Wait -- Obamacare isn't an issue anymore?

people are actually starting to get what they're paying for under O'Care.

I have no idea what your echo chamber is saying to you, but in real America where real Americans that aren't being subsidized don't feel the same way.
Not even close, darlin'....even for you

The only winners in the ACA are those that we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

My benefits costs are going up by 30% because of the ACA.

The ACA is the worst POS ever foisted on the American taxpayer.

Only the freeloaders we will be forced to subsidize will think the POS is great. After all someone else is paying for their HC.
"Anecdotal evidence" much? This woman did too:

A hard-hitting anti-Obamacare ad makes a claim that doesn 8217 t add up - The Washington Post

Americans For Prosperity (AKA- Koch Industries :eusa_shhh: ) ran an ad saying this women's OOP expenses went up. Truth is, she's saving $1200 :rofl:

Well I'm not saving 1200 bucks. Its going to cost me more.

The evidence is the e-mail we all got and a call to HR to verify. Stuff it you idiot.
I have said many times that the utter piece of shit that is ObamaCare is here to stay. I have also predicted that as ObamaCare becomes more and more a part of life, the GOP and its hack media outlets will stop referring to it as ObamaCare and start using "the ACA" more and more frequently so as not to remind people who gave them health insurance.

They will also stop talking about repeal, and start talking about fixes.

The GOP lost this one. Big time. What the rubes don't realize is that the loss was deliberately staged to happen just this way.

The GOP handed the country's health care over to the Democrats many years ago. Long before ObamaCare. When they had all the power, they chose to do NOTHING to in the face of a screamingly obvious broken health care system. Even though the Democrats telegraphed for decades what they would do if ever given the chance, the GOP did NOTHING to put a serious comprehensive plan on the table as an alternative. In fact, the Right invented the health insurance mandate.

We were sold down the river, folks. A long time ago. All the hysterics and pulling out of hair and renting and tearing of clothes of recent years by the GOP is theater for the rubes.

ObamaCare is here to stay, and it was always planned that way.
yep Repubs had complete control of all three branches from 2000-2006 and what did they do about ballooning HC costs gobbling-up 17% of the GDP? :up: nothing.
people are actually starting to get what they're paying for under O'Care.

I have no idea what your echo chamber is saying to you, but in real America where real Americans that aren't being subsidized don't feel the same way.
Not even close, darlin'....even for you

The only winners in the ACA are those that we taxpayers will be forced to subsidize.

My benefits costs are going up by 30% because of the ACA.

The ACA is the worst POS ever foisted on the American taxpayer.

Only the freeloaders we will be forced to subsidize will think the POS is great. After all someone else is paying for their HC.
"Anecdotal evidence" much? This woman did too:

A hard-hitting anti-Obamacare ad makes a claim that doesn 8217 t add up - The Washington Post

Americans For Prosperity (AKA- Koch Industries :eusa_shhh: ) ran an ad saying this women's OOP expenses went up. Truth is, she's saving $1200 :rofl:

One third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts.

One third.

They are the kind of freeloaders to which Claudette was probably referring. All of us are going to have to pay for their insurance, and I'm sure they will be more than pleased with that arrangement.
I have said many times that the utter piece of shit that is ObamaCare is here to stay. I have also predicted that as ObamaCare becomes more and more a part of life, the GOP and its hack media outlets will stop referring to it as ObamaCare and start using "the ACA" more and more frequently so as not to remind people who gave them health insurance.

They will also stop talking about repeal, and start talking about fixes.

The GOP lost this one. Big time. What the rubes don't realize is that the loss was deliberately staged to happen just this way.

The GOP handed the country's health care over to the Democrats many years ago. Long before ObamaCare. When they had all the power, they chose to do NOTHING to in the face of a screamingly obvious broken health care system. Even though the Democrats telegraphed for decades what they would do if ever given the chance, the GOP did NOTHING to put a serious comprehensive plan on the table as an alternative. In fact, the Right invented the health insurance mandate.

We were sold down the river, folks. A long time ago. All the hysterics and pulling out of hair and renting and tearing of clothes of recent years by the GOP is theater for the rubes.

ObamaCare is here to stay, and it was always planned that way.

You're making the understandable mistake of believing the GOP is interested in governing, and improving lives for all Americans.

They were too busy from 1995-2007 easing regulations on Wall Street, limiting liability for businesses, enabling malfeasance for their corporate buddies, like Enron and Arthur Anderson, etc., and paving the way for the financial crash that was bound to happen.

Things like health insurance, infrastructure, investing in R&D for alternative energy - they were for suckers! No big easy money in THAT!
Obamacare was and is a major disaster the reason it is not front and center right now is because the Obama foreign policy is even a bigger disaster. Being able to top the Obamacare mess is one major accomplishment I got to give him that.
What kills me is I had healthcare then lost it and got it back.
But what I ended up with blows whale dick....
I can't afford to get my now 2 bad knees looked at because of the huge $6,000.00 deductible I now have.
So I walk around in pain most of the time....and can't afford to get them checked now.

To add insult I through paying taxes fund by way of subsidy other people to get health care....

How is this not the steaming pile of dog shit Republicans said it was from the start?
Patterns are emerging that Republicans and like-minded groups are broadening their scope and not homing in on a singular anti-Obamacare message.

Pity the partisan right is incapable of homing in on what’s best for the Nation, as opposed for the GOP, as the two are in fact not the same.

How is expensive, crappy medical insurance "best for the nation"? How is it good when premiums double and deductibles triple? How is it good when doctors are leaving medicine?

obamacare is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation.
With the media providing Obama cover on the obamacare disaster and the slow rolling of its policies which affect most Americans, the shitstorm is coming for Democraps once people wake up and realize their healthcare and wallet have been harmed.
Hack article by CNN. 39% of Americans approve of Obamacare. Of course this issue is a winner for the GOP. I haven't seen one candidate run on the merits of obamacare.
Then you're not paying attention.

Kay Hagen and Mark Pryor are both running favorable Obamacare ads in their Senate races. I'm sure there are many more.

then they are taking a huge risk and will probably lose. Fine with me. I think all dems should run on how wonderful obozocare is. Tell the voters that their double premiums and trippled deductibles are for the good of the country. Tell them that their higher payments are making it free for others. Tell that congress voted itself exempt from the premium increases. Tell them that unions and many companies are exempt, but that average american workers are not.

Bring it on, run on obamacare. Can't wait.
Might not be an issue for Republicans in 2014 but it will be for Democrats as they will no doubt point to Obamacare as a winner for them. My, how the pendulum swings. Good work Mr. President! :lol:

Wait -- Obamacare isn't an issue? - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, might not be the Republican Party's key to electoral victory as once thought.

Patterns are emerging that Republicans and like-minded groups are broadening their scope and not homing in on a singular anti-Obamacare message.

The people I know who's health insurance bill has gone up drastically aren't thrilled with Obamacare. I think people have just stopped talking about it and accepted the inevitable. It's still unfair. It's corporatism at it's worst. we would have been better of with actuall socialized medical care.
Might not be an issue for Republicans in 2014 but it will be for Democrats as they will no doubt point to Obamacare as a winner for them. My, how the pendulum swings. Good work Mr. President! :lol:

Wait -- Obamacare isn't an issue? - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, might not be the Republican Party's key to electoral victory as once thought.

Patterns are emerging that Republicans and like-minded groups are broadening their scope and not homing in on a singular anti-Obamacare message.

The people I know who's health insurance bill has gone up drastically aren't thrilled with Obamacare. I think people have just stopped talking about it and accepted the inevitable. It's still unfair. It's corporatism at it's worst. we would have been better of with actuall socialized medical care.

those with huge subsidies and those getting it free are the only ones that like it. But those same people were getting free medical care before obamacare. nothing has changed except the price.
"Kid rock" what a cute name. He makes it so incredibly obvious that he has no idea what it is like to pay his own bills.
This has nothing to do with Obamacare but given how the wars in the middle east are heating up it is important to get a look at our newest fleet carrier.
Hack article by CNN. 39% of Americans approve of Obamacare. Of course this issue is a winner for the GOP. I haven't seen one candidate run on the merits of obamacare.
Then you're not paying attention.

Kay Hagen and Mark Pryor are both running favorable Obamacare ads in their Senate races. I'm sure there are many more.

then they are taking a huge risk and will probably lose. Fine with me. I think all dems should run on how wonderful obozocare is. Tell the voters that their double premiums and trippled deductibles are for the good of the country. Tell them that their higher payments are making it free for others. Tell that congress voted itself exempt from the premium increases. Tell them that unions and many companies are exempt, but that average american workers are not.

Bring it on, run on obamacare. Can't wait.

Too bad for you ODS wingnuts a lot of that shit hasn't really been happening. A whole bunch of AFP ads came out talking about the horrors people supposedly experienced and they all got shot down.

When you get right down to it, the only thing really unpopular about the law, at this point, is just its name. That's why it's not going anywhere.
It's still an issue, just not the singular issue...there are so many to choose from now.:eusa_whistle:

Thanks for suggesting that Obamacare is not that bad after all and that it is indeed working for Americans everywhere. :eusa_clap:
What candidates say in campaigns lives long after the campaign is dead and gone. Republican rhetoric in the heat of the fight over Obamacare is beginning to comeback and haunt them. Where is the financial collapse of America if Obamacare passes? And what about the 60 million Americans who lost their insurance due to Obamacare? And the millions of people who will die due to Obamacare How many people can't find a family doctor or is on a waiting list to get into the hospital? And what happen to the half million doctors that will leave the profession?

What will probably be the biggest problem is the promise to repeal Obamacare. Due to the expansion of Obamacare we have 6 million more people on Medicaid. We have an additional 1.4 million people that signed up for individual insurance that previously were uninsured. All toll we are up 9.3 million people that have insurance due to Obamacare. By 2016, the figure will be over 12 million. The repeal of Obamacare boat is long gone, if it ever really existed. Any effort at appeal will be accompanied by legislation that will duplicated 95% of Obamacare.
It's still an issue, just not the singular issue...there are so many to choose from now.:eusa_whistle:

Thanks for suggesting that Obamacare is not that bad after all and that it is indeed working for Americans everywhere. :eusa_clap:
What candidates say in campaigns lives long after the campaign is dead and gone. Republican rhetoric in the heat of the fight over Obamacare is beginning to comeback and haunt them. Where is the financial collapse of America if Obamacare passes? And what about the 60 million Americans who lost their insurance due to Obamacare? And the millions of people who will die due to Obamacare How many people can't find a family doctor or is on a waiting list to get into the hospital? And what happen to the half million doctors that will leave the profession?

What will probably be the biggest problem is the promise to repeal Obamacare. Due to the expansion of Obamacare we have 6 million more people on Medicaid. We have an additional 1.4 million people that signed up for individual insurance that previously were uninsured. All toll we are up 9.3 million people that have insurance due to Obamacare. By 2016, the figure will be over 12 million. The repeal of Obamacare boat is long gone, if it ever really existed. Any effort at appeal will be accompanied by legislation that will duplicated 95% of Obamacare.

tell that to the people who have lost coverage or had their premiums and deductibles doubled. Keep the two good things 1. cannot be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions, 2. no lifetime maximum payments. and scrap the rest of it.

and get healthcare OUT of the IRS.

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