Wage Strikes Planned at Fast-Food Outlets

Why don't we just shut them all down?

You see Billy we meet all your goals then. Nobody gets paid slave wages. Nobody gets served garbage food. Nobody gets polluted with styrofoam. And no one gets cheap food.

Do it Billy. Be the Joy killer.

Look, the American dream is nothing like it used to be. In this economy, things are different.

It used to be a chicken in every pot and a car in every driveway.

Now the government gives all that and more away for free.

You must be speaking from personal experience. Fucking government don't "give" me jack shit. Well I can write off the interest on my mortgage.

What did they "give" you? A chicken and a car? Cool. Lucky you eh?
I can also tell you that if there is a huge wage increase, there are going to be a lot of kids doing a lot more with a lot less help, because restaurants will be cutting people but demanding the exact same output.

People see these companies with income in the billions and don't factor in the fact that it is based upon thousands of store, all of which run on a very thin margin.

Franchises send a significant portion of their gross to a corporate for the use of the franchise name, and what is left over is a very small profit. From that meager profit, they need to make payroll, replace aging equipment, maintain cleanliness standards, and pay for the hundreds of appropriate permits to county, city, and state agencies.

You people act as if a job is created in a vacuum.

McDonald's can easily afford the wage increase.

Oh and the average age of a fast food worker is 29.
actually, they can't. In case you missed it, the progressives are going to be insuring the whole world on the backs of small businesses and young people.

I just don't understand the mentality that:

One is born, spends a portion of their life in momma's care, and then steps into the world without any significant knowledge and should be making 35k dollars a year for just existing.

It is absolutely ludicrous.

One other thing.

If you are working for fast food at 29 and your not managing a store or a group of stores, the problem isn't fast food. Its you. Get a grip on yourself, learn a skill that WILL provide you a living wage and get out of the way of those coming up.

My step-daughter started in fast food less than a year ago and she is already managing a store. And I mean she sets and schedules work, analyzes food costs and waste, balances the store budget, schedules and maintains equipment, including replacement when needed, and everything else that a business owner is required to do.

On top of that, she has a three year old son, a husband that is a part time worker..........all at 26.

Stop crying a river for the lazy.

Don't you believe that people should be responsible for anything at all? Its all on business, right?
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I can also tell you that if there is a huge wage increase, there are going to be a lot of kids doing a lot more with a lot less help, because restaurants will be cutting people but demanding the exact same output.

People see these companies with income in the billions and don't factor in the fact that it is based upon thousands of store, all of which run on a very thin margin.

Franchises send a significant portion of their gross to a corporate for the use of the franchise name, and what is left over is a very small profit. From that meager profit, they need to make payroll, replace aging equipment, maintain cleanliness standards, and pay for the hundreds of appropriate permits to county, city, and state agencies.

You people act as if a job is created in a vacuum.

McDonald's can easily afford the wage increase.

Oh and the average age of a fast food worker is 29.
actually, they can't. In case you missed it, the progressives are going to be insuring the whole world on the backs of small businesses and young people.

I just don't understand the mentality that:

One is born, spends a portion of their life in momma's care, and then steps into the world without any significant knowledge and should be making 35k dollars a year for just existing.

It is absolutely ludicrous.

And of course you have evidence that an increase in payroll will spell the end of McDonalds.

You do have that evidence don't cha? Right? Where is it?
I can also tell you that if there is a huge wage increase, there are going to be a lot of kids doing a lot more with a lot less help, because restaurants will be cutting people but demanding the exact same output.

People see these companies with income in the billions and don't factor in the fact that it is based upon thousands of store, all of which run on a very thin margin.

Franchises send a significant portion of their gross to a corporate for the use of the franchise name, and what is left over is a very small profit. From that meager profit, they need to make payroll, replace aging equipment, maintain cleanliness standards, and pay for the hundreds of appropriate permits to county, city, and state agencies.

You people act as if a job is created in a vacuum.

McDonald's can easily afford the wage increase.

Oh and the average age of a fast food worker is 29.
actually, they can't. In case you missed it, the progressives are going to be insuring the whole world on the backs of small businesses and young people.

I just don't understand the mentality that:

One is born, spends a portion of their life in momma's care, and then steps into the world without any significant knowledge and should be making 35k dollars a year for just existing.

It is absolutely ludicrous.

The conversation is being controlled right now by more and more people who are excellent at simplicity, naivete and emotion, but who don't demonstrate even a fundamental grasp of either business economics or economics in general. Emotion creates passion, and there's a good chance they'll win out in the end.

I hope there's a participating fast food joint in between my house and my office, it's supposed to be snowing here on Thursday.

McDonald's can easily afford the wage increase.

Oh and the average age of a fast food worker is 29.
actually, they can't. In case you missed it, the progressives are going to be insuring the whole world on the backs of small businesses and young people.

I just don't understand the mentality that:

One is born, spends a portion of their life in momma's care, and then steps into the world without any significant knowledge and should be making 35k dollars a year for just existing.

It is absolutely ludicrous.

And of course you have evidence that an increase in payroll will spell the end of McDonalds.

You do have that evidence don't cha? Right? Where is it?

You're confusing the McD corp with the franchisees.

They are not one in the same. A drastic increase in the minimum wage and therefore a drastic increase in the overhead of the owner of a Mcd's franchise might very well put some of those small business people out of business but you don't care about that as long as you can feel like you're sticking it to a corporation right?
The conversation is being controlled right now by more and more people who are excellent at simplicity, naivete and emotion, but who don't demonstrate even a fundamental grasp of either business economics or economics in general. Emotion creates passion, and there's a good chance they'll win out in the end.

I hope there's a participating fast food joint in between my house and my office, it's supposed to be snowing here on Thursday.


Yawn, guy. I got exactly a lesson in business economics when my last company's insurance company insisted I be fired because I ran up too many medical bills, despite having six years with the company and an unblemished work record.

Because, damn, it's just so important that the 1%ers have most of the wealth instead of the people ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK!

Sorry, the CEO of McDonalds who gets paid 13 million a year didn't put together your lunch.

Some kid (or perhaps old person who has to work because his pension was looted by Wall Street) making $7.50 an hour did.

So I guess I'm eatin' fast food on Thursday. Are they gonna put up lists of these places online somewhere so I know where to go?


Yeah, how dare those folks demand decent pay for working long hours over a hot stove.

Joe, your emotions continue to control you.

Nothing I can do about that.


Yeah, emotions like decency and a sense of fair play.

I kind of like that I still have those emotions despite all the shit I've been through in my life.

Not sure what happened to you, dude, where you spend time hating on folks making minimum wage.
The conversation is being controlled right now by more and more people who are excellent at simplicity, naivete and emotion, but who don't demonstrate even a fundamental grasp of either business economics or economics in general. Emotion creates passion, and there's a good chance they'll win out in the end.

I hope there's a participating fast food joint in between my house and my office, it's supposed to be snowing here on Thursday.


Yawn, guy. I got exactly a lesson in business economics when my last company's insurance company insisted I be fired because I ran up too many medical bills, despite having six years with the company and an unblemished work record.

Because, damn, it's just so important that the 1%ers have most of the wealth instead of the people ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK!

Sorry, the CEO of McDonalds who gets paid 13 million a year didn't put together your lunch.

Some kid (or perhaps old person who has to work because his pension was looted by Wall Street) making $7.50 an hour did.

You wouldn't be sticking it to the CEO of MCDs you idiot you'd be sticking it to the people who own the franchises.
McDonald's can easily afford the wage increase.

Oh and the average age of a fast food worker is 29.
actually, they can't. In case you missed it, the progressives are going to be insuring the whole world on the backs of small businesses and young people.

I just don't understand the mentality that:

One is born, spends a portion of their life in momma's care, and then steps into the world without any significant knowledge and should be making 35k dollars a year for just existing.

It is absolutely ludicrous.

And of course you have evidence that an increase in payroll will spell the end of McDonalds.

You do have that evidence don't cha? Right? Where is it?

1. McDonalds doesn't pay the wages of individual stores. A majority of stores are franchises, and they pay a fee to use the McDonald brand. The wages are paid out of each individual store regardless of it being a franchise or corporate owned. Each store has a very thin operating budget after everything else is paid. You need to learn what you are talking about.

2. It matters not at all if the business can or cannot afford the wage increase. You, I, and the whole world doesn't get to say to someone, "Well, you can afford it, so your are going to pay it."

Don't you even understand that is wrong? It is morally wrong? How about I say to you, "Your kid needs to go to Harvard, and since it won't bankrupt you if you cut into your retirement, YOU are going to pay for it. No loan, it will come out of your pocket"

It is the same thing.

Now, answer the question. When do you think people should be responsible for their own life?
Yeah, how dare those folks demand decent pay for working long hours over a hot stove.

Joe, your emotions continue to control you.

Nothing I can do about that.


Yeah, emotions like decency and a sense of fair play.

I kind of like that I still have those emotions despite all the shit I've been through in my life.

Not sure what happened to you, dude, where you spend time hating on folks making minimum wage.

More examples of my point.

I think you know I don't "hate" anyone, Joe. Everything has to be so binary, so black & white, so us vs. them for you folks. But if saying it makes you feel better about your cause, I don't mind.


You wouldn't be sticking it to the CEO of MCDs you idiot you'd be sticking it to the people who own the franchises.

And that would be bad, why?

Frankly, the Wannabe 1%ers are just as bad as the actual ones. Because they engage in the same kinds of douchebaggery.

Most of those guys don't make much at the end of the year so go ahead put them out of business and then you can give all those burger flippers a job that pays them all $20 an hour.
Joe, your emotions continue to control you.

Nothing I can do about that.


Yeah, emotions like decency and a sense of fair play.

I kind of like that I still have those emotions despite all the shit I've been through in my life.

Not sure what happened to you, dude, where you spend time hating on folks making minimum wage.

More examples of my point.

I think you know I don't "hate" anyone, Joe. Everything has to be so binary, so black & white, so us vs. them for you folks. But if saying it makes you feel better about your cause, I don't mind.


No, guy, I don't know what you are thinking anymore.

I'm thinking someone who is going to go out of his way to find a place he wouldn't normally eat at in order to flip off folks who are just demanding that they get better than minimum pay for doing a rather unpleasent job is really hating on some folks for asking for something that really isn't THAT unreasonable.

It became binary to me when I got called into the office after six years.

Life became a LOT clearer to me after that.
Seeking to increase pressure on McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other fast-food restaurants, organizers of a movement demanding a $15-an-hour wage for fast-food workers say they will sponsor one-day strikes in 100 cities on Thursday and protest activities in 100 additional cities.


No doubt to help pay for condoms and pills for the poor and dispossesed pieces of shit who think we owe them everything.

Fast food places were not intended for people with families. This for teenagers and college students.. If you raise the min wage be prepared to pay way more for the food.. Maybe if more people would go into trade school instead of college the jobs would be there.. I know their is a high demand for blue collar workers out there

What we need is more people that know the difference between there, they're and their.
No, guy, I don't know what you are thinking anymore.

Joe, here's what I'm thinking.

I think wage disparity absolutely has to be addressed. I don't really care if the minimum wage goes up somewhat, as long as we're not retarding growth of the individual and we're keeping a close eye on not creating artificial economic harm to employers. That is a very complicated set of problems to face.

But, regardless of the issue, it's essentially impossible to address a problem when one side of the discussion is animated by emotion and clearly doesn't have a grasp of the complexities -- or even the fundamentals -- of the issue.

That's what I'm thinking.

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Seeking to increase pressure on McDonald’s, Wendy’s and other fast-food restaurants, organizers of a movement demanding a $15-an-hour wage for fast-food workers say they will sponsor one-day strikes in 100 cities on Thursday and protest activities in 100 additional cities.


No doubt to help pay for condoms and pills for the poor and dispossesed pieces of shit who think we owe them everything.

Fast food places were not intended for people with families. This for teenagers and college students.. If you raise the min wage be prepared to pay way more for the food.. Maybe if more people would go into trade school instead of college the jobs would be there.. I know their is a high demand for blue collar workers out there

What we need is more people that know the difference between there, they're and their.
No, what we need are more people who know the differences of ownership.

Simply because someone wants more does not entitle them to just take it. If you want more, do more for your own personal life, rather than just demand it because someone has more.

If your job doesn't meet your needs, then perhaps having wasted your time for 10 years in a minimum wage job, and holding the exact same skills you had those 10 years ago, wasn't the brightest thing to do.
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Didn't they already try this and fail? In any event I find it rather ironic that people who say they aren't making enough money can afford to lose a day's pay in order to strike.

Lets see, 7.5 an hour times 6 hours equals an entire 45 dollars minus taxes.

Yes sir, back breaking to miss out on 40 dollars of pay in an effort to turn those 6 hours worked into 90 dollars (6 x 15) minus taxes.

I would take the chance myself. Not you I take it. Hell, who wants to try and double their wages? Not you I take it.

Why am I not surprised. Your betters done told you that you make enough money, didn't they?[/QUOTE
When I have not been happy with a job I stuck it out while looking for a better one that is what my betters meaning my parents taught me.

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