Wait -- Obamacare isn't an issue anymore?

Hack article by CNN. 39% of Americans approve of Obamacare. Of course this issue is a winner for the GOP. I haven't seen one candidate run on the merits of obamacare.
Learn to read, dummy:

The latest CNN poll from early May found that 38% of people wanted to either replace the law or get rid of it. The results are similar to a CBS poll which found 35% of respondents said the law needs to be repealed, which is a far better billing than the 43% who felt the same way in November.​

Which speaks to the short attention spans and stupidity of Americans.

ACA is no better or no worse now than it was in Dec of last year , I mean fundamentally nothings changed, but stupid Americans "oh yeah I like this law better now than I did last year" LOL
Hack article by CNN. 39% of Americans approve of Obamacare. Of course this issue is a winner for the GOP. I haven't seen one candidate run on the merits of obamacare.
Learn to read, dummy:

The latest CNN poll from early May found that 38% of people wanted to either replace the law or get rid of it. The results are similar to a CBS poll which found 35% of respondents said the law needs to be repealed, which is a far better billing than the 43% who felt the same way in November.​

Which speaks to the short attention spans and stupidity of Americans.

ACA is no better or no worse now than it was in Dec of last year , I mean fundamentally nothings changed, but stupid Americans "oh yeah I like this law better now than I did last year" LOL
Stands to reason that back then a lot of average Americans relied on what they heard about Obamacare, and a lot of them got lies from the conservative media, and conservative politicians, i.e. 'Death Panels".

Once the fog of lies lifted this Spring, people started realizing the truth.
Hack article by CNN. 39% of Americans approve of Obamacare. Of course this issue is a winner for the GOP. I haven't seen one candidate run on the merits of obamacare.
Learn to read, dummy:

The latest CNN poll from early May found that 38% of people wanted to either replace the law or get rid of it. The results are similar to a CBS poll which found 35% of respondents said the law needs to be repealed, which is a far better billing than the 43% who felt the same way in November.​

Which speaks to the short attention spans and stupidity of Americans.

ACA is no better or no worse now than it was in Dec of last year , I mean fundamentally nothings changed, but stupid Americans "oh yeah I like this law better now than I did last year" LOL
Stands to reason that back then a lot of average Americans relied on what they heard about Obamacare, and a lot of them got lies from the conservative media, and conservative politicians, i.e. 'Death Panels".

Once the fog of lies lifted this Spring, people started realizing the truth.

The truth LOL. The next truth to come out of DC will likely the be the first truth to come out of DC. Seriously,
The truth LOL. The next truth to come out of DC will likely the be the first truth to come out of DC. Seriously,


The truth is that children can now stay on their parent's policy until they are 26.

The truth is you can no longer be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

Those are truths, are they not?

Twenty six year olds are not children. My God, by the time I was 26 I had been in the Army 8 years, including serving in one war.
Patterns are emerging that Republicans and like-minded groups are broadening their scope and not homing in on a singular anti-Obamacare message.

Pity the partisan right is incapable of homing in on what’s best for the Nation, as opposed for the GOP, as the two are in fact not the same.

The GOP is half the nation, asswipe.

What part of that did you miss ?
It's still an issue, just not the singular issue...there are so many to choose from now.:eusa_whistle:

Thanks for suggesting that Obamacare is not that bad after all and that it is indeed working for Americans everywhere. :eusa_clap:

I didn't suggest that....but hey kid, if it helps you sleep better at night believing so, then sweet dreams.:D

More like wet dreams.

His posts read like some kid with his fingers in his ears chanting "lalalalalalalala" so he does not have to listen to the cold hard facts that the GOP sure as hell is going to take out senate democrats on several issues and Obamacare is going to be front and center.

Kay Hagan In Tight Senate Race Goes All In On Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

The Affordable Care Act still doesn't poll well nationally, despite more than 8 million people signing up through the state exchanges. A Pew poll released this week found 55 percent of Americans disapprove and 41 percent approve.
Just because some of the liberal media refuses to cover the ongoing issues with Obamacare doesn't mean they don't exist. Same can be said for a host of scandals that have yet to be solved.

The number of people supposedly on Obamacare aren't accurate. Many aren't really covered and some people signed up using fake names. I'm sure the insurance companies got a pile of tax payer money for them even if the people don't exist.

Then there's a dirty little trick for pumping up the numbers. The administration automatically signed people up without their consent. That was happening on the website a lot. People thought they finally got to the step where they could view their options and choose insurance only to be told they were all signed up for Obamacare. Some people who were on Medicaid were automatically switched to Obamacare. I guess if you build a website and people don't come in the numbers you need, you just go after them.

Research hospitals, like Mayo, won't take Obamacare patients. The majority of cancer treatment centers won't take Obamacare patients. A lot of doctors won't take Obamacare patients. So big deal, some people can claim to have insurance now but will have trouble finding actual health care.

There are 18 new taxes in Obamacare and the worst of it hasn't even hit yet. There is a reason Obama delayed parts of it and it's not because it's a fantastic law that everyone will love. Even he knows it's a disaster and he spared people for a little while longer.
What's being delayed is the 4% of corporate workers not already covered...bfd, hater dupe. All because of tidal waves of Pubrappe fear mongering hysteria....
Might not be an issue for Republicans in 2014 but it will be for Democrats as they will no doubt point to Obamacare as a winner for them. My, how the pendulum swings. Good work Mr. President! :lol:

Wait -- Obamacare isn't an issue? - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, might not be the Republican Party's key to electoral victory as once thought.

Patterns are emerging that Republicans and like-minded groups are broadening their scope and not homing in on a singular anti-Obamacare message.

I doubt the taxpayers who will be subsidizing all those freeloaders in America and paying those high deductables will agree with you.

I know I won't. My benefits are going up 30% because of the ACA. Its still the biggest POS ever foisted on the American taxpayer.
The truth LOL. The next truth to come out of DC will likely the be the first truth to come out of DC. Seriously,


The truth is that children can now stay on their parent's policy until they are 26.

The truth is you can no longer be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

Those are truths, are they not?

Twenty six year olds are not children. My God, by the time I was 26 I had been in the Army 8 years, including serving in one war.
Are you no longer your mother's child?
people are actually starting to get what they're paying for under O'Care.

I have no idea what your echo chamber is saying to you, but in real America where real Americans that aren't being subsidized don't feel the same way.
Not even close, darlin'....even for you

The only winners in the ACA are those that we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

My benefits costs are going up by 30% because of the ACA.

The ACA is the worst POS ever foisted on the American taxpayer.

Only the freeloaders we will be forced to subsidize will think the POS is great. After all someone else is paying for their HC.
I have said many times that the utter piece of shit that is ObamaCare is here to stay. I have also predicted that as ObamaCare becomes more and more a part of life, the GOP and its hack media outlets will stop referring to it as ObamaCare and start using "the ACA" more and more frequently so as not to remind people who gave them health insurance.

They will also stop talking about repeal, and start talking about fixes.

The GOP lost this one. Big time. What the rubes don't realize is that the loss was deliberately staged to happen just this way.

The GOP handed the country's health care over to the Democrats many years ago. Long before ObamaCare. When they had all the power, they chose to do NOTHING to in the face of a screamingly obvious broken health care system. Even though the Democrats telegraphed for decades what they would do if ever given the chance, the GOP did NOTHING to put a serious comprehensive plan on the table as an alternative. In fact, the Right invented the health insurance mandate.

We were sold down the river, folks. A long time ago. All the hysterics and pulling out of hair and renting and tearing of clothes of recent years by the GOP is theater for the rubes.

ObamaCare is here to stay, and it was always planned that way.
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people are actually starting to get what they're paying for under O'Care.

I have no idea what your echo chamber is saying to you, but in real America where real Americans that aren't being subsidized don't feel the same way.
Not even close, darlin'....even for you

The only winners in the ACA are those that we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

My benefits costs are going up by 30% because of the ACA.

The ACA is the worst POS ever foisted on the American taxpayer.

Only the freeloaders we will be forced to subsidize will think the POS is great. After all someone else is paying for their HC.
"Anecdotal evidence" much? This woman did too:

A hard-hitting anti-Obamacare ad makes a claim that doesn 8217 t add up - The Washington Post

Americans For Prosperity (AKA- Koch Industries :eusa_shhh: ) ran an ad saying this women's OOP expenses went up. Truth is, she's saving $1200 :rofl:

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