Waiter Charged Over Arabic Chant at Jewish Wedding

Well, the waiter just 'happened' to have a tape of Arabic chantings from a rally on him while he was working at the reception of Jewish people, and during his shift he just HAD to play it for his friend~it's all just a BIG misunderstanding................ :rolleyes:

No shit... Shouldn't he have been...I dunno.. Working?
I read elsewhere the recording was on his cell phone.

If it's on his cell phone, takes a bit of work to get it broadcast over an entire speaker system...unless he accidently tripped on a switch that controls everything, which is generally located nowhere near the waitstations...
Playing Arabic music (not on the playlist) at a Jewish wedding could be construed as hate if it can be determined the offender did so in order to intimidate or harass.

what is it you don't get about harassment? this is not the Arab mid east. that kind of behavior is unacceptable in a civilized society.
I guess I forgot.

This is America and the Jews have to be protected at all costs.

The guy was lucky he wasn't charged with trying to start another Holocaust!! :lol:
If it's on his cell phone, takes a bit of work to get it broadcast over an entire speaker system...unless he accidently tripped on a switch that controls everything, which is generally located nowhere near the waitstations...
Or if the wireless mic frequencies were picking up his cell phone.
WOODBURY, N.Y. — A waiter who shocked guests at a Jewish wedding by playing a recording of a crowd chanting in Arabic has pleaded not guilty to felony harassment.

Stephen Buttafuoco, 23, said he was playing the recording for a co-worker and was unaware it was being amplified over a sound system at the Woodbury Jewish Center during the Jan. 4 wedding, his lawyer Tom Spreer said.

FOXNews.com - Waiter Charged Over Arabic Chant at Jewish Wedding - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
I haven't read the article but what is wrong with speaking Arabic at a Jewish wedding? For some Jews, Arabic is their native language.
Well, the waiter just 'happened' to have a tape of Arabic chantings from a rally on him while he was working at the reception of Jewish people, and during his shift he just HAD to play it for his friend~it's all just a BIG misunderstanding................ :rolleyes:

actually it could be you are assuming way too much. It is New york. I am sure the guy worked lots of Jewish weddings. Maybe they were making fun out of Arabs and Jews? Intent has yet to be established if it ever will be.

I am of two minds. I think the guy is a dope. It looks like he may have tried and played a joke, but then I'd believe him if I met him and looked in his eyes and his friend's eyes and heard them say otherwise.

I'd be fair on a jury and even in person.

I've done stupid and insensitive things unintentionally. have you ever done anything stupid...unintentionally?
Why? Are you saying there was no offense committed either intentionally or not?
He should have been fired. Period.

But since it involved the "Chosen People".

Everything has to be turned into a big deal!! :evil:
"Police said the defendant is not related to Joey Buttafuoco, whose 17-year-old lover Amy Fisher shot his wife in the face more than a decade ago."

This cracks me up. :lol:
I don't care if it was completely intentional, I still don't agree with the charge.

Why? What do you do about someone trying to intentionally (I really can't see this as being unintentional, but who knows) offend people, harrass them, and as an added bonus, ruin what is supposed to be one of the most special days in someone's life? Slap them on the wrist and send them to their next job?
"Police said the defendant is not related to Joey Buttafuoco, whose 17-year-old lover Amy Fisher shot his wife in the face more than a decade ago."

This cracks me up. :lol:

We can't say the Buttafucco lineage has a whole lot of smarts about how they become famous, can we?
Why? What do you do about someone trying to intentionally (I really can't see this as being unintentional, but who knows) offend people, harrass them, and as an added bonus, ruin what is supposed to be one of the most special days in someone's life? Slap them on the wrist and send them to their next job?

Yes, assuming you mean hitting him with a misdemeanor is a slap on the wrist.

And the family can sue him for whatever they can get in a civil case.
What usually happens is the DA starts with the heavier charge and he'll probably plead down to the misdemeanor.

Then the family can sue the accused and possibly his place of business.

Where does it say he is a muslim?

I got this from the article:

Spreer said Buttafuoco's father is a former Marine and pastor of a church in Babylon, and the family wished "to apologize to everyone who attended the wedding."

I didn't see where it said Buttafuoco was muslim.
Where does it say he is a muslim?

I got this from the article:

I didn't see where it said Buttafuoco was muslim.

Who said Buttafucco was a Muslim. Buttafucco recorded the chant at an anti-israeli demonstration.
Playing arabic music is now Jew hating??

That is soo silly!!! :cuckoo:
It wasn't music. The article says it was a recording of an antin Israel protest and also that they were chanting "God is great". On the former, I can understand if Jews were offended. On the second, I don't see why a Jew would disagree that God is great.
It's not hard to imagine how they felt. Especially, with the war going on right now in Israel.

Sunni Man I think we ought to send the Anti-Defamation League to your mosque to play yiddish music full blast at your daughter's wedding just to see how you'd feel.

They wouldn't do it of course.

Unless maybe Sunni's daughter was marrying a Jew.

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