Voting Democrat in 2018 ? WHY ?

No contradiction. Never heard of "new plantation". D's give blacks AA, allow them to riot, make excuses for them. No secret.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
No contradiction. Never heard of "new plantation". D's give blacks AA, allow them to riot, make excuses for them. No secret.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
Faux news is CNN, MSNBC, nyt, wash post, pbs, and other liberal laughingstocks. Fox is fair & balanced.

You're a bit late...we dubbed Fox News as Faux News years before the FOTs(friends of trump) tried to usurp the catchy title and use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Doesn't matter what you call it
Fox is truthful, fair, & balanced. Liberal networks aren't.

Fox has had to make numerous corrections. They are untruthful, unfair and unbalanced except for a few real journalists that exist like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith.
What an idiot post. I just proved Fox fair & balanced with a list of 26 liberals they have - liberal networks combined can't match that amount of balance

When you post stupidly, nobody will pay attention to you. :slap:
Do you believe in rigging your primaries?

The Democrat primaries were not rigged. They are far fairer than the Republican primaries. In SC, Sanders only got 25% of the vote and still got 25% of the delegates. Trump got only 32% and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of SC voters in the Republican primary were disenfranchised.

DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process
DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process

Number one, we're not frickin' blind up in here, no reason for nursing home type font.

Number two, this isn't news. Political parties are private organizations, not government ones. They can nominate whoever they damn well please, "primaries" being little more than bread and circus to amuse the masses and make the unwashed feel "involved". So a candy can walk in with a dominating lead out of these primaries and the party can still turn him away.

Like the Republicans did in 1912. They got beat badly, but they took their party in the direction they wanted it to go, rather than where the voters wanted it to go. And that's their prerogative, because political parties are about amassing power, not about listening to voters.

You might want to tell campaign donors that it works that way at the DNC..huh?
I mean, if the winner is predetermined what's the point in a primary anyway...make sense?

The DNC was supporting Clinton in 2008 and Obama still won. It comes down to the voters not the DNC or RNC. Clinton got 55% of the primary vote which is a majority. Explain how someone who gets a majority of the vote should not get the nomination. Or can you not do high math problems.
Someone who has killed dozens of people, shouldn't get the nomination.

Google Clinton Body Count - What Really Happened.
The world is terrified when Republicans are in charge

The next Democratic President is sure to get a Nobel Prize
Yeah. Just look at all that money they lose by no longer being able to carry out their remittances imperialism upon us.

Mexico - $24 Billion/year.

.China, India, Philippines, Guatemala, Nigeria, etc
My word lad...those pittances you call remittances are nothing compared to the resources we exploit from foreign soil.
And I suppose you have some numbers to back that up ? From a neutral/objective source ? Which includes the benefits to the foreign countries ? Which is current (2016) ?
Yes I do.
Show them.
Fox is as pathetic as msnbc. A bunch of fake Americans work for those organizations. I bet mine of them actually believe all the bs that spew....all for a buck.
Why vote Democrat in 2018?

Because America needs to admit....Damn, did we ever make a mistake
That's a dumb thing to say after we just had the best economic year in decades. Finally the military is strengthen ing, and we,re beginning to get a focus on homeland security
(ex Muslim ban)
Fox is as pathetic as msnbc. A bunch of fake Americans work for those organizations. I bet mine of them actually believe all the bs that spew....all for a buck.
Wanna cite a few examples of what you call "bs" ? :biggrin:
The rich had their best year yes....the rest continue to take it on the chin. Fact.
FALSE! (and stupid as well). Millions of middle class stockholders have gained.

Workers have kept their jobs (ex. Carrier)

Millions of workers are getting $1000 bonuses, as result of Trump tax plan (cutting the corporate tax)
Those workers earned those bonuses...of course anti diet corporate butt kissers are it through anti American glasses. You claim Fox isn't biased? You gotta be smarter than that. That's truly funny.
Those workers earned those bonuses...of course anti diet corporate butt kissers are it through anti American glasses. You claim Fox isn't biased? You gotta be smarter than that. That's truly funny.
I didn't claim unbiased. I claimed "fair & BALANCED." And I SHOWED it - with a list of 26 Fox liberals. :biggrin:
Those workers earned those bonuses...of course anti diet corporate butt kissers are it through anti American glasses. You claim Fox isn't biased? You gotta be smarter than that. That's truly funny.
But they wouldn't have gotten those bonuses without the Trump tax cut. You said the non-rich were continuing to take it on the chin. You stand corrected. :slap::laugh:
Stand corrected....I shake my life in my words. Because a few workers get a bonus means el Z ilcho. The middle class tax cuts should have been double what they were....but this so called great nation can't fathom that.
Why vote Democrat in 2018?

Because America needs to admit....Damn, did we ever make a mistake
That's a dumb thing to say after we just had the best economic year in decades. Finally the military is strengthen ing, and we,re beginning to get a focus on homeland security
(ex Muslim ban)
Obama's first year saw twice the stock market climb that Trump did in his first year

Why aren't you celebrating that?
Those workers earned those bonuses...of course anti diet corporate butt kissers are it through anti American glasses. You claim Fox isn't biased? You gotta be smarter than that. That's truly funny.
But they wouldn't have gotten those bonuses without the Trump tax cut. You said only the non-rich were continuing to take it on the chin. You stand corrected.
Stand corrected....I shake my life in my words. Because a few workers get a bonus means el Z ilcho. The middle class tax cuts should have been double what they were....but this so called great nation can't fathom that.
Think of all the American middle class workers who will get jobs that are opened up, when we get rid of all the illegal aliens that Democrats have (criminally) been protecting in sanctuary cities.
Why vote Democrat in 2018?

Because America needs to admit....Damn, did we ever make a mistake
That's a dumb thing to say after we just had the best economic year in decades. Finally the military is strengthen ing, and we,re beginning to get a focus on homeland security
(ex Muslim ban)
Obama's first year saw twice the stock market climb that Trump did in his first year

Why aren't you celebrating that?
Only because it was so unusually low to begin with. Trump',s first year tops anything from Obama or Bush in GDP growth.
Here's another reason to NOT vote Democrat. D's show lack of moral values. Besides supporting abortion killing, sanctuary cities, sharia law, and other immorality, how disgusting to see Cory Booker and other D's celebrating after the Doug Jones win.

They,re telling us it,'s OK to cheat, lie, steal, , & scam, and do anything by any means necessary, as long as you get what you think is a good thing. - so much for American democracy. So much for innocent unless proven guilty.

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