the darkness

I can see you at home. "Quick honey, turn on the radio. I want to see how beautiful this eclipse is that's coming up. While you are at it, can you get me a photo album so I can do some reading"
A number of snowflakes in this forum have said that the voters should decide whether Confederate moderates should be taken down. It appears the voters want them left alone. ANTIFA and BLM are a small fringe, and they do not represent the will of the majority. Does anyone believe the left would desist in their attacks on these monuments if a referendum were held and the voters decided to all them to stay?

Voters Oppose Removing Confederate Monuments - Rasmussen Reports™

Four Confederate monuments were removed from New Orleans earlier this month following complaints that they celebrate racism, and now the city of Baltimore has plans to follow suit. But most voters oppose taking away these remnants of the past even if they are unpopular with some.

While proposals have been made to get rid of monuments such as the Jefferson Memorial and the carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia because they honor men who practiced or defended slavery, just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters think the United States should erase symbols of its past history that are out of line with current sentiments. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 69% oppose erasing these historical symbols. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.

Wow- since when do you care what voters want?

52% Oppose Repeal of Obamacare If Fixes Can't Be Found - Rasmussen Reports™

52% Oppose Repeal of Obamacare If Fixes Can't Be Found
well again, 30 states within the union said they wanted it repealed. Honor it.
Wow you are still trying that fight. Hmm, grab that atlas over there and show me how many gallons of water a bathtub can hold. I'd like your answer to be in meters.

I can see you with your kids "what are you doing with that lawnmower. I told you to mow the grass. Now get that vacuum cleaner and get to it".
well again, 30 states within the union said they wanted it repealed. Honor it.

Exactly. Representative democracy. Same thing that is taking these statues off the public books and off public property.
If you are so offended why not erase all of it and get over it.

Declaring people are "offended" is evading the issue. By your logic, our soldiers in WWII who blew up Nazi statues were "offended", and just a bunch of SJWs.

Sorry. This whole erect a statue to offend then tear it down issue is of no concern to me.

I view it as silly and petty.

And yet here you are, defending the white supremacist monuments. You seem to be offended by the idea of removing them.
White supremacist monuments? That's quite a stretch. Can you be more overly dramatic? * rolls eyes*
Well, you need better cheerleaders to keep the monuments in public places.

I would love to see Confederate reenactors in full uniforms go kick the asses of KKK, white supremacists, and neo-nazis.

When do you think we will see that?
well again, 30 states within the union said they wanted it repealed. Honor it.

Exactly. Representative democracy. Same thing that is taking these statues off the public books and off public property.
except those are funded by local funds not federal dollars. different, it is the local statutes that are responsible. now if they were on federal land, then that would be entirely different.
well that's it, you don't know, but the people who live there and fund it want it.

The people of charlottesville, through their city council voted to get rid of the statue, technically to get rid of it, by sale.

Charlottesville City Council votes to sell Robert E. Lee Statue
city council is not the people. Put the vote to the people, what are they afraid of? dude the city council of Chicago runs this city like a junk yard. and have no common sense in the least. so no, no, no council people pleasssssssssssseeeeeeee
except those are funded by local funds not federal dollars. different, it is the local statutes that are responsible. now if they were on federal land, then that would be entirely different.

Yes, on a smaller scale. They are being removed because the local elected representatives in the city council voted to remove them.
If you are so offended why not erase all of it and get over it.

Declaring people are "offended" is evading the issue. By your logic, our soldiers in WWII who blew up Nazi statues were "offended", and just a bunch of SJWs.

Sorry. This whole erect a statue to offend then tear it down issue is of no concern to me.

I view it as silly and petty.

And yet here you are, defending the white supremacist monuments. You seem to be offended by the idea of removing them.
White supremacist monuments? That's quite a stretch. Can you be more overly dramatic? * rolls eyes*
Well, you need better cheerleaders to keep the monuments in public places.

I would love to see Confederate reenactors in full uniforms go kick the asses of KKK, white supremacists, and neo-nazis.

When do you think we will see that?
so you want them all dead?
That we will never know, cuz they failed. The attacks on Washington was also when the South was already destroyed. I seriously doubt they could keep Washington. It was more like they wanted to embarass Lincoln so he would lose in the next election.

There were political as well as military benefits to be gained. The Union, heartily tired of war, would be electing its President in November. The likely Democratic candidate, George McClellan, was promising a negotiated peace while Abraham Lincoln was promising to finish the war no matter how long it took. If Early could embarrass Lincoln, deepen the war-weariness and brighten McClellan's prospects, he might assure the survival of the Confederacy.

When Washington, D.C. Came Close to Being Conquered by the Confederacy | History | Smithsonian

What do you mean we will never know? You give the command to capture the president you are attempting to overthrow the government. That's plain and simple. You yank him out of the White house, government is overthrown. What you intend to do beyond that or how long you intend to capture the president of the United States is irrelevent.

But you say the goal is that by capturing the President of the United States of America they could embarrass America and get the leader in power they wanted instead? How's this not textbook government overthrow?
That would be a change of political power, not an overthrow & again, if they kept Washington. The South had already lost the war and the North got stupid with hubris over defending Washington.
city council is not the people. Put the vote to the people, what are they afraid of? dude the city council of Chicago runs this city like a junk yard. and have no common sense in the least. so no, no, no council people pleasssssssssssseeeeeeee

Nope, but that's how the constitution is built. A representative democracy, where they are elected to make those decisions. If you would like to forcibly overthrow the US and build a government that works differently that's another topic for another day.
The people of charlottesville, through their city council voted to get rid of the statue, technically to get rid of it, by sale.
city council is not the people. Put the vote to the people, what are they afraid of?

Damn, that's what we said of the electoral college, and you said different.

Pick a side, direct vote or representative vote.

Because if you want direct vote, than Hillary got 3 million more.
except those are funded by local funds not federal dollars. different, it is the local statutes that are responsible. now if they were on federal land, then that would be entirely different.

Yes, on a smaller scale. They are being removed because the local elected representatives in the city council voted to remove them.
but again, it isn't up to them, they are there as a result of public want. It is up to the public to vote on their removal, put it up for a vote and let's find out? what are you afraid of. I'm good with the outcome no matter what it is.
That would be a change of political power, not an overthrow & again, if they kept Washington. The South had already lost the war and the North got stupid with hubris over defending Washington.

Wait. Your army invades washington DC and Removes the President of the United States from power.. and you are trying to say that's not overthrowing a government?

Come on...

Let me get this straight. If North Korea somehow marched their military on Washington DC and took over the government, captured Trump and removed him from the white house, that's not really overthrowing our government? If they are just doing it to get a regime change that recognizes North Korea, they are just using their military to "change political power"

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