Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Wow, what a very naive comment.

I wonder how many employees working in the fast food industry did you interviewed before coming to this conclusion. You must have missed those with no transportation and needed to walk to work; the single moms who needed to be home and might need to work a split shift simply to care for her kids; the high school kid who hoped to save for college since his parents could not afford to help her; and the seniors whose social security and Medicare benefits no longer provided them sufficient resources to eat, pay the rent and buy their medicine without supplemental income.

I wonder if you, Jughead, live in the real world or in the fantasy world of the ideologue where everyone who works hard lives the American Dream, doors open for them almost by magic, kids never get sick and schedulers at work make life easier.

WTF do you know about any of it? When was the last time you worked a min wage job?
No one is forced to work in this country. No one is forced to live anywhere. People make choices, something liberals are opposed to.

And anyway, increasing min wage reduces the number of jobs available. Look at the graph of teen unemployment (teens are most likely to hold min wage jobs) compared to rises in min wage rates. They parallel almost perfectly. Raising the min wage gives less choice of jobs, and fewer of them.
The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Wow, what a very naive comment.

I wonder how many employees working in the fast food industry did you interviewed before coming to this conclusion. You must have missed those with no transportation and needed to walk to work; the single moms who needed to be home and might need to work a split shift simply to care for her kids; the high school kid who hoped to save for college since his parents could not afford to help her; and the seniors whose social security and Medicare benefits no longer provided them sufficient resources to eat, pay the rent and buy their medicine without supplemental income.

I wonder if you, Jughead, live in the real world or in the fantasy world of the ideologue where everyone who works hard lives the American Dream, doors open for them almost by magic, kids never get sick and schedulers at work make life easier.

So why is this person walking to work? I road the bus for two years. It added four hours to my day riding that bus,and I hated every minute of it. The drive was half an hour by car,talk about your incentive program.

And the high school kid can do what college kids have done for years.....work there way through school.

As far as old people go.
You said yourself it would be supplemental income. Why do they need a living wage if all they need is supplemental income?

If you dont like the way things are going,maybe you should talk your messiah.
He's the one who made these jobs part time.
And since they now have obammy care why do they need more money? They should be flush with cash now that they have affordable healthcare.
When will the greed end?
In terms of micro economics how many durable goods does the average millionaire CEO purchase a year; and how many do one hundred of his/her employees? Which set benefits the economic activity of their local community more? The nation more?

The millionaire CEO. This is obvious. Investment drives expansion, not spending. Sure, you need some spending but it is investment in new equipment, new facilities, new business that creates growth. A tax cut for a millionaire produces more jobs in new industries. A tax cut for a min wage worker (who pays no tax anyway but so what) produces another sale of a big screen TV.
It is thinking that people spending money grows the economy that has resulted in the worst economic performance out of a recession than ever.

Investment is gambling.

Investment doesn't produce jobs or commerce. Consumer demand does.

Therefore, wages should be given the higher consideration over investment.
The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Its not true that people can choose where to work. Sometimes you need money and you take whatever you can get, because something higher paying isn't available.

Also, if you work in fast food and haven't had a pay rise in nearly a decade, there is something wrong. All minimum wage employees at fast food places should expect a small payrise every year. Wages have to rise because the cost of living rises.

No, they should expect an increase because their jobs skllls are better. No one owes anyone a rise because costs go up. Employment is not charity.
And in the real world that is what happens. Few people stay making min wage. The average is like 18 months before improved job skills lead to a raise.
Corporate profits are at an all time high. They can afford it. They are asking a lot for 15 though. They need to bring their demand down if they want to get anywhere.

Do you actually believe that if you raise their wages that others that currently make more, in tougher positions won't either demand more, or take their jobs? When everyone gets their additional pay, rents and other costs will also raise to and the fasts food workers are back where they started.

Within a few years they are back in the same economic position they were in to start with


Hail, hail, the Slippery Slope, another popular logical fallacy third to the always popular ad hominem and Straw Man. Yep, "Brilliant" in lesser minds.

Of course there is some truth to what the lesser mind posted, consider how executive management has parlayed the enormous salary and benefits of others in executive positions. Today's CEO compensation is now nearly 273 times as much as the people they employ.

"A report released yesterday by the Economic Policy Institute confirms what many already knew: CEOs are getting raises far bigger and faster than the people they employ—and they now make nearly 273 times as much, on average."

Link: CEO Pay Has Risen More Than Twice As Much As The Stock Market - Forbes

Hail, hail the deflection to to an argument about CEO pay.

You simply can't make this stuff up. Lesser minds deflect
In terms of micro economics how many durable goods does the average millionaire CEO purchase a year; and how many do one hundred of his/her employees? Which set benefits the economic activity of their local community more? The nation more?

The millionaire CEO. This is obvious. Investment drives expansion, not spending. Sure, you need some spending but it is investment in new equipment, new facilities, new business that creates growth. A tax cut for a millionaire produces more jobs in new industries. A tax cut for a min wage worker (who pays no tax anyway but so what) produces another sale of a big screen TV.
It is thinking that people spending money grows the economy that has resulted in the worst economic performance out of a recession than ever.

Investment is gambling.

Investment doesn't produce jobs or commerce. Consumer demand does.

Therefore, wages should be given the higher consideration over investment.

Investment doesnt produce jobs? What do you think happens when companies get started or expand? The tooth fairy delivers the money?
Of course for a guy whose work experience consists of hanging around a union hall griping about other people what could anyone expect?
In terms of micro economics how many durable goods does the average millionaire CEO purchase a year; and how many do one hundred of his/her employees? Which set benefits the economic activity of their local community more? The nation more?

The millionaire CEO. This is obvious. Investment drives expansion, not spending. Sure, you need some spending but it is investment in new equipment, new facilities, new business that creates growth. A tax cut for a millionaire produces more jobs in new industries. A tax cut for a min wage worker (who pays no tax anyway but so what) produces another sale of a big screen TV.
It is thinking that people spending money grows the economy that has resulted in the worst economic performance out of a recession than ever.

Investment is gambling.

Investment doesn't produce jobs or commerce. Consumer demand does.

Therefore, wages should be given the higher consideration over investment.

So where exactly are these jobs coming from without initial investments?
Do they just appear out of thin air?
So hard to take you seriously ........:cuckoo:

Investment doesnt produce jobs? What do you think happens when companies get started or expand? The tooth fairy delivers the money?
Of course for a guy whose work experience consists of hanging around a union hall griping about other people what could anyone expect?

That doesn't produce jobs. It's merely gambling.

If the employees aren't doing their jobs, behind the counters, on the assembly lines, in the cube-farms - there's no profit to pay off that investment.

The problem is, the Investor is a parasite that has convinced stupid people he's a vital organ.

Investment doesnt produce jobs? What do you think happens when companies get started or expand? The tooth fairy delivers the money?
Of course for a guy whose work experience consists of hanging around a union hall griping about other people what could anyone expect?

That doesn't produce jobs. It's merely gambling.

If the employees aren't doing their jobs, behind the counters, on the assembly lines, in the cube-farms - there's no profit to pay off that investment.

The problem is, the Investor is a parasite that has convinced stupid people he's a vital organ.

Joe the communist, how quaint.

Investment doesnt produce jobs? What do you think happens when companies get started or expand? The tooth fairy delivers the money?
Of course for a guy whose work experience consists of hanging around a union hall griping about other people what could anyone expect?

That doesn't produce jobs. It's merely gambling.

If the employees aren't doing their jobs, behind the counters, on the assembly lines, in the cube-farms - there's no profit to pay off that investment.

The problem is, the Investor is a parasite that has convinced stupid people he's a vital organ.

The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Wow, what a very naive comment.

I wonder how many employees working in the fast food industry did you interviewed before coming to this conclusion. You must have missed those with no transportation and needed to walk to work; the single moms who needed to be home and might need to work a split shift simply to care for her kids; the high school kid who hoped to save for college since his parents could not afford to help her; and the seniors whose social security and Medicare benefits no longer provided them sufficient resources to eat, pay the rent and buy their medicine without supplemental income.

I wonder if you, Jughead, live in the real world or in the fantasy world of the ideologue where everyone who works hard lives the American Dream, doors open for them almost by magic, kids never get sick and schedulers at work make life easier.

WTF do you know about any of it? When was the last time you worked a min wage job?
No one is forced to work in this country. No one is forced to live anywhere. People make choices, something liberals are opposed to.

And anyway, increasing min wage reduces the number of jobs available. Look at the graph of teen unemployment (teens are most likely to hold min wage jobs) compared to rises in min wage rates. They parallel almost perfectly. Raising the min wage gives less choice of jobs, and fewer of them.
Absolutely agree. Forcing corporations to pay a higher wage when the nature of the job does not warrant it will result in a loss of jobs. It can also result in businesses being forced to shut down.

That is why I am a big fan of the "Right to Work" law.

Lets be clear.....29 year old half wit losers.
And the job isnt hard or it would already pay more.
And you equate a burger flippers knowledge with a CEO's?

Never go full retard.....

What I find is most CEO's are clueless as to what their own companies do on a day to day basis. They come in with a bunch of buzzwords and then turn out to be wrong about... everything.

But keep deriding the majority of people in this country as losers. It's not like they are the majority and will vote in someone who is going to fix things...

Oh, wait. They totally did that.

It's kind of worse than that. Taxpayers get to pay for all the stupid shit they do.


It's kind of like burning down your own house, having the community pitch in and fix it, then turning around and saying what suckers they were to do that.

The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Its not true that people can choose where to work. Sometimes you need money and you take whatever you can get, because something higher paying isn't available.

Also, if you work in fast food and haven't had a pay rise in nearly a decade, there is something wrong. All minimum wage employees at fast food places should expect a small payrise every year. Wages have to rise because the cost of living rises.
Well, the problem is that most of these jobs were not intended to be full time. They are ideally suited for students ,and/or folks just looking for "supplemental" income. Also, these folks are not asking for a small raise, they are demanding $15/hour. That is clearly not feasible.

Lets be clear.....29 year old half wit losers.
And the job isnt hard or it would already pay more.
And you equate a burger flippers knowledge with a CEO's?

Never go full retard.....

What I find is most CEO's are clueless as to what their own companies do on a day to day basis. They come in with a bunch of buzzwords and then turn out to be wrong about... everything.

But keep deriding the majority of people in this country as losers. It's not like they are the majority and will vote in someone who is going to fix things...

Oh, wait. They totally did that.

Lets see how that works out in the upcoming elections shall we. The truth is finally starting to sink in for those who voted for this clown. Obammy fucked with peoples health care and wallet in a huge way. If you think the tax payers haven't noticed you're crazy.
The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Wow, what a very naive comment.

I wonder how many employees working in the fast food industry did you interviewed before coming to this conclusion. You must have missed those with no transportation and needed to walk to work; the single moms who needed to be home and might need to work a split shift simply to care for her kids; the high school kid who hoped to save for college since his parents could not afford to help her; and the seniors whose social security and Medicare benefits no longer provided them sufficient resources to eat, pay the rent and buy their medicine without supplemental income.

I wonder if you, Jughead, live in the real world or in the fantasy world of the ideologue where everyone who works hard lives the American Dream, doors open for them almost by magic, kids never get sick and schedulers at work make life easier.

So why is this person walking to work? I road the bus for two years. It added four hours to my day riding that bus,and I hated every minute of it. The drive was half an hour by car,talk about your incentive program.

And the high school kid can do what college kids have done for years.....work there way through school.

As far as old people go.
You said yourself it would be supplemental income. Why do they need a living wage if all they need is supplemental income?

If you dont like the way things are going,maybe you should talk your messiah.
He's the one who made these jobs part time.
And since they now have obammy care why do they need more money? They should be flush with cash now that they have affordable healthcare.
When will the greed end?
Great points. I'll also add that forcing fast food restaurants to pay it's employees $15.00/hour (as they are demanding) will not only add an enormous burden to the business, it can also lead to the slippery slope of unionized workers.

Unions can destroy a business. They demand exaggerated salaries that don't reflect the nature of the job. They also prevent workers who won't join the union from working at the business. The more qualified candidate at times may be prevented from working at a company simply because he would not join the union. Ideally, the "Right to Work" law should be applied to every business.
We have to face it folks, the stupid and lazy now outnumber the smart and productive. This is the reason for Obama being elected and re-elected, and it's the reason people actually think that raising the pay to $15 an hour is a good idea.

The army of the stupid and lazy, grows day by day.

Investment doesnt produce jobs? What do you think happens when companies get started or expand? The tooth fairy delivers the money?
Of course for a guy whose work experience consists of hanging around a union hall griping about other people what could anyone expect?

That doesn't produce jobs. It's merely gambling.

If the employees aren't doing their jobs, behind the counters, on the assembly lines, in the cube-farms - there's no profit to pay off that investment.

The problem is, the Investor is a parasite that has convinced stupid people he's a vital organ.

OK, I'll ask again, what do you think happens when companies get started or expand? Where does the money come from? The tooth fairy?
Great timing. Everyone is fooded out after Thanksgiving, so the demand for fast food should be less than usual.
The strike is a bad idea. These folks knew the salary when they agreed to work there. We are fortunate enough to live in a society where we can decide where we want to work. We should not be accepting jobs if we don't agree with the salary, as we are free to look elsewhere.

Wow, what a very naive comment.

I wonder how many employees working in the fast food industry did you interviewed before coming to this conclusion. You must have missed those with no transportation and needed to walk to work; the single moms who needed to be home and might need to work a split shift simply to care for her kids; the high school kid who hoped to save for college since his parents could not afford to help her; and the seniors whose social security and Medicare benefits no longer provided them sufficient resources to eat, pay the rent and buy their medicine without supplemental income.

I wonder if you, Jughead, live in the real world or in the fantasy world of the ideologue where everyone who works hard lives the American Dream, doors open for them almost by magic, kids never get sick and schedulers at work make life easier.

WTF do you know about any of it? When was the last time you worked a min wage job?
No one is forced to work in this country. No one is forced to live anywhere. People make choices, something liberals are opposed to.

And anyway, increasing min wage reduces the number of jobs available. Look at the graph of teen unemployment (teens are most likely to hold min wage jobs) compared to rises in min wage rates. They parallel almost perfectly. Raising the min wage gives less choice of jobs, and fewer of them.

You're full of shit. You simply repeat 'statistics' without an ounce of proof. Suggesting teens are most likely to work minimum wage jobs is ridiculous, but, I'll allow you to provide evidence before I once again call you a liar. Oh, and don't post a conservative blog as evidence, that too is a ridiculous strategy of your kind.

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