W.H. Immediately Calls Bombing in Beirut 'Terrorist Attack'


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
W.H. Immediately Calls Bombing in Beirut 'Terrorist Attack'

W.H. Immediately Calls Bombing in Beirut 'Terrorist Attack' | The Weekly Standard

Oct 19, 2012

The BBC reports that earlier today "A huge car bomb has killed at least eight people and injured 78 in central Beirut, Lebanese officials say."

Hours later, the White House released a statement condemning the "terrorist attack."

Hmm, no need for investigation here.
funny how they immediately called this one, but waited so long and changed their story so much on the embassy attack. Bunch of dumb fucks.
I heard a right wing whacko radio host talking about that today. I sometimes listen to them when I'm out shopping.
Has our intel agencies improved so much lately that it no longer takes a freaking month to determine whether it's terrorists or protesters?
The right wing media will be arguing tomorrow that it wasn't a terrorist attack at all.
The right wing media will be arguing tomorrow that it wasn't a terrorist attack at all.
Bishop Willard has yet to call it a terrorist attack, he has been too busy composing his apology speech. :eusa_whistle:
Lebanon's Malala...
Beirut girl hurt by car bomb needed 300 stitches
Oct 22,`12 -- Jennifer Shedid had just arrived home from school and she was hungry. As she asked her older sister what she could eat, a massive explosion shook their entire block and turned the glass of their 4th floor apartment into flying knives that slashed 10-year-old Jennifer from head to toe.
Their father Richard was climbing the stairs to the apartment on his way back from buying bread for the family when the car bomb struck on Friday afternoon less than 20 meters (yards) away, shaking doors and shattering his home. He grabbed his bleeding daughter from the arms of her older sister Jozianne and rushed her downstairs. "As I carried her down the stairs, she was trembling and telling me: `Please dad rescue me,'" the father told The Associated Press on Monday.

A neighbor helped him carry Jennifer and a soldier then took the girl and whisked her to an ambulance that sped off to the hospital. An AP picture, published in newspapers around the world, showed the girl being carried out with deep head and face wounds and her sneakers soaked red with blood. "As we were in the ambulance, she was better but losing lots of blood," said her father.

The blast, which hit the Shedids' narrow residential street in Beirut's predominantly Christian neighborhood of Achrafieh, targeted Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan, a top intelligence official who was one of the most powerful opponents of Syria in Lebanon. He was killed along with his bodyguard and a female civilian - a mother of three. It has sparked angry accusations from Syria's opponents in Lebanon that Damascus was behind the bombings. Jennifer was one of the dozens wounded in the blast.


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