Wait A Minute, I Am Stunned

The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

Excellent insight.

That said, I’ll add a word of caution. To whatever extent (limited or otherwise) that the Federal government might have a valid basis to investigate whether a local prosecutor’s office is behaving in an improper politicized “criminal” investigation, a Congressional investigatory committee might have a good claim to investigate what Bragg has been doing. But it’s a very limited extent.
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So help me understand your point. Now it is Congress who investigates these things? Not the DOJ. Not the Civil Rights division. But Congress is going to call up every prosecutor to see if charges are warranted.

If Bragg did arrive and testify. The same people demanding that he does would demand that the Judge throw the charges out because by testifying Bragg had prejudiced any potential jury and a fair trial was impossible.

Congress doesn’t have the authority to hold hearings. They can send a letter and ask the DOJ to investigate and report back.
I'm sorry but I can't make it any simpler for you. Democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all over the country and yet when the federal government wants to investigate the New York DA's office, all of a sudden they claim the federal government can't do that.
The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

And just imagine how the Republicans are right now whining about the "weaponization of the federal government."

How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?

I guess we can add "states rights" to the long list of Republican principles the Trump lickspittles have defenestrated.
Not according to the MSM.

Most of the MSM is reporting what Trump is saying. That he will be indicted. Some have legal analysts discussing the laws being applied. But extremists on both sides are coming to conclusions. The left saying Trump is guilty. The Right saying trump is being persecuted. I’m saying we don’t know enough yet.

I’m saying wait and see. I’m saying get off the extremist websites and avoid the partisans. Wait and see what happens.
And just imagine how the Republicans are right now whining about the "weaponization of the federal government."

How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?

I guess we can add "states rights" to the long list of Republican principles the Trump lickspittles have defenestrated.
Democrap Parody hypocrisy ^ is boundless.
I'm sorry but I can't make it any simpler for you. Democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all over the country and yet when the federal government wants to investigate the New York DA's office, all of a sudden they claim the federal government can't do that.

If it was a demand for the DOJ to investigate. That might be appropriate. We don’t know enough yet to say if Trumps civil rights are being violated.

But for Congress to step in is not appropriate.
Trump's submissive cucks will go to any length to protect their crime boss, including weaponizing the power of the federal government against those who try to hold the thug accountable for his crimes.
Trump's submissive cucks

The only submission going on is all the Lefties who persistently criticize the Right, but then constantly steal its lexicon amidst online flame wars.

The present day usage of "cuck", "triggered", "snowflake" etc. was all manifested by the Right wing counter culture.

Come up with your own lingo.

Cease with the cultural appropriation.
The only submission going on is all the Lefties who persistently criticize the Right, but then constantly steal its lexicon amidst online flame wars.

The present day usage of "cuck", "triggered", "snowflake" etc. was all manifested by the Right wing counter culture.

Come up with your own lingo.

Cease with the cultural appropriation.
I deliberately use the New Reich's language against them. It's on purpose to show them they have a giant beam in their eye while pointing out the splinter in the eye of their neighbor.
So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated,
Nope the district attorney's general counsel told them they are not privy to information in an ongoing criminal investigation. No doubt because everybody knows these Neo-GOP scum are untrustworthy partisan hacks who are defending the indefensible Donnie Dangerously by weaponize their committees in his defense.
No doubt because everybody knows these Neo-GOP scum are untrustworthy partisan hacks who are defending the indefensible Donnie Dangerously by weaponize their committees in his defense.

Because resurrecting a misdemeanor case that the DOJ declined to pursue where the statute of limitations has already expired isn't "weaponization".

You people would make great acrobats, what with all the contortions and such.
yet when the federal government wants to investigate the New York DA's office
They don't. Biden runs the federal government These are committees of the House.
Because resurrecting a misdemeanor case that the DOJ declined to pursue where the statute of limitations has already expired isn't "weaponization".

You people would make great acrobats, what with all the contortions and such.
Is a misdemeanor a crime. Does committing one and getting convicted make him a criminal? Isn't it the same crime as that his ex fixer went to prison for?

Ya'll do know how to circle the wagons and spout the same talking points.
Is a misdemeanor a crime. Does committing one and getting convicted make him a criminal? Isn't it the same crime as that his ex fixer went to prison for?

Not if it's John Edwards.

Or Hillary Clinton.

And the statute of limitations has expired.

And you couldn't get him on.....oh, I dunno....treason.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Not if it's John Edwards.

Or Hillary Clinton.

And the statute of limitations has expired.

And you couldn't get him on.....oh, I dunno....treason.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
It will all play out in court soon enough

I really don’t give a shit about this case. I want to see more about the classified documents case.
what authority does the Justice department have over state and local cops?
When they violate federal law, like everyone else, they can be investigated.

However, there is no indication that the N.Y. DA broke any federal laws, and if he did it would be the DOJ's job to investigate.

Congress's attempt to interfere with an ongoing investigation is unconstitutional. It has no valid legislative purpose.

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