Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

Didn't they already try this and fail? In any event I find it rather ironic that people who say they aren't making enough money can afford to lose a day's pay in order to strike.

Lets see, 7.5 an hour times 6 hours equals an entire 45 dollars minus taxes.

Yes sir, back breaking to miss out on 40 dollars of pay in an effort to turn those 6 hours worked into 90 dollars (6 x 15) minus taxes.

I would take the chance myself. Not you I take it. Hell, who wants to try and double their wages? Not you I take it.

Why am I not surprised. Your betters done told you that you make enough money, didn't they?[/QUOTE
When I have not been happy with a job I stuck it out while looking for a better one that is what my betters meaning my parents taught me.

Good for you. What "better" job would you recommend that an experienced fast food worker apply for?

Rocket scientist? Doctor? Politician? Hey, that's a good idea. Politician. What we need is more fast food workers going into politics.
Good for you. What "better" job would you recommend that an experienced fast food worker apply for?

Rocket scientist? Doctor? Politician? Hey, that's a good idea. Politician. What we need is more fast food workers going into politics.

Maybe a short order cook or a dishwasher at a small diner? how about working a register at a department store? Maybe work in the mailroom at a corperation, or as a receptionist somewhere.

Working in a fast food place shows that you can at least hold down a job, thus allowing other businesses that pay better a chance to see you can be responsible.
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...a single parent can take care of a kid on the fast food wage? They can't.
They can and they do although that doesn't mean it's a good idea. Just like it's not a good idea for a child to be raised by a single parent in the first place. This is why the fact that most people aren't that stupid means we need to see the world as a pretty nice place.
...I don't really care if the minimum wage goes up...
I do. While lot's of people think that raising the minimum wage will increase poor people's incomes, it doesn't. The law does not force employers to pay more for labor that's worse less, it just makes it illegal to hire low-value labor and it forces businesses to make do with only high value labor.

Sure, some companies lose some efficiency but they get by ok, it's the low-value workers that starve.
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Lets see, 7.5 an hour times 6 hours equals an entire 45 dollars minus taxes.

Yes sir, back breaking to miss out on 40 dollars of pay in an effort to turn those 6 hours worked into 90 dollars (6 x 15) minus taxes.

I would take the chance myself. Not you I take it. Hell, who wants to try and double their wages? Not you I take it.

Why am I not surprised. Your betters done told you that you make enough money, didn't they?[/QUOTE
When I have not been happy with a job I stuck it out while looking for a better one that is what my betters meaning my parents taught me.

Good for you. What "better" job would you recommend that an experienced fast food worker apply for?

Rocket scientist? Doctor? Politician? Hey, that's a good idea. Politician. What we need is more fast food workers going into politics.
How about checking out community colleges for classes that can give you skills for a better job going to a trade school being a plumber or electricians apprentice ?
Good for you. What "better" job would you recommend that an experienced fast food worker apply for?

Rocket scientist? Doctor? Politician? Hey, that's a good idea. Politician. What we need is more fast food workers going into politics.
How about checking out community colleges for classes that can give you skills for a better job going to a trade school being a plumber or electricians apprentice ?

Why would they do that?

Being an electrician or a plumber means you'd really have to work for a living. Anyone who thinks working at MCDs is hard work wouldn't want to be a plumber, carpenter or electrician.
How about checking out community colleges for classes that can give you skills for a better job going to a trade school being a plumber or electricians apprentice ?

Why would they do that?

Being an electrician or a plumber means you'd really have to work for a living. Anyone who thinks working at MCDs is hard work wouldn't want to be a plumber, carpenter or electrician.

If the issue is about making more money they would.
Why would they do that?

Being an electrician or a plumber means you'd really have to work for a living. Anyone who thinks working at MCDs is hard work wouldn't want to be a plumber, carpenter or electrician.

If the issue is about making more money they would.

They already think they work "hard" and "deserve" double or triple their pay.

I simply cannot imagine a person who thinks as such doing real physical labor.
Good for you. What "better" job would you recommend that an experienced fast food worker apply for?

Rocket scientist? Doctor? Politician? Hey, that's a good idea. Politician. What we need is more fast food workers going into politics.

Maybe a short order cook or a dishwasher at a small diner? how about working a register at a department store? Maybe work in the mailroom at a corperation, or as a receptionist somewhere.

Working in a fast food place shows that you can at least hold down a job, thus allowing other businesses that pay better a chance to see you can be responsible.

Yup. These people just assume the worst about the individual, that a person is just stuck flipping burgers forever and utterly incapable of improving their own lives. That's it for them.

How terribly cynical, naive, simplistic. Insulting. Just nasty.

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If the unions can hire protesters to go to these outlets, why can't the outlets hire counter protesters to confront the protesters?

Make it real. Is getting your head bashed in for SEIU really worth a $50.00 gift card?
If the unions can hire protesters to go to these outlets, why can't the outlets hire counter protesters to confront the protesters?

Make it real. Is getting your head bashed in for SEIU really worth a $50.00 gift card?

Because according to progressive rules, if the companies counter protest, such protesters are "paid shills" (even though thiers are as well), and the companies are drowing out protected speech with propeganda. The media would spin it as a "desperate attempt by the corporations to get thier message out"

Its best for the companies just to ignore it.
Maybe a short order cook or a dishwasher at a small diner? how about working a register at a department store? Maybe work in the mailroom at a corperation, or as a receptionist somewhere.

Working in a fast food place shows that you can at least hold down a job, thus allowing other businesses that pay better a chance to see you can be responsible.

Yup. These people just assume the worst about the individual, that a person is just stuck flipping burgers forever and utterly incapable of improving their own lives. That's it for them.

How terribly cynical, naive, simplistic. Insulting. Just nasty.


You guys need to close those quotes so the conversation can be followed.

Yup. These people just assume the worst about the individual, that a person is just stuck flipping burgers forever and utterly incapable of improving their own lives. That's it for them.

How terribly cynical, naive, simplistic. Insulting. Just nasty.


You guys need to close those quotes so the conversation can be followed.


Okay, that's a fair point.

On the other hand, who in the world would want to follow one of my conversations?!

When the unions tried to stop Walmart from opening in Los Angeles Chinatown, they were met with hundreds of residents to counter their protest. That stopped the protest movement. Walmart opened as scheduled.
I hope the managers fire every single mouth breathing mo' tee calling moron that goes along with this gag. It is nothing more than a shameless grab for power by the unions and their lib allies, in the guise of "helping people." Oldest demagogue trick in the book. Goes back to the Bible.
Fast-food protests planned for 100 cities
. Fast-food workers have also been seen as difficult to organize, given the industry's high turnover rates.

People that have skills, knowledge, and talent find better higher paying jobs?

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