Voting Democrat in 2018 ? WHY ?

Democrats are the only ones capable of making America great

No, Progressives are capable of making America great. Democrats, because they're still dominated by Hillarybot types, are not.

Yes, Progressives will make America great like Venezuela is.

Two different countries with different circumstances. Your partisanship blinds you.

Blinds me to your treasonous idiocy?

Obviously not, Comrade.

If that is the case....lets see it
Americans know how much they are paid. If they see a huge jump in their take home pay, let them vote Republican

But if their meager tax cut gets eaten up by fewer deductions and higher insurance costs......let them blame Republicans

Most families, as you well know, will see about $2,000 a year more in their take home pay.

With you Maoists vowing to take that from them, they are SURE to put you in office. Bank on it. People have no care for their own interests or that of their children, they only care to support you who want to end the Republic. :thup:

It's in the bag Comrade, you Maoist have it all wrapped up, and if not you'll have recounts and faithless electors.

Again...lets see it

Most families will see that $2000 ($40 a week) eaten up by fewer deductions and higher insurance costs

Democrats will campaign that Republicans sold out to the wealthy. Few Americans will see enough money to believe otherwise
Democrats are the only ones capable of making America great

No, Progressives are capable of making America great. Democrats, because they're still dominated by Hillarybot types, are not.

Yes, Progressives will make America great like Venezuela is.

Two different countries with different circumstances. Your partisanship blinds you.

Blinds me to your treasonous idiocy?

Obviously not, Comrade.

Ah, so you are blind AND stupid. I'm not surprised, but I do feel sorry for you and those who are tasked to take care of you.

Get someone to read and explain this to you. What is behind the crisis in Venezuela?
Democrats are the only ones capable of making America great

No, Progressives are capable of making America great. Democrats, because they're still dominated by Hillarybot types, are not.

Yes, Progressives will make America great like Venezuela is.

Two different countries with different circumstances. Your partisanship blinds you.

Blinds me to your treasonous idiocy?

Obviously not, Comrade.

Ah, so you are blind AND stupid. I'm not surprised, but I do feel sorry for you and those who are tasked to take care of you.

Get someone to read and explain this to you. What is behind the crisis in Venezuela?

We KNOW what is behind the disaster in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and the socialism you would impose on America.

There are two types of socialist:
  1. The flat out evil men who seek to enslave the masses under a brutal dictatorship which they rule over.
  2. The abysmally stupid who believe that people will work to their own harm and misery to give to those they have never met.
You are of the second sort. You are a sheep that will go to the slaughter so that the evil men who think for you can gain power.
No, Progressives are capable of making America great. Democrats, because they're still dominated by Hillarybot types, are not.

Yes, Progressives will make America great like Venezuela is.

Two different countries with different circumstances. Your partisanship blinds you.

Blinds me to your treasonous idiocy?

Obviously not, Comrade.

Ah, so you are blind AND stupid. I'm not surprised, but I do feel sorry for you and those who are tasked to take care of you.

Get someone to read and explain this to you. What is behind the crisis in Venezuela?

We KNOW what is behind the disaster in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and the socialism you would impose on America.

There are two types of socialist:
  1. The flat out evil men who seek to enslave the masses under a brutal dictatorship which they rule over.
  2. The abysmally stupid who believe that people will work to their own harm and misery to give to those they have never met.
You are of the second sort. You are a sheep that will go to the slaughter so that the evil men who think for you can gain power.

LMAO! I'd advice you to get sober and stay that way...your delusions are making a fool of you;
Only because, thanks to Obama, it was high to begin with.
We should all take note that JQPublic just throws things out here, with no connection to factual truth. NO, GDP growth was NOT high when Obama left and Trump took over. It was a dismal 1.8%.

So, no, we don't thank Obama. We thank Trump for almost doubling it to the current 3.2%
View attachment 168096

That graph is a fraud.

This is why you Maoists have no credibility.

If you have to lie to make your point, you have no point to make.

If you think the graph is a fraud it ought to be a simple task to find a link disproving it. Get back with me when you do.

That isn't how it works, sploogy.

You either created a graph in powerpoint or copied one from one of the hate sites that claims a greater than 5% drop in GDP in 2010.

The one who must prove something is you, because ANYONE who paid attention knows you are flat out lying.

You're just another lying Bolshevik, as common as cat turds in a sandbox, but with far less value to the world.
Taunting me is not going to get you anywhere.. Try googling the name of the organization located on the bottom of the graph.
We should all take note that JQPublic just throws things out here, with no connection to factual truth. NO, GDP growth was NOT high when Obama left and Trump took over. It was a dismal 1.8%.

So, no, we don't thank Obama. We thank Trump for almost doubling it to the current 3.2%
View attachment 168096

That graph is a fraud.

This is why you Maoists have no credibility.

If you have to lie to make your point, you have no point to make.

If you think the graph is a fraud it ought to be a simple task to find a link disproving it. Get back with me when you do.

That isn't how it works, sploogy.

You either created a graph in powerpoint or copied one from one of the hate sites that claims a greater than 5% drop in GDP in 2010.

The one who must prove something is you, because ANYONE who paid attention knows you are flat out lying.

You're just another lying Bolshevik, as common as cat turds in a sandbox, but with far less value to the world.
Taunting me is not going to get you anywhere.. Try googling the name of the organization located on the bottom of the graph.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited
Taunting me is not going to get you anywhere.. Try googling the name of the organization located on the bottom of the graph.

Again, your graph is a complete fraud. You can put any name you please at the bottom of your lie, we not it is not a link.

Further, one need only right click and examine the source to see that the graph was made in powerpoint, a 100% fraud.

Further the numbers are disputed even by your fellow Maoists who posted contradictory information a few posts later.

You're a liar and a fraud, but everyone here already knows that.

That graph is a fraud.

This is why you Maoists have no credibility.

If you have to lie to make your point, you have no point to make.

If you think the graph is a fraud it ought to be a simple task to find a link disproving it. Get back with me when you do.

That isn't how it works, sploogy.

You either created a graph in powerpoint or copied one from one of the hate sites that claims a greater than 5% drop in GDP in 2010.

The one who must prove something is you, because ANYONE who paid attention knows you are flat out lying.

You're just another lying Bolshevik, as common as cat turds in a sandbox, but with far less value to the world.
Taunting me is not going to get you anywhere.. Try googling the name of the organization located on the bottom of the graph.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

What does the demagoguery of the hate site Politifraud have to do with the flat out lie that your fellow Maoist posted? :dunno:
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.
Democrats brought us:

equal pay for equal work


The current economy

Low unemployment

School lunches

Children's Healthcare

Republicans brought us:


Alt White

Tax cuts for the Rich

Millions losing healthcare

See, there are plenty of reasons to vote on both sides.
Depending on what you want for the country
and the kind of person you are.
That graph is a fraud.

This is why you Maoists have no credibility.

If you have to lie to make your point, you have no point to make.

If you think the graph is a fraud it ought to be a simple task to find a link disproving it. Get back with me when you do.

That isn't how it works, sploogy.

You either created a graph in powerpoint or copied one from one of the hate sites that claims a greater than 5% drop in GDP in 2010.

The one who must prove something is you, because ANYONE who paid attention knows you are flat out lying.

You're just another lying Bolshevik, as common as cat turds in a sandbox, but with far less value to the world.
Taunting me is not going to get you anywhere.. Try googling the name of the organization located on the bottom of the graph.

Trump's claim about Obama's weak economic growth is limited

What does the demagoguery of the hate site Politifraud have to do with the flat out lie that your fellow Maoist posted? :dunno:
Facts really bother you don't they?

You prefer Kellyanne's "alternative facts".
Of course the primaries were rigged. Donna Brazile said the 2016 primary was rigged before she said it wasn't - CNNPolitics

Brazile changed her story because she was almost drummed out of the Party for telling the truth. But, she told the truth until she was forced to lie.
Donna Brazile was only one among many riggings of the 2016 election, for Hillary. There was Hillary wearing an earphonne & questions being fed to her during the debates, there was hostile (to Republicans), liberal "moderators" like Jake Tapper who, instead of asking Republican candidates what their strong points are, he asked them what the weak points of their GOP opponents were,. Martha Raddatz and John what's his name were equally bad.

Then there was the attacks on Trump rally-goers, facilitated by Democrat mayors (Chicago, San Jose, etc) who took little or no action against the attackers.

Then there was the FAKE Hillary ads relentlessly lying to us on TV (disabled reporter, Gold star Muslim father, outsourcing, John McCain, etc)

Then there was the Russian collusion scam, to deflect attention away from al the Democrat scamming/rigging.
Democrats brought us:

equal pay for equal work


The current economy

Low unemployment

School lunches

Children's Healthcare

Republicans brought us:


Alt White

Tax cuts for the Rich

Millions losing healthcare

See, there are plenty of reasons to vote on both sides.
Depending on what you want for the country
and the kind of person you are.
I think she just meant other facts (the true ones)

2. Democrats did NOT give us the current economy. GDP growth was 1.8 (and sinking) when Obama left office. Trump has risen it to 3.2%

3. Nazis are no worse than the fascist leftists who attacked Trump rallygoers, and the Democrat mayors who allowed them

4. Millions who lose healthcare, do so only because the mandate is going (they didn't want it in the first place.)

5. Always was equal pay for equal work. Stop pushing myths.
Taunting me is not going to get you anywhere.. Try googling the name of the organization located on the bottom of the graph.

Again, your graph is a complete fraud. You can put any name you please at the bottom of your lie, we not it is not a link.

Further, one need only right click and examine the source to see that the graph was made in powerpoint, a 100% fraud.

Further the numbers are disputed even by your fellow Maoists who posted contradictory information a few posts later.

You're a liar and a fraud, but everyone here already knows that.

Believe what you will..if you're too ignorant to do a little research on your own...stay stupid.
Taunting me is not going to get you anywhere.. Try googling the name of the organization located on the bottom of the graph.

Again, your graph is a complete fraud. You can put any name you please at the bottom of your lie, we not it is not a link.

Further, one need only right click and examine the source to see that the graph was made in powerpoint, a 100% fraud.

Further the numbers are disputed even by your fellow Maoists who posted contradictory information a few posts later.

You're a liar and a fraud, but everyone here already knows that.

Believe what you will..if you're too ignorant to do a little research on your own...stay stupid.

You lied, you got busted.

You're a Stalinist, everyone here knows you're a liar.
economy. GDP growth was 1.8 (and sinking) when Obama left office. Trump has risen it to 3.2%
i guess you missedthe graph i posted showing the GDP was over 3% about 8 times under Obama. It went as high as 5% on one occasion.. Given 5he cyclic nature of the GDP to rise and fall, the trend Obama had initiated was passed to Trump. When the GDP falls
Next year under Trump...I'll find rub it
In your face.

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