Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Here's a clue, only 20% of this country has jobs with a career. You really think being a con troll on these forums is a career? BWAH HA HA! Nice career, moron.

I don't understand how you can be that ignorant and yet still be able to use a computer. Your point is moot. It isn't a career, what it is is a temporary job. They are getting paid what the job is worth. Need more money? Become a cook or a waiter or stay in school.

The point is, most jobs in this country are these kind of jobs. They don't pay the bills. Most people in this country are working full time jobs that keep them in poverty, because THAT'S ALL THERE IS! And assholes like you just say, "Hey, just stop being poor." And other assholes like you say it's just a lie. And still more assholes like you are making teachers work for those kind of wages. It's assholes like you that bust unions so that construction workers can be paid those kind of wages. A new word needs to be invented to describe the cons, because there isn't an adjective that does justice to how low you are.

So if I run a business and advertise a job with a wage of 8.00 per hour, I'm the bad guy if someone takes the job?
The point is, most jobs in this country are these kind of jobs. They don't pay the bills. Most people in this country are working full time jobs that keep them in poverty, because THAT'S ALL THERE IS! And assholes like you just say, "Hey, just stop being poor." And other assholes like you say it's just a lie. And still more assholes like you are making teachers work for those kind of wages. It's assholes like you that bust unions so that construction workers can be paid those kind of wages. A new word needs to be invented to describe the cons, because there isn't an adjective that does justice to how low you are.

1. Most of the jobs in this country are NOT those kinds of jobs. Only about 10% of Americans work in these kinds of jobs - What America Does For Work : Planet Money : NPR

2. Most Full time workers are above the poverty level in the US, in fact according to Government websites only about 15% of Americans are under the poverty rate - https://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty/about/overview/

3. The average starting salary for Teacher is $35,672, which is about 700 times what your pretened busboy at Golden Corral makes - NEA - 2011-2012 Average Starting Teacher Salaries by State

4. Construction workers - YOUR Senate passed a bill that was specifically NOT supported by the ABC (Association of Builders and Contractos, Inc). YOUR Democratic Senators want more illegal immigration in the US to take YOUR contruction jobs - Senate Passes Immigration Bill With ABC-Opposed Construction Worker Visa Cap
The bus boy is full of it.
$2.13 an hour is about normal for tip-able employees. Having said that, an employee cannot earn LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE - including tips. So if a waitress has a crappy night, the business must pay her the difference between the $2/hr and whatever it takes to get to min. wage.
Same with a bus boy, who is likely feeding you a line of crap hoping you give him money. I would wager $100 he is paid min. wage.

Mostly right. At least in Texas the minimum wage thing kicks in for a weeks worth of work. If you're not making minimum wages in tips, they're gonna fire your ass anyway.

In some of the restaurants I've worked at the Busboys, Hostesses and Bartenders all get paid from the Tip pool anyway. Which is another way of taking away a waiters hard earned tips and paying employees the House should be paying for, but that's a different story.
The point is, most jobs in this country are these kind of jobs. They don't pay the bills. Most people in this country are working full time jobs that keep them in poverty, because THAT'S ALL THERE IS! And assholes like you just say, "Hey, just stop being poor." And other assholes like you say it's just a lie. And still more assholes like you are making teachers work for those kind of wages. It's assholes like you that bust unions so that construction workers can be paid those kind of wages. A new word needs to be invented to describe the cons, because there isn't an adjective that does justice to how low you are.

You just can't stop lying, can you?

{How many people were poor in 2010?

In 2010, 15.1 percent of all persons lived in poverty. The poverty rate in 2010 was the highest poverty rate since 1993. Between 1993 and 2000, the poverty rate fell each year, reaching 11.3 percent in 2000. }

National Poverty Center | University of Michigan

You lying sack of shit - or should we just say, you democrat.
Mostly right. At least in Texas the minimum wage thing kicks in for a weeks worth of work. If you're not making minimum wages in tips, they're gonna fire your ass anyway.

In some of the restaurants I've worked at the Busboys, Hostesses and Bartenders all get paid from the Tip pool anyway. Which is another way of taking away a waiters hard earned tips and paying employees the House should be paying for, but that's a different story.


Busboys deserve part of the tips. They are a big part of the service equation.

I made more money in tips as a bartender than I ever did as a waiter, back when I was young. A bartender should not get part of the servers tips.
The point is, most jobs in this country are these kind of jobs. They don't pay the bills. Most people in this country are working full time jobs that keep them in poverty, because THAT'S ALL THERE IS! And assholes like you just say, "Hey, just stop being poor." And other assholes like you say it's just a lie. And still more assholes like you are making teachers work for those kind of wages. It's assholes like you that bust unions so that construction workers can be paid those kind of wages. A new word needs to be invented to describe the cons, because there isn't an adjective that does justice to how low you are.

You just can't stop lying, can you?

{How many people were poor in 2010?

In 2010, 15.1 percent of all persons lived in poverty. The poverty rate in 2010 was the highest poverty rate since 1993. Between 1993 and 2000, the poverty rate fell each year, reaching 11.3 percent in 2000. }

National Poverty Center | University of Michigan

You lying sack of shit - or should we just say, you democrat.

And what's considered "poverty" in this country is a joke. Westerners have no fucking clue what poverty is.
The bus boy is full of it.
$2.13 an hour is about normal for tip-able employees. Having said that, an employee cannot earn LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE - including tips. So if a waitress has a crappy night, the business must pay her the difference between the $2/hr and whatever it takes to get to min. wage.
Same with a bus boy, who is likely feeding you a line of crap hoping you give him money. I would wager $100 he is paid min. wage.

Mostly right. At least in Texas the minimum wage thing kicks in for a weeks worth of work. If you're not making minimum wages in tips, they're gonna fire your ass anyway.

In some of the restaurants I've worked at the Busboys, Hostesses and Bartenders all get paid from the Tip pool anyway. Which is another way of taking away a waiters hard earned tips and paying employees the House should be paying for, but that's a different story.

The wait staff can't do it without the help of the bartender, busboy etc. so yes they usually "tip out" and the end of their shift.
The point is, most jobs in this country are these kind of jobs.

Median wage is 27k, average is 42k.

Thanks again for bragging on your con stupidity. If you get any dumber, you'll forget how to breathe.
Golden Corral Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

You got caught red handed repeating a meme.

You are a fraud and invented a tall tale to further the goals of some hate site, per your master, George Soros.

You never "talked to the busboy," and I'll bet you don't even speak Spanish, so COULDN'T speak to the busboy even if you wanted to.

Do you even live in Arkansas, shit fer brains?

You're a fucking little liar, and you're exposed.

He's a liar and an idiot. Perfect obamabot.

he is a fraud.....called himself an Independent in one thread....but its funny how he never has anything negative to say about Democrats.....called me a "Con" in one thread,then denied it saying that "Con" means "conman"....ya right......yet here he is calling various posters...."Cons".........he makes fun of people with physical sexual problems too....shows you what kind of an asswipe he is.....Hangover is a good name for himself since he probably posts drunk .....the guys a jerk...
And if you don't feel motivated to go to school and get an education and try to make a better life for yourself.

Don't worry you will be taken care of from cradle to grave....

Just make sure you vote Democrat in every election to make sure you receive what you are entitled to.

Did all that genius. Didn't really help much.They can get away with shit wages and they will I got home to my 3 bedroom 1 bath rental that's 1200 square feet tops with no central HAC they go home to a 6 bedroom 3 bath 15000k home with indoor pool and 10 cars in drive way..I drive a vehicle that's 13 years old same for the wife. We JUST got her a vehicle...almost a decade together and we finally were able to get her a car because we now NEED 2 vehicles so its even more of a strain on us financially.

That sounds terrible. Do you need help? Have you called the police to report the employers/CEOs who are holding guns to you and your wife's heads?
I have explained how this works time and time again...can't help it if you didn't listen or read what I wrote.
Every person is entitled to a job as well. The government should insure EVERY ONE has a livable wage,home to live in and food in their belly.

And how are you handling the "entitlements" for those people who make awful choices in life? Does society owe a "livable" wage, a home and food to someone that didn't work hard in school, doesn't really like getting up and going to work and does a terrible job when they are there? Is it fair that that person gets things they haven't earned...paid for by those who HAVE worked hard?

It's a nice "concept" Orion but like many concepts falls on it's face when implemented in a real world situation.
Then you take those and put them to work breaking rocks and splitting wood. When they feel like being productive members of society let them rejoin society. Also if you give them something to work for or towards MOST if not ALL people will work.
So far all the asshole cons think it's a big joke for workers to make $2.13 an hour. Fucking people is the GOP platform.

When I was a server I made $2.13 an hour too. You make 90% of your income off of tips, you dipshit.

Didn't you just accuse someone the other day of writing posts that make them look like a moron?

yea that was me who he said that about.....because i said some men have physical Sexual problems and need stuff like Viagra.....his reply was basically im full of shit and then he said something about a "limp dick" not being life threatening and of course how i must be speaking from experience and i must not be a man because i need a pill to deliver the goods..... the guys a drunken idiot.....
My recommendation? Don't get a job at Golden Corral if you don't like their wages.

It really is as simple as that.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

It depends on the state and employer. The Federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13 hr. Many employers consider busboys and runners tipped employees because they are tipped out by the servers.

The practice sucks.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

Minimum wage already exists and it isn't $2.13 an hour. That busboy is full of shit and you're an idiot for believing that he's making $80 a week.

Exactly right. What a f'n idiot.
Thought I'd post this since the tard teabaggers are posting all kind of nonsense in this thread.

The truth:


Like this moron:

The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

Minimum wage already exists and it isn't $2.13 an hour. That busboy is full of shit and you're an idiot for believing that he's making $80 a week.

Exactly right. What a f'n idiot.
Wow! Such garbage.

I bet you love buffets, love food born illnesses and the Noro Virus. I am not surprised, you are a lazy bastard.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

1. The number of people who get sick from buffets is minuscule.

2. Technically, a LAZY person would sit there while someone else gets their food instead of getting it himself.

3. You are a dumbass.

1. [ame=http://youtu.be/IKXrL5syc_s]all you can eat ribs - YouTube[/ame]
Have you heard of the NORO virus? Have you ever researched the lack of safety at buffets?
2. Pretty sure I mentioned I don't go to buffets, plus how do you think that food makes it to the buffet line? I guess setting up your nasty food isnt serving you in your idiotic opinion.
3. Obviously the dumbass is you, lazy bastard. Go get some Mac and Cheese at the buffet, loser.

Like I said, you are a class act looking down at the kid SERVING you food at the buffet.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

I really don't think you are as stupid as you seem. I think you are just a person who can't admit when they are wrong. You say I'm lazy because I eat at a buffet, that's just plain stupid and you cannot defend it. Even if there are people who put food on the line, it doesn't make me lazy. I'm sure you know that. It also doesn't make a busboy the person who serves me. Be an adult, admit you are wrong because you are just making yourself look stupid.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

It depends on the state and employer. The Federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13 hr. Many employers consider busboys and runners tipped employees because they are tipped out by the servers.

The practice sucks.


That'll get "the Man"
And assholes like you just say, "Hey, just stop being poor."

Man, this place is the epicenter of intellectually dishonest straw man arguments. Too funny.

What some of us are actually saying is, "I believe you have it in you to improve your own situation. It will be difficult, tough as hell, it will take hard work, sacrifice and discipline; you'll probably have to recover from failure multiple times like the rest of us, but unlike others who don't have faith in you, I know you can do it. And when you do, you'll realize it was all worth it. Just don't listen to those who want you to give up, who want you to point the finger at someone else. You can do it."

Slight difference there. I wonder if you notice the distinction.


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