Wait didn’t Warren say that her parents eloped because of disapproval of NA ancestry?

Lied about her parents eloping.

I am FAR more Scottish than Warren's mom is "Native American" and no one who hated Scots would ever know I am part Scottish.

Oh really.

So you were there when they didn't elope, were you?

Your evidence then?

SEE ya..............

WTF, now you need evidence?

EVERY assertion needs evidence. Without that evidence it's pissing into the wind.
And yet with Kavanaugh You needed no evidence at all, go figure.

I needed no 'evidence' with Kavanaugh for ----- what?

Everything I posted about Kavanaugh was documented and recorded.
Prove me wrong or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Still waiting here. Tick tick tick.
Look how obsessed the tiny trumpanzees still are with Sen. Warren calling the orange slug's bluff. :71:

Funny that I don't remember this kind of helpless pants-wetting when Rump claimed to be "Swedish".

Wonder why that is. :eusa_think:

Rump claimed to be "Swedish", Warren claimed multiple Native American.

One of them backed away and pretends the claim never happened.

Guess which one.

Equally interesting how Pocahontas --- the real one romanticized in colonial history --- was taken to England to be paraded around as a freak, a "noble savage" example of how the inferior race could be "Christianized", before she died there at the ripe old age of 21, and her entire life story made into a contrived propaganda story to rationalize racist colonial cultural genocide. Fast forward to the present and we have an fake-Swedish POTUS with a fake-orange face trying to parade the same sort of propaganda for the same knuckledragger element in yet another propaganda fable of self-aggrandizement.

And the knuckledraggers line up to swallow the same ethnocentric bullshit, just as they did in 1607, because swallowing bullshit stories that make their pathetic asses feel superior is far more important than "facts".
The more things change the more they stay the same.
I wonder why someone of German heritage would ever try to hide it....

It is not like there is immense anti-German bigotry in this country or anything.....

I wonder how people would treat me if they knew I was a Republican and that my mother's maiden name is Freitag......

So you're Nancy Friday's son. Great.

And thank you, you remind me of the other point I forgot to mention. Here's Rump's grandfather (or father, not sure which) avoiding his German lineage because of the bigotry of the time. The same time that Fred was arrested at a Klan rally ironically.

And on the other hand here's Warren's ancestors self-identifying as "white" on the census forms of the same period, for the same reason.

The Rump family fudge gets a pass while the Warren census fudge is held up by the WDS knuckledraggers on this board as "proof" of "she lied". As if it's not possible that the ancestors filling out the census forms, or Rump's father/grandfather, were the ones who lied, for their own protection.

And by the way Rump himself wrote that bit about "Swedish" because that's what he was told. Exactly the same as Warren's derivation of family lore. So Rump "lied" in his book exactly the same way Warren "lied" --- except that in Warren's case she actually proved it.

Yet one gets a complete pass while the other gets "she lied"

Complete hypocrites, all y'all in WDS fantasyland.
So much stupid in this post that is impossible to properly reply to it.

It's very simple. Apparently not simple enough for those afflicted with WDS or racism complex.

A hundred years ago bigotry was even more rampant than it is now. You would have loved it. Other races, other ethnicities, other religions, other languages, other cultures, were despised by the WASP core. There was even a push to ban the teaching of the German language in schools. This is when the Klan thrived, lynchings and race riots and labor riots were commonplace, foreign "savages" were paraded about like circus animals, "No Irish need apply" signs were posted, etc etc etc.

In this environment of mob mentality intimidation it was also common for people to hide their ethnicity (e.g. lightskinned blacks "passing" for white) their religion (e.g. Jews pronouncing "Stein" as "Stien") and of course lying about one's own origins where they could get away with it. My own grandmother born in the 1890s buried the fact that she was full-blooded Irish for the same reason.

Within this time Rump's father/grandfather hid the fact that they were German by claiming to be "Swedish" while concurrently Warren's ancestors were claiming "white" on census forms to hide the NA part. Again, a common practice. Rump actually wrote in his own book that his forebears were "Swedish", because that's what he was told, while Warren anecdoted that her forebears were in part Cherokee and Lenape, for the same reason; that's what she was told.

And here we are, only Warren's genealogy has been demonstrated by science, Rump has abandoned "Swedish" since it's no longer necessary ---- and you yahoos are trying to sell the bullshit that SHE, and not he, is the "liar".

Your hypocrisy lesson for today. Get it now?

Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about the heavy Scottish roots of the Klan. You'll like that.
People in politics shouldn't lie. Presidents and such should be an example to youth.
Oh really.

So you were there when they didn't elope, were you?

Your evidence then?

SEE ya..............

WTF, now you need evidence?

EVERY assertion needs evidence. Without that evidence it's pissing into the wind.
And yet with Kavanaugh You needed no evidence at all, go figure.

I needed no 'evidence' with Kavanaugh for ----- what?

Everything I posted about Kavanaugh was documented and recorded.
Prove me wrong or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Still waiting here. Tick tick tick.

I admit it, you pulled a random something out of your ass and you look dumb.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?

In Tanto’s own words.

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

In a June 29, 2012 interview with NECN’s Jim Braude on the BroadSide television program, Elizabeth Warren stated that her parents had to elope in 1932 because her father’s parents objected to her mother’s Cherokee and Delaware ancestry. Warren stated:

Actually, you have it wrong about what it is I believe. My mom and dad were very much in love with each other and they wanted to get married and my father’s parents said absolutely not. You can’t marry her because she’s part Cherokee and she’s part Delaware. And um, after fighting it as long as they could, my parents went off, they eloped. It was an issue in our family the whole time I grew up about these two families. It was an issue still raised at my mother’s funeral. So what I know about my parents is I know that in that little town they grew up in that my father’s parents knew enough about my mother and her family to say I have no doubts.”
Now let us see you worry about these lies

10,000 Trump misstatements by the end of his term? Washington Post fact-checker says it’s possible.

They mean lies.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...

Well now that we know Senator Warren is less Native American than the huge majority of us, perhaps a little compassion is in order?

Actually we know no such thing. It seems to be the myth of the week being generated but there's no such quantification. What we have is a genetic analysis that shows positively Native American content. That's it.

Probably all of us at some time have believed something that later turned out to be inaccurate. And I imagine quite a few of us with deep American roots do have memory of mention of some Native American ancestor way back when though nobody knows exactly who or when. And many of those family myths for whatever reason put the Native American link as Cherokee. So she can be forgiven for repeating a long standing family myth. It's fun to think those stories might be true.

And again, there's no evidence that it isn't true.

But admittedly, while many of us might mention that in a discussion of family lore, I am guessing that 99.9% of such people wouldn't even think of listing ourselves as Native American on a professional registry anywhere. Or promoting our Native American heritage in a political campaign.

Indeed. And Scott Brown was the one who brought it up, not Warren.

And really, the story of her father's family not accepting her mother because she was Native American just doesn't meet any kind of smell test.


Why not? Are you actually going to pretend that wasn't common? To pretend we don't all know better than that is profoundly naïve.

So did the lady deliberately lie for personal advantage? Of course she did. Is that a fatal faux pas? Given the proven sins and negatives of most people running for Congress or other high office, I wouldn't consider it as such.

Does it call her sense of ethics and integrity into question to keep insisting on the lie now? Yes it does.

Then Orange Rump is in a heap of ethical mud. See 202 above. Tell me why "Swedish" is OK yet "Cherokee" is grounds for Two Minutes Hate. They both have the same derivation yet only the one that has scientific proof is dismissed as "lying".

Sorry Pogo. I probably have already rebutted your points, but I choose not to respond to chopped up posts like this because they too often change or destroy context and they are always boring as hell for others to read.
Breaking: Warren claims to be part Cherokee Indian and part Spartacus, take that Cory Booker!
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...

Well now that we know Senator Warren is less Native American than the huge majority of us, perhaps a little compassion is in order?

Actually we know no such thing. It seems to be the myth of the week being generated but there's no such quantification. What we have is a genetic analysis that shows positively Native American content. That's it.

Probably all of us at some time have believed something that later turned out to be inaccurate. And I imagine quite a few of us with deep American roots do have memory of mention of some Native American ancestor way back when though nobody knows exactly who or when. And many of those family myths for whatever reason put the Native American link as Cherokee. So she can be forgiven for repeating a long standing family myth. It's fun to think those stories might be true.

And again, there's no evidence that it isn't true.

But admittedly, while many of us might mention that in a discussion of family lore, I am guessing that 99.9% of such people wouldn't even think of listing ourselves as Native American on a professional registry anywhere. Or promoting our Native American heritage in a political campaign.

Indeed. And Scott Brown was the one who brought it up, not Warren.

And really, the story of her father's family not accepting her mother because she was Native American just doesn't meet any kind of smell test.


Why not? Are you actually going to pretend that wasn't common? To pretend we don't all know better than that is profoundly naïve.

So did the lady deliberately lie for personal advantage? Of course she did. Is that a fatal faux pas? Given the proven sins and negatives of most people running for Congress or other high office, I wouldn't consider it as such.

Does it call her sense of ethics and integrity into question to keep insisting on the lie now? Yes it does.

Then Orange Rump is in a heap of ethical mud. See 202 above. Tell me why "Swedish" is OK yet "Cherokee" is grounds for Two Minutes Hate. They both have the same derivation yet only the one that has scientific proof is dismissed as "lying".

Sorry Pogo. I probably have already rebutted your points, but I choose not to respond to chopped up posts like this because they too often change or destroy context and they are always boring as hell for others to read.

I accept your concession. I wouldn't want to tangle with me either :uhh:

Love ya Foxy
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...

In know parents in the 50's that had a fit if their kid wanted to marry someone with italian blood. In small towns, every one knew everyone's family history. I find her story to be very believable.

You find her story "very believable" because you WANT to believe it. No other reason.

Stop pissing on our legs and telling us it's raining.
WTF, now you need evidence?

EVERY assertion needs evidence. Without that evidence it's pissing into the wind.
And yet with Kavanaugh You needed no evidence at all, go figure.

I needed no 'evidence' with Kavanaugh for ----- what?

Everything I posted about Kavanaugh was documented and recorded.
Prove me wrong or admit you pulled it out of your ass.

Let's cut through your bullshit, you dont Kavanaugh should have been confirmed and you believed Ford. Any questions?

Yeah, two.

One, if you could go ahead and quote me anywhere in any thread saying that, that'd be great.

And two, why are you trying to change the subject here? Nervous?

Oh and three, why are you charging in to white-knight for a point you didn't even make in the first place?

No kidding, that looks like three. Can't even follow your own guidelines, you must be a liberal....dumbass.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?

In Tanto’s own words.

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

In a June 29, 2012 interview with NECN’s Jim Braude on the BroadSide television program, Elizabeth Warren stated that her parents had to elope in 1932 because her father’s parents objected to her mother’s Cherokee and Delaware ancestry. Warren stated:

Actually, you have it wrong about what it is I believe. My mom and dad were very much in love with each other and they wanted to get married and my father’s parents said absolutely not. You can’t marry her because she’s part Cherokee and she’s part Delaware. And um, after fighting it as long as they could, my parents went off, they eloped. It was an issue in our family the whole time I grew up about these two families. It was an issue still raised at my mother’s funeral. So what I know about my parents is I know that in that little town they grew up in that my father’s parents knew enough about my mother and her family to say I have no doubts.”
Now let us see you worry about these lies

10,000 Trump misstatements by the end of his term? Washington Post fact-checker says it’s possible.

They mean lies.

Start another thread. It was Tanto Warrens lies we are discussing here.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
You are a fucking idiot.

Warren is not native at all and her mother is barely more native than she is.

She fucking lied. Do you need a picture to understand that?

"Lied" huh.

--- About what?

Another victim walks right into his own hole.

See that post right above yours? That guy tried to sell this same bullshit yesterday. I called him out on it. Now look where he is -- melted down into a babbling blob of incoherency.
Incoherency? Because I type on my phone for this and don’t have the patience to correct typos for strangers? Run with that if you have too.

Your latest point has been that the report says nothing about Cherokee ancestry, because there isn’t a great pool of genetic data points for the Cherokee...The rest of the report says pretty definitively the rest of her genetic makeup is of European origin. So, I assume your overall point was going to be that “we don’t know if she does have Cherokee ancestry because there isn’t that great of a pool with those indetified Cherokee genetic traits.” Okay, so if we know that if she has something around .2 percent of South American native in her makeup, and the rest European...where is she going to magically going to gain more Cherokee DNA? Is she going to grow more chromosomes? Are we going to instal an extra mitochondria in all her cells?

Again where her extremely minimal native ancestry most likely came from, is someone in her family line was a son/daughter of a Tejano, (right by Oklahoma) mixed with a European about 4-5, maybe 6 or so generations ago.

My favorite tweet I’ve seen concerning this, although I don’t know who attribute it to. Was now that Richard spencer found out that Warren is 99.8% white, He has decided to endorsing her
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?

In Tanto’s own words.

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

In a June 29, 2012 interview with NECN’s Jim Braude on the BroadSide television program, Elizabeth Warren stated that her parents had to elope in 1932 because her father’s parents objected to her mother’s Cherokee and Delaware ancestry. Warren stated:

Actually, you have it wrong about what it is I believe. My mom and dad were very much in love with each other and they wanted to get married and my father’s parents said absolutely not. You can’t marry her because she’s part Cherokee and she’s part Delaware. And um, after fighting it as long as they could, my parents went off, they eloped. It was an issue in our family the whole time I grew up about these two families. It was an issue still raised at my mother’s funeral. So what I know about my parents is I know that in that little town they grew up in that my father’s parents knew enough about my mother and her family to say I have no doubts.”
Now let us see you worry about these lies

10,000 Trump misstatements by the end of his term? Washington Post fact-checker says it’s possible.

They mean lies.

Start another thread. It was Tanto Warrens lies we are discussing here.

"Lies" (I see we're in the plural now) that you've been directly challenged to document since yesterday, yet you can't do it. And that inability spurs you to stomp your feet.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
You are a fucking idiot.

Warren is not native at all and her mother is barely more native than she is.

She fucking lied. Do you need a picture to understand that?

"Lied" huh.

--- About what?

Another victim walks right into his own hole.

See that post right above yours? That guy tried to sell this same bullshit yesterday. I called him out on it. Now look where he is -- melted down into a babbling blob of incoherency.
Incoherency? Because I type on my phone for this and don’t have the patience to correct typos for strangers? Run with that if you have too.

Your latest point has been that the report says nothing about Cherokee ancestry, because there isn’t a great pool of genetic data points for the Cherokee...The rest of the report says pretty definitively the rest of her genetic makeup is of European origin. So, I assume your overall point was going to be that “we don’t know if she does have Cherokee ancestry because there isn’t that great of a pool with those indetified Cherokee genetic traits.” Okay, so if we know that if she has something around .2 percent of South American native in her makeup, and the rest European...where is she going to magically going to gain more Cherokee DNA? Is she going to grow more chromosomes? Are we going to instal an extra mitochondria in all her cells?

Again where her extremely minimal native ancestry most likely came from, is someone in her family line was a son/daughter of a Tejano, (right by Oklahoma) mixed with a European about 4-5, maybe 6 or so generations ago.

My favorite tweet I’ve seen concerning this, although I don’t know who attribute it to. Was now that Richard spencer found out that Warren is 99.8% white, He has decided to endorsing her

The "post right above yours (his)" is not even your post, ergo it's not "your" incoherency. Start there. Wake me when you catch up.

NOR, just to look ahead, does the report say anything about the subject having "South American native" ancestry as such. Nor (AGAIN) does it say anything about "Tejano" --- which is not even a genetic group --- or "Oklahoma". In fact what it does say, immediately at the top of the first page, is that the lab had no knowledge of who the subject was.
Last edited:
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
Read it and weep, son. Might want to give Sakinago a sincere apology.

Warren, who grew up in Norman, Oklahoma, said her mother and father were forced to elope because of her mother's heritage.
Sen. Warren: DNA Test Shows I Have Native American Heritage

I’d still like a link to the context . And doesn’t that back up her story about her family oral history ?

Her fucking DNA doesn't back up her made up story you silly person. How can you be so blind?
It certainly does.

She claimed her grandmother had Native American heritage & the test proved it.

No, it doesn’t.

Please stop lying
In Tanto’s own words.

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

In a June 29, 2012 interview with NECN’s Jim Braude on the BroadSide television program, Elizabeth Warren stated that her parents had to elope in 1932 because her father’s parents objected to her mother’s Cherokee and Delaware ancestry. Warren stated:

Actually, you have it wrong about what it is I believe. My mom and dad were very much in love with each other and they wanted to get married and my father’s parents said absolutely not. You can’t marry her because she’s part Cherokee and she’s part Delaware. And um, after fighting it as long as they could, my parents went off, they eloped. It was an issue in our family the whole time I grew up about these two families. It was an issue still raised at my mother’s funeral. So what I know about my parents is I know that in that little town they grew up in that my father’s parents knew enough about my mother and her family to say I have no doubts.”
Now let us see you worry about these lies

10,000 Trump misstatements by the end of his term? Washington Post fact-checker says it’s possible.

They mean lies.

Start another thread. It was Tanto Warrens lies we are discussing here.

"Lies" (I see we're in the plural now) that you've been directly challenged to document since yesterday, yet you can't do it. And that inability spurs you to stomp your feet.

If I show you the proof that she said that do you promise to never post on these boards again, Pigo?

You and your "I'm too stupid" games can go fuck yourselves in the ass. Don't sit here and insult readers' intelligence.

You seem angry. Need a safe space or a hug? Missy my Senator indeed made these claims. Sorry. Facts don’t care about your feelings, Pigo.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...

In know parents in the 50's that had a fit if their kid wanted to marry someone with italian blood. In small towns, every one knew everyone's family history. I find her story to be very believable.

You find her story "very believable" because you WANT to believe it. No other reason.

Stop pissing on our legs and telling us it's raining.

Kind of like you made accusations about my posts simply because you WANT to think so ------------ yet you can't find any.

Start another thread. It was Tanto Warrens lies we are discussing here.

"Lies" (I see we're in the plural now) that you've been directly challenged to document since yesterday, yet you can't do it. And that inability spurs you to stomp your feet.

If I show you the proof that she said that do you promise to never post on these boards again, Pigo?

You and your "I'm too stupid" games can go fuck yourselves in the ass. Don't sit here and insult readers' intelligence.

You seem angry. Need a safe space or a hug? Missy my Senator indeed made these claims. Sorry. Facts don’t care about your feelings, Pigo.

Luckily she will easily be re elected.
Start another thread. It was Tanto Warrens lies we are discussing here.

"Lies" (I see we're in the plural now) that you've been directly challenged to document since yesterday, yet you can't do it. And that inability spurs you to stomp your feet.

If I show you the proof that she said that do you promise to never post on these boards again, Pigo?

You and your "I'm too stupid" games can go fuck yourselves in the ass. Don't sit here and insult readers' intelligence.

You seem angry. Need a safe space or a hug? Missy my Senator indeed made these claims. Sorry. Facts don’t care about your feelings, Pigo.

Luckily she will easily be re elected.
But her aspirations to become the first female Native American president took a big hit. :smoke:

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