Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

"McDonald's usually requires "$750,000 of non-borrowed personal resources" before considering an application, according to its website. Taco Bell requires net worth of $1 million, while Burger King requires $1.5 million."

McDonald's Franchise Owners Hold Meeting - Business Insider

It's no wonder the owners of such franchises want the taxpayer to subsidize their business by providing information to their employees on The Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), as well as other benefits via social service agendices. It seems many wealthy owners got hoodwinked by corporate America too. Let's help the employees and the owners by boycotting McD's and all fast food businesses on Thursday. Maybe then the corporate office will take note and share some of the largess (ha ha, not in this age of greed is good). In fact I've boycotted them for years, too much salt, too much fat and way to many calories.

And you think thats rich? :lol::cuckoo: You find a lot of Asian and Indian families that pool their money to buy in. Me personally...? No way in HELL would I invest in fast food,their isnt enough profit.
And your article talks about the declining profits. Hardly a selling point for increased wages.

I'm not suggesting it's a selling point for higher wages, however, it does not justify low wages and no benefits. In San Francisco the minimum wage is $10.55 per hour. See:

The Job Loss Myth | Raise The Minimum Wage

San Jose $10/Hour Minimum Wage Goes Into Effect; Businesses Adjust « CBS San Francisco

Economists Say City Minimum Wage Means Big Boost for Working Class | San Francisco Public Press

The Business Case for Raising the Minimum Wage | Raise The Minimum Wage

What is a "low wage"? In China people work for one or two dollars an hour. They'd be happy for 8/hr.
Look at the UE rates of teenagers. Their unemployment rate is almost lock step with increases in min wage.
Those jobs simply disappear. Studies to the contrary do not count survival bias by companies that had a few low wage workers and a lot of higher wage workers not affected by min wage.
This is basic Econ 101. No wonder libs dont get it.
What gets me is how they think the rules should change now that they work in fast food. Those jobs have filled that perfect niche as starter jobs since the invention of fast food. Now these clowns think it's a fuken career choice:cuckoo:

How long did you work in a starter job at a fast food restaurant?

Never...I saw it for what it was. A dead end job with low wages.
Hell,I mowed grass and made 600 bucks a week at fifteen and I didnt have to work weekends. Once summer was over and I went back to school and didnt need an after school job because I saved my money.
Of course once you're out of school neither of those jobs is an option.
At that point you go to college or apply yourself diligently to a trade.
I just dont get you people? Did your parents teach you nothing about responsibility and working to better yourselves?
"McDonald's usually requires "$750,000 of non-borrowed personal resources" before considering an application, according to its website. Taco Bell requires net worth of $1 million, while Burger King requires $1.5 million."

McDonald's Franchise Owners Hold Meeting - Business Insider

It's no wonder the owners of such franchises want the taxpayer to subsidize their business by providing information to their employees on The Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), as well as other benefits via social service agendices. It seems many wealthy owners got hoodwinked by corporate America too. Let's help the employees and the owners by boycotting McD's and all fast food businesses on Thursday. Maybe then the corporate office will take note and share some of the largess (ha ha, not in this age of greed is good). In fact I've boycotted them for years, too much salt, too much fat and way to many calories.

And you think thats rich? :lol::cuckoo: You find a lot of Asian and Indian families that pool their money to buy in. Me personally...? No way in HELL would I invest in fast food,their isnt enough profit.
And your article talks about the declining profits. Hardly a selling point for increased wages.

I'm not suggesting it's a selling point for higher wages, however, it does not justify low wages and no benefits. In San Francisco the minimum wage is $10.55 per hour. See:

The Job Loss Myth | Raise The Minimum Wage

San Jose $10/Hour Minimum Wage Goes Into Effect; Businesses Adjust « CBS San Francisco

Economists Say City Minimum Wage Means Big Boost for Working Class | San Francisco Public Press

The Business Case for Raising the Minimum Wage | Raise The Minimum Wage

Sorry if I dont find a couple of liberal rags and an obvious site with an agenda compelling evidence.
And the lib rags stated that the business's will be raising the price on their products.
And while I dont think they need a raise,at least the one you are talking about was a two dollar increase and not the ridiculous doubling that these clowns want. So it's really not a fair comparison.
And you think thats rich? :lol::cuckoo: You find a lot of Asian and Indian families that pool their money to buy in. Me personally...? No way in HELL would I invest in fast food,their isnt enough profit.
And your article talks about the declining profits. Hardly a selling point for increased wages.

I'm not suggesting it's a selling point for higher wages, however, it does not justify low wages and no benefits. In San Francisco the minimum wage is $10.55 per hour. See:

The Job Loss Myth | Raise The Minimum Wage

San Jose $10/Hour Minimum Wage Goes Into Effect; Businesses Adjust « CBS San Francisco

Economists Say City Minimum Wage Means Big Boost for Working Class | San Francisco Public Press

The Business Case for Raising the Minimum Wage | Raise The Minimum Wage

What is a "low wage"? In China people work for one or two dollars an hour. They'd be happy for 8/hr.
Look at the UE rates of teenagers. Their unemployment rate is almost lock step with increases in min wage.
Those jobs simply disappear. Studies to the contrary do not count survival bias by companies that had a few low wage workers and a lot of higher wage workers not affected by min wage.
This is basic Econ 101. No wonder libs dont get it.

Had you read the links you might find out higher minimum wages have some benefits for employers, and the local economy wherein the higher wage is paid, notwithstanding your understanding of Econ 101. Not surprisingly it has benefits for the employee too.

"No wonder libs dont (sic) get it" was both uncalled for and characterized you as a Kool-Aid drinking bigot, lacking both the necessary intelligence and integrity to post on this or any thread. Please go away and find a new hobby Rabbi, as it stands you remain an embarrassment to the set of all kooks.
And you think thats rich? :lol::cuckoo: You find a lot of Asian and Indian families that pool their money to buy in. Me personally...? No way in HELL would I invest in fast food,their isnt enough profit.
And your article talks about the declining profits. Hardly a selling point for increased wages.

I'm not suggesting it's a selling point for higher wages, however, it does not justify low wages and no benefits. In San Francisco the minimum wage is $10.55 per hour. See:

The Job Loss Myth | Raise The Minimum Wage

San Jose $10/Hour Minimum Wage Goes Into Effect; Businesses Adjust « CBS San Francisco

Economists Say City Minimum Wage Means Big Boost for Working Class | San Francisco Public Press

The Business Case for Raising the Minimum Wage | Raise The Minimum Wage

Sorry if I dont find a couple of liberal rags and an obvious site with an agenda compelling evidence.
And the lib rags stated that the business's will be raising the price on their products.
And while I dont think they need a raise,at least the one you are talking about was a two dollar increase and not the ridiculous doubling that these clowns want. So it's really not a fair comparison.

You don't think they need a raise says a lot about you, nothing about them. Calling them "clowns" drives the impression of you as a self righteous bigot.

If you disagree with these "liberal rags" post some evidence to refute them. Post studies, not from 'conservative rags' in rebuttal but from a credible source. Your opinions mirror those of Rabbi above, hence try to repair your impression by posting more than your opinion.

"The results for fast food, food services, retail, and low-wage establishments in San Francisco and
Santa Fe support the view that a citywide minimum wages can raise the earnings of low-wage
workers, without a discernible impact on their employment. Moreover, the lack of an employment
response held for three full years after the implementation of the measures, allaying concerns that
the shorter time periods examined in some of the earlier research on the minimum wage was not
long enough to capture the true disemployment effects.

"Our estimated policy elasticities generally cluster near zero, and are more likely to be positive than
negative. Few of our point estimates are precise enough to rule out either positive or negative
employment effects, but statistically significant positive policy elasticities outnumber statistically
significant negative elasticities. In general, our findings are consistent with earlier research by Card
and Krueger (1994, 1995, 2000), Dube, Lester, and Reich (forthcoming), and others who have
found, at the federal and state level, that policy makers tend to set levels of the minimum wage that
raise wages of low-wage workers without significant negative effects on employment. Our findings
are also consistent with earlier studies of the citywide minimum wages in San Francisco (Dube,
Naidu, and Reich, 2006) and Santa Fe (Potter, 2006)."

Link from:

March 2011

Sorry if I dont find a couple of liberal rags and an obvious site with an agenda compelling evidence.
And the lib rags stated that the business's will be raising the price on their products.
And while I dont think they need a raise,at least the one you are talking about was a two dollar increase and not the ridiculous doubling that these clowns want. So it's really not a fair comparison.

You don't think they need a raise says a lot about you, nothing about them. Calling them "clowns" drives the impression of you as a self righteous bigot.

If you disagree with these "liberal rags" post some evidence to refute them. Post studies, not from 'conservative rags' in rebuttal but from a credible source. Your opinions mirror those of Rabbi above, hence try to repair your impression by posting more than your opinion.

No research needed to know that 15 bucks an hour at Micky D's is bullshit,and you'd have to be a clown to ask for it,or support it.....so yes clown fits.
Sorry if I dont find a couple of liberal rags and an obvious site with an agenda compelling evidence.
And the lib rags stated that the business's will be raising the price on their products.
And while I dont think they need a raise,at least the one you are talking about was a two dollar increase and not the ridiculous doubling that these clowns want. So it's really not a fair comparison.

You don't think they need a raise says a lot about you, nothing about them. Calling them "clowns" drives the impression of you as a self righteous bigot.

If you disagree with these "liberal rags" post some evidence to refute them. Post studies, not from 'conservative rags' in rebuttal but from a credible source. Your opinions mirror those of Rabbi above, hence try to repair your impression by posting more than your opinion.

No research needed to know that 15 bucks an hour at Micky D's is bullshit,and you'd have to be a clown to ask for it,or support it.....so yes clown fits.

Thanks for sharing, Bozo
Why did these people take the jobs to begin with if they thought the wages were too low? And why don't some of them move up or eventually find a better job? I've done the whole waitressing thing and it was always low pay, but it was temporary till I got something better after I graduated. I just don't get people who aren't qualified for more skilled jobs and yet they start families and get into debt. It's crazy to turn around and blame the employers for not giving you raises every month.

If these people don't want their jobs, there are many unemployed people, thanks to Obamacare, who would probably jump on these jobs if the current workers aren't happy.

How many of these fast food workers will lose their jobs if the minimum wage was raised to $15.00?

They jake the pay to 15 bucks an hour the fast food industry will just close up shop and those workers go on welfare.

Corporate profits are at an all time high. They can afford it. They are asking a lot for 15 though. They need to bring their demand down if they want to get anywhere.

Do you actually believe that if you raise their wages that others that currently make more, in tougher positions won't either demand more, or take their jobs? When everyone gets their additional pay, rents and other costs will also raise to and the fasts food workers are back where they started.

Within a few years they are back in the same economic position they were in to start with

They jake the pay to 15 bucks an hour the fast food industry will just close up shop and those workers go on welfare.

Corporate profits are at an all time high. They can afford it. They are asking a lot for 15 though. They need to bring their demand down if they want to get anywhere.

Do you actually believe that if you raise their wages that others that currently make more, in tougher positions won't either demand more, or take their jobs? When everyone gets their additional pay, rents and other costs will also raise to and the fasts food workers are back where they started.

Within a few years they are back in the same economic position they were in to start with


Hail, hail, the Slippery Slope, another popular logical fallacy third to the always popular ad hominem and Straw Man. Yep, "Brilliant" in lesser minds.

Of course there is some truth to what the lesser mind posted, consider how executive management has parlayed the enormous salary and benefits of others in executive positions. Today's CEO compensation is now nearly 273 times as much as the people they employ.

"A report released yesterday by the Economic Policy Institute confirms what many already knew: CEOs are getting raises far bigger and faster than the people they employ—and they now make nearly 273 times as much, on average."

Link: CEO Pay Has Risen More Than Twice As Much As The Stock Market - Forbes
In terms of micro economics how many durable goods does the average millionaire CEO purchase a year; and how many do one hundred of his/her employees? Which set benefits the economic activity of their local community more? The nation more?
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The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.
The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Wow, what a very naive comment.

I wonder how many employees working in the fast food industry did you interviewed before coming to this conclusion. You must have missed those with no transportation and needed to walk to work; the single moms who needed to be home and might need to work a split shift simply to care for her kids; the high school kid who hoped to save for college since his parents could not afford to help her; and the seniors whose social security and Medicare benefits no longer provided them sufficient resources to eat, pay the rent and buy their medicine without supplemental income.

I wonder if you, Jughead, live in the real world or in the fantasy world of the ideologue where everyone who works hard lives the American Dream, doors open for them almost by magic, kids never get sick and schedulers at work make life easier.
The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Its not true that people can choose where to work. Sometimes you need money and you take whatever you can get, because something higher paying isn't available.

Also, if you work in fast food and haven't had a pay rise in nearly a decade, there is something wrong. All minimum wage employees at fast food places should expect a small payrise every year. Wages have to rise because the cost of living rises.
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And that would be bad, why?

Frankly, the Wannabe 1%ers are just as bad as the actual ones. Because they engage in the same kinds of douchebaggery.

Do you actually think owning a Micky D's franchise makes one rich?:lol::cuckoo:

Wry Catcher took care of this one...

That you have to have a lot in assets before they even consider your application.

and what's left of those assets after you buy the franchise?

Not much.

Lets be clear.....29 year old half wit losers.
And the job isnt hard or it would already pay more.
And you equate a burger flippers knowledge with a CEO's?

Never go full retard.....

What I find is most CEO's are clueless as to what their own companies do on a day to day basis. They come in with a bunch of buzzwords and then turn out to be wrong about... everything.

But keep deriding the majority of people in this country as losers. It's not like they are the majority and will vote in someone who is going to fix things...

Oh, wait. They totally did that.
In terms of micro economics how many durable goods does the average millionaire CEO purchase a year; and how many do one hundred of his/her employees? Which set benefits the economic activity of their local community more? The nation more?

The millionaire CEO. This is obvious. Investment drives expansion, not spending. Sure, you need some spending but it is investment in new equipment, new facilities, new business that creates growth. A tax cut for a millionaire produces more jobs in new industries. A tax cut for a min wage worker (who pays no tax anyway but so what) produces another sale of a big screen TV.
It is thinking that people spending money grows the economy that has resulted in the worst economic performance out of a recession than ever.

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