wait , sonic bans guns and gets robbed lol

My daughter's first job, ten years ago, was at a Sonic...I wouldn't let my 15 year old work there now with such an open invitation to criminals.
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

You certainly do give criminals a lot of credit for using their brains.:lol: Yeah, people who rob convenience stores/fast food joints have never fired at the person behind the counter on their way out because they think logically, and aren't ever hopped up on drugs. You're an ignorant fuck.:D
That happens RARELY, and this is based upon Corporate Policy. They don't need the bad press or the wrongful death suits.

And thanks for avoiding the question, because you know I'm right.
There is nothing more American than a free-for-all shootout at a drive in restaurant catering to teenagers drinking milkshakes, over a $200 robbery. Makes me choke up. The Duke would be proud....
My daughter's first job, ten years ago, was at a Sonic...I wouldn't let my 15 year old work there now with such an open invitation to criminals.
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

"Doing what he says" could very well include walking to a back room and disrobing. I won't get into what else might happen. I'd rather blow the dude's head off before he got that far.
I'm sure you would. They'd rather that everyone got out alive. See how that works?
There is nothing more American than a free-for-all shootout at a drive in restaurant catering to teenagers drinking milkshakes, over a $200 robbery. Makes me choke up. The Duke would be proud....

In the real world he'd tell them to hand over the cash, but they don't live in the real world, obviously.
Idiots wouldn't be whining about a shootout if the criminal had decided to make sure no witnesses were left to identify him and shot everyone..then it would be the anti gun nuts whining about no one being able to save all those people that were shot.
No, then it would be guns are really good at killing people. See how that works?
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

You certainly do give criminals a lot of credit for using their brains.:lol: Yeah, people who rob convenience stores/fast food joints have never fired at the person behind the counter on their way out because they think logically, and aren't ever hopped up on drugs. You're an ignorant fuck.:D
That happens RARELY, and this is based upon Corporate Policy. They don't need the bad press or the wrongful death suits.

And thanks for avoiding the question, because you know I'm right.

Hey dumbass, what happens even more rarely is people playing John Wayne and shooting up a place in an effort to protect people from a criminal in the process of committing a robbery.

You chose to ignore my point that while no place is immune to being robbed, I wouldn't choose to put my child in greater harms way...the druggie who is looking for his next fix and needs some quick money, and makes the choice to commit a robbery, will be motivated to go to the place of least resistance. You're dead wrong if you think otherwise.
My daughter's first job, ten years ago, was at a Sonic...I wouldn't let my 15 year old work there now with such an open invitation to criminals.
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

Was robbed in one of these places years ago. The robber had a sawed off shotgun pressed to my head as I tried to open the safe.

Sure wish someone had had a gun to blow the SOB away.

3 weeks later he kidnapped a female manager taking a night deposit. Drove her 90 miles away and left her tied to a tree. Lucky a hunter found her the next day.

Wet my pants wouldn't understand though.
I understand perfectly. Life is risky. That doesn't mean the wise man walks around armed like Rambo and shoots the guy trying to steal his car radio. We have insurance to deal with that.

And you're still here and she's still here because you did as he told you to. Chalk that up as Pro-Life, because it is.
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You certainly do give criminals a lot of credit for using their brains.:lol: Yeah, people who rob convenience stores/fast food joints have never fired at the person behind the counter on their way out because they think logically, and aren't ever hopped up on drugs. You're an ignorant fuck.:D
That happens RARELY, and this is based upon Corporate Policy. They don't need the bad press or the wrongful death suits.

And thanks for avoiding the question, because you know I'm right.

Hey dumbass, what happens even more rarely is people playing John Wayne and shooting up a place in an effort to protect people from a criminal in the process of committing a robbery.

You chose to ignore my point that while no place is immune to being robbed, I wouldn't choose to put my child in greater harms way...the druggie who is looking for his next fix and needs some quick money, and makes the choice to commit a robbery, will be motivated to go to the place of least resistance. You're dead wrong if you think otherwise.
I don't care where he goes, I care that everyone lives to fight another day, and so do the corporations, and so do their attorneys, so why don't you?
Guns don't kill people dipshit. People do. :) See how that works. Cops could have gotten into a shootout with this criminal as well..bet ya wanna ban cops to eh? Such a fucking retard.

Cops are trained. Rambo types are just angry and stupid.
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

Was robbed in one of these places years ago. The robber had a sawed off shotgun pressed to my head as I tried to open the safe.

Sure wish someone had had a gun to blow the SOB away.

3 weeks later he kidnapped a female manager taking a night deposit. Drove her 90 miles away and left her tied to a tree. Lucky a hunter found her the next day.

Wet my pants wouldn't understand though.
I understand perfectly. Life is risky. That doesn't mean the wise man walks around armed like Rambo and shoots the guy trying to steal his car radio. We have insurance to deal with that.

And you're still here and she's still here because you did as he told you to. Chalk that up as Pro-Life, because it is.

Your attempt at going to such ridiculous extremes to make a point are rather transparent. This isn't about people walking around armed as much as it is the silly companies who feel the need to make announcements that they don't want patrons armed, as though this has been more of a concern than true criminals who may now see those establishments as easier targets. Unless you have links showing statistics that armed and law abiding citizens have caused more deaths than the criminals, what the fuck is the point??
And what was your daughter required to do in case of a robbery, give him the money and do as he says or you're fired correct? Yep.

It's cash, you don't shoot the place up for it regardless of what side of law and order you're on.

Was robbed in one of these places years ago. The robber had a sawed off shotgun pressed to my head as I tried to open the safe.

Sure wish someone had had a gun to blow the SOB away.

3 weeks later he kidnapped a female manager taking a night deposit. Drove her 90 miles away and left her tied to a tree. Lucky a hunter found her the next day.

Wet my pants wouldn't understand though.
I understand perfectly. Life is risky. That doesn't mean the wise man walks around armed like Rambo and shoots the guy trying to steal his car radio. We have insurance to deal with that.

And you're still here and she's still here because you did as he told you to. Chalk that up as Pro-Life, because it is.

She was extremely lucky, she survived 10 degree temps, gagged and tied. The intent was to eliminate the witness. Or so he admitted
Maybe if assholes would stop carrying rifles etc into these businesses they wouldn't ban guns?
I could care less if you carry your hand gun into a business but these a holes have to make a statement and make everyone nervous.
With the exception of the guys with the holsters, this what I think when I see those morons.

That happens RARELY, and this is based upon Corporate Policy. They don't need the bad press or the wrongful death suits.

And thanks for avoiding the question, because you know I'm right.

Hey dumbass, what happens even more rarely is people playing John Wayne and shooting up a place in an effort to protect people from a criminal in the process of committing a robbery.

You chose to ignore my point that while no place is immune to being robbed, I wouldn't choose to put my child in greater harms way...the druggie who is looking for his next fix and needs some quick money, and makes the choice to commit a robbery, will be motivated to go to the place of least resistance. You're dead wrong if you think otherwise.
I don't care where he goes, I care that everyone lives to fight another day, and so do the corporations, and so do their attorneys, so why don't you?

You don't care where an armed criminal goes, as long as he lives to fight another day??:lmao: Ok, you have zero fucking credibility left in this debate.:lol:
Was robbed in one of these places years ago. The robber had a sawed off shotgun pressed to my head as I tried to open the safe.

Sure wish someone had had a gun to blow the SOB away.

3 weeks later he kidnapped a female manager taking a night deposit. Drove her 90 miles away and left her tied to a tree. Lucky a hunter found her the next day.

Wet my pants wouldn't understand though.
I understand perfectly. Life is risky. That doesn't mean the wise man walks around armed like Rambo and shoots the guy trying to steal his car radio. We have insurance to deal with that.

And you're still here and she's still here because you did as he told you to. Chalk that up as Pro-Life, because it is.

She was extremely lucky, she survived 10 degree temps, gagged and tied. The intent was to eliminate the witness. Or so he admitted
Tragic and horrible, but she's still here and she was cooperative enough for him not to kill her outright. Good for her, she did the right thing, and so did you. Hand it over folks, it ain't worth your life or theirs, with very few exceptions.
Criminals LOVE gun bans. What better way to get what you want when there's nobody to stand in your way?

I've always thought that the best way to insure criminal activity is to post a sign that says "Gun Free Zone" or "No Guns".

Nothing like robbing or shooting up a place where you are pretty damned sure no one is going to shoot back at you. :whip:

And why would a private citizen carrying put his life on the line to defend a fast food restaurant?

The fact that you would ask such a stupid question tells me all I need to know about you.

He would be defending HIMSELF and the INNOCENT PATRONS you fool. OR, he could just wait for the cops to show up 20 minutes AFTER the shooting.
I understand perfectly. Life is risky. That doesn't mean the wise man walks around armed like Rambo and shoots the guy trying to steal his car radio. We have insurance to deal with that.

And you're still here and she's still here because you did as he told you to. Chalk that up as Pro-Life, because it is.

She was extremely lucky, she survived 10 degree temps, gagged and tied. The intent was to eliminate the witness. Or so he admitted
Tragic and horrible, but she's still here and she was cooperative enough for him not to kill her outright. Good for her, she did the right thing, and so did you. Hand it over folks, it ain't worth your life or theirs, with very few exceptions.

Actually, experts advise women to follow directions up until the point that they are told to get into a vehicle...at that point they should do everything possible to resist because their odds severely diminish of staying alive.
Hey dumbass, what happens even more rarely is people playing John Wayne and shooting up a place in an effort to protect people from a criminal in the process of committing a robbery.

You chose to ignore my point that while no place is immune to being robbed, I wouldn't choose to put my child in greater harms way...the druggie who is looking for his next fix and needs some quick money, and makes the choice to commit a robbery, will be motivated to go to the place of least resistance. You're dead wrong if you think otherwise.
I don't care where he goes, I care that everyone lives to fight another day, and so do the corporations, and so do their attorneys, so why don't you?

You don't care where an armed criminal goes, as long as he lives to fight another day??:lmao: Ok, you have zero fucking credibility left in this debate.:lol:
This is what you don't understand, risk is calculated. If the store knows something bad will happen, they plan for it. 7-11, this might have changed, carries no, zero, insurance on their stores. It's cheaper to just rebuild one when it burns to the ground. A problem in a car, well, what will it cost us to fix it versus paying off when people are killed. Those factors they can plan for, some nut with a gun, like you, they can't, which is why they want you to leave your damn guns at home. They don't need the bad press or the suits over a wad of cash.
I don't care where he goes, I care that everyone lives to fight another day, and so do the corporations, and so do their attorneys, so why don't you?

You don't care where an armed criminal goes, as long as he lives to fight another day??:lmao: Ok, you have zero fucking credibility left in this debate.:lol:
This is what you don't understand, risk is calculated. If the store knows something bad will happen, they plan for it. 7-11, this might have changed, carries no, zero, insurance on their stores. It's cheaper to just rebuild one when it burns to the ground. A problem in a car, well, what will it cost us to fix it versus paying off when people are killed. Those factors they can plan for, some nut with a gun, like you, they can't, which is why they want you to leave your damn guns at home. They don't need the bad press or the suits over a wad of cash.

You're hysterical, and I mean that in more ways than one.:D I don't carry a gun around with me, and I have no desire to see others displaying their weapons in such environments. You're so worked into a tizzy over this that you missed my simple fucking point...I wouldn't want my child working at an establishment that advertised to criminals that they don't have to worry about their customers being able to defend themselves. By the way, you are entertaining if nothing else.:thup: ;)

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