Wait Now Fauci Says Expected US Deaths are Down to 60K? That's a Bad Flu Season

Last time I checked both places were easily capable of handling the number of patients.
I honestly think you ought to tell that to someone working the front lines in a hospital in New York City right now and see what they tell you. The Pentagon is sending doctors and nurses. To steal one of Trump's favorite phrases, this has never happened before.
What have they told you? As understand it, there has been no shortage, only a hysterical fear of a shortage.
Which begs the question... if they’re both about the same why haven’t both required a lockdown? Why not neither?
Are you telling me that in the past month you haven't seen any articles or explanations of how Covid-19 is different from our regular flu? All you have to do is look at what is happening in New York City and New Jersey hospitals to see the difference. Normal flu season doesn't do this to our healthcare system.
Last time I checked both places were easily capable of handling the number of patients. It was media hysteria that suggested major shortages. I’m having trouble finding similarly alarmist stories in NYC for the number of flu hospitalizations. And there have been plenty.
I wasn't talking about shortages. I was talking about the number of people in the hospital in critical care, all at the same time. THIS was what was predicted and THIS is why they instituted social distancing and ... it seems to have worked. The hospitals are really, really busy in NYC, but they're coping. That is the outcome that was hoped for.
And how many were in critical care for flu?
I might as well be talking to a wall. Forget it.
Why? I’m asking legit questions. Just because one has been over-reported doesn’t make the comparable one irrelevant. Sick is sick and death is death.
I can see being off by 25% given the large amount of data and modeling we already have, but an order of magnitude from the hundreds of thousands, even millions they were talking about? And I thought the social distancing was already baked in.

Scaring the bejeezuz out of everyone and sending the economy into a death spiral? Every day still panic screaming from the headlines, just what is going on here?

You had me at “I can see”
Keep up the hard work but don’t quit your day job.

I’ll listen to the experts, this is good news by the way. You should be happy about that
I can see being off by 25% given the large amount of data and modeling we already have, but an order of magnitude from the hundreds of thousands, even millions they were talking about? And I thought the social distancing was already baked in.

Scaring the bejeezuz out of everyone and sending the economy into a death spiral? Every day still panic screaming from the headlines, just what is going on here?

You had me at “I can see”
Keep up the hard work but don’t quit your day job.

I’ll listen to the experts, this is good news by the way. You should be happy about that

Sure it's good news. But the fact that they crashed the economy over it isn't.
Yes they exceed Costa Rica's. Math any? Do you know what "per capita" means?
Yes they exceed Costa Rica's. Math any? Do you know what "per capita" means?

Ok! If it will make you happy, "Way to go, trump! The American death toll per capita is now higher than any other country on earth!"
Calm down only ones who died were the old and the worthless.
Meatpacking plants need to hire younger able-bodied workers. They are closing down due to so many sick workers. Why do they hire so many old worthless people?
Yes they exceed Costa Rica's. Math any? Do you know what "per capita" means?

Ok! If it will make you happy, "Way to go, trump! The American death toll per capita is now higher than any other country on earth!"
Calm down only ones who died were the old and the worthless.

Well, that's a relief. But, we must be "nice". Trump had another temper tantrum today about Fauci, and we would not want to upset him about American citizens' major cause of death (which is now the virus).
I can see being off by 25% given the large amount of data and modeling we already have, but an order of magnitude from the hundreds of thousands, even millions they were talking about? And I thought the social distancing was already baked in.

Scaring the bejeezuz out of everyone and sending the economy into a death spiral? Every day still panic screaming from the headlines, just what is going on here?

I believe, you haven't been following the news closely enough. First, it isn't Dr. Fauci doing the modeling, it's Dr. Fauci reporting on what the guys with the statistics and models tell him.

Now, there are several different scenarios.

A: No social distancing, economy running as normal, resulting in millions of deaths.

B: This is where things get complicated, so bear with me:

B1: 100k+ deaths. That model was based on the assumption that many Americans see right through Trump's corona hoax, wouldn't follow the social distancing guidelines, and refuse to shut down businesses.

B2: 60k deaths: Apparently, or so the guys with the statistics found, Americans overwhelmingly fall for Trump's corona hoax, listen and follow the guidelines, and thus the corona hoax can kill far fewer people.

Savvy now?

Next up, Trump's Chinese climate hoax.
Yes they exceed Costa Rica's. Math any? Do you know what "per capita" means?

Ok! If it will make you happy, "Way to go, trump! The American death toll per capita is now higher than any other country on earth!"
Calm down only ones who died were the old and the worthless.

Well, that's a relief. But, we must be "nice". Trump had another temper tantrum today about Fauci, and we would not want to upset him about American citizens' major cause of death (which is now the virus).
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
The tip off that there is an agenda is the blatant panic tone of media reporting, I swear one NYC news anchor woman was positively having an orgasm as she lowered her head and looked into the camera and said "DEATHS!" They want the panic. Why?
The tip off that there is an agenda is the blatant panic tone of media reporting, I swear one NYC news anchor woman was positively having an orgasm as she lowered her head and looked into the camera and said "DEATHS!" They want the panic. Why?

It got your attention, so I guess she is playing to her audience....
I can see being off by 25% given the large amount of data and modeling we already have, but an order of magnitude from the hundreds of thousands, even millions they were talking about? And I thought the social distancing was already baked in.

Scaring the bejeezuz out of everyone and sending the economy into a death spiral? Every day still panic screaming from the headlines, just what is going on here?

Coronavirus is much more contagious than the flu.. The carrier Theodore Roosevelt is proof. Nearly the entire crew has it. Also even if people survive, recovery may take months especially if you are on a ventilator.

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