Wages at Golden Corral $2.13 an hour

The bus boy is full of it.
$2.13 an hour is about normal for tip-able employees. Having said that, an employee cannot earn LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE - including tips. So if a waitress has a crappy night, the business must pay her the difference between the $2/hr and whatever it takes to get to min. wage.


Wage and Hour Division (WHD)

Minimum Wages for Tipped Employees

Show a statute that proves your claim.

I don't need a statute, I have two kids in college working as waiters/waitress.
Both places they have worked do this. Course this might be an Indiana thing.

Wait...your link proves what I am saying??

Do they get paid gratuities?
If not, and they are living off the waitstaff min age, you have two of the damned dumbest smart kids on planet Earth
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

Isn't this breaking the law paying below the minimum wage? How fucked can a corporation be. :(
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

Isn't this breaking the law paying below the minimum wage? How fucked can a corporation be. :(

So, no critical thinking skills huh? Just think to yourself this gives me one more reason to hate the "other guy" no matter how far fetched it may seem? The OP is a liar. He never went to Golden Corral. He never talked to a busboy. The story is made up and has been posted on other forums. Again, made up story. OP is a liar.
CaféAuLait;8795730 said:
Thought I'd post this since the tard teabaggers are posting all kind of nonsense in this thread.

The truth:


So what is it you are trying to point out with the link above?

Are you capable of reading it or my posts?

Of course, its just that it proves the tipped employee is guaranteed a wage higher than 2.13 an hour, as is being claimed on this thread.

Your page, and the page I provided are linked together by the Department of Labor and when one clicks it, it plainly says:

Where an employee does not receive sufficient tips to make up the difference between the direct (or cash) wage payment (which must be at least $2.13 per hour) and the minimum wage, the employer must make up the difference.


So why is one DOL article wrong and the other right? Or what was it you were trying to prove, that is why I asked since they both prove that tipped employees make more than 2.13 an hour. That is why I asked for clarification.
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The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

No, it was Obama you have to thank.

If a;ll the servers and busboys and etc. were able to get jobs in their chosen fields then these college grads wouldn't give a shit about their fellow fast food worker's minimum wage.

It only becomes part of their whine because they paid attention in school and now can't use their degree to get a job so they are taking anything.

Mickey D's and Golden Corral.

If you want to help them out turn the fire on under Obama's ass to cut taxes and spur real growth in our economy so these kids can earn a living commiserate with their educational levels.

Obama's the key to getting these folks into their right income strata.

Don't try to screw up this aspect of America and then not know how to repair things when your 'solution' produces unexpected problems.
I cannot understand how anyone could possibly believe that in the year 2014 in the United States of America any restaurant worker could receive only $2.13 an hour in total compensation. If that were true - and it is not - there would be an uproar. No one would stand for such slave wages, no one! Here is the basic law from the Department of Labor web site:

“A tipped employee engages in an occupation in which he or she customarily and regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips. An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 per hour in direct wages if that amount combined with the tips received at least equals the federal minimum wage. If the employee’s tips combined with the employer’s direct wages of at least $2.13 per hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference. Many states, however, require higher direct wage amounts for tipped employees.”


What the law means is that ALL employees must receive at least minimum wage. Under Federal law the employer must pay tipped employs a minimum of $2.13/hour. However, if the direct wages plus tips are less than the minimum wage, the employer must make up the difference. On the other hand, if the employee makes $100/hour in tips the employer must still pay direct wages of $2.13/hour.

How tips are recorded and reported can be rather complicated and I do not wish to go into all the legal details; however, one thing is certain:

The busboy lied.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

Isn't it illegal to pay less than minimum wage?
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

No, it was Obama you have to thank.

If a;ll the servers and busboys and etc. were able to get jobs in their chosen fields then these college grads wouldn't give a shit about their fellow fast food worker's minimum wage.

It only becomes part of their whine because they paid attention in school and now can't use their degree to get a job so they are taking anything.

Mickey D's and Golden Corral.

If you want to help them out turn the fire on under Obama's ass to cut taxes and spur real growth in our economy so these kids can earn a living commiserate with their educational levels.

Obama's the key to getting these folks into their right income strata.

Don't try to screw up this aspect of America and then not know how to repair things when your 'solution' produces unexpected problems.

Oh, yes. Everything that isn't right in the USA is Obama's fault. Broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, and etc. & so on ad infinitum.....
CaféAuLait;8795730 said:
Thought I'd post this since the tard teabaggers are posting all kind of nonsense in this thread.

The truth:


So what is it you are trying to point out with the link above?

Are you capable of reading it or my posts?

I would've pos repped Howey for this post, because it links to the correct motorcycle.

However, the insult is BS.
Per Howey, the OP (hangover) is a
Howey said:
tard teabaggers

CaféAuLait;8797259 said:
CaféAuLait;8795730 said:
So what is it you are trying to point out with the link above?

Are you capable of reading it or my posts?

Of course, its just that it proves the tipped employee is guaranteed a wage higher than 2.13 an hour, as is being claimed on this thread.

Your page, and the page I provided are linked together by the Department of Labor and when one clicks it, it plainly says:

Where an employee does not receive sufficient tips to make up the difference between the direct (or cash) wage payment (which must be at least $2.13 per hour) and the minimum wage, the employer must make up the difference.


So why is one DOL article wrong and the other right? Or what was it you were trying to prove, that is why I asked since they both prove that tipped employees make more than 2.13 an hour. That is why I asked for clarification.
The wife and I went to the New Golden Corral Buffet last night, and I asked the bus boy how much they started him out at. He said $2.13 an hour! I asked what the cooks were paid. He said he wasn't positive, thought it was $8.00 an hour. Anyone think they get medical benefits?
At $2.13 an hour, that guy can't even buy a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich at Burger King.($3.99) Is it really possible to live on $80.00 a week?
Looks like the cons have succeeded in making the U.S. a banana republic.
Our dinner was $26.00

Isn't it illegal to pay less than minimum wage?

Yes m'dear it is! [MENTION=42498]Esmeralda[/MENTION]

Check this out.

It provides facts! ;)
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Oh, yes. Everything that isn't right in the USA is Obama's fault. Broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, broken record, and etc. & so on ad infinitum.....


For future reference... ;) [MENTION=42498]Esmeralda[/MENTION]
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Every person is entitled to a job as well. The government should insure EVERY ONE has a livable wage,home to live in and food in their belly.

Your an idiot, then the goverment will tell you what job you will be doing. What to eat, how much to eat. What time to go to bed, what time to get up. Liberals are good at the idea of everyone being equal, until they talk about themselves. Obama saying we need to be our brothers keeper, well his lives in a hut. Hypocrite.
Well this thread is an advertisement for the plan the cons have for American workers, if they win in November. More poverty, more poor, more low wages. Every con post has either denied the truth, or tried to defend $2.13 an hour wages. When they destroy Social Security and welfare, the problem will be 40 million times worse. That's the con solution.
Every person is entitled to a job as well. The government should insure EVERY ONE has a livable wage,home to live in and food in their belly.

Your an idiot, then the goverment will tell you what job you will be doing. What to eat, how much to eat. What time to go to bed, what time to get up. Liberals are good at the idea of everyone being equal, until they talk about themselves. Obama saying we need to be our brothers keeper, well his lives in a hut. Hypocrite.

"Your an idiot"

Has the OP acknowledged he lied and never went to Golden Corral?

Good job exposing his stupid ass.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So far all the asshole cons think it's a big joke for workers to make $2.13 an hour. Fucking people is the GOP platform.

I guess you think it would be better if all of his tips were included in his official wages, so he can get taxed more.

That's liberal compassion for the poor workers for ya! :lol:

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