wait , sonic bans guns and gets robbed lol

Again, WTF is it with "you guys"??:lol: It's alright, you admitted that this is being carried out based on speculation rather than facts, and there's no need to be ashamed...that's your stance, and you should own it.:thup:
The stories are out there. Dismiss them if you like but the corporations wouldn't be responding otherwise.

Stories about what...you've already admitted that law abiding citizens aren't shooting up establishments. You must be referring to the anti-gun nuts pressuring corporations...thank you for admitting it.:clap:

Stories about gun nuts bringing their guns to lunch. There's a thread on it, jump in. http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rove-a-point-is-beyond-dumb-proof-inside.html
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The stories are out there. Dismiss them if you like but the corporations wouldn't be responding otherwise.

Stories about what...you've already admitted that law abiding citizens aren't shooting up establishments. You must be referring to the anti-gun nuts pressuring corporations...thank you for admitting it.:clap:

Stories about gun nuts bringing their guns to lunch. There's a thread on it, jump in.

Masses and masses of them, right?? Yet none of them have gone on a shooting rampage...yet.:lol: Therefore, you are conceding that anti-gun nuts are making mountains out of molehills, and a few corporations have responded...thank you.:D
Stories about what...you've already admitted that law abiding citizens aren't shooting up establishments. You must be referring to the anti-gun nuts pressuring corporations...thank you for admitting it.:clap:

Stories about gun nuts bringing their guns to lunch. There's a thread on it, jump in.

Masses and masses of them, right?? Yet none of them have gone on a shooting rampage...yet.:lol: Therefore, you are conceding that anti-gun nuts are making mountains out of molehills, and a few corporations have responded...thank you.:D
Corporations respond to crap like this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rove-a-point-is-beyond-dumb-proof-inside.html

And it doesn't matter how many, it only takes one. One hurt or dead employee is all it takes for them to say hand over the cash and do not go after the shoplifter or the dine and dash. It's not worth it.
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Stories about gun nuts bringing their guns to lunch. There's a thread on it, jump in.

Masses and masses of them, right?? Yet none of them have gone on a shooting rampage...yet.:lol: Therefore, you are conceding that anti-gun nuts are making mountains out of molehills, and a few corporations have responded...thank you.:D
Corporations respond to crap like this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rove-a-point-is-beyond-dumb-proof-inside.html

And it doesn't matter how many, it only takes one.

You continue to prove your concession.:thup: Carry on.:D
Masses and masses of them, right?? Yet none of them have gone on a shooting rampage...yet.:lol: Therefore, you are conceding that anti-gun nuts are making mountains out of molehills, and a few corporations have responded...thank you.:D
Corporations respond to crap like this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rove-a-point-is-beyond-dumb-proof-inside.html

And it doesn't matter how many, it only takes one.

You continue to prove your concession.:thup: Carry on.:D
What I continue to prove, that you ignore, is how capitalism works.
Corporations respond to crap like this: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...rove-a-point-is-beyond-dumb-proof-inside.html

And it doesn't matter how many, it only takes one.

You continue to prove your concession.:thup: Carry on.:D
What I continue to prove, that you ignore, is how capitalism works.

I'm not ignoring that you said the corporations are responding to the chatter of the anti-gun nuts response to law abiding citizens.:dunno:
What I continue to prove, that you ignore, is how capitalism works.

I'm not ignoring that you said the corporations are responding to the chatter of the anti-gun nuts response to law abiding citizens.:dunno:

Since I never said that it's not possible. They are responding to the opinions of the majority. They do that you know.

Oh please tell me that you're not choosing to be willfully ignorant...did you expect people who don't have issues with law abiding citizens to be clamoring at the doorstep of the corporations?? These select businesses have made a choice to react to the current squeaky wheel, and that is all...it doesn't make those activists the majority.
I'm not ignoring that you said the corporations are responding to the chatter of the anti-gun nuts response to law abiding citizens.:dunno:

Since I never said that it's not possible. They are responding to the opinions of the majority. They do that you know.

Oh please tell me that you're not choosing to be willfully ignorant...did you expect people who don't have issues with law abiding citizens to be clamoring at the doorstep of the corporations?? These select businesses have made a choice to react to the current squeaky wheel, and that is all...it doesn't make those activists the majority.
The majority are people who don't want gun nuts walking in on them at lunch while carrying a loaded AR-15. When they do, and it hits the Internet, the corporations are forced to respond. That's what happening here and the fact that you have no common sense and think this is being pushed by the ant-gun crowd cannot be helped.
Since I never said that it's not possible. They are responding to the opinions of the majority. They do that you know.

Oh please tell me that you're not choosing to be willfully ignorant...did you expect people who don't have issues with law abiding citizens to be clamoring at the doorstep of the corporations?? These select businesses have made a choice to react to the current squeaky wheel, and that is all...it doesn't make those activists the majority.
The majority are people who don't want gun nuts walking in on them at lunch while carrying a loaded AR-15. When they do, and it hits the Internet, the corporations are forced to respond. That's what happening here and the fact that you have no common sense and think this is being pushed by the ant-gun crowd cannot be helped.

Yet you still have not provided any evidence of this occurring on a widespread basis...so we're right back to you conceding that these businesses responded to the anti-gun nuts overblown concerns, based on the fact that you admitted there have not been any incidents of law abiding citizens blowing up establishments in response to the actions of any criminals. We're in agreement on that.:thup:
Oh please tell me that you're not choosing to be willfully ignorant...did you expect people who don't have issues with law abiding citizens to be clamoring at the doorstep of the corporations?? These select businesses have made a choice to react to the current squeaky wheel, and that is all...it doesn't make those activists the majority.
The majority are people who don't want gun nuts walking in on them at lunch while carrying a loaded AR-15. When they do, and it hits the Internet, the corporations are forced to respond. That's what happening here and the fact that you have no common sense and think this is being pushed by the ant-gun crowd cannot be helped.

Yet you still have not provided any evidence of this occurring on a widespread basis...so we're right back to you conceding that these businesses responded to the anti-gun nuts overblown concerns, based on the fact that you admitted there have not been any incidents of law abiding citizens blowing up establishments in response to the actions of any criminals. We're in agreement on that.:thup:
They are responding to the opinions and wishes of the majority, when the gun nuts go against them by bring their guns to lunch.
Okay here it is, I don't carry my gun everywhere I go. Only if I'm going someplace I might need it. If someone was robbing an establishment I was in, I wouldn't pull my gun unless he decided to shoot first. You only pull your gun when you feel your life is threatened. I've never pull my gun on anyone. Also since I only carry my gun where I might need it, then why would I leave it in the car? Where it could get stolen, and a criminal would have it.

I have had a CCW for the last 10 years. I RARELY carry and, when I do, no one knows that I am. Frankly, after carrying a damned pistol for 22 years in the military, I'm really not that anxious to carry that often.

Where I live in Montana, when I "head to the bush" I take a rifle and a pistol. I am much more concerned with mountain lions and bears than I am some street corner thug... :D
Samething with me, I wouldn't want to end a life just for someone just robbing another person, but if he shoots first then all bets are off. I carry a 9mm deringer and believe it or not i'm accurate at 15 foot. So when I carry no one knows and I don't tell anyone.

I usually carry either a Walther 380 or occasionally a small .25 in a ankle holster. Here's the "deal" with concealed carry...no one should even suspect that the individual is carrying - that's the whole point of it. I can spot detectives a mile away (because they don't care who knows) that they are wearing a jackass rig beneath their jacket.

I have never had the "desire" to carry an M4 to a Sonic (or anywhere else for that matter). However, I DO go into businesses that post signs (No Concealed Weapons). Why? Because it's up to THEM to prove I have a weapon. So far, no one has ever stopped me.

I will NOT go down without a fight. If some thug wants to start shooting the place up - he wil have to deal with the fact that he isn't alone. The rest will take care of itself.....
The majority are people who don't want gun nuts walking in on them at lunch while carrying a loaded AR-15. When they do, and it hits the Internet, the corporations are forced to respond. That's what happening here and the fact that you have no common sense and think this is being pushed by the ant-gun crowd cannot be helped.

Yet you still have not provided any evidence of this occurring on a widespread basis...so we're right back to you conceding that these businesses responded to the anti-gun nuts overblown concerns, based on the fact that you admitted there have not been any incidents of law abiding citizens blowing up establishments in response to the actions of any criminals. We're in agreement on that.:thup:
They are responding to the opinions and wishes of the majority, when the gun nuts go against them by bring their guns to lunch.

You keep trying to present your argument as though it's a prevalent issue across the country that people are displaying their arms and making patrons feel intimidated, but yet I'm not hearing about it in the MSM. I wonder why...could it be that you're cherry picking incidents to make them appear commonplace to suit your anti-gun agenda?? I thought so.
Yet you still have not provided any evidence of this occurring on a widespread basis...so we're right back to you conceding that these businesses responded to the anti-gun nuts overblown concerns, based on the fact that you admitted there have not been any incidents of law abiding citizens blowing up establishments in response to the actions of any criminals. We're in agreement on that.:thup:
They are responding to the opinions and wishes of the majority, when the gun nuts go against them by bring their guns to lunch.

You keep trying to present your argument as though it's a prevalent issue across the country that people are displaying their arms and making patrons feel intimidated, but yet I'm not hearing about it in the MSM. I wonder why...could it be that you're cherry picking incidents to make them appear commonplace to suit your anti-gun agenda?? I thought so.
No, you are ignoring the news, and a thread that's active right here, right now on the subject.
I have had a CCW for the last 10 years. I RARELY carry and, when I do, no one knows that I am. Frankly, after carrying a damned pistol for 22 years in the military, I'm really not that anxious to carry that often.

Where I live in Montana, when I "head to the bush" I take a rifle and a pistol. I am much more concerned with mountain lions and bears than I am some street corner thug... :D
Samething with me, I wouldn't want to end a life just for someone just robbing another person, but if he shoots first then all bets are off. I carry a 9mm deringer and believe it or not i'm accurate at 15 foot. So when I carry no one knows and I don't tell anyone.

I usually carry either a Walther 380 or occasionally a small .25 in a ankle holster. Here's the "deal" with concealed carry...no one should even suspect that the individual is carrying - that's the whole point of it. I can spot detectives a mile away (because they don't care who knows) that they are wearing a jackass rig beneath their jacket.

I have never had the "desire" to carry an M4 to a Sonic (or anywhere else for that matter). However, I DO go into businesses that post signs (No Concealed Weapons). Why? Because it's up to THEM to prove I have a weapon. So far, no one has ever stopped me.

I will NOT go down without a fight. If some thug wants to start shooting the place up - he wil have to deal with the fact that he isn't alone. The rest will take care of itself.....

Wonderful. It's great that you don't respect the rights of property owners. Remember that when they don't respect yours.
They are responding to the opinions and wishes of the majority, when the gun nuts go against them by bring their guns to lunch.

You keep trying to present your argument as though it's a prevalent issue across the country that people are displaying their arms and making patrons feel intimidated, but yet I'm not hearing about it in the MSM. I wonder why...could it be that you're cherry picking incidents to make them appear commonplace to suit your anti-gun agenda?? I thought so.
No, you are ignoring the news, and a thread that's active right here, right now on the subject.

One example does not a consensus make...hype it up all you want and see how many you get on board now that your agenda is out in the open.
You keep trying to present your argument as though it's a prevalent issue across the country that people are displaying their arms and making patrons feel intimidated, but yet I'm not hearing about it in the MSM. I wonder why...could it be that you're cherry picking incidents to make them appear commonplace to suit your anti-gun agenda?? I thought so.
No, you are ignoring the news, and a thread that's active right here, right now on the subject.

One example does not a consensus make...hype it up all you want and see how many you get on board now that your agenda is out in the open.



Good one: http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoc...ry-gun-rally-as-sonic-chilis-review-policies/

Another good one: http://www.motherjones.com/politics...m_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#sonic

Flaunt it boys, and fail in the process.
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No, you are ignoring the news, and a thread that's active right here, right now on the subject.

One example does not a consensus make...hype it up all you want and see how many you get on board now that your agenda is out in the open.



Good one: Home Depot Allows Open Carry Gun Rally As Sonic, Chili's Review Policies (UPDATED) - Forbes

You want to point out people in pissing matches based on these business decisions?? That does not address the fact that these were not widespread incidents that led to the policy...it was anti-gun nuts working themselves into a lather based on "what if" scenarios. You already stated that they were swayed by the activists that it was something they should be concerned about, even though it had yet to occur...you support them being proactive, and I don't understand why you're trying to backpedal that confession.

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