Wait didn’t Warren say that her parents eloped because of disapproval of NA ancestry?

Why the fuck would you need to BE Mexican to write a recipe in a Mexican recipe book?

I could give you recipes for vindaloo curry or eggplant parmesean, and I have zero Indian or Italian blood. Think about it. I can speak French without being French too. Did I just blow your mind or what?

Partisan hacks --- such cat toys. :smoke:
Look up Pow Wow Chow, notice it doesn’t say “recipies from non-tribal people”. What does it say instead?

It says: "Pow Wow Chow: A Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized Tribes : Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole"

You couldn't look that up?
I did, I wanted you too, thought that was pretty clear.

Was there a point coming with this?

Or don't you believe in points? Seems like I'm still waiting for the same question from the other day.
I don’t even know what point you’re referring too, and my point here is pretty evident. But fine, I’ll spell it out, you’re whole point was “so what if she wrote recipes in a NA cookbook, you don’t have to be Indian to write a curry recipe.” My counter was, this was clearly a book on how to cook Native American food, by the people from these 5 tribes. By the way, she essientially copied and pasted these “traditional Cherokee” recipes from NYT and BH&G. Like we’re not just talking ingredients here, we’re talking the depictive instructions to cook it were pretty much copied and pasted. She changed very minor things like instead of “we’re going to wait to flip it until it’s lightly brown” to “we’re going to wait to flip it until it’s lightly brownED.”

He doesn't care, he simply twists words and tries to pass it off as a "point".
Your fake Indian said her mom and to run off with the sperm domed because the white folk were racist. You are a typical white power type. You are okay with white folks ripping off real minorities as long as it’s you, or a fake Indian you like. I’m tired of your lies and pseudo intellectual blather. You lie as bad as g500 . No fun anymore.

That wouldn't make sense even if it were in English.

I ain't here for "fun" Jocko. I'm here for Truth. You clearly are not.

You wouldn't know what "truth" was if it bit you in the ass. You're here to run around and beat your chest declaring how you are the "best". She, like you, is nothing but a fake. You play silly little word games and pretend it's relevant to any given conversation. His post was very clear and all truth, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand it.

He made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to prove it.

He can't do it. Neither can the other poster, who ran away. And you can't either.

The end.

LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."
That wouldn't make sense even if it were in English.

I ain't here for "fun" Jocko. I'm here for Truth. You clearly are not.

You wouldn't know what "truth" was if it bit you in the ass. You're here to run around and beat your chest declaring how you are the "best". She, like you, is nothing but a fake. You play silly little word games and pretend it's relevant to any given conversation. His post was very clear and all truth, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand it.

He made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to prove it.

He can't do it. Neither can the other poster, who ran away. And you can't either.

The end.

LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
There also is no proof that her DNA test provides evidence she is American Indian, as pointed out almost all American Indians refuse to be tested so there is no data base to prove it, instead, again as pointed out, it may point to South American roots.
You wouldn't know what "truth" was if it bit you in the ass. You're here to run around and beat your chest declaring how you are the "best". She, like you, is nothing but a fake. You play silly little word games and pretend it's relevant to any given conversation. His post was very clear and all truth, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand it.

He made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to prove it.

He can't do it. Neither can the other poster, who ran away. And you can't either.

The end.

LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.

You really are stoooopid aren't you? Tell us, WHICH tribe Warren claiming to be from?
You wouldn't know what "truth" was if it bit you in the ass. You're here to run around and beat your chest declaring how you are the "best". She, like you, is nothing but a fake. You play silly little word games and pretend it's relevant to any given conversation. His post was very clear and all truth, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand it.

He made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to prove it.

He can't do it. Neither can the other poster, who ran away. And you can't either.

The end.

LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.

Warren's words:
""As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. What kid would? But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee and part Delaware, so my parents had to elope," she said."

Here's the deal with Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage - CNNPolitics
You wouldn't know what "truth" was if it bit you in the ass. You're here to run around and beat your chest declaring how you are the "best". She, like you, is nothing but a fake. You play silly little word games and pretend it's relevant to any given conversation. His post was very clear and all truth, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand it.

He made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to prove it.

He can't do it. Neither can the other poster, who ran away. And you can't either.

The end.

LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • IN
  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
“Cherokee Nation SOS”. That’s pretty clear. Are you trying to say she never claimed to be Cherokee?
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
Read it and weep, son. Might want to give Sakinago a sincere apology.

Warren, who grew up in Norman, Oklahoma, said her mother and father were forced to elope because of her mother's heritage.
Sen. Warren: DNA Test Shows I Have Native American Heritage

I’d still like a link to the context . And doesn’t that back up her story about her family oral history ?
Lol, her parents had a church wedding. She totally lied and you will still support her.

Lol! Oh wait . This is rich. Are you saying that if a candidate lies they are not worthy of support ? Cause that eliminates every trump supporter!

It’s like we live in this bizzaro world where the rules apply to everyone BUT Trump!
He made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to prove it.

He can't do it. Neither can the other poster, who ran away. And you can't either.

The end.

LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • IN
  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
“Cherokee Nation SOS”. That’s pretty clear. Are you trying to say she never claimed to be Cherokee?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you FAILED.
LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • IN
  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
“Cherokee Nation SOS”. That’s pretty clear. Are you trying to say she never claimed to be Cherokee?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you FAILED.
You’re gonna have to spell out what you mean by no mention of Cherokee, I posted one mention of it. Warren definitely claimed Cherokee heritage. Are we even talking about the same report?
Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • IN
  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
“Cherokee Nation SOS”. That’s pretty clear. Are you trying to say she never claimed to be Cherokee?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you FAILED.
You’re gonna have to spell out what you mean by no mention of Cherokee, I posted one mention of it. Warren definitely claimed Cherokee heritage. Are we even talking about the same report?

Am I the only fucking one on this entire board who actually downloaded and READ the report?

Once AGAIN --- it says nothing anywhere about "Cherokee", or any other tribe at all. ZERO. It also points out that pinpointing such tribal identification via DNA is impossible ---- all of which tell me that this Hoskins cat ALSO didn't bother to read the report since he's just echoing what's already in there. **NOTHING** in this report has anything to do with "Cherokee" anything.

Go find out what the fuck you're talking about before you dig yourself into a hole.
LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • IN
  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
“Cherokee Nation SOS”. That’s pretty clear. Are you trying to say she never claimed to be Cherokee?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you FAILED.

You've been bitch slapped again son. The adults own you.
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
Read it and weep, son. Might want to give Sakinago a sincere apology.

Warren, who grew up in Norman, Oklahoma, said her mother and father were forced to elope because of her mother's heritage.
Sen. Warren: DNA Test Shows I Have Native American Heritage

I’d still like a link to the context . And doesn’t that back up her story about her family oral history ?
Lol, her parents had a church wedding. She totally lied and you will still support her.

Lol! Oh wait . This is rich. Are you saying that if a candidate lies they are not worthy of support ? Cause that eliminates every trump supporter!

It’s like we live in this bizzaro world where the rules apply to everyone BUT Trump!
The sooner the left realizes this, the better. The right doesn’t care about a narcissist embellishing something, or fibbing on “I didn’t fuck stormy” or whatever. That’s baked in the cake, they knew who he was, he wrote a book bragging about cheating on his first wife with married women. They saw when the narritive changed on Clinton when we found out Clinton was lying, and the media and left shrugged their shoulders and said “the personal issues don’t matter, it’s what he does in office.” The right tried to say that yes, character does matter, and the left said drop it. The right put up bush, McCain, and Romney, and watch the left call them all racist, nazis, misogynist, warmongers. And the right said, really...these guys...the guy who doesn’t even drink caffeine and wears magic underwear because he’s that devout of a Mormon? The freaking war hero? Those guys are racist nazis? Then they saw the mainstream media give an absurd amount of cover for very egregious things, and the heard the mainstream media make strawmen out of them. Then they saw the GOP, even when in power of the legislative branch, speaking one way but then act like cowering dogs with their tails between their legs when it came time to act. Then trump came, promised to shake it up, get stuff done. They knew he was flawed, at least most of them. They didn’t care, they were tired of all that BS.

So, until trump lies about something big, that actually has a pretty big effect on people, they’re going to let the fibs slide. At least I hope they would, I’d be very dissappointed if they didn’t. After all the left let Clinton slide after he purgoured himself. Then the left wants to condemn Kavanaugh with all of the actual evidence pointing the other way, and the only evidence pointing against him, Ford and her team didn’t seem to want to release in its entirety...but then the right thinks back to Juanita Broderick, and they say “what the fuck, she spoke up pretty soon after this happened, told friends about it who saw her shook up and crying right after it, has way more evidence in her favor...AND YALL IGNORED HER...and were supposed to believe that Kavanaugh was a gang rapist when he was 15, and this Sweatnick was partying with these high schoolers when she was 19, and would still attend this gang rape parties up to 10 times after having knowledge of what they are.”

Yeah I’d say the right is done with the lefts BS.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
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  • WORD
  • IN
  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
“Cherokee Nation SOS”. That’s pretty clear. Are you trying to say she never claimed to be Cherokee?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you FAILED.
You’re gonna have to spell out what you mean by no mention of Cherokee, I posted one mention of it. Warren definitely claimed Cherokee heritage. Are we even talking about the same report?

Am I the only fucking one on this entire board who actually downloaded and READ the report?

Once AGAIN --- it says nothing anywhere about "Cherokee", or any other tribe at all. ZERO. It also points out that pinpointing such tribal identification via DNA is impossible ---- all of which tell me that this Hoskins cat ALSO didn't bother to read the report since he's just echoing what's already in there. **NOTHING** in this report has anything to do with "Cherokee" anything.

Go find out what the fuck you're talking about before you dig yourself into a hole.
I thought you were referring to the article. Yea I knew that shit, that’s why I said what likely happened is that one of warrens lineage got it on with a Tejano at some point, that’s where her “native” lineage is coming from. Most Latin Americans have around 12% South/Centeal native American blood in them. The Cherokee, and most other tribes, keep extensive genealogy records which is how they determine lineage. There was not a whole lot of mixing, not after the whole trail of tears deal, and the whole “Oklahoma (or wherever) is for us now.” Yea the Cherokee especially did not like whitey. Some happened, but they have gemologist records as good as the Mormons. Way too many people claim to have native heritage, especially Oklahomans claiming Cherokee. Actually it almost always seems to be Cherokee no matter what state. But with Oklahomans (like warren/her parents), it’s a ridiculous claim since whitey didn’t really settle there until they kicked all the Cherokee out. The Cherokee have been highly skeptical of her claims because they don’t have anything in their records remotely close, and a lot (not a majority, but way too many) of Oklahomans make this false claim. And we’re talking Cherokee genealogist who do this for a living. Kind of hard to mix when you limit people to a reservation. And then move onto their land.

So the skepticism about warrens claim seem to be pretty damn accurate. Warren knew this test didn’t prove any of her claims, but she rolled it out anyway. She should’ve known how the Cherokee would take this, and would’ve known had she done the tinsiest but if research...but she just couldn’t help shooting herself in the foot, dropping the gun to have it go off again and shoot her other foot. Her handlers should never ever work again, how on earth did they not see this coming?
I would say it’s criminal and immoral to claim you are Cherokee and further advantage is gained from so saying.
Pogo, what are you talking about??

This type of shit warren had been trying to pull really pisses off the Cherokee. Don’t take it from me, take it from their Secretary of State.

“Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."

"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."

I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
  • NO
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  • WORD
  • IN
  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
“Cherokee Nation SOS”. That’s pretty clear. Are you trying to say she never claimed to be Cherokee?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you FAILED.
You’re gonna have to spell out what you mean by no mention of Cherokee, I posted one mention of it. Warren definitely claimed Cherokee heritage. Are we even talking about the same report?

Am I the only fucking one on this entire board who actually downloaded and READ the report?

Once AGAIN --- it says nothing anywhere about "Cherokee", or any other tribe at all. ZERO. It also points out that pinpointing such tribal identification via DNA is impossible ---- all of which tell me that this Hoskins cat ALSO didn't bother to read the report since he's just echoing what's already in there. **NOTHING** in this report has anything to do with "Cherokee" anything.

Go find out what the fuck you're talking about before you dig yourself into a hole.
Go find out what the fuck you're talking about before you dig yourself into a hole.
Evidently you didn't know Lizzy back when she decided to become an Indian.
I guess I'll have to post this one. word. at. a. time. For the stupids.
  • IS
  • NO
  • OF
  • THE
  • WORD
  • IN
  • THIS
Go ahead --- try to prove me wrong.
“Cherokee Nation SOS”. That’s pretty clear. Are you trying to say she never claimed to be Cherokee?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you FAILED.
You’re gonna have to spell out what you mean by no mention of Cherokee, I posted one mention of it. Warren definitely claimed Cherokee heritage. Are we even talking about the same report?

Am I the only fucking one on this entire board who actually downloaded and READ the report?

Once AGAIN --- it says nothing anywhere about "Cherokee", or any other tribe at all. ZERO. It also points out that pinpointing such tribal identification via DNA is impossible ---- all of which tell me that this Hoskins cat ALSO didn't bother to read the report since he's just echoing what's already in there. **NOTHING** in this report has anything to do with "Cherokee" anything.

Go find out what the fuck you're talking about before you dig yourself into a hole.
I thought you were referring to the article. Yea I knew that shit, that’s why I said what likely happened is that one of warrens lineage got it on with a Tejano at some point, that’s where her “native” lineage is coming from. Most Latin Americans have around 12% South/Centeal native American blood in them. The Cherokee, and most other tribes, keep extensive genealogy records which is how they determine lineage. There was not a whole lot of mixing, not after the whole trail of tears deal, and the whole “Oklahoma (or wherever) is for us now.” Yea the Cherokee especially did not like whitey. Some happened, but they have gemologist records as good as the Mormons. Way too many people claim to have native heritage, especially Oklahomans claiming Cherokee. Actually it almost always seems to be Cherokee no matter what state. But with Oklahomans (like warren/her parents), it’s a ridiculous claim since whitey didn’t really settle there until they kicked all the Cherokee out. The Cherokee have been highly skeptical of her claims because they don’t have anything in their records remotely close, and a lot (not a majority, but way too many) of Oklahomans make this false claim. And we’re talking Cherokee genealogist who do this for a living. Kind of hard to mix when you limit people to a reservation. And then move onto their land.

So the skepticism about warrens claim seem to be pretty damn accurate. Warren knew this test didn’t prove any of her claims, but she rolled it out anyway. She should’ve known how the Cherokee would take this, and would’ve known had she done the tinsiest but if research...but she just couldn’t help shooting herself in the foot, dropping the gun to have it go off again and shoot her other foot. Her handlers should never ever work again, how on earth did they not see this coming?

One of the best parts is how smug she looks in her video too, with that DNA guy...yes, yes, tell me more about how Native American I am.

It begs the question: do only the most clueless people go into politics, or do they go into politics and THEN become utterly clueless. In Warren's case, I think both apply for sure.

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