Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour!
I believe it.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Where are you by the way? $2.13 is what it may still be here in Tennessee. There is a chance though that it may have gone up to $2.28 last year.
Can't wait for the post where Uncensored claims I am melting down.


Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
I guess cons can't read. In your own link, it says the "average" for a server is $3.42. Right next to it, it says "between" $2.00 & $5.00 an hour. Go on and brag about your stupidity some more, it's very funny.
And we all know cons are so tight, they squeak when they walk. Their idea of a tip is to vote republican, that way they can fuck grandma, and the poor children too.

I know that you are a fucking liar.

I know that you are spreading bullshit on behalf of the hate sites.

I know that the hate sites sent you piles of shit out to spread this;


Golden Corral wages - Topix

Bad Experience At The OK Golden Corral | Golden Corral Employees | PlanetFeedback

Because you fuckers are spreading it all over the net today.

Same story - funny dat.

Repped for exposing the liar.
So to you that food magically appears on the buffet line?

Can't say I go to a lot of buffets, but the one's I have been to, it's the cooks who put the food on the line.

You are a special kind of stupid. You only eat there, so you are better than them.
So do you get loose stool a lot? Or has your body build an immunity to food born illnesses?


Yo stupid, tell us again about the busboy serving you your food at a buffet?
I guess cons can't read. In your own link, it says the "average" for a server is $3.42. Right next to it, it says "between" $2.00 & $5.00 an hour. Go on and brag about your stupidity some more, it's very funny.
And we all know cons are so tight, they squeak when they walk. Their idea of a tip is to vote republican, that way they can fuck grandma, and the poor children too.

I know that you are a fucking liar.

I know that you are spreading bullshit on behalf of the hate sites.

I know that the hate sites sent you piles of shit out to spread this;


Golden Corral wages - Topix

Bad Experience At The OK Golden Corral | Golden Corral Employees | PlanetFeedback

Because you fuckers are spreading it all over the net today.

Same story - funny dat.

Thanks again for bragging on your con stupidity. If you get any dumber, you'll forget how to breathe.
Golden Corral Hourly Pay | Glassdoor

Neg repped after being exposed as a liar.
Why does it matter? It is a job. Someone has to serve you your nasty buffet food.

Buffets are them high fallutin places that you plan to go to if you hit on the scratchers, huh Luisser?


Look at that, so different from McDonalds...

BUT, they don't serve you, you hasta serve up them thar vittles to yous ownself...

Wow! Such garbage.
I bet you love buffets, love food born illnesses and the Noro Virus. I am not surprised, you are a lazy bastard.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

1. The number of people who get sick from buffets is minuscule.
2. Technically, a LAZY person would sit there while someone else gets their food instead of getting it himself.
3. You are a dumbass.
It doesn't matter if it's a career or not. Most people don't have careers, they have jobs. Every job in the richest country in the world deserves a living wage and things should go up from there.

Bull shit. You liberal retards think money grows on trees. Living wage? One of the stupidest ideas man has thought of.

She isn't a liberal. A retard but she is all right wing.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Bull shit. No right winger believes in a living wage.
Technically, a LAZY person would sit there while someone else gets their food instead of getting it himself.
Being lazy isn't the only reason why some people don't get their own food. I was at Golden Corral this past Sunday with several members of my family and my aunt had to have her food brought to her because of her health being the way that it is now. She is in her 90's.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The sad thing in her case is how much she didn't eat when a big enough price for it had to be paid still. :( :( :(
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Technically, a LAZY person would sit there while someone else gets their food instead of getting it himself.
Being lazy isn't the only reason why some people don't get their own food. I was at Golden Corral this past Sunday with several members of my family and my aunt had to have her food brought to her because of her health being the way that it is now. She is in her 90's.

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)


Sorry about your aunt, but that's beside the point. The doofus keeps saying we're lazy because we get our own food. Just try to make sense out of that!
So far all the asshole cons think it's a big joke for workers to make $2.13 an hour. Fucking people is the GOP platform.

When I was a server I made $2.13 an hour too. You make 90% of your income off of tips, you dipshit.

Didn't you just accuse someone the other day of writing posts that make them look like a moron?
Sorry about your aunt, but that's beside the point. The doofus keeps saying we're lazy because we get our own food. Just try to make sense out of that!
Thank you. :) :) :)

Sometimes though it is better to get your own food because then you don't have to worry about it being in the hands of other people besides those who cook it and put it out there for you to get.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

Don't know if this is true or not. For the sake of conversation, let's say it's true. If it's true, my advice would be if you don't want to work for $2.13 an hour, don't work at Golden Corral.
Buffets are them high fallutin places that you plan to go to if you hit on the scratchers, huh Luisser?


Look at that, so different from McDonalds...

BUT, they don't serve you, you hasta serve up them thar vittles to yous ownself...

Wow! Such garbage.

I bet you love buffets, love food born illnesses and the Noro Virus. I am not surprised, you are a lazy bastard.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

1. The number of people who get sick from buffets is minuscule.

2. Technically, a LAZY person would sit there while someone else gets their food instead of getting it himself.

3. You are a dumbass.

Have you heard of the NORO virus? Have you ever researched the lack of safety at buffets?
2. Pretty sure I mentioned I don't go to buffets, plus how do you think that food makes it to the buffet line? I guess setting up your nasty food isnt serving you in your idiotic opinion.
3. Obviously the dumbass is you, lazy bastard. Go get some Mac and Cheese at the buffet, loser.

Like I said, you are a class act looking down at the kid SERVING you food at the buffet.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
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Virtually all restaurant workers and minimum wage employees also draw welfare benefits including Medicaid health plans -- and pay no taxes.

Table servers at Golden Corral and other similar places, in accordance with legal agreements, are paid less than minimum wage, but they make up for it in tips. We eat there often because for the two of us, it's actually more economical than cooking and cleaning the kitchen -- and there's no left-overs to jam into the refrigerator where they remain uneaten.

Although the servers don't do much except pick up our used plates and re-fill our tea glasses, we leave a fairly generous tip of $4.00. And most other "diners" leave good tips also. For the servers, it's like plucking money from a money tree all day long.

We have eaten there on a regular basis for a long time and have gotten to know several of them. Some of them have been working there for a long time and seem to be pretty satisfied with their situation.

You have no idea what these servers, whom you seem very dismissive of with regards to how hard they work or how important their job is, must endure in order to preform their duties.

If you did, you would understand that they are earning their money and not being handed welfare from you "rich folk."
Wow! Such garbage.

I bet you love buffets, love food born illnesses and the Noro Virus. I am not surprised, you are a lazy bastard.

Yo stupid, tell us again about the busboy serving you your food at a buffet? :thup:

He's just not too bright.

Says the man who doesn't know the meaning of serve.
And I am a she, thought was pretty obvious by the feminine name. Of course you don't understand what the word serve means what can you expect?
You ever wonder why they call it the service industry? Or when someone says they are providing a service?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Wow! Such garbage.

I bet you love buffets, love food born illnesses and the Noro Virus. I am not surprised, you are a lazy bastard.

Yo stupid, tell us again about the busboy serving you your food at a buffet? :thup:

Funniest shit about it all.
This kind of reminds me of your grammar tantrum yesterday. Hypocrite much, lazy bastard?

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
My link shows the hourly wage. It does not state that the employer must make up any differences.

That is the lie you perpetrated.

Screw you, lie I perpetrated...go to hell.
People can and do say things in error, doesn't mean they are lying idiot.

Besides that..... http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs15.htm


Tipped employees are those who customarily and regularly receive more than $30 per month in tips. Tips are the property of the employee. The employer is prohibited from using an employee’s tips for any reason other than as a credit against its minimum wage obligation to the employee (“tip credit”) or in furtherance of a valid tip pool. Only tips actually received by the employee may be counted in determining whether the employee is a tipped employee and in applying the tip credit.

Tip Credit: Section 3(m) of the FLSA permits an employer to take a tip credit toward its minimum wage obligation for tipped employees equal to the difference between the required cash wage (which must be at least $2.13) and the federal minimum wage. Thus, the maximum tip credit that an employer can currently claim under the FLSA is $5.12 per hour (the minimum wage of $7.25 minus the minimum required cash wage of $2.13).

Permitting is not requiring.

It is required and it is law.

Fact Sheet #15: Tipped Employees Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Where an employee does not receive sufficient tips to make up the difference between the direct (or cash) wage payment (which must be at least $2.13 per hour) and the minimum wage, the employer must make up the difference.
## Where an employee receives tips only and is paid no cash wage, the full minimum wage is owed.
## Where deductions for walk-outs, breakage, or cash register shortages reduce the employee’s wages below the minimum wage, such deductions are illegal. Where a tipped employee is paid $2.13 per hour in direct (or cash) wages and the employer claims the maximum tip credit of $5.12 per hour, no such deductions can be made without reducing the employee below the minimum wage (even where the employee receives more than $5.12 per hour in tips).
## Where a tipped employee is required to contribute to a tip pool that includes employees who do not customarily and regularly receive tips, the employee is owed all tips he or she contributed to the pool and the full $7.25 minimum wage.


I was surprised to learn that an employer can take the 3 percent charge credit cards companies bill from the tipped employees wage though.
Any idiot here think busboy at the Golden Corral is a career?

I mean beside the idiot OP.

Here's a clue, only 20% of this country has jobs with a career. You really think being a con troll on these forums is a career? BWAH HA HA! Nice career, moron.

I don't understand how you can be that ignorant and yet still be able to use a computer. Your point is moot. It isn't a career, what it is is a temporary job. They are getting paid what the job is worth. Need more money? Become a cook or a waiter or stay in school.

The point is, most jobs in this country are these kind of jobs. They don't pay the bills. Most people in this country are working full time jobs that keep them in poverty, because THAT'S ALL THERE IS! And assholes like you just say, "Hey, just stop being poor." And other assholes like you say it's just a lie. And still more assholes like you are making teachers work for those kind of wages. It's assholes like you that bust unions so that construction workers can be paid those kind of wages. A new word needs to be invented to describe the cons, because there isn't an adjective that does justice to how low you are.

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