wait , sonic bans guns and gets robbed lol

So you're out driving around and you decide to grab a burger. Do you really think they are going to go home and drop off their gun before going to Sonic? And lets say that people would actually follow Sonics request (which they wont) how long do you think Sonic would stay in business? Here in Texas they wouldnt last six months.

This is nothing but lip service from Sonic.
It's Public Relations. That's a nicer way of saying such a thing, but that doesn't change the basic point, they don't bullets flying around regardless of the reasons, even in Texas.

It's all bullshit. Sonic knows damn well people will ignore the request. All this does is make them a target.
A better way would have been to say we dont mind CHL holders in our stores but please leave your long guns at home or in your vehicle so as not to scare our liberal pansy customers.
It's business. It's a Family Restaurant. They want people to feel safe there and if that means some cash walks out the door instead of some Rambo trying to save it, it all works out fine in the end. They don't tell their employees to hand it over because they are worried about being the target of a robbery here or there. That is inevitable, that's business.
Corporations aren't that worried about being robbed, like banks it comes with the territory, but they are worried about lawsuits, bad press, and people getting killed on their property. You see this as Law and Order. It isn't, it's business.

Again, do you have any sort of statics to support why they'd be worried?? They have a right as business owners to make such decisions, but I'm not clear on what is motivating them. Has Sonic had a decline in business based on customer complaints regarding other patrons having guns??
They can read the polls. Guns

Check out the Starbucks number. 66% anti-gun. 11% unsure.

So your answer is no, you don't have evidence on why Sonic chose to make such a business decision. Don't embarrass yourself by comparing Starbucks to Sonic.:D
It's Public Relations. That's a nicer way of saying such a thing, but that doesn't change the basic point, they don't bullets flying around regardless of the reasons, even in Texas.

It's all bullshit. Sonic knows damn well people will ignore the request. All this does is make them a target.
A better way would have been to say we dont mind CHL holders in our stores but please leave your long guns at home or in your vehicle so as not to scare our liberal pansy customers.
It's business. It's a Family Restaurant. They want people to feel safe there and if that means some cash walks out the door instead of some Rambo trying to save it, it all works out fine in the end. They don't tell their employees to hand it over because they are worried about being the target of a robbery here or there. That is inevitable, that's business.

Where are all those Rambo stories?? Are they only being aired on MSNBC??:lol:
It's all bullshit. Sonic knows damn well people will ignore the request. All this does is make them a target.
A better way would have been to say we dont mind CHL holders in our stores but please leave your long guns at home or in your vehicle so as not to scare our liberal pansy customers.
It's business. It's a Family Restaurant. They want people to feel safe there and if that means some cash walks out the door instead of some Rambo trying to save it, it all works out fine in the end. They don't tell their employees to hand it over because they are worried about being the target of a robbery here or there. That is inevitable, that's business.

Where are all those Rambo stories?? Are they only being aired on MSNBC??:lol:
The stories are there because the Rambos are walking in with their guns trying to prove a point, and it's backfiring, pun intended.
Again, do you have any sort of statics to support why they'd be worried?? They have a right as business owners to make such decisions, but I'm not clear on what is motivating them. Has Sonic had a decline in business based on customer complaints regarding other patrons having guns??
They can read the polls. Guns

Check out the Starbucks number. 66% anti-gun. 11% unsure.

So your answer is no, you don't have evidence on why Sonic chose to make such a business decision. Don't embarrass yourself by comparing Starbucks to Sonic.:D

Are they not both large chains with careful branding and a national presence? I didn't compare Red Lobster to the local titty bar. And all the gun control numbers are what you should look at. Most people want more gun control. That is what the corporations are responding to.
It's business. It's a Family Restaurant. They want people to feel safe there and if that means some cash walks out the door instead of some Rambo trying to save it, it all works out fine in the end. They don't tell their employees to hand it over because they are worried about being the target of a robbery here or there. That is inevitable, that's business.

Where are all those Rambo stories?? Are they only being aired on MSNBC??:lol:
The stories are there because the Rambos are walking in with their guns trying to prove a point, and it's backfiring, pun intended.

I obviously haven't seen firsthand evidence of such behavior, and I'm not seeing it reported in the MSM. Other than some pics, which I'll even assume aren't staged, where is the real public outcry regarding all of these so-called masses of people packing heat in such establishments??
They can read the polls. Guns

Check out the Starbucks number. 66% anti-gun. 11% unsure.

So your answer is no, you don't have evidence on why Sonic chose to make such a business decision. Don't embarrass yourself by comparing Starbucks to Sonic.:D

Are they not both large chains with careful branding and a national presence? I didn't compare Red Lobster to the local titty bar. And all the gun control numbers are what you should look at. Most people want more gun control. That is what the corporations are responding to.

Most people want laws that prevent people from obtaining a firearm who would be inclined to misuse it...don't confuse that with law abiding citizens owning guns. I still want to see all these stories of people shooting up establishments because they were responding to the actions of an armed criminal.
Where are all those Rambo stories?? Are they only being aired on MSNBC??:lol:
The stories are there because the Rambos are walking in with their guns trying to prove a point, and it's backfiring, pun intended.

I obviously haven't seen firsthand evidence of such behavior, and I'm not seeing it reported in the MSM. Other than some pics, which I'll even assume aren't staged, where is the real public outcry regarding all of these so-called masses of people packing heat in such establishments??

They are trying to nip this in the bud. No corporation needs this fight. And the public has already spoken which is why when the gun nuts show up packing, they ask them to please leave the guns at home, people are tying to eat.
Wait, What? Sonic Robbed Right After Banning Guns! | BuzzPoBuzzPo

Oklahoma based fast food drive thru chain Sonic, banned guns earlier this week. On the same day they announced it, in true Jack in the Box like fashion, one of their Topeka, KS restaurants was robbed!

They care very little about the cash. They care a lot about you scaring people away or shooting the place up trying to be John Wayne. See how that works wannabe hero?

First, John Wayne wasn't a mass murderer who shot innocent people. Comments like that reveal your skewed vision of what gun owners are like. Gun owners are not people looking for trouble. Like having alarm systems, smoke detectors and other safety features, guns are merely a security measure.

Second, they wouldn't want to scare people away because they don't want to lose the cash they'll make from them. Robbing them took all the profits for that day. They have a business to earn money. Period. Difference is that being robbed might be covered by insurance. I hope this is going to be a rare occurrence, but criminals do love gun-free zones. They want a safe work environment.

Third, gun bans have never and will never stop criminals.

It's no coincidence that the mass murders in schools and the theater were gun-free zones. The Colorado shooter went out of his way and chose the theater that had a gun ban.

It's so easy for liberals to say they aren't worried about crime, even in the worst neighborhoods. The police are enough for some people even though there is no way they can be there in time in most cases. That's your choice. I suspect that many would change their tune in a big hurry if they found themselves in a situation where an intruder was in the home or a shooter happened to walk into the building. Feeling helpless is the worst feeling ever.

What are the odds of being in a car accident, home fire or being the victim of a home invasion? Do you buckle up? Do you have smoke detectors and a sprinkler system? Do you lock your doors and windows? If so, you are merely acknowledging that there are many dangers that are out of your control and you take steps to make your life safer. Obama and the liberals have armed guards protecting them. They don't wait for police. They believe in having the ability to stop criminals instantly should the need arise.

Look at the crime stats. Rape, assault and murder aren't rare. The left holds up the unlikely event of a mass shooting to push their gun control agenda, even though that is the least likely of crimes. If it's enough for the gun control crowd to be concerned about, why not allow others to take precautions against the same?

The left gets more upset when a home invader gets shot than they do when a home owner gets murdered. Please explain why the innocent person should die rather than the criminal?

I know it's all about the need to disarm people. The left claims they don't want to take guns away, yet they keep finding more and more reasons to do just that.
So your answer is no, you don't have evidence on why Sonic chose to make such a business decision. Don't embarrass yourself by comparing Starbucks to Sonic.:D

Are they not both large chains with careful branding and a national presence? I didn't compare Red Lobster to the local titty bar. And all the gun control numbers are what you should look at. Most people want more gun control. That is what the corporations are responding to.

Most people want laws that prevent people from obtaining a firearm who would be inclined to misuse it...don't confuse that with law abiding citizens owning guns. I still want to see all these stories of people shooting up establishments because they were responding to the actions of an armed criminal.
It's not a problem at the moment, and they don't want it to become so so. See how that works? Sometimes people try to fix what what we haven't managed to break yet. It's the gun nuts that are pushing this issue so the corporations are being forced to push back. You don't need a loaded AR-15 to get a burger. Do the restaurant a favor and leave it at home.
Are they not both large chains with careful branding and a national presence? I didn't compare Red Lobster to the local titty bar. And all the gun control numbers are what you should look at. Most people want more gun control. That is what the corporations are responding to.

Most people want laws that prevent people from obtaining a firearm who would be inclined to misuse it...don't confuse that with law abiding citizens owning guns. I still want to see all these stories of people shooting up establishments because they were responding to the actions of an armed criminal.
It's not a problem at the moment, and they don't want it to become so so. See how that works? Sometimes people try to fix what what we haven't managed to break yet. It's the gun nuts that are pushing this issue so the corporations are being forced to push back.

Now the truth comes out...it's the anti-gun nuts who are pushing this issue and corporations are being forced to comply. Feelings over facts.:eusa_whistle:
I know it's all about the need to disarm people. The left claims they don't want to take guns away, yet they keep finding more and more reasons to do just that.
The Left, for the most part, doesn't want all the guns but I do. They want you to be responsible with your guns and make sure that only sane people own them, which means gun control.

And all gun deaths are a problem. The crook, the citizen, the stupid kids, and the suicide, but especially the innocents killed, en masss, by a nut.
Most people want laws that prevent people from obtaining a firearm who would be inclined to misuse it...don't confuse that with law abiding citizens owning guns. I still want to see all these stories of people shooting up establishments because they were responding to the actions of an armed criminal.
It's not a problem at the moment, and they don't want it to become so so. See how that works? Sometimes people try to fix what what we haven't managed to break yet. It's the gun nuts that are pushing this issue so the corporations are being forced to push back.

Now the truth comes out...it's the anti-gun nuts who are pushing this issue and corporations are being forced to comply. Feelings over facts.:eusa_whistle:

Anti-gun people aren't walking into restaurants with their big toys on display, that's you guys.
It's not a problem at the moment, and they don't want it to become so so. See how that works? Sometimes people try to fix what what we haven't managed to break yet. It's the gun nuts that are pushing this issue so the corporations are being forced to push back.

Now the truth comes out...it's the anti-gun nuts who are pushing this issue and corporations are being forced to comply. Feelings over facts.:eusa_whistle:

Anti-gun people aren't walking into restaurants with their big toys on display, that's you guys.

Again, WTF is it with "you guys"??:lol: It's alright, you admitted that this is being carried out based on speculation rather than facts, and there's no need to be ashamed...that's your stance, and you should own it.:thup:
How are they gonna stop me from carrying mine, its concealed, you don't see it until I show it to you.
How are they gonna stop me from carrying mine, its concealed, you don't see it until I show it to you.

They aren't, but they are going to publicly ask you to leave it at home. It's their right as a Property Owner correct, or don't you respect Property Rights?
Now the truth comes out...it's the anti-gun nuts who are pushing this issue and corporations are being forced to comply. Feelings over facts.:eusa_whistle:

Anti-gun people aren't walking into restaurants with their big toys on display, that's you guys.

Again, WTF is it with "you guys"??:lol: It's alright, you admitted that this is being carried out based on speculation rather than facts, and there's no need to be ashamed...that's your stance, and you should own it.:thup:
The stories are out there. Dismiss them if you like but the corporations wouldn't be responding otherwise.
Anti-gun people aren't walking into restaurants with their big toys on display, that's you guys.

Again, WTF is it with "you guys"??:lol: It's alright, you admitted that this is being carried out based on speculation rather than facts, and there's no need to be ashamed...that's your stance, and you should own it.:thup:
The stories are out there. Dismiss them if you like but the corporations wouldn't be responding otherwise.

Stories about what...you've already admitted that law abiding citizens aren't shooting up establishments. You must be referring to the anti-gun nuts pressuring corporations...thank you for admitting it.:clap:

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