Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

^ republican talking point.
Its their fault the rich CEO's won't pay a higher wage!

It's because of this CEO that the job is there in the first place. He is running the company well enough for it to prosper and grow lead to hiring more and more people. These people can show their strengths and move up the corporate ladder and perhaps be a CEO at a time in the future.

At that time one would say this person has paid his dues and should reap the rewards for a job well done. No doubt he will continue to work hard to continue to make that company a success, which is not a an 8 hour job. Let he earn the big bucks.

If he values his employees so much pay them a wage they can live on. EVERYONE deserves a livable wage. Not just him. I like my job but I get shit pay...why should I quit or find something new? They need to pay more. Economic Justice is what's needed. We must all help each other that means the uber rich helping the really poor...

You sir are an idiot of the slobbering monkey variety. Some jobs simply do not pay a living wage and never will. They still are jobs that require doing and there will always be someone who due to their particular set of circumstances will be willing to do it for that price. As a teenager living at home with my parents and going to high school, I sacked groceries for $1.60 an hour back in the day. Could I move out on my own, get an apartment, pay utilities, make a car payment, pay for healthcare, etc. on $1.60 an hour? Hell no, why would I think I could or want to? It's a starter job that a retarded person can be trained to do. There were always 20 teenagers standing at the door waiting their turn to replace a teenager that quit. Doing that job taught me a lot about a good work ethic, being on time, servicing the customer, etc. It wasn't long at all before I got a small raise, became a checker and then moved to the office. All I needed the job for was to make the payment on my used car, put some gas in it and take my girlfriend to an occasional movie. That job along with my education were stepping stones to better and higher paying jobs. It's the way the world works. You like your job but you get shit pay? Why should you quit and find something new? Those sound like personal problems to me. Personal problems are best solved by YOU. Not demanding some sort of "economic justice" from the CEO. Piss in one hand and demand in the other and see which one fills up faster. You are where you are in life because you choose to be there. It's no one else's problem or responsibility.......unless you are a liberal. Grow up.
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

Hey jackass, how do you feel about the Dem solution for the last 5 years?

$0.00 minimum wage for millions of Americans that lost their jobs due to ACA and Obama's horrid economic policies.

Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?
The kid probably makes less, do you still not understand that moron?

Less then $2.13?

I take it you got up early, poured a big glass of vodka, and ate a nice bowl of paint chips - as is your usual breakfast?

Of course he makes up for it in tips, but many in the service industry make less than min wage due to tips.

And you nor right wingers never lie? Such a lying hypocrite. Lol

Luisser - has anyone ever clued you in to the fact that you are incredibly fucking stupid?

Maybe if you switched from paint chips and vodka for breakfast it would help.....

Less than min wage, idiot. Have you not read the thread you are posting in? Or are you too busy calling everyone else stupid to make up for the fact you are a total moron?

Paint chips? You aren't very original are you? Lol You can't even come up with your own material.
I suspect you are the one with the drinking problem. Lying and anger issues is a pretty big sign.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?

What amazes me is that even after being proven to be a liar and a fraud, it doesn't phase you. You are so utterly devoid of ethics, that you feel no shame or remorse for being exposed to the entire forum as a liar and a fraud.

Can anyone say "sociopath?"
Less than min wage, idiot. Have you not read the thread you are posting in?

So, you're attempting to erect a straw man, but are too fucking retarded to pull it off?

Or are you too busy calling everyone else stupid to make up for the fact you are a total moron?

Paint chips? You aren't very original are you? Lol You can't even come up with your own material.

Who's material is it, sploogy?

I suspect you are the one with the drinking problem. Lying and anger issues is a pretty big sign.

No doubt.

So, what did I lie about? :confused::confused:
Less than min wage, idiot. Have you not read the thread you are posting in?

So, you're attempting to erect a straw man, but are too fucking retarded to pull it off?


Or are you too busy calling everyone else stupid to make up for the fact you are a total moron?

Paint chips? You aren't very original are you? Lol You can't even come up with your own material.

Who's material is it, sploogy?

I suspect you are the one with the drinking problem. Lying and anger issues is a pretty big sign.

No doubt.

So, what did I lie about? :confused::confused:

Strawman? What are you even talking about?
I stated people in the service industry can make less than min wage if they receive tips. This is true. Are you trying to claim it isn't? I didn't say anything was wrong with it.
You were just too stupid to follow the thread.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

Hey jackass, how do you feel about the Dem solution for the last 5 years?

$0.00 minimum wage for millions of Americans that lost their jobs due to ACA and Obama's horrid economic policies.

Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?

For the 4th freaking time

Did you tip the young man or not?

This is like pulling teeth
I guess cons can't read. In your own link, it says the "average" for a server is $3.42. Right next to it, it says "between" $2.00 & $5.00 an hour. Go on and brag about your stupidity some more, it's very funny.
And we all know cons are so tight, they squeak when they walk. Their idea of a tip is to vote republican, that way they can fuck grandma, and the poor children too.

I know that you are a fucking liar.

I know that you are spreading bullshit on behalf of the hate sites.

I know that the hate sites sent you piles of shit out to spread this;


Golden Corral wages - Topix

Bad Experience At The OK Golden Corral | Golden Corral Employees | PlanetFeedback

Because you fuckers are spreading it all over the net today.

Same story - funny dat.

Wow, talk about bitch slapped. OP's momma felt that.
Hey jackass, how do you feel about the Dem solution for the last 5 years?

$0.00 minimum wage for millions of Americans that lost their jobs due to ACA and Obama's horrid economic policies.

Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?

For the 4th freaking time

Did you tip the young man or not?

This is like pulling teeth
In order to tip you would have to have gone to the place and clearly he didn't.
Hey jackass, how do you feel about the Dem solution for the last 5 years?

$0.00 minimum wage for millions of Americans that lost their jobs due to ACA and Obama's horrid economic policies.

Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?

For the 4th freaking time

Did you tip the young man or not?

This is like pulling teeth

Tip him? He never met him :lol:
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

Hey jackass, how do you feel about the Dem solution for the last 5 years?

$0.00 minimum wage for millions of Americans that lost their jobs due to ACA and Obama's horrid economic policies.

Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?

are you wearing your "Independent" hat here.....or are do you have your nice shiny "Liberal" hat on?...just askin....
I can't decide which is the more idiotic idea; a "living wage" or a minimum wage of $10 or more. Where the fuck do the idiot liberals think the money is going to come from? I wonder if they thing that the government can simply just print money or that if we take all of the rich people's money away we can do it. Or perhaps they think money just grows on trees somewhere. Honestly, how did people get THIS stupid?
Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?

For the 4th freaking time

Did you tip the young man or not?

This is like pulling teeth
In order to tip you would have to have gone to the place and clearly he didn't.

and how many people ask the bus boy how much he makes?...
It's because of this CEO that the job is there in the first place. He is running the company well enough for it to prosper and grow lead to hiring more and more people. These people can show their strengths and move up the corporate ladder and perhaps be a CEO at a time in the future.

At that time one would say this person has paid his dues and should reap the rewards for a job well done. No doubt he will continue to work hard to continue to make that company a success, which is not a an 8 hour job. Let he earn the big bucks.

If he values his employees so much pay them a wage they can live on. EVERYONE deserves a livable wage. Not just him. I like my job but I get shit pay...why should I quit or find something new? They need to pay more. Economic Justice is what's needed. We must all help each other that means the uber rich helping the really poor...

You sir are an idiot of the slobbering monkey variety. Some jobs simply do not pay a living wage and never will. They still are jobs that require doing and there will always be someone who due to their particular set of circumstances will be willing to do it for that price. As a teenager living at home with my parents and going to high school, I sacked groceries for $1.60 an hour back in the day. Could I move out on my own, get an apartment, pay utilities, make a car payment, pay for healthcare, etc. on $1.60 an hour? Hell no, why would I think I could or want to? It's a starter job that a retarded person can be trained to do. There were always 20 teenagers standing at the door waiting their turn to replace a teenager that quit. Doing that job taught me a lot about a good work ethic, being on time, servicing the customer, etc. It wasn't long at all before I got a small raise, became a checker and then moved to the office. All I needed the job for was to make the payment on my used car, put some gas in it and take my girlfriend to an occasional movie. That job along with my education were stepping stones to better and higher paying jobs. It's the way the world works. You like your job but you get shit pay? Why should you quit and find something new? Those sound like personal problems to me. Personal problems are best solved by YOU. Not demanding some sort of "economic justice" from the CEO. Piss in one hand and demand in the other and see which one fills up faster. You are where you are in life because you choose to be there. It's no one else's problem or responsibility.......unless you are a liberal. Grow up.
Instead of the very dumb long diatribe you could have just summed it up in a few words. I HATE THE POOR. Hell its a republican and CONservative MOTTO!
You know, virtually every American started out making minimum wage and quickly moved beyond it. I need a liberal to explain to me how some of us end up 40 years later in life making six figures while apparently some are still making minimum wage 40 years later? Did they start working for someone in a minimum wage job 40 years ago and just stay there the rest of their life doing the same simple starter job all those years? Seriously, I want to know how a grown assed adult in their 50's can still only find a minimum wage job after 40 years in the workforce. Anyone?
If he values his employees so much pay them a wage they can live on. EVERYONE deserves a livable wage. Not just him. I like my job but I get shit pay...why should I quit or find something new? They need to pay more. Economic Justice is what's needed. We must all help each other that means the uber rich helping the really poor...

You sir are an idiot of the slobbering monkey variety. Some jobs simply do not pay a living wage and never will. They still are jobs that require doing and there will always be someone who due to their particular set of circumstances will be willing to do it for that price. As a teenager living at home with my parents and going to high school, I sacked groceries for $1.60 an hour back in the day. Could I move out on my own, get an apartment, pay utilities, make a car payment, pay for healthcare, etc. on $1.60 an hour? Hell no, why would I think I could or want to? It's a starter job that a retarded person can be trained to do. There were always 20 teenagers standing at the door waiting their turn to replace a teenager that quit. Doing that job taught me a lot about a good work ethic, being on time, servicing the customer, etc. It wasn't long at all before I got a small raise, became a checker and then moved to the office. All I needed the job for was to make the payment on my used car, put some gas in it and take my girlfriend to an occasional movie. That job along with my education were stepping stones to better and higher paying jobs. It's the way the world works. You like your job but you get shit pay? Why should you quit and find something new? Those sound like personal problems to me. Personal problems are best solved by YOU. Not demanding some sort of "economic justice" from the CEO. Piss in one hand and demand in the other and see which one fills up faster. You are where you are in life because you choose to be there. It's no one else's problem or responsibility.......unless you are a liberal. Grow up.
Instead of the very dumb long diatribe you could have just summed it up in a few words. I HATE THE POOR. Hell its a republican and CONservative MOTTO!

I see you have nothing to refute anything I said. As opposed to you who hates anyone that does better in life than yourself and blames them for your "misfortune", I don't hate anyone. I want EVERYONE to succeed in life. That is the Republican and conservative motto. The difference is, we want people to be educated and exercise personal responsibility to get there. You simply want to be "fair" and take from people who have something and give it to people who don't. That's your idea of "economic justice". You believe that people who scrape gum off the bottom side of handrails should enjoy the same standard of living as a heart surgeon. That makes you an idiot of the slobbering monkey variety.
I guess cons can't read. In your own link, it says the "average" for a server is $3.42. Right next to it, it says "between" $2.00 & $5.00 an hour. Go on and brag about your stupidity some more, it's very funny.
And we all know cons are so tight, they squeak when they walk. Their idea of a tip is to vote republican, that way they can fuck grandma, and the poor children too.

I know that you are a fucking liar.

I know that you are spreading bullshit on behalf of the hate sites.

I know that the hate sites sent you piles of shit out to spread this;


Golden Corral wages - Topix

Bad Experience At The OK Golden Corral | Golden Corral Employees | PlanetFeedback

Because you fuckers are spreading it all over the net today.

Same story - funny dat.

Wow, talk about bitch slapped. OP's momma felt that.

Maybe THAT is why Luissa is so butt hurt about this? :eek:
Last edited:
For the 4th freaking time

Did you tip the young man or not?

This is like pulling teeth
In order to tip you would have to have gone to the place and clearly he didn't.

and how many people ask the bus boy how much he makes?...

Nobody does. You would have to be the biggest weirdo on the planet to go around asking how much people get paid. And the odds of getting an honest answer or one at all are pretty slim.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

First of all, not classy to be asking strangers what they make. And second, if they're unhappy with their earnings, they can work somewhere else.
Yo moron, it was the cons that cut off unemployment benefits. It was the cons that refused to raise the minimum wage. It's the cons that have obstructed infrastructure repair that would have created jobs. It's the cons that cut food stamps to hungry children. It's cons efforts to cut Social Security which will throw 40 million on the unemployment lines.
How about you give us some REAL CON SOLUTIONS, instead of just blaming Obama?

What amazes me is that even after being proven to be a liar and a fraud, it doesn't phase you. You are so utterly devoid of ethics, that you feel no shame or remorse for being exposed to the entire forum as a liar and a fraud.

Can anyone say "sociopath?"

You haven't proved anything. Just because you call me a liar and a fraud doesn't make it so. It only proves you are a moron.

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