Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

No, guy, I don't know what you are thinking anymore.

Joe, here's what I'm thinking.

I think wage disparity absolutely has to be addressed. I don't really care if the minimum wage goes up somewhat, as long as we're not retarding growth of the individual and we're keeping a close eye on not creating artificial economic harm to employers. That is a very complicated set of problems to face.

But, regardless of the issue, it's essentially impossible to address a problem when one side of the discussion is animated by emotion and clearly doesn't have a grasp of the complexities -- or even the fundamentals -- of the issue.

That's what I'm thinking.


You know, the problem here is that the rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten poorer.

It's really not complicated at all. The working class doesn't have enough, the 1% have too much.

No, guy, I don't know what you are thinking anymore.

Joe, here's what I'm thinking.

I think wage disparity absolutely has to be addressed. I don't really care if the minimum wage goes up somewhat, as long as we're not retarding growth of the individual and we're keeping a close eye on not creating artificial economic harm to employers. That is a very complicated set of problems to face.

But, regardless of the issue, it's essentially impossible to address a problem when one side of the discussion is animated by emotion and clearly doesn't have a grasp of the complexities -- or even the fundamentals -- of the issue.

That's what I'm thinking.


You know, the problem here is that the rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten poorer.

It's really not complicated at all. The working class doesn't have enough, the 1% have too much.


No, Joe. That's true, but only since Obama became president and pushed policies that have harmed the middle class and favored the wealthy.
In real life the story is that working class people have gotten richer and rich people have gotten richer. But rich people have gotten richer faster.
But another 3 years of Obama and teh Dems and we'll see the 1% using the rest of us as house servants.
I support them. They work their butts off for shitty wages and shitty conditions.

Good grief girl. It's a start out job. I bussed. I waitressed. I picked strawberries. I picked tobacco,.You ever want to talk about a shit job? Fucking plant tobacco and then pick tobacco.

All these jobs made me aspire to be a winner.

But we all have to start off somewhere. And there's no shame in it.

You have to realize that times have changed. The average age of fast food workers is 29. That is the problem with these wages.

Nooooo.... the problem is the 29 year old loser. If they jack up wages to 15 bucks an hour I'll stop eating fast food on principle. With my personal end goal of seeing everyone of em getting fired.
The majority of the fast food workforce is high school kids or kids just out of high school does anyone really think you will get the minimum wage for that hiked up to $15.00 dollars a hour?
McDonald's can easily afford the wage increase.

Oh and the average age of a fast food worker is 29.
actually, they can't. In case you missed it, the progressives are going to be insuring the whole world on the backs of small businesses and young people.

I just don't understand the mentality that:

One is born, spends a portion of their life in momma's care, and then steps into the world without any significant knowledge and should be making 35k dollars a year for just existing.

It is absolutely ludicrous.

And of course you have evidence that an increase in payroll will spell the end of McDonalds.

You do have that evidence don't cha? Right? Where is it?

Whether it breaks them or not has nothing to do with it. The job is worth what it's worth,and if you dont like it,work harder.

You wouldn't be sticking it to the CEO of MCDs you idiot you'd be sticking it to the people who own the franchises.

And that would be bad, why?

Frankly, the Wannabe 1%ers are just as bad as the actual ones. Because they engage in the same kinds of douchebaggery.

Do you actually think owning a Micky D's franchise makes one rich?:lol::cuckoo:
Seeking to increase pressure on McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other fast-food restaurants, organizers of a movement demanding a $15-an-hour wage for fast-food workers say they will sponsor one-day strikes in 100 cities on Thursday and protest activities in 100 additional cities.


No doubt to help pay for condoms and pills for the poor and dispossesed pieces of shit who think we owe them everything.

Well aren't you the judgmental asshole. I don't believe you have anything to offer anyone. I wonder, who or what made you into the callous piece of shit you are today?
Lets see, 7.5 an hour times 6 hours equals an entire 45 dollars minus taxes.

Yes sir, back breaking to miss out on 40 dollars of pay in an effort to turn those 6 hours worked into 90 dollars (6 x 15) minus taxes.

I would take the chance myself. Not you I take it. Hell, who wants to try and double their wages? Not you I take it.

Why am I not surprised. Your betters done told you that you make enough money, didn't they?[/QUOTE
When I have not been happy with a job I stuck it out while looking for a better one that is what my betters meaning my parents taught me.

Good for you. What "better" job would you recommend that an experienced fast food worker apply for?

Rocket scientist? Doctor? Politician? Hey, that's a good idea. Politician. What we need is more fast food workers going into politics.

The obvious choice for those with half a brain would be to go to work as a helper for an electrician,A/C shop or plumber,maybe work in a machine shop pulling chips and deburring.
This is obviously just scratching the surface of jobs that will lead to a decent wage with the real possibility of starting your own shop once you learn the ropes.
Now if you wasted ten years of your life flipping burgers maybe that simple path I just described is to much for you.
Good for you. What "better" job would you recommend that an experienced fast food worker apply for?

Rocket scientist? Doctor? Politician? Hey, that's a good idea. Politician. What we need is more fast food workers going into politics.

The obvious choice for those with half a brain would be to go to work as a helper for an electrician,A/C shop or plumber,maybe work in a machine shop pulling chips and deburring.
This is obviously just scratching the surface of jobs that will lead to a decent wage with the real possibility of starting your own shop once you learn the ropes.
Now if you wasted ten years of your life flipping burgers maybe that simple path I just described is to much for you.

They have no faith in the individual to improve their own lives.

What is painfully obvious to us is Greek to them.

The obvious choice for those with half a brain would be to go to work as a helper for an electrician,A/C shop or plumber,maybe work in a machine shop pulling chips and deburring.
This is obviously just scratching the surface of jobs that will lead to a decent wage with the real possibility of starting your own shop once you learn the ropes.
Now if you wasted ten years of your life flipping burgers maybe that simple path I just described is to much for you.

They have no faith in the individual to improve their own lives.

What is painfully obvious to us is Greek to them.


What gets me is how they think the rules should change now that they work in fast food. Those jobs have filled that perfect niche as starter jobs since the invention of fast food. Now these clowns think it's a fuken career choice:cuckoo:

You wouldn't be sticking it to the CEO of MCDs you idiot you'd be sticking it to the people who own the franchises.

And that would be bad, why?

Frankly, the Wannabe 1%ers are just as bad as the actual ones. Because they engage in the same kinds of douchebaggery.

Do you actually think owning a Micky D's franchise makes one rich?:lol::cuckoo:

"McDonald's usually requires "$750,000 of non-borrowed personal resources" before considering an application, according to its website. Taco Bell requires net worth of $1 million, while Burger King requires $1.5 million."

McDonald's Franchise Owners Hold Meeting - Business Insider

It's no wonder the owners of such franchises want the taxpayer to subsidize their business by providing information to their employees on The Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), as well as other benefits via social service agencies. It seems many wealthy owners got hoodwinked by corporate America too. Let's help the employees and the owners by boycotting McD's and all fast food businesses on Thursday. Maybe then the corporate office will take note and share some of the largess (ha ha, not in this age of greed is good). In fact I've boycotted them for years, too much salt, too much fat and way to many calories.
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The majority of the fast food workforce is high school kids or kids just out of high school does anyone really think you will get the minimum wage for that hiked up to $15.00 dollars a hour?

Actually, the average age of a fast food worker is 29.

and what's wrong with someone out of HS making a good wage doing a hard job?

I find that easier to justify than 8 figure salaries for CEO's of failing companies.
And that would be bad, why?

Frankly, the Wannabe 1%ers are just as bad as the actual ones. Because they engage in the same kinds of douchebaggery.

Do you actually think owning a Micky D's franchise makes one rich?:lol::cuckoo:

"McDonald's usually requires "$750,000 of non-borrowed personal resources" before considering an application, according to its website. Taco Bell requires net worth of $1 million, while Burger King requires $1.5 million."

McDonald's Franchise Owners Hold Meeting - Business Insider

It's no wonder the owners of such franchises want the taxpayer to subsidize their business by providing information to their employees on The Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), as well as other benefits via social service agendices. It seems many wealthy owners got hoodwinked by corporate America too. Let's help the employees and the owners by boycotting McD's and all fast food businesses on Thursday. Maybe then the corporate office will take note and share some of the largess (ha ha, not in this age of greed is good). In fact I've boycotted them for years, too much salt, too much fat and way to many calories.

And you think thats rich? :lol::cuckoo: You find a lot of Asian and Indian families that pool their money to buy in. Me personally...? No way in HELL would I invest in fast food,their isnt enough profit.
And your article talks about the declining profits. Hardly a selling point for increased wages.

You wouldn't be sticking it to the CEO of MCDs you idiot you'd be sticking it to the people who own the franchises.

And that would be bad, why?

Frankly, the Wannabe 1%ers are just as bad as the actual ones. Because they engage in the same kinds of douchebaggery.

Do you actually think owning a Micky D's franchise makes one rich?:lol::cuckoo:

Wry Catcher took care of this one...

That you have to have a lot in assets before they even consider your application.
They have no faith in the individual to improve their own lives.

What is painfully obvious to us is Greek to them.


What gets me is how they think the rules should change now that they work in fast food. Those jobs have filled that perfect niche as starter jobs since the invention of fast food. Now these clowns think it's a fuken career choice:cuckoo:

How long did you work in a starter job at a fast food restaurant?

No, Joe. That's true, but only since Obama became president and pushed policies that have harmed the middle class and favored the wealthy.
In real life the story is that working class people have gotten richer and rich people have gotten richer. But rich people have gotten richer faster.
But another 3 years of Obama and teh Dems and we'll see the 1% using the rest of us as house servants.

Well, you already have the right mentality to be the 1%'s house servants.
The majority of the fast food workforce is high school kids or kids just out of high school does anyone really think you will get the minimum wage for that hiked up to $15.00 dollars a hour?

Actually, the average age of a fast food worker is 29.

and what's wrong with someone out of HS making a good wage doing a hard job?

I find that easier to justify than 8 figure salaries for CEO's of failing companies.

Lets be clear.....29 year old half wit losers.
And the job isnt hard or it would already pay more.
And you equate a burger flippers knowledge with a CEO's?

Never go full retard.....
And that would be bad, why?

Frankly, the Wannabe 1%ers are just as bad as the actual ones. Because they engage in the same kinds of douchebaggery.

Do you actually think owning a Micky D's franchise makes one rich?:lol::cuckoo:

Wry Catcher took care of this one...

That you have to have a lot in assets before they even consider your application.

And if you think having a million bucks makes you rich,you're a moron as well.
Do you actually think owning a Micky D's franchise makes one rich?:lol::cuckoo:

"McDonald's usually requires "$750,000 of non-borrowed personal resources" before considering an application, according to its website. Taco Bell requires net worth of $1 million, while Burger King requires $1.5 million."

McDonald's Franchise Owners Hold Meeting - Business Insider

It's no wonder the owners of such franchises want the taxpayer to subsidize their business by providing information to their employees on The Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), as well as other benefits via social service agendices. It seems many wealthy owners got hoodwinked by corporate America too. Let's help the employees and the owners by boycotting McD's and all fast food businesses on Thursday. Maybe then the corporate office will take note and share some of the largess (ha ha, not in this age of greed is good). In fact I've boycotted them for years, too much salt, too much fat and way to many calories.

And you think thats rich? :lol::cuckoo: You find a lot of Asian and Indian families that pool their money to buy in. Me personally...? No way in HELL would I invest in fast food,their isnt enough profit.
And your article talks about the declining profits. Hardly a selling point for increased wages.

I'm not suggesting it's a selling point for higher wages, however, it does not justify low wages and no benefits. In San Francisco the minimum wage is $10.55 per hour. See:

The Job Loss Myth | Raise The Minimum Wage

San Jose $10/Hour Minimum Wage Goes Into Effect; Businesses Adjust « CBS San Francisco

Economists Say City Minimum Wage Means Big Boost for Working Class | San Francisco Public Press

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