Wait A Minute, I Am Stunned

Under what authority would Congress demand the information? What part of the Constitutional authority granted Congress applies? Their authority over interstate commerce? Civil Rights?
Use of a Federal Law in a State Jurisdiction.

The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

This isn’t investigating police departments. It is attempting to interfere in a specific case that has yet to be adjudicated. Given it involves a high ranking figure in the same party of those demanding confidential information….that doesn’t look good.
The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

The Congress is not entitled to any information on a active criminal investigation. Three words for Jordan. GO POUND SAND.
Because resurrecting a misdemeanor case that the DOJ declined to pursue where the statute of limitations has already expired isn't "weaponization".

You people would make great acrobats, what with all the contortions and such.

The DOJ did not decline to pursue the case. They were ordered by AG Barr to drop the investigation.
The response on Thursday from Bragg's office said the three Republican House committee chairmen had sought non-public information about a pending criminal investigation, which is confidential under state law.

"The letter's requests are an unlawful incursion into New York's sovereignty," said the letter signed by the district attorney's general counsel, Leslie Dubeck. "Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law."

So, this DA is now saying that local law enforcement can't be investigated, even though they and democrats are all for the federal government investigating police departments all across the country?

/---/ And they had no problem demanding the tax returns of a private citizen looking for a crime to charge him with.
Except in this case, they cannot prosecute an alleged federal crime that even the DOJ and FEC have declined to prosecute.
They aren’t. They are prosecuting under NY laws.

Here is the NY laws. The State Laws. Not the Federal Laws which Bragg can’t prosecute Federal Law.

The corrupt partisan DA is shitting himself at this point. Abuse of power, risk of getting disbarred or worse. Now he's claiming he never intended to arrest Trump. This guy is folding like a cheap lawn chair.
He just told Jordan to fuck off. Doesn't sound like he's "folding" to me. Bragg is a Harvard Law grad, while Jodan never passed the BAR. Bragg forgot more about the law then Gymmy ever knew or will.

It's laughable.
what authority does the Justice department have over state and local cops?

The Justice Department didn't write a letter to DA Bragg. The House wrote it. Gym Jordan wrote the letter and he has NO authority to ask Bragg to do anything.

The House Judiciary Committee has no authority to compel Bragg to do anything, and the Weaponization of Government Committee has no weapons to prevent Trump's arrest.\

Bragg told Jordan to go fuck himself.

And that photo of Trump with a baseball bat behind Bragg. That's a real nice touch. Trump just can't stop committing crimes for all the world to see.
That's not even a thing.
It’s a thing, but you’re ignorant about it.

It’s a thing, but you’re ignorant about it.

It's a Cult thing
Not a real world thing
Congress cannot have any legitimate legislative task relating to the oversight of local prosecutors enforcing state law.

WHOOPS. I wonder if Bragg realizes that he just threw out half of and the stronger half of his entire legal argument for even CLAIMING legal grounds in indicting Trump?!

Never mind that by definition, the AG and the DOJ have ultimate jurisdiction over any DA?

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