Wahoooo! Obama getting ready to take his pen out again! On GUNS!

When McConnell made those statements he was the senate minority leader at the time. Sorry you have no facts, just indignation.
Awwww, that's cute...you actually think McConnell has ever been anything but a Liberal with an R in front of his name.
Americans are getting fed up....


Yeah, that's why he was elected twice.
No, because he was black and the media covered for him.

Developing now: Obama is going to announce new action on guns. He's met with AG Lynch and he won't be breaking any laws when he signs new executive order. Good show! Ain't no lame duck in THAT White House.

Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch weighing gun control actions

Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch weighing gun action - CNNPolitics.com
How pleased will you be when Pres Trump or Pres Cruz follows the precedent and uses his pen and phone to defund Planned Parenthood or end minimum wage laws?

How pleased you will be when these decisions show up as additional taxes and health insurance you will have to pay each year.
Your deflection is noted.
You will be screaming like the stuck pig you are that Pres Cruz is shredding the Constitution. Because you are a partisan know-nothing moron retard.

Not a deflection. No PP, then that means lots of unwanted children that will end up on welfare. Lower wages mean more people will get SNAP cards, like those employees at Walmart who can't make a living wage while the four Waltons are in the top 10 of the Forbes 100 with a combined wealth of $135,000,000,000. (no typo)

So where does that money come from to pay for these people, Einstein? Go wipe the slime off your mirror and take a good look.

I guess you missed that part about his meeting with the AG to insure everything he did was legal.

No. The meeting is,to determine what they think they can get away with and to prepare the AG for the coming legal battle.

Obama gave a brief presser today stating that everything they have decided to do was legal and then he thanked the AG team for their efforts.
WTF? You think he was going to appear and say "Yeah I wanted to do a bunch of shit but my handpicked AG whom I plucked from obscurity told me it was illegal so I wont do that"? How stupid are you?

Which AGs have not been handpicked? Please name a few.
Lynch is not obscure, as a U.S. Attorney for the eastern district of NY, that's as high profile as it gets.
She was nobody. No DC experience at all. Holder at least had been assistant AG.
I guess you missed that part about his meeting with the AG to insure everything he did was legal.

No. The meeting is,to determine what they think they can get away with and to prepare the AG for the coming legal battle.

Obama gave a brief presser today stating that everything they have decided to do was legal and then he thanked the AG team for their efforts.
WTF? You think he was going to appear and say "Yeah I wanted to do a bunch of shit but my handpicked AG whom I plucked from obscurity told me it was illegal so I wont do that"? How stupid are you?

Which AGs have not been handpicked? Please name a few.
Lynch is not obscure, as a U.S. Attorney for the eastern district of NY, that's as high profile as it gets.
She was nobody. No DC experience at all. Holder at least had been assistant AG.

Oh, so you're not a Trump fan. You're all in for inside-the-Beltway people.
Or maybe you're a Christie fan. He was U.S. Atty with no DC experience, either.
Most of them don't, idiot.

Developing now: Obama is going to announce new action on guns. He's met with AG Lynch and he won't be breaking any laws when he signs new executive order. Good show! Ain't no lame duck in THAT White House.

Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch weighing gun control actions

Obama, Attorney General Loretta Lynch weighing gun action - CNNPolitics.com
How pleased will you be when Pres Trump or Pres Cruz follows the precedent and uses his pen and phone to defund Planned Parenthood or end minimum wage laws?

How pleased you will be when these decisions show up as additional taxes and health insurance you will have to pay each year.
Your deflection is noted.
You will be screaming like the stuck pig you are that Pres Cruz is shredding the Constitution. Because you are a partisan know-nothing moron retard.

Not a deflection. No PP, then that means lots of unwanted children that will end up on welfare. Lower wages mean more people will get SNAP cards, like those employees at Walmart who can't make a living wage while the four Waltons are in the top 10 of the Forbes 100 with a combined wealth of $135,000,000,000. (no typo)

So where does that money come from to pay for these people, Einstein? Go wipe the slime off your mirror and take a good look.
Assuming facts not in evidence. Should be on your grave stone.
Well, how disappointing. You'd think one rightie on here would have spent at least a minute or two with some fact-finding to refute Obama. But no, that's asking too much.
Oh, all the clowns are lining up to say they'll undo Obama's executive order. Like whores on 8th Avenue when the traffic lights turn green.

You would know about such things

Desperation is so unbecoming when one lacks knowledge.
Protests too much. Sounds like the Sassy One has nailed it tight.

You'd be very, very surprised to know why she was nicknamed Skank on AOL a few years ago. Or maybe you wouldn't!
Responding with not very intelligent insults. It's your MO.
Americans are getting fed up....


Yeah, that's why he was elected twice.

Yeah, that's why he was elected twice.

So were Bush, and Nixon

Let's see if Obama leaves office with a 22% approval rating like Bush, or quits after being caught lying, like Nixon, OK?

Missed the point, I see

Not uncommon with idiots
Well, how disappointing. You'd think one rightie on here would have spent at least a minute or two with some fact-finding to refute Obama. But no, that's asking too much.
Oh, all the clowns are lining up to say they'll undo Obama's executive order. Like whores on 8th Avenue when the traffic lights turn green.

You would know about such things

Desperation is so unbecoming when one lacks knowledge.
Protests too much. Sounds like the Sassy One has nailed it tight.

You'd be very, very surprised to know why she was nicknamed Skank on AOL a few years ago. Or maybe you wouldn't!
Responding with not very intelligent insults. It's your MO.

Look who's talking.

Protests too much. Sounds like the Sassy One has nailed it tight.

You'd be very, very surprised to know why she was nicknamed Skank on AOL a few years ago. Or maybe you wouldn't!

Ah ah ah can't bring anything up from other sites, that's data mining and against the rules :D

Ah, I see you're a little worried about that, huh? But you can share it privately. Bahahahahaaa

Why would I worry about anything a lying fraud like you would ever say? LOL I'm well aware you've been spreading your filth in messages....fool not everyone likes you LMAO

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