Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

Hey jackass, how do you feel about the Dem solution for the last 5 years?

$0.00 minimum wage for millions of Americans that lost their jobs due to ACA and Obama's horrid economic policies.
No, it was Obama you have to thank.

If a;ll the servers and busboys and etc. were able to get jobs in their chosen fields then these college grads wouldn't give a shit about their fellow fast food worker's minimum wage.

It only becomes part of their whine because they paid attention in school and now can't use their degree to get a job so they are taking anything.

Mickey D's and Golden Corral.

If you want to help them out turn the fire on under Obama's ass to cut taxes and spur real growth in our economy so these kids can earn a living commiserate with their educational levels.

Obama's the key to getting these folks into their right income strata.

Don't try to screw up this aspect of America and then not know how to repair things when your 'solution' produces unexpected problems.

In high school, I got a job as a busboy at a local restaurant. I made $1.65 an hour. But I got tips. The waitresses were not required to tip, but if you gave them good service, they tipped well.

When I turned 18, the manager "promoted" me by making me a cook - bumped me up to $5 an hour. I lost my ass on this. I was making WAY more than that with the tips I was getting. After a year I was moved to waiter and made good money again, even though I dropped back to minimum att then $2.05 an hour. I didn't make $3 an hour in tips, I made closer to $15 an hour in tips. When I turned 21, they made me a bartender, and I made even more in tips.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

Isn't it illegal to pay less than minimum wage?

It is, he was just lying - which is what leftists do.
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

This thread is a lie, and you are a liar.

You picked up some bullshit meme at one of the hate sites, and figured that people here would be too stupid to catch on to your lies.

Next time, maybe change the name to Denny's or something, so that I can't just Google "Golden Corral only pays 2.13" and find the same post on a half dozen other board.

You see Hangover, you're not just a scumbag liar, you're also too stupid to effectively pull it off.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?

At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?

Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.

Our dinner was $26.00

Isn't it illegal to pay less than minimum wage?

It is, he was just lying - which is what leftists do.

The kid probably makes less, do you still not understand that moron? Of course he makes up for it in tips, but many in the service industry make less than min wage due to tips.
And you nor right wingers never lie? Such a lying hypocrite. Lol

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

No, this thread is about a liar. I don't give a rats ass about politics. You lied plain and simple. Are you going through menopause?
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

You know what's laughable, Hang? You Progressives have been running things for going on six years now and in that time the poor have gotten poorer...and the rich have gotten richer...but it's the "cons" that we should worry about?

Do you really believe the bullshit you're being fed by these people? Are you THAT naive?
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

You know what's laughable, Hang? You Progressives have been running things for going on six years now and in that time the poor have gotten poorer...and the rich have gotten richer...but it's the "cons" that we should worry about?

Do you really believe the bullshit you're being fed by these people? Are you THAT naive?

Only because Obama has tried to please both sides he needs to go full steam ahead and do what he wants. republicans have obstructed what needs to be done,tried to slash help for the poor and then blame Obama for it. Sorry not buying it.
The kid probably makes less, do you still not understand that moron?

Less then $2.13?

I take it you got up early, poured a big glass of vodka, and ate a nice bowl of paint chips - as is your usual breakfast?

Of course he makes up for it in tips, but many in the service industry make less than min wage due to tips.
And you nor right wingers never lie? Such a lying hypocrite. Lol

Luisser - has anyone ever clued you in to the fact that you are incredibly fucking stupid?

Maybe if you switched from paint chips and vodka for breakfast it would help.....
What is the "plan" that Barack Obama has to put people back to work so they can afford that roof over their heads and food on the table without a handout from the Federal Government? Does he have one? Has he EVER had one? If so...then kindly share it with us because we're well into year 5 of the Obama Administration and all I've seen from this guy is things that will put people out of work...Barry isn't a "jobs President"....he's the "anti-jobs President".
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.

You know what's laughable, Hang? You Progressives have been running things for going on six years now and in that time the poor have gotten poorer...and the rich have gotten richer...but it's the "cons" that we should worry about?

Do you really believe the bullshit you're being fed by these people? Are you THAT naive?

Only because Obama has tried to please both sides he needs to go full steam ahead and do what he wants. republicans have obstructed what needs to be done,tried to slash help for the poor and then blame Obama for it. Sorry not buying it.

First of all, Orion...when Obama had super majorities he could have done anything he wanted and he gave us ObamaCare...one of the worst pieces of legislation ever passed in the history of the United States. Blaming Republican "obstructionism" on Barry's failure to create jobs is a joke. The truth is...if it weren't for the 2010 mid-terms...Barry's next two "projects" were going to be Cap & Trade legislation and Card Check legislation...both of which would have put hundreds of thousand more Americans out of work. The GOP STOPPED that from happening. The truth is...if it weren't FOR GOP obstructionism, Barry would have screwed things up even more than he has!
Minimum wage already exists and it isn't $2.13 an hour. That busboy is full of shit and you're an idiot for believing that he's making $80 a week.

Fact is, he probably is making that wage. Virtually every state has a tip-adjusted minimum wage for servers. The wage is generally half or less than current minimum wage.
I do frequent Golden Corral, especially on week-ends for breakfast/lunch. The staff there is always friendly, and they work hard, in return I always tip between 20-25%. I'm hoping the other patrons also appreciate the service, and provide a descent tip as well, so these folks could earn a fair wage.

Well, I don't tip "so someone can earn a fair wage". I tip because the service was good, and I believe in paying for what I get.
So far all the asshole cons think it's a big joke for workers to make $2.13 an hour. Fucking people is the GOP platform.

What joke? Looks to me like a lot of people are still waiting to hear if Cheapskate tipped.

Has he answered yet? I asked on post #2.

Meal cost $26.00, if Hangover tipped 20% then that's $2.13 plus $5.20 for a total of $7.33, in what, 20 minutes?

Do the math, kid would make out quite well

Unless hangovers a cheapskate

So, did you tip or not?
The busboy is lying.

Golden Corral salaries

Golden Corral Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

For a teen with his first job $3.42 isn't bad at all. If it's someone trying to support a family on these kinds of wages, it's his own fault.
^ republican talking point.
Its their fault the rich CEO's won't pay a higher wage!

No, fool, it's his fault that he knocked up his girlfriend while not making himself any more employable than a high school kid.

How much do you think "rich CEOs" need to pay for someone to carry dirty dishes away from a table? My five-year-old does that quite competently.
So far all the asshole cons think it's a big joke for workers to make $2.13 an hour. Fucking people is the GOP platform.

The $2.13 is because of tips of course. I don't think there should be tip positions with reduced guaranteed hourly wages though. Doing your job is something you should earn a wage for doing, but not something you should be paid an automatic bonus for. I at least am perfectly capable of getting up and getting my own plate of food. While I might appreciate having someone do it for me, it's not like above and beyond the call of duty. Seen trained monkies who do it in Japan for crying out loud. :) If you don't want to rely on tips for your pay, don't get jobs of that sort.
Emergency first-responders are the only ones deserving tips :) Someone doing something a well-trained monkey can do doesn't rate merit-pay. :)
^ republican talking point.
Its their fault the rich CEO's won't pay a higher wage!

It's because of this CEO that the job is there in the first place. He is running the company well enough for it to prosper and grow lead to hiring more and more people. These people can show their strengths and move up the corporate ladder and perhaps be a CEO at a time in the future.

At that time one would say this person has paid his dues and should reap the rewards for a job well done. No doubt he will continue to work hard to continue to make that company a success, which is not a an 8 hour job. Let he earn the big bucks.

If he values his employees so much pay them a wage they can live on. EVERYONE deserves a livable wage. Not just him. I like my job but I get shit pay...why should I quit or find something new? They need to pay more. Economic Justice is what's needed. We must all help each other that means the uber rich helping the really poor...

I doubt he values busboys any more than minimum wage, nor should he. As I've pointed out, this job requires a skill that my preschooler has already mastered. That just ain't worth much, Sparkles.

One does not "deserve" a wage, "livable" or otherwise. One EARNS it, and trust me, breathing in and out and expecting to be rewarded for so doing is not impressing anyone.

Why should you quit and find something new? Because you're unhappy with what you've got, and contrary to your obvious opinion, YOUR happiness is YOUR problem to solve, not anyone else's.
No, fool, it's his fault that he knocked up his girlfriend while not making himself any more employable than a high school kid.

How much do you think "rich CEOs" need to pay for someone to carry dirty dishes away from a table? My five-year-old does that quite competently.

Yet my 24 year old can't quite manage it.

Funny, at 5 he could....
Isn't it illegal to pay less than minimum wage?

It is, he was just lying - which is what leftists do.

The kid probably makes less, do you still not understand that moron? Of course he makes up for it in tips, but many in the service industry make less than min wage due to tips.
And you nor right wingers never lie? Such a lying hypocrite. Lol

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I have a family member who is partial owner of a restaurant corporation that owns a good number of mid to high end restaurants. He defends their pay scheme and after hearing him explain it, I understand it and agree. He says their good wait staff can pull in $75 to $80K per year thru tips. They get their tips by providing excellent service. If the restaurant decided to stop tipping and pay their wait staff that same amount......and raise the price of your meal accordingly, you would get shitty service because there is no incentive for your waiter to provide GOOD service. When they are paid by the patron based on the service they provide, they have a huge incentive to provide the absolute best service they can. Working at a Golden Corral is no different than what I did for minimum wage as a teenager sacking groceries. It is a starting position that allows you to learn and develop job skills. It's a stepping stone. Learn to be a decent waiter, move to a higher end place where people tip more. Boom, you just gave yourself a raise. It's how it works. If you are a middle aged woman with 3 kids and you're trying to support your family on a Golden Corral waitress job, you've made some very, very bad life choices to be in the position you're in. Bumping her pay from $2.13 to the current minimum wage isn't going to fix the life she chose to lead. It just isn't.

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