Wait didn’t Warren say that her parents eloped because of disapproval of NA ancestry?

Her fucking DNA doesn't back up her made up story you silly person. How can you be so blind?

Hey doofus . She said she believed it cause her grandma told her so .

Righties want to make it seem that she purposely faked being Indian . When there is no proof of that at all.

Which is a lie. Warren is a consumate liar. That is very, very plain.

How is it a lie if you don’t know it’s untrue ?

Unlike say , commander bone spur Avoiding the draft . How about he release those records ?

I'm saying warren is the liar, timmy. Do try and keep up.
List the lies or STFU

I keep making that challenge, and I keep getting crickets.

Not that they weren't expected.
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
That has been reported on the news. Because you haven't heard it doesn't make it untrue.

For the record my family told heritage stories that I have no idea if they are true. If they are i am related to Washington and of Indian heritage.

Thing is, unlike Warren I am not going to simply run with unfounded bullshit just because it makes me feel good. Could it be true? I suppose. Does it matter? Not in the least.
My actions define the man I am not the people my ancestors fucked.

Warren is a fraud. A true class act and not in the good way.
She never brought it up for politics. She did not bring it up for personal gain.

She took the test tp shut up your orange buddy. He was the one that was lying.
I usually feel bad for people as dumb as you.....usually
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
That has been reported on the news. Because you haven't heard it doesn't make it untrue.

For the record my family told heritage stories that I have no idea if they are true. If they are i am related to Washington and of Indian heritage.

Thing is, unlike Warren I am not going to simply run with unfounded bullshit just because it makes me feel good. Could it be true? I suppose. Does it matter? Not in the least.
My actions define the man I am not the people my ancestors fucked.

Warren is a fraud. A true class act and not in the good way.
She never brought it up for politics. She did not bring it up for personal gain.

She took the test tp shut up your orange buddy. He was the one that was lying.
I usually feel bad for people as dumb as you.....usually

Hey, you're the asshat who claims "fraud" and then runs away from it.
Liz was born in 49’ . Let’s assume her 1/2 injun mom was born 25 years prior . That would be 1924. The dna results say she could’ve had a full Indian relative around the turn of the century . Which would be 120 years ago . Which is a 6 generation mark .
Liz was born in 49’ . Let’s assume her 1/2 injun mom was born 25 years prior . That would be 1924. The dna results say she could’ve had a full Indian relative around the turn of the century . Which would be 120 years ago . Which is a 6 generation mark .

My wife was born in '50.

her great-great grandmother was full blooded, making her 1/32.

Work it out.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?

Still waiting for an answer on this, OP.
Liz was born in 49’ . Let’s assume her 1/2 injun mom was born 25 years prior . That would be 1924. The dna results say she could’ve had a full Indian relative around the turn of the century . Which would be 120 years ago . Which is a 6 generation mark .
Wanna buy a bridge?
Liz was born in 49’ . Let’s assume her 1/2 injun mom was born 25 years prior . That would be 1924. The dna results say she could’ve had a full Indian relative around the turn of the century . Which would be 120 years ago . Which is a 6 generation mark .
Wanna buy a bridge?

Wanna answer post 30?

Evidently not. :gay:

Which is 30? On my phone I can’t see the #s
I don't see numbers or signatures. Not sure what your point is?
Liz was born in 49’ . Let’s assume her 1/2 injun mom was born 25 years prior . That would be 1924. The dna results say she could’ve had a full Indian relative around the turn of the century . Which would be 120 years ago . Which is a 6 generation mark .
Wanna buy a bridge?

Wanna answer post 30?

Evidently not. :gay:

Which is 30? On my phone I can’t see the #s
I don't see numbers or signatures. Not sure what your point is?

On the laptop or iPad each post is chronologically numbered.
Liz was born in 49’ . Let’s assume her 1/2 injun mom was born 25 years prior . That would be 1924. The dna results say she could’ve had a full Indian relative around the turn of the century . Which would be 120 years ago . Which is a 6 generation mark .
Wanna buy a bridge?

Wanna answer post 30?

Evidently not. :gay:

Which is 30? On my phone I can’t see the #s

30 was where GMU had just called Warren a "fraud" and I axed him "about what?"

He ran away after that. That is, he didn't run away from the thread; he ran away from his own claim.

Which is what I expect of a wimp. :gay:
Liz was born in 49’ . Let’s assume her 1/2 injun mom was born 25 years prior . That would be 1924. The dna results say she could’ve had a full Indian relative around the turn of the century . Which would be 120 years ago . Which is a 6 generation mark .
She is less then 1 percent her mom was not half Indian you retard.
Because she is attempting to sway the emotionally handicapped by false emotional virtue signaling
She thought they would buy that her ta tas were tom toms
Pale Moon Face will go the way of the Tatanka. Once mighty and thundering, she will be but a whisper on the wind.
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
Read it and weep, son. Might want to give Sakinago a sincere apology.

Warren, who grew up in Norman, Oklahoma, said her mother and father were forced to elope because of her mother's heritage.
Sen. Warren: DNA Test Shows I Have Native American Heritage

I’d still like a link to the context . And doesn’t that back up her story about her family oral history ?
I gave you a specific date, and said she announced it on cable news. Should be pretty easy to disprove and make me look dumb...

And first you think I’m making the story up? Probably because it sounded like a ridiculous story? I agree, it is a ridiculous of a story, one that I couldn’t even think up if I tried. But after I gave you the specific date, and meister shows link (thank you), you’re now saying it’s proof of family oral history...that’s less believable than “largest inaugural attendance ever”.

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