wait , sonic bans guns and gets robbed lol

She was extremely lucky, she survived 10 degree temps, gagged and tied. The intent was to eliminate the witness. Or so he admitted
Tragic and horrible, but she's still here and she was cooperative enough for him not to kill her outright. Good for her, she did the right thing, and so did you. Hand it over folks, it ain't worth your life or theirs, with very few exceptions.

Actually, experts advise women to follow directions up until the point that they are told to get into a vehicle...at that point they should do everything possible to resist because their odds severely diminish of staying alive.
That's correct, but she may have known what we can only guess at, that he just wanted the sex. The stats show that to stay alive, in most cases, you let him rape you and be nice. It's brutal but true. But once you add in the car, you get Ted Bundy and then you probably won't survive either way. Those guys will have sex with the corpse as often as not.

Regardless, it's calculated risks and the numbers don't lie.
Guns don't kill people dipshit. People do. :) See how that works. Cops could have gotten into a shootout with this criminal as well..bet ya wanna ban cops to eh? Such a fucking retard.

Cops are trained. Rambo types are just angry and stupid.

Totally! Like this guy!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uADb3NyYlSA&feature=kp]ATF Agent shoots himself...funny! - YouTube[/ame]

Stop fooling yourself...only makes you look dumber than need be,I guarantee a good majority of gun owners who do carry have more time on the firing range than some idiot with a shiny badge.

You can "guarantee" anything you want. Gun nuts are usually toothless teapartiers. I wouldn't trust a one with my life.
You don't care where an armed criminal goes, as long as he lives to fight another day??:lmao: Ok, you have zero fucking credibility left in this debate.:lol:
This is what you don't understand, risk is calculated. If the store knows something bad will happen, they plan for it. 7-11, this might have changed, carries no, zero, insurance on their stores. It's cheaper to just rebuild one when it burns to the ground. A problem in a car, well, what will it cost us to fix it versus paying off when people are killed. Those factors they can plan for, some nut with a gun, like you, they can't, which is why they want you to leave your damn guns at home. They don't need the bad press or the suits over a wad of cash.

You're hysterical, and I mean that in more ways than one.:D I don't carry a gun around with me, and I have no desire to see others displaying their weapons in such environments. You're so worked into a tizzy over this that you missed my simple fucking point...I wouldn't want my child working at an establishment that advertised to criminals that they don't have to worry about their customers being able to defend themselves. By the way, you are entertaining if nothing else.:thup: ;)
Your point is perfectly valid. I don't want kids in harms way either but if they are, hand over the cash and do as he says.

And this is not a tizzy, I'm explaining to Wannabe Heroes why they don't want you ready to shoot, they want you ready to order.
Even if guns are allowed in a fast food restaurant, 999 times out of 1000 there won't be someone in there with a gun. Plus if guns are allowed, the criminal can come in, with his gun, and no one will call the cops because he's legal until he sticks it in someone's face.
Anti gun nuts..are mentally ill. That's all there is to it. They will whine when someone doesn't stop a robbery but will bitch if someone comes into a store or eatery with a pistol in its holster...they should just be sterilized so they can't spread their stupidity.

Anti-gun nuts are victims. They have been "victims" their entire lives. They are "followers". They are incapable of making decisions under stressful conditions. They would prefer to just let the thug have "his way" and then pick up the pieces (in the event they are still alive) and move on.

And, quite frankly, they should never be around weapons of any kind. They would be killed nearly instantly. They should stand back and pray to whatever the hell they believe in to save them - or that some cop comes along to "rescue" them.

I really don't mean to be callous, honestly I don't. However, I have been in combat and carried a weapon (and used it) all over the Soviet-Bloc countries after Viet Nam. I have thousands of hours of range time and training. I am confident in my abilities with a pistol.

Victims - are dubious of their "abilities" and blame the gun, rather than the shooter. So be it. Leave the "guns" to those who know what to do with them. However, one of the days, who knows? These "victims" might have to shake the hand of one of those "gun nuts" who took it upon himself to save their cowardly asses...........
This is what you don't understand, risk is calculated. If the store knows something bad will happen, they plan for it. 7-11, this might have changed, carries no, zero, insurance on their stores. It's cheaper to just rebuild one when it burns to the ground. A problem in a car, well, what will it cost us to fix it versus paying off when people are killed. Those factors they can plan for, some nut with a gun, like you, they can't, which is why they want you to leave your damn guns at home. They don't need the bad press or the suits over a wad of cash.

You're hysterical, and I mean that in more ways than one.:D I don't carry a gun around with me, and I have no desire to see others displaying their weapons in such environments. You're so worked into a tizzy over this that you missed my simple fucking point...I wouldn't want my child working at an establishment that advertised to criminals that they don't have to worry about their customers being able to defend themselves. By the way, you are entertaining if nothing else.:thup: ;)
Your point is perfectly valid. I don't want kids in harms way either but if they are, hand over the cash and do as he says.

And this is not a tizzy, I'm explaining to Wannabe Heroes why they don't want you ready to shoot, they want you ready to order.

If my child were held at gun point and told to hand over the money in the register, I would not want a well-intentioned customer with a gun attempting to intervene and risk agitating the thug so that my kid got caught up in any crossfire. However, these companies who feel compelled to make these announcements would not be places I'd want my child to work at, because that's adding extra risk that I wouldn't choose for them.
You're hysterical, and I mean that in more ways than one.:D I don't carry a gun around with me, and I have no desire to see others displaying their weapons in such environments. You're so worked into a tizzy over this that you missed my simple fucking point...I wouldn't want my child working at an establishment that advertised to criminals that they don't have to worry about their customers being able to defend themselves. By the way, you are entertaining if nothing else.:thup: ;)
Your point is perfectly valid. I don't want kids in harms way either but if they are, hand over the cash and do as he says.

And this is not a tizzy, I'm explaining to Wannabe Heroes why they don't want you ready to shoot, they want you ready to order.

If my child were held at gun point and told to hand over the money in the register, I would not want a well-intentioned customer with a gun attempting to intervene and risk agitating the thug so that my kid got caught up in any crossfire. However, these companies who feel compelled to make these announcements would not be places I'd want my child to work at, because that's adding extra risk that I wouldn't choose for them.
So don't, but the policy makes sense. Guns have no business being there and the best thing to do is to get them out the door as fast and as cleanly as possible.
How do you ban guns at a drive in fast food joint?
You don't but you ask, politely, that people respect the rights of the Property Owners.

So you're out driving around and you decide to grab a burger. Do you really think they are going to go home and drop off their gun before going to Sonic? And lets say that people would actually follow Sonics request (which they wont) how long do you think Sonic would stay in business? Here in Texas they wouldnt last six months.

This is nothing but lip service from Sonic.
Okay here it is, I don't carry my gun everywhere I go. Only if I'm going someplace I might need it. If someone was robbing an establishment I was in, I wouldn't pull my gun unless he decided to shoot first. You only pull your gun when you feel your life is threatened. I've never pull my gun on anyone. Also since I only carry my gun where I might need it, then why would I leave it in the car? Where it could get stolen, and a criminal would have it.
How do you ban guns at a drive in fast food joint?
You don't but you ask, politely, that people respect the rights of the Property Owners.

So you're out driving around and you decide to grab a burger. Do you really think they are going to go home and drop off their gun before going to Sonic? And lets say that people would actually follow Sonics request (which they wont) how long do you think Sonic would stay in business? Here in Texas they wouldnt last six months.

This is nothing but lip service from Sonic.
It's Public Relations. That's a nicer way of saying such a thing, but that doesn't change the basic point, they don't bullets flying around regardless of the reasons, even in Texas.
Your point is perfectly valid. I don't want kids in harms way either but if they are, hand over the cash and do as he says.

And this is not a tizzy, I'm explaining to Wannabe Heroes why they don't want you ready to shoot, they want you ready to order.

If my child were held at gun point and told to hand over the money in the register, I would not want a well-intentioned customer with a gun attempting to intervene and risk agitating the thug so that my kid got caught up in any crossfire. However, these companies who feel compelled to make these announcements would not be places I'd want my child to work at, because that's adding extra risk that I wouldn't choose for them.
So don't, but the policy makes sense. Guns have no business being there and the best thing to do is to get them out the door as fast and as cleanly as possible.

Who does it makes sense for?? Do you have statistics demonstrating that people have been deterred and/or injured from these "wannabe heroes"?? Will you not concede that criminals, who are often not the most rational thinking people, would be more likely to enter the establishment that they're assured would have nobody with a means to stop them??
Okay here it is, I don't carry my gun everywhere I go. Only if I'm going someplace I might need it. If someone was robbing an establishment I was in, I wouldn't pull my gun unless he decided to shoot first. You only pull your gun when you feel your life is threatened. I've never pull my gun on anyone. Also since I only carry my gun where I might need it, then why would I leave it in the car? Where it could get stolen, and a criminal would have it.

I have had a CCW for the last 10 years. I RARELY carry and, when I do, no one knows that I am. Frankly, after carrying a damned pistol for 22 years in the military, I'm really not that anxious to carry that often.

Where I live in Montana, when I "head to the bush" I take a rifle and a pistol. I am much more concerned with mountain lions and bears than I am some street corner thug... :D
If my child were held at gun point and told to hand over the money in the register, I would not want a well-intentioned customer with a gun attempting to intervene and risk agitating the thug so that my kid got caught up in any crossfire. However, these companies who feel compelled to make these announcements would not be places I'd want my child to work at, because that's adding extra risk that I wouldn't choose for them.
So don't, but the policy makes sense. Guns have no business being there and the best thing to do is to get them out the door as fast and as cleanly as possible.

Who does it makes sense for?? Do you have statistics demonstrating that people have been deterred and/or injured from these "wannabe heroes"?? Will you not concede that criminals, who are often not the most rational thinking people, would be more likely to enter the establishment that they're assured would have nobody with a means to stop them??
Corporations aren't that worried about being robbed, like banks it comes with the territory, but they are worried about lawsuits, bad press, and people getting killed on their property. You see this as Law and Order. It isn't, it's business.
Even if guns are allowed in a fast food restaurant, 999 times out of 1000 there won't be someone in there with a gun. Plus if guns are allowed, the criminal can come in, with his gun, and no one will call the cops because he's legal until he sticks it in someone's face.

:lol: If I didnt know better I would say you were trying to be funny.
The pathetic thing is you believe what you just said.:cuckoo:
Okay here it is, I don't carry my gun everywhere I go. Only if I'm going someplace I might need it. If someone was robbing an establishment I was in, I wouldn't pull my gun unless he decided to shoot first. You only pull your gun when you feel your life is threatened. I've never pull my gun on anyone. Also since I only carry my gun where I might need it, then why would I leave it in the car? Where it could get stolen, and a criminal would have it.

I have had a CCW for the last 10 years. I RARELY carry and, when I do, no one knows that I am. Frankly, after carrying a damned pistol for 22 years in the military, I'm really not that anxious to carry that often.

Where I live in Montana, when I "head to the bush" I take a rifle and a pistol. I am much more concerned with mountain lions and bears than I am some street corner thug... :D
Samething with me, I wouldn't want to end a life just for someone just robbing another person, but if he shoots first then all bets are off. I carry a 9mm deringer and believe it or not i'm accurate at 15 foot. So when I carry no one knows and I don't tell anyone.
So don't, but the policy makes sense. Guns have no business being there and the best thing to do is to get them out the door as fast and as cleanly as possible.

Who does it makes sense for?? Do you have statistics demonstrating that people have been deterred and/or injured from these "wannabe heroes"?? Will you not concede that criminals, who are often not the most rational thinking people, would be more likely to enter the establishment that they're assured would have nobody with a means to stop them??
Corporations aren't that worried about being robbed, like banks it comes with the territory, but they are worried about lawsuits, bad press, and people getting killed on their property. You see this as Law and Order. It isn't, it's business.

Again, do you have any sort of statics to support why they'd be worried?? They have a right as business owners to make such decisions, but I'm not clear on what is motivating them. Has Sonic had a decline in business based on customer complaints regarding other patrons having guns??
You don't but you ask, politely, that people respect the rights of the Property Owners.

So you're out driving around and you decide to grab a burger. Do you really think they are going to go home and drop off their gun before going to Sonic? And lets say that people would actually follow Sonics request (which they wont) how long do you think Sonic would stay in business? Here in Texas they wouldnt last six months.

This is nothing but lip service from Sonic.
It's Public Relations. That's a nicer way of saying such a thing, but that doesn't change the basic point, they don't bullets flying around regardless of the reasons, even in Texas.

It's all bullshit. Sonic knows damn well people will ignore the request. All this does is make them a target.
A better way would have been to say we dont mind CHL holders in our stores but please leave your long guns at home or in your vehicle so as not to scare our liberal pansy customers.
Who does it makes sense for?? Do you have statistics demonstrating that people have been deterred and/or injured from these "wannabe heroes"?? Will you not concede that criminals, who are often not the most rational thinking people, would be more likely to enter the establishment that they're assured would have nobody with a means to stop them??
Corporations aren't that worried about being robbed, like banks it comes with the territory, but they are worried about lawsuits, bad press, and people getting killed on their property. You see this as Law and Order. It isn't, it's business.

Again, do you have any sort of statics to support why they'd be worried?? They have a right as business owners to make such decisions, but I'm not clear on what is motivating them. Has Sonic had a decline in business based on customer complaints regarding other patrons having guns??
They can read the polls. Guns

Check out the Starbucks number. 66% anti-gun. 11% unsure.

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