Wait didn’t Warren say that her parents eloped because of disapproval of NA ancestry?

So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
That's what she was told....you gonna hold her responsible for that too? :71:
Ever hear of "Trust, but verify"?

If she's going to spout it off and reap the benefits of it, she really should vet the authenticity of the yarn, right?
So you verify everything Trump tells you.

I have never looked at my family's heritage. I was told it was English, welsh, etc. Most people go with what they learned from their parents & grandparents.

Maybe your parents & grandparents were liars so you think they all are?
There’s a difference between saying you have this or that in you, and not being 100% correct about it, versus marking down that you are Native American and having that work to your advantage even when you yourself incorrectly cite that it’s from your grandmother 4 times removed. The Cherokee nation was if anything polite calling Warrens claims completely inappropriate. The cherokees will give college scholarships out even if you are only 13% Cherokee, so it’s not like they’re hardliners when it comes to this sort of thing. At best she is 1/64th, but highly unlikely given the wide range of 1/64-1/1000 NA DNA. Why the range is that wide is suspicious to me, seems like that 1/64 was there if in fact they gave her the benefit of the doubt on her claims of a great great great great grandmother. This lady wrote (plagiarized) recipies in a freaking cookbook called Pow Wow Chow. That’s a whole different level of finding out you actually have some Irish in you that you never knew about.

I get it. You have never been to a St Patrick;'s day celebration or parade when all those with Irish decent march & claim Irish heritage.

Elizabeth Warren never hid anything about why she claimed to have Native American heritage. She NEVER claimed to be part of a tribe. She never claimed anything beyond having that heritage.
Native Amertican. She said her grandmother had Native American heritag,.

So you question the generation range of the expert DNA test analyst. Well Wow, a obvious dumbass that knows more that this expert.

She said it, the test proved it,. STFU She has Native American heritage. Yet here you are trying to cover up Trump's lies by you making up this ridiculous argument.
She claimed she was Cherokee. She listed herself as Native American on job applications. There’s a pretty big difference between drinking margaritas on cinco de Mayo, and marking down that you are Hispanic on a job application...and then writing “authentic” Mexican recipies in a book that’s supposed to be by Mexicans.

And yes the range is stupid wide, and suspicious. Even if the range is correct, according to how they determine a likely percentage of ethnicity...get ready for this, Warren is most likely only .3% Native American. That’s what most white European Americans are. Should that range be inflated, she is probably less Native American than the average Schmoe walking down the street.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...

She did NOT list her race as Native America for her professorship. She did not say that her mother was a native. The story was about her ancestor. There is nothing but lies in your post. The ignorance on the right in failing to fact check, confirm or even learn if what they are seeing or hearing is true.

But the best thing of all is that so many conservatives are so proud of their laziness and ignorance, that they will proudly opine on things they know nothing about with absolutely certainty of the correctness of their position, which is based on nothing but the voices in their heads.

No wonder you idiots are so easily gulled by a lying dishonest president.
She listed in her professional registry that she was Native American. Harvard proudly announced her as their Native American faculty member. She also wrote recipies in a freaking cook book called Pow Wow Chow...Yea she was totally being honest, and totally downplaying the whole Native American claim. No one said her mother was full native, that’d be a straw man. She did say that her parents were forced to elope because of her paternal grandparents disapproval of her mothers “heritage”...all 0.6 percent of it on her mothers side (at best). That’s a little incredulous isn’t it? So incredulous that Timmy thought I was making it up. It’s also important to distinguish that it probably isn’t Cherokee “blood” coursing through her veins, more likely South American/Latino, who most have something around 12% Native on average.
She lied. She told on herself.

So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
she's a liar? and exploiting american indians, and abusing their heritage. That's ok for you?

Don’t forget her exploitation of resources set aside for real minorities to. That and no injun tribe believes her. Matter of fact, they dispute her whole show. She should have just fessed up to the lie and moved on.

There is no "lie".

Go ahead --- prove me wrong. Either of you asshats.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
she's a liar? and exploiting american indians, and abusing their heritage. That's ok for you?

Don’t forget her exploitation of resources set aside for real minorities to. That and no injun tribe believes her. Matter of fact, they dispute her whole show. She should have just fessed up to the lie and moved on.

There is no "lie".

Go ahead --- prove me wrong.

Already did dozens of times. You need to take your hands off your ears and listen. As it is you just blather and prattle.
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
Read it and weep, son. Might want to give Sakinago a sincere apology.

Warren, who grew up in Norman, Oklahoma, said her mother and father were forced to elope because of her mother's heritage.
Sen. Warren: DNA Test Shows I Have Native American Heritage

I’d still like a link to the context . And doesn’t that back up her story about her family oral history ?
I gave you a specific date, and said she announced it on cable news. Should be pretty easy to disprove and make me look dumb...

And first you think I’m making the story up? Probably because it sounded like a ridiculous story? I agree, it is a ridiculous of a story, one that I couldn’t even think up if I tried. But after I gave you the specific date, and meister shows link (thank you), you’re now saying it’s proof of family oral history...that’s less believable than “largest inaugural attendance ever”.
Sakinado, I gave him a linked source to read that stated just what you posted. I told him that he owes you an apology.
I don't think he's man enough to give you one, though.

Actually he did that yesterday. Y'all need to learn how to read.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
she's a liar? and exploiting american indians, and abusing their heritage. That's ok for you?

Don’t forget her exploitation of resources set aside for real minorities to. That and no injun tribe believes her. Matter of fact, they dispute her whole show. She should have just fessed up to the lie and moved on.

There is no "lie".

Go ahead --- prove me wrong.

Already did dozens of times. You need to take your hands off your ears and listen. As it is you just blather and prattle.

Yep, I knew you couldn't do it. Been here many times before.
That's exactly why I challenge you to dig your own hole. :dig:
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
Read it and weep, son. Might want to give Sakinago a sincere apology.

Warren, who grew up in Norman, Oklahoma, said her mother and father were forced to elope because of her mother's heritage.
Sen. Warren: DNA Test Shows I Have Native American Heritage

I’d still like a link to the context . And doesn’t that back up her story about her family oral history ?
Lol, her parents had a church wedding. She totally lied and you will still support her.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
Holy shit


This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
she's a liar? and exploiting american indians, and abusing their heritage. That's ok for you?

Don’t forget her exploitation of resources set aside for real minorities to. That and no injun tribe believes her. Matter of fact, they dispute her whole show. She should have just fessed up to the lie and moved on.

There is no "lie".

Go ahead --- prove me wrong.

Already did dozens of times. You need to take your hands off your ears and listen. As it is you just blather and prattle.

Yep, I knew you couldn't do it. Been here many times before.
That's exactly why I challenge you to dig your own hole. :dig:

Already did, you are just to invested in the lie. Now you gotta do it. Maybap of you are a good boy Lizzy “Tanto” warren will make you an honerary member of her imaginary injun tribe and you can write it up and store it in your KKK archives.
she's a liar? and exploiting american indians, and abusing their heritage. That's ok for you?

Don’t forget her exploitation of resources set aside for real minorities to. That and no injun tribe believes her. Matter of fact, they dispute her whole show. She should have just fessed up to the lie and moved on.

There is no "lie".

Go ahead --- prove me wrong.

Already did dozens of times. You need to take your hands off your ears and listen. As it is you just blather and prattle.

Yep, I knew you couldn't do it. Been here many times before.
That's exactly why I challenge you to dig your own hole. :dig:

Already did, you are just to invested in the lie. Now you gotta do it. Maybap of you are a good boy Lizzy “Tanto” warren will make you an honerary member of her imaginary injun tribe and you can write it up and store it in your KKK archives.

Sorry, continually posting "already did" is what Finger Boi does when he knows he's cornered.

You don't have an answer. If you had put one out "already" all you'd have to do is point to it. You can't do that, because it doesn't exist.

Again ----- Prove me wrong. Pissant.
That's what she was told....you gonna hold her responsible for that too? :71:
Ever hear of "Trust, but verify"?

If she's going to spout it off and reap the benefits of it, she really should vet the authenticity of the yarn, right?
So you verify everything Trump tells you.

I have never looked at my family's heritage. I was told it was English, welsh, etc. Most people go with what they learned from their parents & grandparents.

Maybe your parents & grandparents were liars so you think they all are?
There’s a difference between saying you have this or that in you, and not being 100% correct about it, versus marking down that you are Native American and having that work to your advantage even when you yourself incorrectly cite that it’s from your grandmother 4 times removed. The Cherokee nation was if anything polite calling Warrens claims completely inappropriate. The cherokees will give college scholarships out even if you are only 13% Cherokee, so it’s not like they’re hardliners when it comes to this sort of thing. At best she is 1/64th, but highly unlikely given the wide range of 1/64-1/1000 NA DNA. Why the range is that wide is suspicious to me, seems like that 1/64 was there if in fact they gave her the benefit of the doubt on her claims of a great great great great grandmother. This lady wrote (plagiarized) recipies in a freaking cookbook called Pow Wow Chow. That’s a whole different level of finding out you actually have some Irish in you that you never knew about.

I get it. You have never been to a St Patrick;'s day celebration or parade when all those with Irish decent march & claim Irish heritage.

Elizabeth Warren never hid anything about why she claimed to have Native American heritage. She NEVER claimed to be part of a tribe. She never claimed anything beyond having that heritage.
Native Amertican. She said her grandmother had Native American heritag,.

So you question the generation range of the expert DNA test analyst. Well Wow, a obvious dumbass that knows more that this expert.

She said it, the test proved it,. STFU She has Native American heritage. Yet here you are trying to cover up Trump's lies by you making up this ridiculous argument.
She claimed she was Cherokee. She listed herself as Native American on job applications. There’s a pretty big difference between drinking margaritas on cinco de Mayo, and marking down that you are Hispanic on a job application...and then writing “authentic” Mexican recipies in a book that’s supposed to be by Mexicans.

And yes the range is stupid wide, and suspicious. Even if the range is correct, according to how they determine a likely percentage of ethnicity...get ready for this, Warren is most likely only .3% Native American. That’s what most white European Americans are. Should that range be inflated, she is probably less Native American than the average Schmoe walking down the street.

Why the fuck would you need to BE Mexican to write a recipe in a Mexican recipe book?

I could give you recipes for vindaloo curry or eggplant parmesean, and I have zero Indian or Italian blood. Think about it. I can speak French without being French too. Did I just blow your mind or what?

Partisan hacks --- such cat toys. :smoke:
Don’t forget her exploitation of resources set aside for real minorities to. That and no injun tribe believes her. Matter of fact, they dispute her whole show. She should have just fessed up to the lie and moved on.

There is no "lie".

Go ahead --- prove me wrong.

Already did dozens of times. You need to take your hands off your ears and listen. As it is you just blather and prattle.

Yep, I knew you couldn't do it. Been here many times before.
That's exactly why I challenge you to dig your own hole. :dig:

Already did, you are just to invested in the lie. Now you gotta do it. Maybap of you are a good boy Lizzy “Tanto” warren will make you an honerary member of her imaginary injun tribe and you can write it up and store it in your KKK archives.

Sorry, continually posting "already did" is what Finger Boi does when he knows he's cornered.

You don't have an answer. If you had put one out "already" all you'd have to do is point to it. You can't do that, because it doesn't exist.

Again ----- Prove me wrong. Pissant.

Your fake Indian said her mom and to run off with the sperm domed because the white folk were racist. You are a typical white power type. You are okay with white folks ripping off real minorities as long as it’s you, or a fake Indian you like. I’m tired of your lies and pseudo intellectual blather. You lie as bad as g500 . No fun anymore.
There is no "lie".

Go ahead --- prove me wrong.

Already did dozens of times. You need to take your hands off your ears and listen. As it is you just blather and prattle.

Yep, I knew you couldn't do it. Been here many times before.
That's exactly why I challenge you to dig your own hole. :dig:

Already did, you are just to invested in the lie. Now you gotta do it. Maybap of you are a good boy Lizzy “Tanto” warren will make you an honerary member of her imaginary injun tribe and you can write it up and store it in your KKK archives.

Sorry, continually posting "already did" is what Finger Boi does when he knows he's cornered.

You don't have an answer. If you had put one out "already" all you'd have to do is point to it. You can't do that, because it doesn't exist.

Again ----- Prove me wrong. Pissant.

Your fake Indian said her mom and to run off with the sperm domed because the white folk were racist. You are a typical white power type. You are okay with white folks ripping off real minorities as long as it’s you, or a fake Indian you like. I’m tired of your lies and pseudo intellectual blather. You lie as bad as g500 . No fun anymore.

That wouldn't make sense even if it were in English.

I ain't here for "fun" Jocko. I'm here for Truth. You clearly are not.
Ever hear of "Trust, but verify"?

If she's going to spout it off and reap the benefits of it, she really should vet the authenticity of the yarn, right?
So you verify everything Trump tells you.

I have never looked at my family's heritage. I was told it was English, welsh, etc. Most people go with what they learned from their parents & grandparents.

Maybe your parents & grandparents were liars so you think they all are?
There’s a difference between saying you have this or that in you, and not being 100% correct about it, versus marking down that you are Native American and having that work to your advantage even when you yourself incorrectly cite that it’s from your grandmother 4 times removed. The Cherokee nation was if anything polite calling Warrens claims completely inappropriate. The cherokees will give college scholarships out even if you are only 13% Cherokee, so it’s not like they’re hardliners when it comes to this sort of thing. At best she is 1/64th, but highly unlikely given the wide range of 1/64-1/1000 NA DNA. Why the range is that wide is suspicious to me, seems like that 1/64 was there if in fact they gave her the benefit of the doubt on her claims of a great great great great grandmother. This lady wrote (plagiarized) recipies in a freaking cookbook called Pow Wow Chow. That’s a whole different level of finding out you actually have some Irish in you that you never knew about.

I get it. You have never been to a St Patrick;'s day celebration or parade when all those with Irish decent march & claim Irish heritage.

Elizabeth Warren never hid anything about why she claimed to have Native American heritage. She NEVER claimed to be part of a tribe. She never claimed anything beyond having that heritage.
Native Amertican. She said her grandmother had Native American heritag,.

So you question the generation range of the expert DNA test analyst. Well Wow, a obvious dumbass that knows more that this expert.

She said it, the test proved it,. STFU She has Native American heritage. Yet here you are trying to cover up Trump's lies by you making up this ridiculous argument.
She claimed she was Cherokee. She listed herself as Native American on job applications. There’s a pretty big difference between drinking margaritas on cinco de Mayo, and marking down that you are Hispanic on a job application...and then writing “authentic” Mexican recipies in a book that’s supposed to be by Mexicans.

And yes the range is stupid wide, and suspicious. Even if the range is correct, according to how they determine a likely percentage of ethnicity...get ready for this, Warren is most likely only .3% Native American. That’s what most white European Americans are. Should that range be inflated, she is probably less Native American than the average Schmoe walking down the street.

Why the fuck would you need to BE Mexican to write a recipe in a Mexican recipe book?

I could give you recipes for vindaloo curry or eggplant parmesean, and I have zero Indian or Italian blood. Think about it. I can speak French without being French too. Did I just blow your mind or what?

Partisan hacks --- such cat toys. :smoke:

Because like your dream date “Tanto” Warren they just lie and say they are Mexican.
Already did dozens of times. You need to take your hands off your ears and listen. As it is you just blather and prattle.

Yep, I knew you couldn't do it. Been here many times before.
That's exactly why I challenge you to dig your own hole. :dig:

Already did, you are just to invested in the lie. Now you gotta do it. Maybap of you are a good boy Lizzy “Tanto” warren will make you an honerary member of her imaginary injun tribe and you can write it up and store it in your KKK archives.

Sorry, continually posting "already did" is what Finger Boi does when he knows he's cornered.

You don't have an answer. If you had put one out "already" all you'd have to do is point to it. You can't do that, because it doesn't exist.

Again ----- Prove me wrong. Pissant.

Your fake Indian said her mom and to run off with the sperm domed because the white folk were racist. You are a typical white power type. You are okay with white folks ripping off real minorities as long as it’s you, or a fake Indian you like. I’m tired of your lies and pseudo intellectual blather. You lie as bad as g500 . No fun anymore.

That wouldn't make sense even if it were in English.

I ain't here for "fun" Jocko. I'm here for Truth. You clearly are not.

Okay Tanto, you are an expert. Bet you got a library dedicated to it like your other bullshit lie over your KKK library. You are to stupid to carry on with. Just a liar and an unintelligent one at that.
Yep, I knew you couldn't do it. Been here many times before.
That's exactly why I challenge you to dig your own hole. :dig:

Already did, you are just to invested in the lie. Now you gotta do it. Maybap of you are a good boy Lizzy “Tanto” warren will make you an honerary member of her imaginary injun tribe and you can write it up and store it in your KKK archives.

Sorry, continually posting "already did" is what Finger Boi does when he knows he's cornered.

You don't have an answer. If you had put one out "already" all you'd have to do is point to it. You can't do that, because it doesn't exist.

Again ----- Prove me wrong. Pissant.

Your fake Indian said her mom and to run off with the sperm domed because the white folk were racist. You are a typical white power type. You are okay with white folks ripping off real minorities as long as it’s you, or a fake Indian you like. I’m tired of your lies and pseudo intellectual blather. You lie as bad as g500 . No fun anymore.

That wouldn't make sense even if it were in English.

I ain't here for "fun" Jocko. I'm here for Truth. You clearly are not.

Okay Tanto, you are an expert. Bet you got a library dedicated to it like your other bullshit lie over your KKK library. You are to stupid to carry on with. Just a liar and an unintelligent one at that.

And yet ---- didn't take much to wrap you helplessly around my little finger logically.

You spew bullshit, yer gonna get called on it. How the fuck the world works.
Already did, you are just to invested in the lie. Now you gotta do it. Maybap of you are a good boy Lizzy “Tanto” warren will make you an honerary member of her imaginary injun tribe and you can write it up and store it in your KKK archives.

Sorry, continually posting "already did" is what Finger Boi does when he knows he's cornered.

You don't have an answer. If you had put one out "already" all you'd have to do is point to it. You can't do that, because it doesn't exist.

Again ----- Prove me wrong. Pissant.

Your fake Indian said her mom and to run off with the sperm domed because the white folk were racist. You are a typical white power type. You are okay with white folks ripping off real minorities as long as it’s you, or a fake Indian you like. I’m tired of your lies and pseudo intellectual blather. You lie as bad as g500 . No fun anymore.

That wouldn't make sense even if it were in English.

I ain't here for "fun" Jocko. I'm here for Truth. You clearly are not.

Okay Tanto, you are an expert. Bet you got a library dedicated to it like your other bullshit lie over your KKK library. You are to stupid to carry on with. Just a liar and an unintelligent one at that.

And yet ---- didn't take much to wrap you helplessly around my little finger logically.

You spew bullshit, yer gonna get called on it. How the fuck the world works.

Na bullshit. Typical USMB libtard. Always say Link? Link? Link? Never mind that the shit is all over TV, never mind the fact a billion links have been posted by numorous people, like the little light weight you are you just put your hands on your ears and go “ LALALA like a 5 year old. You prove the snatch diddnt lie. You can’t, you lose. No go do whatever you do. You lost.
Sorry, continually posting "already did" is what Finger Boi does when he knows he's cornered.

You don't have an answer. If you had put one out "already" all you'd have to do is point to it. You can't do that, because it doesn't exist.

Again ----- Prove me wrong. Pissant.

Your fake Indian said her mom and to run off with the sperm domed because the white folk were racist. You are a typical white power type. You are okay with white folks ripping off real minorities as long as it’s you, or a fake Indian you like. I’m tired of your lies and pseudo intellectual blather. You lie as bad as g500 . No fun anymore.

That wouldn't make sense even if it were in English.

I ain't here for "fun" Jocko. I'm here for Truth. You clearly are not.

Okay Tanto, you are an expert. Bet you got a library dedicated to it like your other bullshit lie over your KKK library. You are to stupid to carry on with. Just a liar and an unintelligent one at that.

And yet ---- didn't take much to wrap you helplessly around my little finger logically.

You spew bullshit, yer gonna get called on it. How the fuck the world works.

Na bullshit. Typical USMB libtard. Always say Link? Link? Link? Never mind that the shit is all over TV, never mind the fact a billion links have been posted by numorous people, like the little light weight you are you just put your hands on your ears and go “ LALALA like a 5 year old. You prove the snatch diddnt lie. You can’t, you lose. No go do whatever you do. You lost.

Yeah yeah yeah it's "all over TV", it's "all over the internets", it's "all over the world" and yet you can't find it to post.

Sucks to be you, pissant.
Your fake Indian said her mom and to run off with the sperm domed because the white folk were racist. You are a typical white power type. You are okay with white folks ripping off real minorities as long as it’s you, or a fake Indian you like. I’m tired of your lies and pseudo intellectual blather. You lie as bad as g500 . No fun anymore.

That wouldn't make sense even if it were in English.

I ain't here for "fun" Jocko. I'm here for Truth. You clearly are not.

Okay Tanto, you are an expert. Bet you got a library dedicated to it like your other bullshit lie over your KKK library. You are to stupid to carry on with. Just a liar and an unintelligent one at that.

And yet ---- didn't take much to wrap you helplessly around my little finger logically.

You spew bullshit, yer gonna get called on it. How the fuck the world works.

Na bullshit. Typical USMB libtard. Always say Link? Link? Link? Never mind that the shit is all over TV, never mind the fact a billion links have been posted by numorous people, like the little light weight you are you just put your hands on your ears and go “ LALALA like a 5 year old. You prove the snatch diddnt lie. You can’t, you lose. No go do whatever you do. You lost.

Yeah yeah yeah it's "all over TV", it's "all over the internets", it's "all over the world" and yet you can't find it to post.

Sucks to be you, pissant.

At least I don’t gotta lie on a message board. Go tend your top secret library or something. You are boring.

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