VW To Recognize UAW Workers In Tennessee

I've been hearing about this for quite some time. For some reason VW actually wants to have to deal with the UAW.
This is a first as far as I know, and seems completely insane.

NO, it only seems insane to you.

You see, German companies have something called "Work Councils". They are like unions, but they are organized within companies. It actually saves them a lot of trouble because the unions work out the things like training and professional development and medical plans. (Germany has universal health care, but it is multi-plan run by a combination of government entities.

German workers are usually happier, more productive and more motivated then their American counterparts.

and their unions are not designed to protect the worst workers, like ours are. That's the whole "motivated" thing, which american unions lack, because most of the union leadership here comes from the crappy end of the work pool.

American union workers have work rules the Japanese and German workers would be appalled at.
and their unions are not designed to protect the worst workers, like ours are. That's the whole "motivated" thing, which american unions lack, because most of the union leadership here comes from the crappy end of the work pool.

American union workers have work rules the Japanese and German workers would be appalled at.

Like what? Name one.
Actually marty, the unions are obliged to support every dues paying member. I was a member of the USWA for 35 years and I saw dozens of people fired so don`t let some drug addled talk show host fill you up with nonsense. Union or not, anyone can be fired but union members can`t be fired for not laughing at the boss`s jokes.
and their unions are not designed to protect the worst workers, like ours are. That's the whole "motivated" thing, which american unions lack, because most of the union leadership here comes from the crappy end of the work pool.

American union workers have work rules the Japanese and German workers would be appalled at.

Like what? Name one.

CTA-chief-knocks- archaic -work-rules -projects- 277 - Chicago Sun-Times

She also talked about limits on discipline built into union contracts that make it difficult to punish no-shows. For example, an employee can only be discharged for excessive absenteeism after seven occurrences while consecutive absent days are considered one occurrence.
Actually marty, the unions are obliged to support every dues paying member. I was a member of the USWA for 35 years and I saw dozens of people fired so don`t let some drug addled talk show host fill you up with nonsense. Union or not, anyone can be fired but union members can`t be fired for not laughing at the boss`s jokes.

Rubber Rooms In New York Schools Cost City 22 Million A Year For Teachers Awaiting Hearings

The city and teachers' union may have agreed to shut down the usage of "rubber rooms" -- reassignment centers for educators awaiting discipline hearings in 2010 -- but according to a new report, the city is still shelling out to idle teachers.
But why would the WANT them to unionize ? Are they incapable of running their factory on their own without outside interference ? Doesn't make a damn bit of sense.

Good companies want motivated, involved employees. I know this is an alien concept to a lot of you wingnuts.

And only unions can give you that ?

I know plenty of people who are quite happy with their employers, and they don't have to deal with a union.

IMO unions only divide the relationship between employees and employers. They contribute to a climate of mistrust.
Thanks for posting your opinion, no matter how uninformed.
She also talked about limits on discipline built into union contracts that make it difficult to punish no-shows. For example, an employee can only be discharged for excessive absenteeism after seven occurrences while consecutive absent days are considered one occurrence.

That doesn't sound unreasonable. People have kids who get sick, they have family emergencies, and so on.

YOu also left out this gem in the story.

Two years ago, Gov. Quinn brokered a state borrowing deal that froze fares until Dec. 31, 2011. The CTA still cut bus service by 18 percent and L service by 9 percent while laying off 1,057 workers.

The state now owes the CTA $102.7 million and is five months behind in payments, officials said.

So to recap, the state forced the CTA to freeze fares AND cut service and has owed them back revenues.

But, no, not, it's that CTA worker with the sick mother that's the problem.
Here's something Marty left out from the teacher article he was so proud of.

Rubber rooms remerged under the spotlight earlier this month when a Staten Island teacher was found live streaming his time in a center with signs readings "I'd rather teach!" and "Don't Tread On Me."

A department spokesperson said Francesco Portelos had been removed as a computer technology teacher because he was deemed "extremely difficult to work with," but he claims he was actually penalized for accusing the school's principal for financial misconduct.

"It’s just crazy, I never thought this would happen especially in the New York City Department of Education," Portelos said. "A $24 billion budget and I’m being paid $75,000 to sit here. It’s ridiculous. I’m not here because I’m a bad teacher, I’m not here because I did anything to anyone physically, I’m here because they were trying to shut me up and it backfired big time."

sounds like the best argument as to why Unions are NEEDED. Abuses by management against good employees. Clearly, this principle didn't have the goods to make a case to fire this teacher, but they were hoping to stick him in a rubber room till he quit.
I've been hearing about this for quite some time. For some reason VW actually wants to have to deal with the UAW.
This is a first as far as I know, and seems completely insane.

You can bet that if the UAW fucks with them , they will simply close the plant and move to China.

Can the union contain themselves and behave rationally?
I've been hearing about this for quite some time. For some reason VW actually wants to have to deal with the UAW.
This is a first as far as I know, and seems completely insane.

You can bet that if the UAW fucks with them , they will simply close the plant and move to China.

Can the union contain themselves and behave rationally?

Actually, the UAW would probably work find with "Volkswagen" - or as you might say in English - "People's Car".
I've been hearing about this for quite some time. For some reason VW actually wants to have to deal with the UAW.
This is a first as far as I know, and seems completely insane.

You can bet that if the UAW fucks with them , they will simply close the plant and move to China.

Can the union contain themselves and behave rationally?

Actually, the UAW would probably work find with "Volkswagen" - or as you might say in English - "People's Car".

IF they learned their lesson from Detroit, you may be right, if not, they will fail. SImple as that.

IF they learned their lesson from Detroit, you may be right, if not, they will fail. SImple as that.

I'm sorry, what lesson is that?

Detroit did not fail because auto workers brought home good salaries. Japanese and German autoworkers got the same thing. Except they lived in countries where the government provides health care so that the company didn't have to. Oh, yeah, and German and Japanese Auto-workers get a say in who the executives are.

Detroit failed because the guys in the thousand dollar suits kept cranking out big gas guzzlers. Because they made decisions like it was cheaper to pay off the few dozen people burned to death in a Ford Pinto rather than to recall all of them and do an $11.00 repair. Pintos were nicknamed "The Barbecue that Seats Four". Ford got nicknames like "Fix or Repair Daily" or "Found On Road Dead".

IF they learned their lesson from Detroit, you may be right, if not, they will fail. SImple as that.

I'm sorry, what lesson is that?

Detroit did not fail because auto workers brought home good salaries. Japanese and German autoworkers got the same thing. Except they lived in countries where the government provides health care so that the company didn't have to. Oh, yeah, and German and Japanese Auto-workers get a say in who the executives are.

Detroit failed because the guys in the thousand dollar suits kept cranking out big gas guzzlers. Because they made decisions like it was cheaper to pay off the few dozen people burned to death in a Ford Pinto rather than to recall all of them and do an $11.00 repair. Pintos were nicknamed "The Barbecue that Seats Four". Ford got nicknames like "Fix or Repair Daily" or "Found On Road Dead".

If you don't think that the unions are at least 1/3 of the reason Detroit failed, then there simply is no help for you sonny.
You're just NOW realizing that about Joey, dude?!?! His first 51,000+ posts didn't give it away?

Nah, I've known it ever since he told me he's been fired from 17 jobs and each and every time it was an unjustified firing.

Pretty obvious why he supports unions.
Do you nutters realize that it only takes about half the man hours to produce a car as it did a couple decades ago? I didn`t think so. They`ve got these new fangled things called robots that cost about 7K each and they`re average life span is 3 years. The workers couldn`t compete with that even if they made $5 an hour. Now you know something....maybe.
If you don't think that the unions are at least 1/3 of the reason Detroit failed, then there simply is no help for you sonny.

You still haven't made that case. I mean, other than your kneejerk horror that working people might have rights somewhere, the Unions guys weren't the ones who designed the cars people didn't want to buy. They were just the guys who put them together.

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