Wadda Ya' Mean You Didn't Know???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Since before the election, we on the Right told you and told you....

....there were no end of posts and warnings.

"Many in New York’s professional and cultural elite have long supported President Obama’s health care plan. But now, to their surprise, thousands of writers, opera singers, music teachers, photographers, doctors, lawyers and others are learning that their health insurance plans are being canceled and they may have to pay more to get comparable coverage, if they can find it.

It is not lost on many of the professionals that they are exactly the sort of people — liberal, concerned with social justice — who supported the Obama health plan in the first place. Ms. Meinwald, the lawyer, said she was a lifelong Democrat who still supported better health care for all, but had she known what was in store for her, she would have voted for Mitt Romney."
Reality is a real problem for liberals who only focus on how things make them feel. Head Start has been a failure for many years but liberals would not tolerate reducing this money pit. It makes them feel good.
Why do they all seem to think ACA was about healthcare? It is about how healthcare is paid... It is insurance reform not healthcare reform...
Reality is a real problem for liberals who only focus on how things make them feel. Head Start has been a failure for many years but liberals would not tolerate reducing this money pit. It makes them feel good.


More Liberal brilliance on display!

"Why Head Start? Has Obama read the impact study of his own Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Head Start and its less-than-stellar conclusion about the performance of the progam?

With more than $167 billion spent by taxpayers on Head Start since it was launched in 1965 (and Obama’s 2011 budget increasing it by $1 billion), he certainly should have.

“However,” the report concluded, “the advantages children gained during their Head Start and age 4 years yielded only a few statistically significant differences in outcomes at the end of the first grade for the sample as a whole.” ("Head Start Impact Study, Final Report," January 2010, Executive Sumary, p. iv.)

More specifically, the study assessed 19 kindergarten outcomes and 22 first-grade outcomes, with no measurable effects on nine measures of language and literacy, two measures of the Spanish language, and literacy, and three measures of math skills. ("Head Start Impact Study: Final Report," pp. 4-10-4-13, Exhibit. 4.2.) In the cases of the 22 first-grade outcomes, none of them showed a measurable impact at the 5% level. ("Head Start Impact Study: Final Report," pp. 4-10-4-13, Exhibit 4.2.]

“By the end of the first grade,” noted the study, “only a single cognitive impact was found for each cohort [participant]. Head Start group children did significantly better on the PPVT (a vocabulary measure) for 4-year-olds and on the Woodcock-Johnson III test of Oral Comprehension for the 3-year-olds.” ("Head Start Impact Study," Executive Summary, p. iv.")"
Is Obama Clueless About Negative Head Start Study? | Human Events

I move that the Democrat Party change its name to the Clueless Party.

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