Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants

will the other idiots running get a CLUE? but then they'll just lie to you like they have ALL THESE years. people are FED up with these lying career Politicians.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.
ALL of it here:
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™

Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Ya want to know the only viable "quick" method to do that? Mobilize the military, declare nationwide marshal law and start rounding people up in placing them in detention centers. It would still take a couple of years and billions of dollars simply because they're not all isolated in one place, just think, all civil liberties suspended for a number of years while this plays out......... Once we have them all confined we can then put them on a death march, women and children....... we've done it before so it shouldn't bother us to do it again, right........
Ahh, makes me wish for the good old days when Turkey addressed it's Armenian problem....... when Stalin conducted forced relocations of millions.......... Yup the good old days........
(Yeah, some of it is hyperbole but it's hyperbole to make a point if you're astute enough to see it.)

What a ridiculous, staw man argument!
Yeah, because you say so........ Too stupid to actually see what I was saying...... Try higher education, something above the 2nd grade....... :lmao:

Try being civil instead of acting like a juvenile hurling insults.
Uuummmm, "ridiculous, straw man argument....."

What did you say about a juvenile hurling insults? Hypocrite much?
will the other idiots running get a CLUE? but then they'll just lie to you like they have ALL THESE years. people are FED up with these lying career Politicians.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.
ALL of it here:
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™

Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
will the other idiots running get a CLUE? but then they'll just lie to you like they have ALL THESE years. people are FED up with these lying career Politicians.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.
ALL of it here:
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™

Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

What are you,eighteen?
I know 20 years ago job sights in Houston were predominately white and black.
The same with machine shops,they went from around 5% hispanic to around 75 to 80% hispanic over that period.
You'd have to be a kid or living at home with mom and dad your whole life not to see the change.
No answer again........ and here I thought those poor farmhands were abused, $17 for no experience necessary.........twice fast food rate but we cant find anyone to trade a hot kitchen for outdoors......what a crock
It was a number that was repeated on The O'reilly Factor, the wife watches it........ Whether that's being proposed or not I don't know, I was walking from the kitchen back into my office, I didn't get the whole conversation.
Apparently not, if you think unskilled illegals should make $17.00/hr, while US citizens get $7.25/hr.
Just talked with my wife who saw the whole discussion, some growers can't get enough help and are offering American citizens $17/hour to pick the fields. No American has taken them up on the offer at the time of the airing.
you have to be accustomed to doing that type of work,a friend of mine who is a Mexican was offered by his cousin who has been doing this his whole life,he offered him a job to go up to the central valley and work,Saul tried, he quit after a month,he said it is fucking brutal,its hotter than hell and your knees and back hurt like a motherfucker at the end of the day,which is more than 8 hours....he said the migrants were laughing at him telling him you Americans are pussies....he said they were just busting his balls,but the work busted everything else...there aint to many people who would last doing that kind work ,its something you start doing young and stay with it....
No answer again........ and here I thought those poor farmhands were abused, $17 for no experience necessary.........twice fast food rate but we cant find anyone to trade a hot kitchen for outdoors......what a crock
It was a number that was repeated on The O'reilly Factor, the wife watches it........ Whether that's being proposed or not I don't know, I was walking from the kitchen back into my office, I didn't get the whole conversation.
Apparently not, if you think unskilled illegals should make $17.00/hr, while US citizens get $7.25/hr.
Just talked with my wife who saw the whole discussion, some growers can't get enough help and are offering American citizens $17/hour to pick the fields. No American has taken them up on the offer at the time of the airing.
you have to be accustomed to doing that type of work,a friend of mine who is a Mexican was offered by his cousin who has been doing this his whole life,he offered him a job to go up to the central valley and work,Saul tried, he quit after a month,he said it is fucking brutal,its hotter than hell and your knees and back hurt like a motherfucker at the end of the day,which is more than 8 hours....he said the migrants were laughing at him telling him you Americans are pussies....he said they were just busting his balls,but the work busted everything else...there aint to many people who would last doing that kind work ,its something you start doing young and stay with it....

Thats the pussified younger generation.
I worked all kinds of shit jobs in the Texas heat when I was young.
Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

What are you,eighteen?
I know 20 years ago job sights in Houston were predominately white and black.
The same with machine shops,they went from around 5% hispanic to around 75 to 80% hispanic over that period.
You'd have to be a kid or living at home with mom and dad your whole life not to see the change.
What are you, 10? What you missed was the early 1990s recession that changed it all, contractors dropped employees, wages and prices, the prices and wages stayed flat after that. Because of that more Hispanics moved into the construction fields which yes, did keep the wages flat but only because fewer whites and blacks would work for the lower wages. Someone had to fill the gap. Heck I took a major hit during that recession, ended up working for a security monitoring company for a few years till business picked back up but I was one of the specialized ones but even there I ended up going back to work for only $25 per hour, I had been making $75 per hour before the recession.
No answer again........ and here I thought those poor farmhands were abused, $17 for no experience necessary.........twice fast food rate but we cant find anyone to trade a hot kitchen for outdoors......what a crock
It was a number that was repeated on The O'reilly Factor, the wife watches it........ Whether that's being proposed or not I don't know, I was walking from the kitchen back into my office, I didn't get the whole conversation.
Apparently not, if you think unskilled illegals should make $17.00/hr, while US citizens get $7.25/hr.
Just talked with my wife who saw the whole discussion, some growers can't get enough help and are offering American citizens $17/hour to pick the fields. No American has taken them up on the offer at the time of the airing.
you have to be accustomed to doing that type of work,a friend of mine who is a Mexican was offered by his cousin who has been doing this his whole life,he offered him a job to go up to the central valley and work,Saul tried, he quit after a month,he said it is fucking brutal,its hotter than hell and your knees and back hurt like a motherfucker at the end of the day,which is more than 8 hours....he said the migrants were laughing at him telling him you Americans are pussies....he said they were just busting his balls,but the work busted everything else...there aint to many people who would last doing that kind work ,its something you start doing young and stay with it....

Thats the pussified younger generation.
I worked all kinds of shit jobs in the Texas heat when I was young.
if you say so.....the guy was in his 30's this was back in the 90's.....picking produce bent over all day is different than a hell of a lot of other jobs in the heat...right now they need workers up there and cant seem to get many takers....including those from the non-pussified generation...
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

What are you,eighteen?
I know 20 years ago job sights in Houston were predominately white and black.
The same with machine shops,they went from around 5% hispanic to around 75 to 80% hispanic over that period.
You'd have to be a kid or living at home with mom and dad your whole life not to see the change.
What are you, 10? What you missed was the early 1990s recession that changed it all, contractors dropped employees, wages and prices, the prices and wages stayed flat after that. Because of that more Hispanics moved into the construction fields which yes, did keep the wages flat but only because fewer whites and blacks would work for the lower wages. Someone had to fill the gap. Heck I took a major hit during that recession, ended up working for a security monitoring company for a few years till business picked back up but I was one of the specialized ones but even there I ended up going back to work for only $25 per hour, I had been making $75 per hour before the recession.

You just made my case. Wages have been stagnant ever since illegals started flooding the work force.
And the nineties had nothing to do with it,the oil industry took a hard hit in the eighties and the illegal problem and stagnant wages started shortly after when Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals.
I watched it fucken happen so dont tell me that wasnt the case.
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

What are you,eighteen?
I know 20 years ago job sights in Houston were predominately white and black.
The same with machine shops,they went from around 5% hispanic to around 75 to 80% hispanic over that period.
You'd have to be a kid or living at home with mom and dad your whole life not to see the change.
What are you, 10? What you missed was the early 1990s recession that changed it all, contractors dropped employees, wages and prices, the prices and wages stayed flat after that. Because of that more Hispanics moved into the construction fields which yes, did keep the wages flat but only because fewer whites and blacks would work for the lower wages. Someone had to fill the gap. Heck I took a major hit during that recession, ended up working for a security monitoring company for a few years till business picked back up but I was one of the specialized ones but even there I ended up going back to work for only $25 per hour, I had been making $75 per hour before the recession.

You just made my case. Wages have been stagnant ever since illegals started flooding the work force.
And the nineties had nothing to do with it,the oil industry took a hard hit in the eighties and the illegal problem and stagnant wages started shortly after when Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals.
I watched it fucken happen so dont tell me that wasnt the case.
I'm talking about the construction industry, hell you mentioned construction jobs.........
Look if it makes you feel justified to blame the illegals then whatever helps you sleep at night........ Just know there are/were multiple market forces at play, the Hispanics (some illegal) took those jobs offered at lower wages, would you?
will the other idiots running get a CLUE? but then they'll just lie to you like they have ALL THESE years. people are FED up with these lying career Politicians.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.
ALL of it here:
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™

Likely Republican voters account for only 43 percent of the population. Also, a telephone survey tends to select out older Americans, who still have land-lines. Another words, it isn't representative of American voters as a whole.

will the other idiots running get a CLUE? but then they'll just lie to you like they have ALL THESE years. people are FED up with these lying career Politicians.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.
ALL of it here:
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports[emoji769]

Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.
It was a number that was repeated on The O'reilly Factor, the wife watches it........ Whether that's being proposed or not I don't know, I was walking from the kitchen back into my office, I didn't get the whole conversation.
Apparently not, if you think unskilled illegals should make $17.00/hr, while US citizens get $7.25/hr.
Just talked with my wife who saw the whole discussion, some growers can't get enough help and are offering American citizens $17/hour to pick the fields. No American has taken them up on the offer at the time of the airing.
you have to be accustomed to doing that type of work,a friend of mine who is a Mexican was offered by his cousin who has been doing this his whole life,he offered him a job to go up to the central valley and work,Saul tried, he quit after a month,he said it is fucking brutal,its hotter than hell and your knees and back hurt like a motherfucker at the end of the day,which is more than 8 hours....he said the migrants were laughing at him telling him you Americans are pussies....he said they were just busting his balls,but the work busted everything else...there aint to many people who would last doing that kind work ,its something you start doing young and stay with it....

Thats the pussified younger generation.
I worked all kinds of shit jobs in the Texas heat when I was young.
if you say so.....the guy was in his 30's this was back in the 90's.....picking produce bent over all day is different than a hell of a lot of other jobs in the heat...right now they need workers up there and cant seem to get many takers....including those from the non-pussified generation...

It's no surprise that a thirty year old who hasnt done that kind of work wouldnt be able to do it.
But at thirty I know I could have if I had to,but than the heat doesnt really bother me.
Hell,I spent the last few weeks working on the boat,the truck and the sand blast cabinet in a 106 heat index at 50.
You never see kids doing outdoor manual labor anymore...because they've become pussified since illegals have taken the jobs they would have been doing in the heat.
Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.

I think this may be the first time we've ever agreed on anything.
Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

What are you,eighteen?
I know 20 years ago job sights in Houston were predominately white and black.
The same with machine shops,they went from around 5% hispanic to around 75 to 80% hispanic over that period.
You'd have to be a kid or living at home with mom and dad your whole life not to see the change.
What are you, 10? What you missed was the early 1990s recession that changed it all, contractors dropped employees, wages and prices, the prices and wages stayed flat after that. Because of that more Hispanics moved into the construction fields which yes, did keep the wages flat but only because fewer whites and blacks would work for the lower wages. Someone had to fill the gap. Heck I took a major hit during that recession, ended up working for a security monitoring company for a few years till business picked back up but I was one of the specialized ones but even there I ended up going back to work for only $25 per hour, I had been making $75 per hour before the recession.

You just made my case. Wages have been stagnant ever since illegals started flooding the work force.
And the nineties had nothing to do with it,the oil industry took a hard hit in the eighties and the illegal problem and stagnant wages started shortly after when Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals.
I watched it fucken happen so dont tell me that wasnt the case.
I'm talking about the construction industry, hell you mentioned construction jobs.........
Look if it makes you feel justified to blame the illegals then whatever helps you sleep at night........ Just know there are/were multiple market forces at play, the Hispanics (some illegal) took those jobs offered at lower wages, would you?

WTF? If you hadnt let the illegals in in the first place it wouldnt have happened.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:

What are you,eighteen?
I know 20 years ago job sights in Houston were predominately white and black.
The same with machine shops,they went from around 5% hispanic to around 75 to 80% hispanic over that period.
You'd have to be a kid or living at home with mom and dad your whole life not to see the change.
What are you, 10? What you missed was the early 1990s recession that changed it all, contractors dropped employees, wages and prices, the prices and wages stayed flat after that. Because of that more Hispanics moved into the construction fields which yes, did keep the wages flat but only because fewer whites and blacks would work for the lower wages. Someone had to fill the gap. Heck I took a major hit during that recession, ended up working for a security monitoring company for a few years till business picked back up but I was one of the specialized ones but even there I ended up going back to work for only $25 per hour, I had been making $75 per hour before the recession.

You just made my case. Wages have been stagnant ever since illegals started flooding the work force.
And the nineties had nothing to do with it,the oil industry took a hard hit in the eighties and the illegal problem and stagnant wages started shortly after when Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals.
I watched it fucken happen so dont tell me that wasnt the case.
I'm talking about the construction industry, hell you mentioned construction jobs.........
Look if it makes you feel justified to blame the illegals then whatever helps you sleep at night........ Just know there are/were multiple market forces at play, the Hispanics (some illegal) took those jobs offered at lower wages, would you?

WTF? If you hadnt let the illegals in in the first place it wouldnt have happened.
Thanks for making my point...... hack...... :thup:

Besides, I didn't let the "illegals" in, you Europeans showed up all on your own and took what you wanted...... :eusa_whistle:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.

That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.
What are you,eighteen?
I know 20 years ago job sights in Houston were predominately white and black.
The same with machine shops,they went from around 5% hispanic to around 75 to 80% hispanic over that period.
You'd have to be a kid or living at home with mom and dad your whole life not to see the change.
What are you, 10? What you missed was the early 1990s recession that changed it all, contractors dropped employees, wages and prices, the prices and wages stayed flat after that. Because of that more Hispanics moved into the construction fields which yes, did keep the wages flat but only because fewer whites and blacks would work for the lower wages. Someone had to fill the gap. Heck I took a major hit during that recession, ended up working for a security monitoring company for a few years till business picked back up but I was one of the specialized ones but even there I ended up going back to work for only $25 per hour, I had been making $75 per hour before the recession.

You just made my case. Wages have been stagnant ever since illegals started flooding the work force.
And the nineties had nothing to do with it,the oil industry took a hard hit in the eighties and the illegal problem and stagnant wages started shortly after when Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals.
I watched it fucken happen so dont tell me that wasnt the case.
I'm talking about the construction industry, hell you mentioned construction jobs.........
Look if it makes you feel justified to blame the illegals then whatever helps you sleep at night........ Just know there are/were multiple market forces at play, the Hispanics (some illegal) took those jobs offered at lower wages, would you?

WTF? If you hadnt let the illegals in in the first place it wouldnt have happened.
Thanks for making my point...... hack...... :thup:

Besides, I didn't let the "illegals" in, you Europeans showed up all on your own and took what you wanted...... :eusa_whistle: you're a wetback.
It should be mandatory to post your ethnicity when you get into discussions about immigration.
What are you, 10? What you missed was the early 1990s recession that changed it all, contractors dropped employees, wages and prices, the prices and wages stayed flat after that. Because of that more Hispanics moved into the construction fields which yes, did keep the wages flat but only because fewer whites and blacks would work for the lower wages. Someone had to fill the gap. Heck I took a major hit during that recession, ended up working for a security monitoring company for a few years till business picked back up but I was one of the specialized ones but even there I ended up going back to work for only $25 per hour, I had been making $75 per hour before the recession.

You just made my case. Wages have been stagnant ever since illegals started flooding the work force.
And the nineties had nothing to do with it,the oil industry took a hard hit in the eighties and the illegal problem and stagnant wages started shortly after when Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals.
I watched it fucken happen so dont tell me that wasnt the case.
I'm talking about the construction industry, hell you mentioned construction jobs.........
Look if it makes you feel justified to blame the illegals then whatever helps you sleep at night........ Just know there are/were multiple market forces at play, the Hispanics (some illegal) took those jobs offered at lower wages, would you?

WTF? If you hadnt let the illegals in in the first place it wouldnt have happened.
Thanks for making my point...... hack...... :thup:

Besides, I didn't let the "illegals" in, you Europeans showed up all on your own and took what you wanted...... :eusa_whistle: you're a wetback.
It should be mandatory to post your ethnicity when you get into discussions about immigration.
Wrong again knumb knuts...... :lmao:

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