Wait didn’t Warren say that her parents eloped because of disapproval of NA ancestry?

So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
You are a fucking idiot.

Warren is not native at all and her mother is barely more native than she is.

She fucking lied. Do you need a picture to understand that?

They know it’s a lie. It’s similar to how a really fat person wont stop eating, even though they know it’s killing them. They just need to keep eating.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
You are a fucking idiot.

Warren is not native at all and her mother is barely more native than she is.

She fucking lied. Do you need a picture to understand that?

"Lied" huh.

--- About what?

Another victim walks right into his own hole.

See that post right above yours? That guy tried to sell this same bullshit yesterday. I called him out on it. Now look where he is -- melted down into a babbling blob of incoherency.

Dude, you are babbling. It’s almost like you KNOW how stupid you look, but because you pretend you believe your own shit that no one else sees your dumbness. Stop dude. The snatch lied. Deal with it. No real Indians will defend her, matter of fact, all real Indians who have spoken on it want her to apologize for exploiting them. No one in her party will even defend her lie. By the way, why haven’t you posted any links to back your bullshit? No links, you lie.
When did she say that?

Methinks you are making shit up.
Read it and weep, son. Might want to give Sakinago a sincere apology.

Warren, who grew up in Norman, Oklahoma, said her mother and father were forced to elope because of her mother's heritage.
Sen. Warren: DNA Test Shows I Have Native American Heritage

I’d still like a link to the context . And doesn’t that back up her story about her family oral history ?

Her fucking DNA doesn't back up her made up story you silly person. How can you be so blind?
It certainly does.

She claimed her grandmother had Native American heritage & the test proved it.
Except it didn't.

There was no Native American heritage at all, it was Peruvian.

Where in the FUCK do you get "Peruvian"?
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
You are a fucking idiot.

Warren is not native at all and her mother is barely more native than she is.

She fucking lied. Do you need a picture to understand that?

"Lied" huh.

--- About what?

Another victim walks right into his own hole.

See that post right above yours? That guy tried to sell this same bullshit yesterday. I called him out on it. Now look where he is -- melted down into a babbling blob of incoherency.
Lied about her parents eloping.

I am FAR more Scottish than Warren's mom is "Native American" and no one who hated Scots would ever know I am part Scottish.

Oh really.

So you were there when they didn't elope, were you?

Your evidence then?

SEE ya..............
Look how obsessed the tiny trumpanzees still are with Sen. Warren calling the orange slug's bluff. :71:

Funny that I don't remember this kind of helpless pants-wetting when Rump claimed to be "Swedish".

Wonder why that is. :eusa_think:

Rump claimed to be "Swedish", Warren claimed multiple Native American.

One of them backed away and pretends the claim never happened.

Guess which one.

Equally interesting how Pocahontas --- the real one romanticized in colonial history --- was taken to England to be paraded around as a freak, a "noble savage" example of how the inferior race could be "Christianized", before she died there at the ripe old age of 21, and her entire life story made into a contrived propaganda story to rationalize racist colonial cultural genocide. Fast forward to the present and we have an fake-Swedish POTUS with a fake-orange face trying to parade the same sort of propaganda for the same knuckledragger element in yet another propaganda fable of self-aggrandizement.

And the knuckledraggers line up to swallow the same ethnocentric bullshit, just as they did in 1607, because swallowing bullshit stories that make their pathetic asses feel superior is far more important than "facts".
The more things change the more they stay the same.
You wouldn't know what "truth" was if it bit you in the ass. You're here to run around and beat your chest declaring how you are the "best". She, like you, is nothing but a fake. You play silly little word games and pretend it's relevant to any given conversation. His post was very clear and all truth, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand it.

He made an ass-sertion.

I challenged him to prove it.

He can't do it. Neither can the other poster, who ran away. And you can't either.

The end.

LOL, thanks for making my point. The Cherokee Tribe called her out on her bullshit...let's see......real "Indians"....or silly little white boys acting superior on the internet....tough one. You know your bullshit doesn't work with me Pepe.

  • A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
  • Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
  • Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.

Nothing in the entire report says a god damned thing about "Cherokee", stupid.
Again, POGO is a liar

The Cherokee Nation called her out........that's what he said.....what do you not get?

If you're wondering why the Cherokee did, it's because SHE claimed she was a Cherokee......

Ironically, the Cherokee does not care about DNA.....you have to prove you are directly related to Cherokee from a list around 1907....if you can't they DO NOT CLAIM YOU........DNA does not matter

Pogo is a liar indeed. Notice NONE of her colognes will jump on and help her out? It’s likely because they know she is stupid. That, and REAL Indians have come out to scold Tanto, none to support her. Does no one find this odd?

Thinking people do partisan hacks dont.
Look up Pow Wow Chow, notice it doesn’t say “recipies from non-tribal people”. What does it say instead?

It says: "Pow Wow Chow: A Collection of Recipes from Families of the Five Civilized Tribes : Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek and Seminole"

You couldn't look that up?
In other words recipes FROM 5 Indian tribes. Not some white wanna be .


Just as if I gave you a recipe for jalfreezi curry it doesn't mean I've even been near India.
A white woman does NOT have recipes from the 5 tribes.

Why the fuck not?
What, you think there are "racial secrets"?

That's weird bruh.
Yeah Indians have their own recipes....she's not an Indian....therefore she doesn't have tribal recipes......it's really not difficult
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?
Look how obsessed the tiny trumpanzees still are with Sen. Warren calling the orange slug's bluff. :71:

Funny that I don't remember this kind of helpless pants-wetting when Rump claimed to be "Swedish".

Wonder why that is. :eusa_think:

Rump claimed to be "Swedish", Warren claimed multiple Native American.

One of them backed away and pretends the claim never happened.

Guess which one.

Equally interesting how Pocahontas --- the real one romanticized in colonial history --- was taken to England to be paraded around as a freak, a "noble savage" example of how the inferior race could be "Christianized", before she died there at the ripe old age of 21, and her entire life story made into a contrived propaganda story to rationalize racist colonial cultural genocide. Fast forward to the present and we have an fake-Swedish POTUS with a fake-orange face trying to parade the same sort of propaganda for the same knuckledragger element in yet another propaganda fable of self-aggrandizement.

And the knuckledraggers line up to swallow the same ethnocentric bullshit, just as they did in 1607, because swallowing bullshit stories that make their pathetic asses feel superior is far more important than "facts".
The more things change the more they stay the same.
You hate whitey
you hate America
you hate capitalism
you hate western civ

so you are a Marxist...good for you
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?
No she did, she said they eloped because the parents didn't approve.....she made this shit up, my imagination and ability to lie is not nearly as good as hers.

I mean lefties, just use GOOGLE......this stuff is not hidden....it's right there.
Look how obsessed the tiny trumpanzees still are with Sen. Warren calling the orange slug's bluff. :71:

Funny that I don't remember this kind of helpless pants-wetting when Rump claimed to be "Swedish".

Wonder why that is. :eusa_think:

Rump claimed to be "Swedish", Warren claimed multiple Native American.

One of them backed away and pretends the claim never happened.

Guess which one.

Equally interesting how Pocahontas --- the real one romanticized in colonial history --- was taken to England to be paraded around as a freak, a "noble savage" example of how the inferior race could be "Christianized", before she died there at the ripe old age of 21, and her entire life story made into a contrived propaganda story to rationalize racist colonial cultural genocide. Fast forward to the present and we have an fake-Swedish POTUS with a fake-orange face trying to parade the same sort of propaganda for the same knuckledragger element in yet another propaganda fable of self-aggrandizement.

And the knuckledraggers line up to swallow the same ethnocentric bullshit, just as they did in 1607, because swallowing bullshit stories that make their pathetic asses feel superior is far more important than "facts".
The more things change the more they stay the same.
You hate whitey
you hate America
you hate capitalism
you hate western civ

so you are a Marxist...good for you
I hate whitey and I'm white. I hate Americans like you. I hate any corrupted ISM. You worship Capitalism as if it's unable to be corrupted like all the other ISMS. You hate the West. North and East too. You only love the South.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?
No she did, she said they eloped because the parents didn't approve.....she made this shit up, my imagination and ability to lie is not nearly as good as hers.
Prove that's what she said. You are lying. I could go find what she said but why should I waste a moment on your lie?
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?

In Tanto’s own words.

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

In a June 29, 2012 interview with NECN’s Jim Braude on the BroadSide television program, Elizabeth Warren stated that her parents had to elope in 1932 because her father’s parents objected to her mother’s Cherokee and Delaware ancestry. Warren stated:

Actually, you have it wrong about what it is I believe. My mom and dad were very much in love with each other and they wanted to get married and my father’s parents said absolutely not. You can’t marry her because she’s part Cherokee and she’s part Delaware. And um, after fighting it as long as they could, my parents went off, they eloped. It was an issue in our family the whole time I grew up about these two families. It was an issue still raised at my mother’s funeral. So what I know about my parents is I know that in that little town they grew up in that my father’s parents knew enough about my mother and her family to say I have no doubts.”

So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American?



This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
You are a fucking idiot.

Warren is not native at all and her mother is barely more native than she is.

She fucking lied. Do you need a picture to understand that?

"Lied" huh.

--- About what?

Another victim walks right into his own hole.

See that post right above yours? That guy tried to sell this same bullshit yesterday. I called him out on it. Now look where he is -- melted down into a babbling blob of incoherency.
Lied about her parents eloping.

I am FAR more Scottish than Warren's mom is "Native American" and no one who hated Scots would ever know I am part Scottish.

Oh really.

So you were there when they didn't elope, were you?

Your evidence then?

SEE ya..............

WTF, now you need evidence?
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?
No she did, she said they eloped because the parents didn't approve.....she made this shit up, my imagination and ability to lie is not nearly as good as hers.
Prove that's what she said. You are lying. I could go find what she said but why should I waste a moment on your lie?

Just found it.


This just in for the uninitiated ---- that's how bigotry works ... from ignorance. Doesn't matter if it's 1/32nd or any degree at all, doesn't matter if it's even accurate --- just as it doesn't matter if that lynch victim really is guilty. Ignorance isn't interested in rationality.

What's your point here?
You are a fucking idiot.

Warren is not native at all and her mother is barely more native than she is.

She fucking lied. Do you need a picture to understand that?

"Lied" huh.

--- About what?

Another victim walks right into his own hole.

See that post right above yours? That guy tried to sell this same bullshit yesterday. I called him out on it. Now look where he is -- melted down into a babbling blob of incoherency.
Lied about her parents eloping.

I am FAR more Scottish than Warren's mom is "Native American" and no one who hated Scots would ever know I am part Scottish.

Oh really.

So you were there when they didn't elope, were you?

Your evidence then?

SEE ya..............

WTF, now you need evidence?

EVERY assertion needs evidence. Without that evidence it's pissing into the wind.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?

Someone here certainly doesn't know the facts....dumbass.
So she listed her race as Natice American for her professorship...then told us a story about how her parents eloped because of disapproval of native ancestry. Really...someone actually objected to maybe (best case scenario, also unlikely) to 1/32 of being Native American? Dis bitch even wrote a couple of recipients in a Native American cookbook...wow, that’s impressive that a family recipe stayed around for at best 6 generations. I’m gonna look up her recipies...
No she didn't say her parents. Why would you start a thread when you don't know the facts?
No she did, she said they eloped because the parents didn't approve.....she made this shit up, my imagination and ability to lie is not nearly as good as hers.
Prove that's what she said. You are lying. I could go find what she said but why should I waste a moment on your lie?
I have, just Google it, oh wait someone did post the story.....Are you just retarded? The link to Breitbart even includes a VIDEO of her saying it.
You are a fucking idiot.

Warren is not native at all and her mother is barely more native than she is.

She fucking lied. Do you need a picture to understand that?

"Lied" huh.

--- About what?

Another victim walks right into his own hole.

See that post right above yours? That guy tried to sell this same bullshit yesterday. I called him out on it. Now look where he is -- melted down into a babbling blob of incoherency.
Lied about her parents eloping.

I am FAR more Scottish than Warren's mom is "Native American" and no one who hated Scots would ever know I am part Scottish.

Oh really.

So you were there when they didn't elope, were you?

Your evidence then?

SEE ya..............

WTF, now you need evidence?

EVERY assertion needs evidence. Without that evidence it's pissing into the wind.

FLASHBACK: Warren Said Her Parents Eloped Because Of Racism Against Her Mom's Native American Ancestry

In a June 29, 2012 interview with NECN’s Jim Braude on the BroadSide television program, Elizabeth Warren stated that her parents had to elope in 1932 because her father’s parents objected to her mother’s Cherokee and Delaware ancestry. Warren stated:

Actually, you have it wrong about what it is I believe. My mom and dad were very much in love with each other and they wanted to get married and my father’s parents said absolutely not. You can’t marry her because she’s part Cherokee and she’s part Delaware. And um, after fighting it as long as they could, my parents went off, they eloped. It was an issue in our family the whole time I grew up about these two families. It was an issue still raised at my mother’s funeral. So what I know about my parents is I know that in that little town they grew up in that my father’s parents knew enough about my mother and her family to say I have no doubts.”

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