Voting Democrat in 2018 ? WHY ?


Because I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way

Do you believe in rigging your primaries?

The Democrat primaries were not rigged. They are far fairer than the Republican primaries. In SC, Sanders only got 25% of the vote and still got 25% of the delegates. Trump got only 32% and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of SC voters in the Republican primary were disenfranchised.

DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process
DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process

Name one thing about the Democrat primaries that was not fair. I think it was overly generous to Sanders by giving him delegates for getting 19% in Mississippi. Name 1 state in which the DNC changed votes. The DNC was backing Clinton in 2008 and Obama still won. When Clinton got 55% of the primary to Sanders' 44%, how do you give the nomination to Sanders? Maybe if Sanders had won more primaries, he would have gotten the nomination.

I do know, because I remember watching it live, that Clinton was awarded delegates in Hawaìi literally before the voting started. They call them "superdelegates". I call it "bullshit".

But again, as I essplained to blind large-font-boi, it's a political party. They're not obliged to run primaries at all, and if they do they're not obliged to follow its results. They'll do what they want, charade or no charade.

That's part of what makes the OP's grand dichotomy fallacy so absurd.
Because the earth is not a black/white dichotomy swimming in Blanket Generalization Fallacy?

What'd I win?


In my opinion, you have won the Dumb-Ass Trophy for the night.....likely not your first.

Go read the OP.
You read it too, after you learn how to read.

Oh I did. That's where I started. And you had no response. The question being, what kind of bizzaro world do you and your ilk inhabit, where you slap either a red or a blue label on everything and then proceed to slavishly follow your own labels around just because you can't be bothered to think?

Is thought actually painful on your planet? Is that it? Is that why you traffic in bullshit dichotomies?

See my second post about the sheriff. In some elections he's been a Democrat, in others he's been a Republican. Yet somehow he's the same guy. Explain.

Explain Strom Thurmond. He was a Democrat, then he was a Republican. Same guy. Explain Arlen Specter -- he was a Democrat, then he was a Republican, then he was a Democrat again. Three guys that are the same guy.

There is an answer. And it's not like the bullshit one of counting "Grover Cleveland" and "Grover Cleveland" as two different presidents.
With Trump's tax cuts depleting the treasury there won't be enough income to support Social Security, MEDICARE and other social benefits. Most of us can see the real strategy behind those tax cuts...
Socialist entitlement programs are like crack cocaine/meth... People only think they need them
Where did you get your PhD in behavioral Science? You ought to sue the school for miseducating you.
Socialist entitlement programs make a Country weak... fact
Just like political correctness and affirmative-action do.
I don't believe you.
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.
People will be dying....or vote for Democrats in 2018.
They will stop at nothing to take back the house so they can impeach Trump.

And I will gladly drive to Washington just to kick their motherfucking asses.
Voting for Democrats in 2018 means you are a pervert who admires Democrats that take advantage of unsuspecting attractive white ladies, especially when they are asleep.
Voting for Democrats means you admire liars and people who think they're above the law.

Actually that's what voting for Rump means.

But what does it mean to post in blanket generalization fallacies?
2018 will be a referendum on the Trump era

Do you feel confident Republicans?

In total, the Census Bureau estimated, 151,014,000 Americans out of a population then estimated to be 306,804,000 received benefits from one or more government programs during the last three months of 2011. Those 151,014,000 beneficiaries equaled 49.2 percent of the population.

This included 82,457,000 people--or 26.9 percent of the population--who lived in households in which one or more people received Medicaid benefits.

Also among the 151,014,000 who received benefits from one or more government programs during that period: 49,073,000 who got food stamps; 46,440,000 on Medicare; 23,228,000 in the Women, Infants and Children program, 20,223,000 getting Supplemental Security Income;13,433,000 who lived in public or subsidized rental housing; 5,098,000 who got unemployment.

Census: 49% of Americans Get Gov’t Benefits; 82M in Households on Medicaid

The Democratic Party: Putting Marxism to work in America!
Wellllll, thats a stretch. The Capitalists are making big profits off the products and services those "beneficiaries" are spending all that gub-mint money on. See how that works?
And workers are making a living in the companies of those capitalists. Many with pensions
And how do you suppose those living wages and pensions came to be? Hint: it wasn't due to altruism. The might of collective bargaining
under the auspices of unionism is responsible.
Well that's a simple one to answer.
I'm an illegal or barely legal anchor baby
I'm a human pet (welfare filth)
I'm a government employee, I vote Dem by default
I'm a union man programmed to vote Dem
I own a giant corp which relies on welfare money for sales
I'm an actor...I need that welfare money for movie sales
I'm a man who sodomizes men
I'm a man who wears lipstick and a dress...I really want to shit next to your teen daughter
That should about sum it all up.....I really hope I didn't ruin all the fun by doing so...but I wanted to be thorough.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!

They certainly did in Alabama. Moore narrowly won in the suburbs and that led to his defeat.

Only Democrats could be proud to win the way they did in AL....Its actually quite comical....who else would hire the corrupt media to grow a bullshit storyline and use an influential black in Charles Barkley to motivate Blacks to leave their bong and 40oz long enough to cast a vote. Good stuff.
By the way, have charges been filed against Roy Moore yet? I can't wait for the trial.

Perhaps what you're waiting for is comprehension. The Roy Moore question was never about "a crime". It was about "character".

And by the way his accusers were in part his own supporters, not "Democrats". And by the other way, this just in, whites voted against Moore too, since you seem to be hung up on race. And by the third way, one of those who campaigned against Moore was Donald Rump. And finally by the fourth way, you're trying to act surprised that a klown who got thrown off a judicial bench --- TWICE --- because he couldn't follow the law --- was himself judged incompetent.

Will there be anything else today?

Try again.
Congratulations on absolutely missing the point that you're voting for Mega rich people's interests, not people's and the country's. But thanks for the Christmas message, super hater dupe.

Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!

They certainly did in Alabama. Moore narrowly won in the suburbs and that led to his defeat.

Only Democrats could be proud to win the way they did in AL....Its actually quite comical....who else would hire the corrupt media to grow a bullshit storyline and use an influential black in Charles Barkley to motivate Blacks to leave their bong and 40oz long enough to cast a vote. Good stuff.
By the way, have charges been filed against Roy Moore yet? I can't wait for the trial.

Perhaps what you're waiting for is comprehension. The Roy Moore question was never about "a crime". It was about "character".

And by the way his accusers were in part his own supporters, not "Democrats". And by the other way, this just in, whites voted against Moore too, since you seem to be hung up on race. And by the third way, one of those who campaigned against Moore was Donald Rump. And finally by the fourth way, you're trying to act surprised that a klown who got thrown off a judicial bench --- TWICE --- because he couldn't follow the law --- was himself judged incompetent.

Will there be anything else today?

Try again.

Read your own graph, Dumfuk. First two bars say --- what?

Actually what I also see is that "white women" voted even more against Moore than "black women" did. Of course, all of Moore's targets were white, weren't they.

Because I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way

Do you believe in rigging your primaries?

The Democrat primaries were not rigged. They are far fairer than the Republican primaries. In SC, Sanders only got 25% of the vote and still got 25% of the delegates. Trump got only 32% and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of SC voters in the Republican primary were disenfranchised.

DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process
DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process

Number one, we're not frickin' blind up in here, no reason for nursing home type font.

Number two, this isn't news. Political parties are private organizations, not government ones. They can nominate whoever they damn well please, "primaries" being little more than bread and circus to amuse the masses and make the unwashed feel "involved". So a candy can walk in with a dominating lead out of these primaries and the party can still turn him away.

Like the Republicans did in 1912. They got beat badly, but they took their party in the direction they wanted it to go, rather than where the voters wanted it to go. And that's their prerogative, because political parties are about amassing power, not about listening to voters.

You might want to tell campaign donors that it works that way at the DNC..huh?
I mean, if the winner is predetermined what's the point in a primary anyway...make sense?
The sheriff in my town sometimes runs as a Democrat, sometimes as a Republican.

Same guy each time.

Does that blow your mind or what?

In a non-partisan election... :eusa_whistle:

Another Pogo the Paint Huffer prognostication that is just about as factual as any of the other complete shit you post....

It's kewl though Pogo, members with post counts under 5 might not yet be aware that you are a complete partisan fraud...

Oh it's absolutely true Pothead. I could post the guy's name but it would identify my town. But it's not like it's a rarity. And no, it's not a "nonpartisan election" -- the man has an R after his name some years, a D in others.

You want the answer, don't you? Clearly the OP can't figure it out.

Take Arlen Specter. Please. Came up in city-level politics, as a Democrat, because that's how you get elected in a city. Then switched to Republican and got elected Senator because that's how you get elected in a state described as "Philadelphia on one end, Pittsburgh on the other end and Alabama in between". Then later switched again to Democrat when he thought that's the way the wind was blowing. Or his colleague Frank Rizzo in the same city -- ran for mayor as a Democrat, in full support of Nixon, because again that's how you get elected in a city. Ray Nagin did the same thing years later in New Orleans. Or take Richard Shelby. Or Trent Lott. Or Jesse Helms. Started life as Democrats because that's how you got elected in the South, then switched to Republican because that's where the South was shifting.

They're all the same guys. There were not three Arlen Specters. There were not two Frank Rizzos. There are not two Ray Nagins. There are not two Richard Shelbys or two Jesse Helmses or two Trent Lotts. They're all the same people taking different avenues at different times.

And in the same way there are not two guys succeeding himself as my town's sheriff. When he thinks the poitical winds favor Democrats, he's got a D after his name. When it's the other way around he wears an R. Not that there's anything particularly D or R about sheriffing (or running a city) anyway.

This is what you blanket generalization/false dichotomy wankers don't get. A political party label is just a means to an end. Nothing more. It's the horse you ride to where you're going. You ride the blue horse if it's more likely to win, you ride the red horse if it's more likely. Whatever works in that time and place. It doesn't confer some kind of "character" or "personality trait" on the bearer. It's no different that the question of whether you drive from point A to point B in a Honda or in a Toyota. You're the same person going to the same place either way. It's just a question of which vehicle is more likely to get you there. And this false dichotomy of "labels" is just there for simpletons like you and the OP who can't deal with a world of nuance where everything isn't painted red or blue, one or zero


This is all sailing blithely over your head isn't it.

This is your fatal flaw in this fatal fallacy --- thinking that some political label imparts some kind of character to those upon whom you slap it. Then when that guy changes labels on his own --- your theory is fucked. This is the same bullshit as trying to pin the Klan on "Democrats" based on Byrd and Black, and then you get confronted with Jackson and Means and Stephenson and Brewster and Paulen and Morley and Duke.

At that point all you can do is go :lalala: and run away from the fact that your fallacy fell flat on its face.

Rump used to be a Democrat. Hillary used to be a Republican. They're all the same people.
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Because I believe in Truth, Justice and the American Way

Do you believe in rigging your primaries?

The Democrat primaries were not rigged. They are far fairer than the Republican primaries. In SC, Sanders only got 25% of the vote and still got 25% of the delegates. Trump got only 32% and got 100% of the delegates. 68% of SC voters in the Republican primary were disenfranchised.

DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process
DNC argues in court: We don't owe anyone a fair primary process

Number one, we're not frickin' blind up in here, no reason for nursing home type font.

Number two, this isn't news. Political parties are private organizations, not government ones. They can nominate whoever they damn well please, "primaries" being little more than bread and circus to amuse the masses and make the unwashed feel "involved". So a candy can walk in with a dominating lead out of these primaries and the party can still turn him away.

Like the Republicans did in 1912. They got beat badly, but they took their party in the direction they wanted it to go, rather than where the voters wanted it to go. And that's their prerogative, because political parties are about amassing power, not about listening to voters.

You might want to tell campaign donors that it works that way at the DNC..huh?
I mean, if the winner is predetermined what's the point in a primary anyway...make sense?

Yes. Exactly.

We can all think we have some deciding factor, but the fact remains what we get a choice of, including in a primary, is Tweedle Fucking Dum and Tweedle Fucking Dee, with the difference among them being not worth a bucket of warm piss. If somebody comes up that's too far from the narrow path to which that party wants to tweedle, it's going to shut them out. As Teddy found out in 1912, as Bernie found out last year --- although both of them knew it was a long shot challenging the establishment. The Republican Party wasn't comfortable wit h TR leading them away from big business and the Democratic Party wasn't comfy with Sanders doing essentially the same thing. So they put up stop signs.

Primaries are essentially there so that the party can determine who has star power. It's cognate to baseball spring training -- you get an idea how your players will perform in the Show. But the competitors have to be approved by or capitulated to by the party hierarchy because Power is the prime directive.
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Come on and I both know I mentioned the entire constituency of the DNC. Outside of a few good cops and a few good union one truly legitimate votes one!

They certainly did in Alabama. Moore narrowly won in the suburbs and that led to his defeat.

Only Democrats could be proud to win the way they did in AL....Its actually quite comical....who else would hire the corrupt media to grow a bullshit storyline and use an influential black in Charles Barkley to motivate Blacks to leave their bong and 40oz long enough to cast a vote. Good stuff.
By the way, have charges been filed against Roy Moore yet? I can't wait for the trial.

Perhaps what you're waiting for is comprehension. The Roy Moore question was never about "a crime". It was about "character".

And by the way his accusers were in part his own supporters, not "Democrats". And by the other way, this just in, whites voted against Moore too, since you seem to be hung up on race. And by the third way, one of those who campaigned against Moore was Donald Rump. And finally by the fourth way, you're trying to act surprised that a klown who got thrown off a judicial bench --- TWICE --- because he couldn't follow the law --- was himself judged incompetent.

Will there be anything else today?

Try again.

Read your own graph, Dumfuk. First two bars say --- what?

Actually what I also see is that "white women" voted even more against Moore than "black women" did. Of course, all of Moore's targets were white, weren't they.

Hahahaha... your twisted, ignorant, filthy ass can't even read an elementary bar graph correctly...hahahaha...I learned that shit in third grade.
Take another look shows that 63% of white women voted FOR Moore while 98% of the welfare queens voted for Jones...haha
Face it fool....politically ignorant blacks that don't know what the fuck they're voting for hoisted Jones to office. It's the only way Democrats can win any election for anything....they have to count on ignorance, indecency and those bottom feeding subhumans...the DNC can't convince anybody legitimate to cast a vote in their twisted fucks are so better recruit some more filth...and FAST!
What else can I teach you?
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.
People will be dying....or vote for Democrats in 2018.
They will stop at nothing to take back the house so they can impeach Trump.

And I will gladly drive to Washington just to kick their motherfucking asses.
Voting for Democrats in 2018 means you are a pervert who admires Democrats that take advantage of unsuspecting attractive white ladies, especially when they are asleep.
Voting for Democrats means you admire liars and people who think they're above the law.

Actually that's what voting for Rump means.

But what does it mean to post in blanket generalization fallacies?
Without them the Democratic Party wouldn't have a platform or even an ideology to oppose their enemies across the isle.
Balance of power. look what happened when the republicans were in power before the great depression. They had control of all three houses.... hmm, just like now. Wouldn't want to see democrats in full charge either. Balance of power.

You referring to "the great depression" in 1929 or the so called depression in 2008(?).

My dad lost six figures in the latter, so yeah tell me how much you paid for the phrase "so called".

Balance of power. look what happened when the republicans were in power before the great depression. They had control of all three houses.... hmm, just like now. Wouldn't want to see democrats in full charge either. Balance of power.

You referring to "the great depression" in 1929 or the so called depression in 2008(?).

The depression of the 1930's because it's been called the great depression since that time.

It's useful to recall that in the early 20th century between the two world wars the first one was just called the "Great War" since they didn't yet know there would be a second one.

I see, so it runs in the family.
They certainly did in Alabama. Moore narrowly won in the suburbs and that led to his defeat.

Only Democrats could be proud to win the way they did in AL....Its actually quite comical....who else would hire the corrupt media to grow a bullshit storyline and use an influential black in Charles Barkley to motivate Blacks to leave their bong and 40oz long enough to cast a vote. Good stuff.
By the way, have charges been filed against Roy Moore yet? I can't wait for the trial.

Perhaps what you're waiting for is comprehension. The Roy Moore question was never about "a crime". It was about "character".

And by the way his accusers were in part his own supporters, not "Democrats". And by the other way, this just in, whites voted against Moore too, since you seem to be hung up on race. And by the third way, one of those who campaigned against Moore was Donald Rump. And finally by the fourth way, you're trying to act surprised that a klown who got thrown off a judicial bench --- TWICE --- because he couldn't follow the law --- was himself judged incompetent.

Will there be anything else today?

Try again.

Read your own graph, Dumfuk. First two bars say --- what?

Actually what I also see is that "white women" voted even more against Moore than "black women" did. Of course, all of Moore's targets were white, weren't they.

Hahahaha... your twisted, ignorant, filthy ass can't even read an elementary bar graph correctly...hahahaha...I learned that shit in third grade.
Take another look shows that 63% of white women voted FOR Moore while 98% of the welfare queens voted for Jones...haha
Face it fool....politically ignorant blacks that don't know what the fuck they're voting for hoisted Jones to office. It's the only way Democrats can win any election for anything....they have to count on ignorance, indecency and those bottom feeding subhumans...

It does huh. :itsok:

Can you point to where it says "welfare queens"? Or where it delineates "ignorants"?

Didn't think so. And stop pointing up your ass. It was a rhetorical question; I already knew the answer.

the DNC can't convince anybody legitimate to cast a vote in their twisted fucks are so better recruit some more filth...and FAST!
What else can I teach you?

Actually I'm not the DNC. See my avatar. And my name. See anything about "DNC"?
Cram that shit back up your ass where you ass-sumed it from.
Whoa! Whoa!. You RW crybabies are adamant in portraying the democrats as progenitors of the KKK and the lords of the
"New plantations" that keep blacks from progressing. Now you want us to believe the democrats are kissing their asses.

See how contradictory and screwed up you cretins are? Make up yer friggin mind why dontcha?
No contradiction. Never heard of "new plantation". D's give blacks AA, allow them to riot, make excuses for them. No secret.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
Whoa! Whoa!. You RW crybabies are adamant in portraying the democrats as progenitors of the KKK and the lords of the
"New plantations" that keep blacks from progressing. Now you want us to believe the democrats are kissing their asses.

See how contradictory and screwed up you cretins are? Make up yer friggin mind why dontcha?
No contradiction. Never heard of "new plantation". D's give blacks AA, allow them to riot, make excuses for them. No secret.
I guess you don't watch Faux news or listen to big tush Rush. Hmmm. That's bizarre. You must be getting your kool-aid from some other flaky source.
Faux news is CNN, MSNBC, nyt, wash post, pbs, and other liberal laughingstocks. Fox is fair & balanced.

You're a bit late...we dubbed Fox News as Faux News years before the FOTs(friends of trump) tried to usurp the catchy title and use it for their own nefarious purposes.
Doesn't matter what you call it
Fox is truthful, fair, & balanced. Liberal networks aren't.
Yep it's the whole world of journalists versus your bought off High School grad ex Coke head pundits and your greedy idiot billionaire Financed propaganda machine, and we are the brainwashed? Hilarious!
There's the question. Should be interesting to see what answers pop up.

Mental hospital personnel, stand ready.

If you're evil and you know it vote for a dem,
If you're evil and you know it vote for a dem,
If you're evil and you know it then your vote will surely show it,
If you're evil and you know it vote for a dem,
20% of the country believes your kind of insanity, and 20% of the country supposedly insane. Coincidence? I don't think so...
For 35 years the GOP has controlled tax rates and killed the working-class and middle-class... Democrats including the Democratic rich want to raise taxes on the rich and help the rest of America which the GOP has been ruining for 35 years.

So says the Socialist. For 35 years, the GOP has controlled tax rates, EVEN WHEN THE DEMOCRATS WERE IN POWER? :spinner: In a capitalist society, the "rich" are the economic engine which drive the economy. It is their succeeding to BE rich that allows them to finance and create industry, plants, and jobs. Only a socialist would think that their BEING rich is a "problem" to be crushed through massive forfeiture of their wealth to be given to those who don't produce or produce little. By confiscating their wealth, not only do you take away their means to fuel the economy, you take away the incentive, leading to economic collapse for all.

Meantime, let's look at the population as a function of income vs. amount of total tax burden in this chart, the best I could find showing the issue on the web. Yes, the Middle Class, those disappearing columns on the right, those are the people paying an infinitesimal part of the total tax burden that Franco's GOP is "crushing." Meantime, those comparatively few uber rich on the far left, those are the people just not paying enough yet that Franco's Democrats would have pay their "fair share."


If anyone can show me where I've gone "far wrong" in any of this, I would be glad to see your "sober, astute" data.
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11). To help the Muslim Brotherhood destroy America, abolish the Constitution, and establish an Islamic state.

Muslim Brotherhood --- --- --- isn't that a synonym for the Democratic National Committee?
You right Wingers are nuts...

Yes, silly us. That is why the Muslim Brotherhood was such a frequent visitor to Obama's White House and Muslims just seem to keep showing up everywhere, throughout the DNC, as computer experts and on Hillary's and Obama's teams in top positions. Nothing to be concerned about there.

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