Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants

What would your suggestion be since you want to classify others without cause as crazy.....tell us your plan to put a stop to this
You really should learn to use the "reply" button......... That way everyone would know who you are addressing. An 8th grader would know this........ :eusa_whistle:
Gee have I been addressing anyone else......... real hard isnt it........take your time....formulate a plan and get back to me
No I don't have a solution, if I did I'd get back into consulting and probably make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of your taxes........ :eusa_whistle:

How about you? What's your solution? Take em all out in fields with trenches and machine-gun them all?

A... lets get US govt out of supporting the cartels.....anyone in govt who has done so goes to jail....thats creating the warzone atmoshere. B......lot of people talk of fining the employers huge but no one does it.......throw some jail time on top of it.....yes deportations........ yes beefed up border, if that means a wall so be it. Came right down to it if Mexico didnt want to do anything sever all ties with them and take harsher measures.
CDR Salamander Western nations are at the point where they must enforce firm policies now, or they will be forced to implement the harshest remedies later - that is, of course, if there is a desire to keep those nations together as founded.
The time for easy solutions is past. The last generation or two threw that opportunity away. Doing nothing is not an option because, eventually, this migration will shift to invasion in the mind of a plurality of each nation's citizens. When that happens, if good political leaders do not act, the people will turn to whatever leader promises actions. That rarely is the better outcome.
No nation is required to commit suicide, and leaders who desire to fundamentally transform their nations should not expect for their population to allow that change to be done against the will of the people - if indeed the people ever decide their national culture is worth defending anymore.
What would your suggestion be since you want to classify others without cause as crazy.....tell us your plan to put a stop to this
You really should learn to use the "reply" button......... That way everyone would know who you are addressing. An 8th grader would know this........ :eusa_whistle:
Gee have I been addressing anyone else......... real hard isnt it........take your time....formulate a plan and get back to me
No I don't have a solution, if I did I'd get back into consulting and probably make hundreds of thousands of dollars off of your taxes........ :eusa_whistle:

How about you? What's your solution? Take em all out in fields with trenches and machine-gun them all?

A... lets get US govt out of supporting the cartels.....anyone in govt who has done so goes to jail....thats creating the warzone atmoshere. B......lot of people talk of fining the employers huge but no one does it.......throw some jail time on top of it.....yes deportations........ yes beefed up border, if that means a wall so be it. Came right down to it if Mexico didnt want to do anything sever all ties with them and take harsher measures.
CDR Salamander Western nations are at the point where they must enforce firm policies now, or they will be forced to implement the harshest remedies later - that is, of course, if there is a desire to keep those nations together as founded.
The time for easy solutions is past. The last generation or two threw that opportunity away. Doing nothing is not an option because, eventually, this migration will shift to invasion in the mind of a plurality of each nation's citizens. When that happens, if good political leaders do not act, the people will turn to whatever leader promises actions. That rarely is the better outcome.
No nation is required to commit suicide, and leaders who desire to fundamentally transform their nations should not expect for their population to allow that change to be done against the will of the people - if indeed the people ever decide their national culture is worth defending anymore.
Good thing you're not a consultant........ Consultants worth their salt are aware of ALL the nuances..... ALL cause and effect........ you have no clue.
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Yet still run down wages for all.
Global competition has nothing to do with it....... Do you shop at WalMart.......?

I don't think anyone is saying it's the only factor. But more workers and fewer jobs runs down wages.
Of course but how many illegals have a two year degree let alone a Bachelors or a Masters? Unless you're working a "skill" position or a service position every job I've seen requires at least a two year degree and most a Bachelors.
Other than mandated wages the market determines pay, yes there's a glut of workers but illegals aren't competing for most jobs that Americans are going after.

That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.
Yet still run down wages for all.
Global competition has nothing to do with it....... Do you shop at WalMart.......?

I don't think anyone is saying it's the only factor. But more workers and fewer jobs runs down wages.
Of course but how many illegals have a two year degree let alone a Bachelors or a Masters? Unless you're working a "skill" position or a service position every job I've seen requires at least a two year degree and most a Bachelors.
Other than mandated wages the market determines pay, yes there's a glut of workers but illegals aren't competing for most jobs that Americans are going after.

That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Global competition has nothing to do with it....... Do you shop at WalMart.......?

I don't think anyone is saying it's the only factor. But more workers and fewer jobs runs down wages.
Of course but how many illegals have a two year degree let alone a Bachelors or a Masters? Unless you're working a "skill" position or a service position every job I've seen requires at least a two year degree and most a Bachelors.
Other than mandated wages the market determines pay, yes there's a glut of workers but illegals aren't competing for most jobs that Americans are going after.

That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Good idea. But are you my fellow Americans willing to do all these dirty jobs that no one wants? I'm just being realistic.
We don't see any other races working in agriculture or cleaning retirees in convalescence or home care etc. There will be time when you get really old and you cannot clean yourself. Who do you expect will clean you? This all happening right now my friend.
So when you deport all illegals. Who are you going to send to clean these old folks?
so 92% of the gop, agree WITH OBAMA that illegal felons should be deported...?

well golly gee, that's precisely obama's plan that gop'rs stopped and you called amnesty...deport the felons, keep the illegal non felon parents of US Citizens, give them a pathway to stay here legally, continue building the fence...
so 92% of the gop, agree WITH OBAMA that illegal felons should be deported...?

well golly gee, that's precisely obama's plan that gop'rs stopped and you called amnesty...deport the felons, keep the illegal non felon parents of US Citizens, give them a pathway to stay here legally, continue building the fence...
And 65% of fellow Americans support that.
will the other idiots running get a CLUE? but then they'll just lie to you like they have ALL THESE years. people are FED up with these lying career Politicians.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 70% of Likely Republican Voters agree with the GOP presidential hopeful that the United States should build a wall along the Mexican border to help stop illegal immigration. Seventeen percent (17%) of GOP voters disagree, while 13% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Ninety-two percent (92%) of Republicans agree that the United States should deport all illegal immigrants who have been convicted of a felony in this country. Only four percent (4%) disagree.

Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed.
ALL of it here:
Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports™

Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
Right up until they get deported and their boss has to pay market rate.......
Would you work the fields picking produce for $17/hour? You probably wouldn't last half a day.

is this your thread you started? because you sure have OVERTAKEN it with your nonsense spew talking points. go start your own thread
Yes because trailer trash speak for all vetoers :asshole:
And what happens when your leading candidate goes to prison, and a Republican gets the White House???

And BTW, American citizens are struggling, and they don't want illegals taking American jobs and depressing wages
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
Right up until they get deported and their boss has to pay market rate.......
Would you work the fields picking produce for $17/hour? You probably wouldn't last half a day.

is this your thread you started? because you sure have OVERTAKEN it with your nonsense spew talking points. go start your own thread
Ahhhh, is it upset? Some one stole it's wittle bwitty thwead so it couldn't post it's twalking points.......... Does bwaby need a baa baa?
Global competition has nothing to do with it....... Do you shop at WalMart.......?

I don't think anyone is saying it's the only factor. But more workers and fewer jobs runs down wages.
Of course but how many illegals have a two year degree let alone a Bachelors or a Masters? Unless you're working a "skill" position or a service position every job I've seen requires at least a two year degree and most a Bachelors.
Other than mandated wages the market determines pay, yes there's a glut of workers but illegals aren't competing for most jobs that Americans are going after.

That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Ya want to know the only viable "quick" method to do that? Mobilize the military, declare nationwide marshal law and start rounding people up in placing them in detention centers. It would still take a couple of years and billions of dollars simply because they're not all isolated in one place, just think, all civil liberties suspended for a number of years while this plays out......... Once we have them all confined we can then put them on a death march, women and children....... we've done it before so it shouldn't bother us to do it again, right........
Ahh, makes me wish for the good old days when Turkey addressed it's Armenian problem....... when Stalin conducted forced relocations of millions.......... Yup the good old days........
(Yeah, some of it is hyperbole but it's hyperbole to make a point if you're astute enough to see it.)
I don't think anyone is saying it's the only factor. But more workers and fewer jobs runs down wages.
Of course but how many illegals have a two year degree let alone a Bachelors or a Masters? Unless you're working a "skill" position or a service position every job I've seen requires at least a two year degree and most a Bachelors.
Other than mandated wages the market determines pay, yes there's a glut of workers but illegals aren't competing for most jobs that Americans are going after.

That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Ya want to know the only viable "quick" method to do that? Mobilize the military, declare nationwide marshal law and start rounding people up in placing them in detention centers. It would still take a couple of years and billions of dollars simply because they're not all isolated in one place, just think, all civil liberties suspended for a number of years while this plays out......... Once we have them all confined we can then put them on a death march, women and children....... we've done it before so it shouldn't bother us to do it again, right........
Ahh, makes me wish for the good old days when Turkey addressed it's Armenian problem....... when Stalin conducted forced relocations of millions.......... Yup the good old days........
(Yeah, some of it is hyperbole but it's hyperbole to make a point if you're astute enough to see it.)
Unrealistic but go ahead.
Of course but how many illegals have a two year degree let alone a Bachelors or a Masters? Unless you're working a "skill" position or a service position every job I've seen requires at least a two year degree and most a Bachelors.
Other than mandated wages the market determines pay, yes there's a glut of workers but illegals aren't competing for most jobs that Americans are going after.

That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Ya want to know the only viable "quick" method to do that? Mobilize the military, declare nationwide marshal law and start rounding people up in placing them in detention centers. It would still take a couple of years and billions of dollars simply because they're not all isolated in one place, just think, all civil liberties suspended for a number of years while this plays out......... Once we have them all confined we can then put them on a death march, women and children....... we've done it before so it shouldn't bother us to do it again, right........
Ahh, makes me wish for the good old days when Turkey addressed it's Armenian problem....... when Stalin conducted forced relocations of millions.......... Yup the good old days........
(Yeah, some of it is hyperbole but it's hyperbole to make a point if you're astute enough to see it.)
Unrealistic but go ahead.
That was sarcasm, it was partial hyperbole aimed at the reactionaries.
I don't think anyone is saying it's the only factor. But more workers and fewer jobs runs down wages.
Of course but how many illegals have a two year degree let alone a Bachelors or a Masters? Unless you're working a "skill" position or a service position every job I've seen requires at least a two year degree and most a Bachelors.
Other than mandated wages the market determines pay, yes there's a glut of workers but illegals aren't competing for most jobs that Americans are going after.

That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Ya want to know the only viable "quick" method to do that? Mobilize the military, declare nationwide marshal law and start rounding people up in placing them in detention centers. It would still take a couple of years and billions of dollars simply because they're not all isolated in one place, just think, all civil liberties suspended for a number of years while this plays out......... Once we have them all confined we can then put them on a death march, women and children....... we've done it before so it shouldn't bother us to do it again, right........
Ahh, makes me wish for the good old days when Turkey addressed it's Armenian problem....... when Stalin conducted forced relocations of millions.......... Yup the good old days........
(Yeah, some of it is hyperbole but it's hyperbole to make a point if you're astute enough to see it.)

What a ridiculous, staw man argument!
Of course but how many illegals have a two year degree let alone a Bachelors or a Masters? Unless you're working a "skill" position or a service position every job I've seen requires at least a two year degree and most a Bachelors.
Other than mandated wages the market determines pay, yes there's a glut of workers but illegals aren't competing for most jobs that Americans are going after.

That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Ya want to know the only viable "quick" method to do that? Mobilize the military, declare nationwide marshal law and start rounding people up in placing them in detention centers. It would still take a couple of years and billions of dollars simply because they're not all isolated in one place, just think, all civil liberties suspended for a number of years while this plays out......... Once we have them all confined we can then put them on a death march, women and children....... we've done it before so it shouldn't bother us to do it again, right........
Ahh, makes me wish for the good old days when Turkey addressed it's Armenian problem....... when Stalin conducted forced relocations of millions.......... Yup the good old days........
(Yeah, some of it is hyperbole but it's hyperbole to make a point if you're astute enough to see it.)

What a ridiculous, staw man argument!
Yeah, because you say so........ Too stupid to actually see what I was saying...... Try higher education, something above the 2nd grade....... :lmao:
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

So the answer is to let illegals come in and work for unfair wages and take jobs from poor americans ...and especially blacks as their unemployment rate is the highest in the country. Why would you want to maintain the inequity?

Where's the compassion?'re against fair wages, you support big business exploiting people for profits, you are racist toward blacks and you're against enforcing our border and immigration laws...
you're a mess.
That's nice.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.
Rotaglia and Obiwan... Illegals jobs are jobs that none of you cannot endure or last in a day. They do janitorial jobs, agriculture, gardening etc that whites or black don't dare to try. Do you see whits working in the field? Are you going to pick fruits, are you going to clean toilets? But go ahead deport them and see how much you people can afford your groceries.
They are not competing for high paying jobs.

deport. all. illegals. We have 90 million out of work and 45 million on food stamps. We don't need illegals.
Ya want to know the only viable "quick" method to do that? Mobilize the military, declare nationwide marshal law and start rounding people up in placing them in detention centers. It would still take a couple of years and billions of dollars simply because they're not all isolated in one place, just think, all civil liberties suspended for a number of years while this plays out......... Once we have them all confined we can then put them on a death march, women and children....... we've done it before so it shouldn't bother us to do it again, right........
Ahh, makes me wish for the good old days when Turkey addressed it's Armenian problem....... when Stalin conducted forced relocations of millions.......... Yup the good old days........
(Yeah, some of it is hyperbole but it's hyperbole to make a point if you're astute enough to see it.)

What a ridiculous, staw man argument!
Yeah, because you say so........ Too stupid to actually see what I was saying...... Try higher education, something above the 2nd grade....... :lmao:

Try being civil instead of acting like a juvenile hurling insults.

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