Voters That Disagree With Obama Are Ignorant

I stopped listening to that jerk about a month after he took the office of President and disgraced it and hasn't stopped for eight of the most miserable years of my political life, along with his goon administration. the most shameful, disgusting person I've ever lived under pretending to be a President while pretending to Represent all of the people in this country.
I stopped listening to that jerk about a month after he took the office of President and disgraced it and hasn't stopped for eight of the most miserable years of my political life, along with his goon administration. the most shameful, disgusting person I've ever lived under pretending to be a President while pretending to Represent all of the people in this country.

That's OK, because everyone listens to you. You are a perfect example of a crazy RWNJ, and it's nice that you spout your crap so loudly and often so we can tell just how nuts the right has become. Your silly shit is great entertainment too.
I stopped listening to that jerk about a month after he took the office of President and disgraced it and hasn't stopped for eight of the most miserable years of my political life, along with his goon administration. the most shameful, disgusting person I've ever lived under pretending to be a President while pretending to Represent all of the people in this country.

That's OK, because everyone listens to you. You are a perfect example of a crazy RWNJ, and it's nice that you spout your crap so loudly and often so we can tell just how nuts the right has become. Your silly shit is great entertainment too.

Says the far left drone that spews their hatred for anything not far left !

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