Voting Democrat in 2018 ? WHY ?

For 35 years the GOP has controlled tax rates and killed the working-class and middle-class... Democrats including the Democratic rich want to raise taxes on the rich and help the rest of America which the GOP has been ruining for 35 years.

So says the Socialist. For 35 years, the GOP has controlled tax rates, EVEN WHEN THE DEMOCRATS WERE IN POWER? :spinner: In a capitalist society, the "rich" are the economic engine which drive the economy. It is their succeeding to BE rich that allows them to finance and create industry, plants, and jobs. Only a socialist would think that their BEING rich is a "problem" to be crushed through massive forfeiture of their wealth to be given to those who don't produce or produce little. By confiscating their wealth, not only do you take away their means to fuel the economy, you take away the incentive, leading to economic collapse for all.

Meantime, let's look at the population as a function of income vs. amount of total tax burden in this chart, the best I could find showing the issue on the web. Yes, the Middle Class, those disappearing columns on the right, those are the people paying an infinitesimal part of the total tax burden that Franco's GOP is "crushing." Meantime, those comparatively few uber rich on the far left, those are the people just not paying enough yet that Franco's Democrats would have pay their "fair share."

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If anyone can show me where I've gone "far wrong" in any of this, I would be glad to see your "sober, astute" data.
Now the highest rates the richest pay is 32% while before Reagan it was 70%, was the only limiting effect on CEO pay which is now to 300 times as much as it was before Reagan. Spending on infrastructure is half of what it was before Reagan... All the new b******* GOP has is propaganda which appears to be enough with you jackass ignoramuses.... Democrats have never been in control since Carter except for 40 days under Obama when the economy was in meltdown. Thanks corrupt GOP and silly dupes.... Carter didn't even have control of the Democratic Party. Thanks Teddy... Someday Democrats will have control again and then we will tax the rich their fair share, invest in America and the non-rich, and we will have a 5 week paid vacation, cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a leading Nation again.
11). To help the Muslim Brotherhood destroy America, abolish the Constitution, and establish an Islamic state.

Muslim Brotherhood --- --- --- isn't that a synonym for the Democratic National Committee?
You right Wingers are nuts...

Yes, silly us. That is why the Muslim Brotherhood was such a frequent visitor to Obama's White House and Muslims just seem to keep showing up everywhere, throughout the DNC, as computer experts and on Hillary's and Obama's teams in top positions. Nothing to be concerned about there.
Yes it's a gigantic conspiracy of our entire Justice System... Not a bunch of crap propaganda super dupe LOL!
Now the highest rates the richest pay is 32% while before Reagan it was 70%, was the only limiting effect on CEO pay which is now to 300 times as much as it was before Reagan. Spending on infrastructure is half of what it was before Reagan... All the new b******* GOP has is propaganda which appears to be enough with you jackass ignoramuses....

It always impresses me when I see you've replied to any of my posts . . . . not the reply, just that you were even able to reply at all. I can't remember infrastructure ever being a campaign issue for Barry. I don't remember Hillary campaigning on it. I don't see the DNC demanding we rebuild our cities, nope, that was Donald Trump who campaigned on it and will be next on his agenda to pursue.

Democrats have never been in control since Carter except for 40 days under Obama

And just imagine: all of our problems today can be traced back to those 40 days! Now imagine if the democrats would have had control for FIFTY DAYS what shape we'd be in.

Carter didn't even have control of the Democratic Party.

Lessee - - - - Carter, president and figurehead of the DNC back then didn't even have control of his own party? I guess that goes right with his not having any control of the economy, gasoline prices, Iran or the hostage crisis either. BUT THEN, Carter didn't even have control of the Democratic Party, yet, by your own words . . . . Democrats have never been in control since Carter. :confused:

Someday Democrats will have control again and then we will tax the rich their fair share, invest in America and the non-rich, and we will have a 5 week paid vacation, cheap daycare and paid parental leave and a leading Nation again.

You left out a hundred other liberal fairy-tails such as a 4-day workweek.
The world is terrified when Republicans are in charge

The next Democratic President is sure to get a Nobel Prize
Yeah. Just look at all that money they lose by no longer being able to carry out their remittances imperialism upon us.

Mexico - $24 Billion/year.

.China, India, Philippines, Guatemala, Nigeria, etc
My word lad...those pittances you call remittances are nothing compared to the resources we exploit from foreign soil.
And I suppose you have some numbers to back that up ? From a neutral/objective source ? Which includes the benefits to the foreign countries ? Which is current (2016) ?
I can't remember infrastructure ever being a campaign issue for Barry

Wow, you never heard of the ARRA? That went in immediately after O'bama got in and went online around here widening the highway like literally the next day.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

Well, if one is really dumb, beyond curable.

Or if one hates the working class and does not want for them to keep their money.
35 years of the tax system adding to the working class tax, misinformed one. You vote for the Mega Rich idiot party.

Ah, one who thinks the working class should not keep its own earned money identifies.

Well, the working class would very much disagree with you on that point. You see, they worked hard for it and you have no business touching it.
For 35 years the GOP has controlled tax rates and killed the working-class and middle-class if you count all taxes and also have cut the richest taxes in 1/2. And cut services to the middle class and investment. Silly dupe.
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!
What brainwashed hateful garbage... Democrats including the Democratic rich want to raise taxes on the rich and help the rest of America which the GOP has been ruining for 35 years. Silly fearful idiot LOL
If Democrats wanted to help America, they might not be so bad. Problem is they want to help the WORLD, at America's expense.

They, and most of the UN, need to :anj_stfu:
No contradiction. Never heard of "new plantation". D's give blacks AA, allow them to riot, make excuses for them. No secret.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
No contradiction. Never heard of "new plantation". D's give blacks AA, allow them to riot, make excuses for them. No secret.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
Faux news is CNN, MSNBC, nyt, wash post, pbs, and other liberal laughingstocks. Fox is fair & balanced.

You're a bit late...we dubbed Fox News as Faux News years before the FOTs(friends of trump) tried to usurp the catchy title and use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Doesn't matter what you call it
Fox is truthful, fair, & balanced. Liberal networks aren't.
Yep it's the whole world of journalists versus your bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and your greedy idiot billionaire Financed propaganda machine, and we are the brainwashed? Hilarious!
Try considering the FACTS. Liberal networks have few conservatives
Fox has had MANY liberals, for years now.

I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
Faux news is CNN, MSNBC, nyt, wash post, pbs, and other liberal laughingstocks. Fox is fair & balanced.

You're a bit late...we dubbed Fox News as Faux News years before the FOTs(friends of trump) tried to usurp the catchy title and use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Doesn't matter what you call it
Fox is truthful, fair, & balanced. Liberal networks aren't.
Yep it's the whole world of journalists versus your bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and your greedy idiot billionaire Financed propaganda machine, and we are the brainwashed? Hilarious!
Try considering the FACTS. Liberal networks have few conservatives
Fox has had MANY liberals, for years now.

"Networks" --- which I am forced to assume means TV networks --- are not "liberal" or "conservative". What they are is "capitalist". That means they're out to make a profit, whether via politics or any other avenue, and what drives that is ratings. And what drives ratings is targeting an audience, whether that audience is interested in "liberal" politics, "conservative" politics, sports, buying shit, gawking at naked people walking around on a deserted island, fake wrestling or whatever else.

Nobody has ever made a damn dime from "being liberal" or "being conservative". They make those dimes by selling eyeballs.
OK pogo. Show a list of conservatives on liberal TV networks. CNN, MSNBC,& PBS combined have much less conservatives then Fox has liberals.

FACT, not opinion.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

Well, if one is really dumb, beyond curable.

Or if one hates the working class and does not want for them to keep their money.
35 years of the tax system adding to the working class tax, misinformed one. You vote for the Mega Rich idiot party.

Ah, one who thinks the working class should not keep its own earned money identifies.

Well, the working class would very much disagree with you on that point. You see, they worked hard for it and you have no business touching it.
For 35 years the GOP has controlled tax rates and killed the working-class and middle-class if you count all taxes and also have cut the richest taxes in 1/2. And cut services to the middle class and investment. Silly dupe.
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!
What brainwashed hateful garbage... Democrats including the Democratic rich want to raise taxes on the rich and help the rest of America which the GOP has been ruining for 35 years. Silly fearful idiot LOL
If Democrats wanted to help America, they might not be so bad. Problem is they want to help the WORLD, at America's expense.

They, and most of the UN, need to :anj_stfu:
We are part of the global community

We used to be the acknowledged we are not
Faux news is CNN, MSNBC, nyt, wash post, pbs, and other liberal laughingstocks. Fox is fair & balanced.

You're a bit late...we dubbed Fox News as Faux News years before the FOTs(friends of trump) tried to usurp the catchy title and use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Doesn't matter what you call it
Fox is truthful, fair, & balanced. Liberal networks aren't.
Yep it's the whole world of journalists versus your bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and your greedy idiot billionaire Financed propaganda machine, and we are the brainwashed? Hilarious!
Try considering the FACTS. Liberal networks have few conservatives
Fox has had MANY liberals, for years now.

"Networks" --- which I am forced to assume means TV networks --- are not "liberal" or "conservative". What they are is "capitalist". That means they're out to make a profit, whether via politics or any other avenue, and what drives that is ratings. And what drives ratings is targeting an audience, whether that audience is interested in "liberal" politics, "conservative" politics, sports, buying shit, gawking at naked people walking around on a deserted island, fake wrestling or whatever else.

Nobody has ever made a damn dime from "being liberal" or "being conservative". They make those dimes by selling eyeballs.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
Faux news is CNN, MSNBC, nyt, wash post, pbs, and other liberal laughingstocks. Fox is fair & balanced.

You're a bit late...we dubbed Fox News as Faux News years before the FOTs(friends of trump) tried to usurp the catchy title and use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Doesn't matter what you call it
Fox is truthful, fair, & balanced. Liberal networks aren't.
Yep it's the whole world of journalists versus your bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and your greedy idiot billionaire Financed propaganda machine, and we are the brainwashed? Hilarious!
Try considering the FACTS. Liberal networks have few conservatives
Fox has had MANY liberals, for years now.

At Most one liberal to four conservatives, and with O'Reilly and Sean just cannon fodder to scream at and not be able to hear
Faux news is CNN, MSNBC, nyt, wash post, pbs, and other liberal laughingstocks. Fox is fair & balanced.

You're a bit late...we dubbed Fox News as Faux News years before the FOTs(friends of trump) tried to usurp the catchy title and use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Doesn't matter what you call it
Fox is truthful, fair, & balanced. Liberal networks aren't.
Yep it's the whole world of journalists versus your bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and your greedy idiot billionaire Financed propaganda machine, and we are the brainwashed? Hilarious!
Try considering the FACTS. Liberal networks have few conservatives
Fox has had MANY liberals, for years now.

At Most one liberal to four conservatives, and with O'Reilly and Sean just cannon fodder to scream at and not be able to hear
And with rush and Savage and Levin and all the other talk show demagogues absolutely nothing to interrupt your hate and b*******Fugue state. A total disgrace...
Vote Democrat in 2018

The world will thank you
We are voting for the sake of the USA, not the world.

There's a good example of the Democrat GLOBALIST perspective.
USA is part of the world
It is a NATION distinct from the rest of the world.
Well, if one is really dumb, beyond curable.

Or if one hates the working class and does not want for them to keep their money.
35 years of the tax system adding to the working class tax, misinformed one. You vote for the Mega Rich idiot party.

Ah, one who thinks the working class should not keep its own earned money identifies.

Well, the working class would very much disagree with you on that point. You see, they worked hard for it and you have no business touching it.
For 35 years the GOP has controlled tax rates and killed the working-class and middle-class if you count all taxes and also have cut the richest taxes in 1/2. And cut services to the middle class and investment. Silly dupe.
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!
What brainwashed hateful garbage... Democrats including the Democratic rich want to raise taxes on the rich and help the rest of America which the GOP has been ruining for 35 years. Silly fearful idiot LOL
If Democrats wanted to help America, they might not be so bad. Problem is they want to help the WORLD, at America's expense.

They, and most of the UN, need to :anj_stfu:
We are part of the global community

We used to be the acknowledged we are not
I am part of my apartment complex "community". That doesn',t mean I should put the health of the complex above my own health.

American voters' responsibility is to the health of America, not the world.
You're a bit late...we dubbed Fox News as Faux News years before the FOTs(friends of trump) tried to usurp the catchy title and use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Doesn't matter what you call it
Fox is truthful, fair, & balanced. Liberal networks aren't.
Yep it's the whole world of journalists versus your bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and your greedy idiot billionaire Financed propaganda machine, and we are the brainwashed? Hilarious!
Try considering the FACTS. Liberal networks have few conservatives
Fox has had MANY liberals, for years now.

"Networks" --- which I am forced to assume means TV networks --- are not "liberal" or "conservative". What they are is "capitalist". That means they're out to make a profit, whether via politics or any other avenue, and what drives that is ratings. And what drives ratings is targeting an audience, whether that audience is interested in "liberal" politics, "conservative" politics, sports, buying shit, gawking at naked people walking around on a deserted island, fake wrestling or whatever else.

Nobody has ever made a damn dime from "being liberal" or "being conservative". They make those dimes by selling eyeballs.
They all suck now because they are endless gabfests about Trump and what who said about who LOL. At least CNN and MSNBC try to be truthful, but they're all a joke as far as news goes. Al Jazeera now has more foreign offices and reporters than all American Media combined... And then there's many people idiots who get their news from Rush Limbaugh and Savage and Levin etc etc that are a hateful BS propaganda joke.
Vote Democrat in 2018

The world will thank you
We are voting for the sake of the USA, not the world.

There's a good example of the Democrat GLOBALIST perspective.
USA is part of the world
It is a NATION distinct from the rest of the world.
35 years of the tax system adding to the working class tax, misinformed one. You vote for the Mega Rich idiot party.

Ah, one who thinks the working class should not keep its own earned money identifies.

Well, the working class would very much disagree with you on that point. You see, they worked hard for it and you have no business touching it.
For 35 years the GOP has controlled tax rates and killed the working-class and middle-class if you count all taxes and also have cut the richest taxes in 1/2. And cut services to the middle class and investment. Silly dupe.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!
What brainwashed hateful garbage... Democrats including the Democratic rich want to raise taxes on the rich and help the rest of America which the GOP has been ruining for 35 years. Silly fearful idiot LOL
If Democrats wanted to help America, they might not be so bad. Problem is they want to help the WORLD, at America's expense.

They, and most of the UN, need to :anj_stfu:
We are part of the global community

We used to be the acknowledged we are not
I am part of my apartment complex "community". That doesn',t mean I should put the health of the complex above my own health.

American voters' responsibility is to the health of America, not the world.
No shit, Sherlock

Republicans are destroying them all

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