Wait? What? Hold on a minute!

Putin said what needed said. Truth hurts. Time for the USA to stfu and get out of the ME and let them handle their own problems and stop the damn bullying.
Putin owns Obama now. We are an embarassment to the whole world due to that asshole sitting in office.

Such a shame. I had high hopes. And I believed him. Fool me one, fool me twice...and he did. No more.
When you nutters claim that we are an embarrassment to the whole world, where does that info come from?

You all do not have a clue what the world thinks. That is because....you do not care what the world thinks. You know it.

Our standing in the world has improved with this President. Take a look at the site that I cite below. Learn. Then type.

Opinion of the United States (All) - Indicators Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Confidence in the U.S. President (All) - Indicators Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project
When you nutters claim that we are an embarrassment to the whole world, where does that info come from?

You all do not have a clue what the world thinks. That is because....you do not care what the world thinks. You know it.

Our standing in the world has improved with this President. Take a look at the site that I cite below. Learn. Then type.

Opinion of the United States (All) - Indicators Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Confidence in the U.S. President (All) - Indicators Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project

UK Telegraph Slams ?Embarrassing Amateur? Obama | The Lonely Conservative

Barack Obama?s Arafat blunder is an embarrassment for the leader of the free world ? Telegraph Blogs
When you nutters claim that we are an embarrassment to the whole world, where does that info come from?

You all do not have a clue what the world thinks. That is because....you do not care what the world thinks. You know it.

Our standing in the world has improved with this President. Take a look at the site that I cite below. Learn. Then type.

Opinion of the United States (All) - Indicators Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Confidence in the U.S. President (All) - Indicators Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project

UK Telegraph Slams ?Embarrassing Amateur? Obama | The Lonely Conservative

Barack Obama?s Arafat blunder is an embarrassment for the leader of the free world ? Telegraph Blogs

No, no, no. Not opinion pieces and blog posts. Find some data. Give it some effort. I challenge you to prove that we are less regarded in the world today than we were during George Bush's second term. If you cannot, you may want to admit that our standing in the world has improved with this President.

You know, like an honest person would.
What's funny is that they are trying so hard to claim it now----Just wait til it blows up in their faces....:lol:
Yep....but horseface is being very careful now. (Not from the beginning, but now) and is putting the caveat out there that delay means the deal is off.

So, Obama either gives credit to Putin or he bombs Syria. Both ends piss of the American public with the exception of the "Jonestown Crowd" found here at USMB

I still have $5.00 that says bombs are coming soon. There is no money in a peaceful solution.
You may be right.
Yep....but horseface is being very careful now. (Not from the beginning, but now) and is putting the caveat out there that delay means the deal is off.

So, Obama either gives credit to Putin or he bombs Syria. Both ends piss of the American public with the exception of the "Jonestown Crowd" found here at USMB

I still have $5.00 that says bombs are coming soon. There is no money in a peaceful solution.
You may be right.

Way to commit!
And Obama said that this came to be as a result of his pushing a military solution.
(which wasn't true,he knew he didn't have support from congress)...

Does Obama really think people will fall for this BS....
(Is anyone that stupid to think he's being truthful)

Wait a second he was elected for as second term...
Nutters are so used to being lied to by their politicians that they cannot recognize an honest one. On this day, nutters would put their trust in Vladimir Putin before they would President Obama. It is really something.
When you nutters claim that we are an embarrassment to the whole world, where does that info come from?

You all do not have a clue what the world thinks. That is because....you do not care what the world thinks. You know it.

Our standing in the world has improved with this President. Take a look at the site that I cite below. Learn. Then type.

Opinion of the United States (All) - Indicators Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Confidence in the U.S. President (All) - Indicators Database | Pew Global Attitudes Project

UK Telegraph Slams ?Embarrassing Amateur? Obama | The Lonely Conservative

Barack Obama?s Arafat blunder is an embarrassment for the leader of the free world ? Telegraph Blogs

No, no, no. Not opinion pieces and blog posts. Find some data. Give it some effort. I challenge you to prove that we are less regarded in the world today than we were during George Bush's second term. If you cannot, you may want to admit that our standing in the world has improved with this President.

You know, like an honest person would.

So you don't admit that an opinion piece represents opinion?
Nutters are so used to being lied to by their politicians that they cannot recognize an honest one. On this day, nutters would put their trust in Vladimir Putin before they would President Obama. It is really something.

It isn't a matter of trusting. Yet another left canard. It is a matter of reality. The reality is that Obama achieved nothing and Putin got everything. Anyone can see that. Except the brain dead left obviously.
So now they demand we quit arming the rebels too as part of any deal. Was this part of obamas plan with putin too? So much for obama controlling the plan. We are just a pawn in putins play.
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So now they demand we quit arming the rebels too as part of any deal. Was this part of obamas plan with putin too? So much for obama controlling the plan. We are just a pawn in putins play.

We should stop arming the rebels. We shouldn't have said we would. Obama's mistakes were saying we would arm the rebels and saying there's any red line at all for any reason.

But they are minor when compared to the clodhopping oaf that was GWB, and his 4000 some US lives lost in vain in Iraq mistake.
So now they demand we quit arming the rebels too as part of any deal. Was this part of obamas plan with putin too? So much for obama controlling the plan. We are just a pawn in putins play.

We should stop arming the rebels. We shouldn't have said we would. Obama's mistakes were saying we would arm the rebels and saying there's any red line at all for any reason.

But they are minor when compared to the clodhopping oaf that was GWB, and his 4000 some US lives lost in vain in Iraq mistake.

too much cheese has clogged your brain. Do you really think that Bush got us into Iraq totally on his own? How about the FACT that congress (both parties) authorized and funded that clusterfuck? How about the FACT that both Clintons, Kerry, Ted Kennedy, the UN, the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and the EU all said that Saddam had WMDs and should be taken out?

We get it that you hate Bush, but your continual lying about how we got into Iraq removes what little credibility you ever had.

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