Waiting Out The Transgender Catastrophe


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
Apparently we live in a "pretend" world now. (see debates).
Homosexuality is a contagious mental illness that spreads like a virus to infect the gullible with its depraved ideology. .... :cuckoo:

And, from the OP...

Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

There is evidence that the same applies to homosexuality.

"More data are available from the comprehensive study by Laumann et al. (1994),14 who reported that about half those males homosexually active as young adults were no longer active later.

Rosario et al. (1996)15,16 similarly reported in a longitudinal study that 57% of their gay/lesbian subjects remained exclusively gay/lesbian, but that the remainder had changed to varying degrees. Fox17 reported various degrees of change among bisexual people (not undergoing therapy to change). The summary of these studies and an excellent rule of thumb is that about half of those with exclusive SSA were once bisexual or even heterosexual.

This is stated explicitly in Sandfort (1997)18

California researcher Hart19 reported that roughly 1% of a group of conservative Christian men spontaneously reported (in an anonymous questionnaire on sexual orientation, attitudes and behaviours, but not on change), that they had once been exclusively homosexual but now were happy and adjusted heterosexuals. Had they been specifically asked, the percentage may have been higher. Similarly in a large web survey organised among gay and lesbian youth by !OutProud!20 when asked what they thought about the possibility of sexual orientation change to heterosexual, 1% actually volunteered they had made that change!

From the above we would have to conclude that homosexuality is much more fluid than heterosexuality as shown by the large proportion, 50% (Figure 31) of homosexuals who move toward a heterosexual orientation, compared with the small proportion of heterosexuals who become homosexual.

There is abundant documentation that people with SSA (same sex attraction) do move toward a heterosexual orientation, often with therapeutic assistance, but mostly without it. Some achieve great change, some less, but it is clear that sexual orientation is fluid, not fixed, so that it is impossible to argue it is genetically pre-determined. There is a good possibility that various degrees of change will happen with the right support, including therapy of various kinds. The problem in the present social climate may be finding such support."

"These are just a portion of all the available studies, but they clearly reveal that sexual attraction is not fixed and immutable."
Is Sexual Orientation Change Possible?

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Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
Your ignorance has just hit a new height. These people have a big enough struggle on their hands as it is, without ignorant haters piling on for nothing.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
Your ignorance has just hit a new height. These people have a big enough struggle on their hands as it is, without ignorant haters piling on for nothing.
Not a hater, but it seems like they are vying for attention-much like other fringe groups.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
Your ignorance has just hit a new height. These people have a big enough struggle on their hands as it is, without ignorant haters piling on for nothing.
Really strange how queers call telling the truth about them "hate". It really is a sickness.
4. “Transgenderism has shaken the foundations of all we know to be true. Scientific knowledge is rejected and medical practice co-opted in service of a new “reality”—that “gender” is independent of sex, that males and females of any age, even young children, are entitled to their own transgender self-identification based only on their feelings, and that literally every individual and every segment of society must bow to their chosen identity at risk of losing reputation, livelihood, and even freedom itself.

Remarkably, this revolution is happening without any credible scientific evidence to support it.

The concept of changing one’s biological sex is, of course, nonsense, as sex is determined by unalterable chromosomes.

An individual can change his hormone levels and undergo surgery to better imitate the opposite sex, but a male on the day of his conception will remain a male on the day of his death. And as discussed below, the idea that there is a real personal trait called “gender” that challenges or invalidates the identity significance of biological sex is equally fallacious.
But the absence of genuine evidence is simply ignored, and faux “evidence” is created to validate the mania.

So far. But there are signs of cracks in the grand edifice of transgenderism. As Dr. Malcolm warned in Jurassic Park, “Life finds a way.” So does reality. At some point it will reassert itself, and we will ask how this ever could have happened.”
Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Society is simply waiting out the transgender absurdity.

And becoming impatient.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.

Transgenderism is a purely ideological construct; a result and consequence of ideological influence on very vulnerable minds. The only true states of existence we human beings can know or experience voluntarily are those we choose for ourselves or do to ourselves. Transgenderism is an idea but it is not an idea each so-called transgender individual either came up with on their own or inflicted upon themselves. In order to become the definition of transgender as described by the modern ideology of radical feminist leftism, one must submit to the mutilation of one's mind and body, an act or process that can only be inflicted by a trained medical "professional" who is an instrument of ideology, who performs an ideological procedure on the very vulnerable victim. In other words, someone had an idea sometime in the past that men could become women and vice versa; the so-called trans person neither came up with that idea or the process for attaining its corporeal manifestation. This proves ideological origin in that doctors/mental health "professionals" had to first be indoctrinated into the concept before performing the procedure.

Of course, and even though all the atheist trolls out there will have a field day, one could make a great argument for transgenderism being a satanic attempt to eradicate mankind. Only God can create new life. The devil or whatever philosophical conclusion one has drawn in the naming of the embodiment of pure evil or pure anti-mankind, cannot create new life so it desecrates life that already exists; mutilates it, morphs it, recreates it in a "demonic" form. That clearly sounds like transgenderism to me.

Finally, transgenderism is as much an attack on feminism as it is masculinity. Transgenderism destroys the essence of men and women and robs both sexes of the beautiful differences and unique qualities each brings to the state of being human. If transgenderism spread far enough mankind would cease to exist. Thus it is perhaps the most anti-human survival ideology of all time.
4. “Transgenderism has shaken the foundations of all we know to be true. Scientific knowledge is rejected and medical practice co-opted in service of a new “reality”—that “gender” is independent of sex, that males and females of any age, even young children, are entitled to their own transgender self-identification based only on their feelings, and that literally every individual and every segment of society must bow to their chosen identity at risk of losing reputation, livelihood, and even freedom itself.

Remarkably, this revolution is happening without any credible scientific evidence to support it.

The concept of changing one’s biological sex is, of course, nonsense, as sex is determined by unalterable chromosomes.

An individual can change his hormone levels and undergo surgery to better imitate the opposite sex, but a male on the day of his conception will remain a male on the day of his death. And as discussed below, the idea that there is a real personal trait called “gender” that challenges or invalidates the identity significance of biological sex is equally fallacious.
But the absence of genuine evidence is simply ignored, and faux “evidence” is created to validate the mania.

So far. But there are signs of cracks in the grand edifice of transgenderism. As Dr. Malcolm warned in Jurassic Park, “Life finds a way.” So does reality. At some point it will reassert itself, and we will ask how this ever could have happened.”
Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Society is simply waiting out the transgender absurdity.

And becoming impatient.
Why are your threads always so full of hate? You must be really unhappy. I pity you.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
Your ignorance has just hit a new height. These people have a big enough struggle on their hands as it is, without ignorant haters piling on for nothing.
Really strange how queers call telling the truth about them "hate". It really is a sickness.
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Denial is always difficult, but admitting your illness is the first step.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
The story of Sodom was remembered this Sunday where the Lord was going to destroy the city. Lot asked, if he could find 50 good people would the Lord forgive the city, and they said yes. Then Lot asked if he could find 40 good people would the lord forgive the city, and the Lord said yes. Then lot asked if he could find 30 good people would the lord forgive the city, and again the lord said yes. 3 more times Lot asked all the way down to 10 good people, yet the Lord destroyed Sodom because, there were no good men, doing things against God's will. We are seeing these events again, with inner cities going totally Satanic(liberal) and when the great plague once again shows up, you can blame the "if it feels good, then just do it crowd". The ends justify the means...
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.

Transgenderism is a purely ideological construct; a result and consequence of ideological influence on very vulnerable minds. The only true states of existence we human beings can know or experience voluntarily are those we choose for ourselves or do to ourselves. Transgenderism is an idea but it is not an idea each so-called transgender individual either came up with on their own or inflicted upon themselves. In order to become the definition of transgender as described by the modern ideology of radical feminist leftism, one must submit to the mutilation of one's mind and body, an act or process that can only be inflicted by a trained medical "professional" who is an instrument of ideology, who performs an ideological procedure on the very vulnerable victim. In other words, someone had an idea sometime in the past that men could become women and vice versa; the so-called trans person neither came up with that idea or the process for attaining its corporeal manifestation. This proves ideological origin in that doctors/mental health "professionals" had to first be indoctrinated into the concept before performing the procedure.

Of course, and even though all the atheist trolls out there will have a field day, one could make a great argument for transgenderism being a satanic attempt to eradicate mankind. Only God can create new life. The devil or whatever philosophical conclusion one has drawn in the naming of the embodiment of pure evil or pure anti-mankind, cannot create new life so it desecrates life that already exists; mutilates it, morphs it, recreates it in a "demonic" form. That clearly sounds like transgenderism to me.

Finally, transgenderism is as much an attack on feminism as it is masculinity. Transgenderism destroys the essence of men and women and robs both sexes of the beautiful differences and unique qualities each brings to the state of being human. If transgenderism spread far enough mankind would cease to exist. Thus it is perhaps the most anti-human survival ideology of all time.
So why did god put all these people in the wrong body?
4. “Transgenderism has shaken the foundations of all we know to be true. Scientific knowledge is rejected and medical practice co-opted in service of a new “reality”—that “gender” is independent of sex, that males and females of any age, even young children, are entitled to their own transgender self-identification based only on their feelings, and that literally every individual and every segment of society must bow to their chosen identity at risk of losing reputation, livelihood, and even freedom itself.

Remarkably, this revolution is happening without any credible scientific evidence to support it.

The concept of changing one’s biological sex is, of course, nonsense, as sex is determined by unalterable chromosomes.

An individual can change his hormone levels and undergo surgery to better imitate the opposite sex, but a male on the day of his conception will remain a male on the day of his death. And as discussed below, the idea that there is a real personal trait called “gender” that challenges or invalidates the identity significance of biological sex is equally fallacious.
But the absence of genuine evidence is simply ignored, and faux “evidence” is created to validate the mania.

So far. But there are signs of cracks in the grand edifice of transgenderism. As Dr. Malcolm warned in Jurassic Park, “Life finds a way.” So does reality. At some point it will reassert itself, and we will ask how this ever could have happened.”
Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Society is simply waiting out the transgender absurdity.

And becoming impatient.
Why are your threads always so full of hate? You must be really unhappy. I pity you.
Pointing out facts is now the new HATE from a liberal, because the truth to a liberal is like garlic to a vampire.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
The story of Sodom was remembered this Sunday where the Lord was going to destroy the city. Lot asked, if he could find 50 good people would the Lord forgive the city, and they said yes. Then Lot asked if he could find 40 good people would the lord forgive the city, and the Lord said yes. Then lot asked if he could find 30 good people would the lord forgive the city, and again the lord said yes. 3 more times Lot asked all the way down to 10 good people, yet the Lord destroyed Sodom because, there were no good men, doing things against God's will. We are seeing these events again, with inner cities going totally Satanic(liberal) and when the great plague once again shows up, you can blame the "if it feels good, then just do it crowd". The ends justify the means...
So god is powerless to do anything except kill and destroy. Interesting concept.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
The story of Sodom was remembered this Sunday where the Lord was going to destroy the city. Lot asked, if he could find 50 good people would the Lord forgive the city, and they said yes. Then Lot asked if he could find 40 good people would the lord forgive the city, and the Lord said yes. Then lot asked if he could find 30 good people would the lord forgive the city, and again the lord said yes. 3 more times Lot asked all the way down to 10 good people, yet the Lord destroyed Sodom because, there were no good men, doing things against God's will. We are seeing these events again, with inner cities going totally Satanic(liberal) and when the great plague once again shows up, you can blame the "if it feels good, then just do it crowd". The ends justify the means...
So god is powerless to do anything except kill and destroy. Interesting concept.
Very noble of you, how is it you who think you are above God and what HE does? This is why liberals like you are hated with a passion.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
Your ignorance has just hit a new height. These people have a big enough struggle on their hands as it is, without ignorant haters piling on for nothing.
Really strange how queers call telling the truth about them "hate". It really is a sickness.
View attachment 272080
Denial is always difficult, but admitting your illness is the first step.
You're still at the denial stage. :highfive:
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
The story of Sodom was remembered this Sunday where the Lord was going to destroy the city. Lot asked, if he could find 50 good people would the Lord forgive the city, and they said yes. Then Lot asked if he could find 40 good people would the lord forgive the city, and the Lord said yes. Then lot asked if he could find 30 good people would the lord forgive the city, and again the lord said yes. 3 more times Lot asked all the way down to 10 good people, yet the Lord destroyed Sodom because, there were no good men, doing things against God's will. We are seeing these events again, with inner cities going totally Satanic(liberal) and when the great plague once again shows up, you can blame the "if it feels good, then just do it crowd". The ends justify the means...
So god is powerless to do anything except kill and destroy. Interesting concept.
Very noble of you, how is it you who think you are above God and what HE does? This is why liberals like you are hated with a passion.
So you're saying that god hates some people? Or is that just you?
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.

Transgenderism is a purely ideological construct; a result and consequence of ideological influence on very vulnerable minds. The only true states of existence we human beings can know or experience voluntarily are those we choose for ourselves or do to ourselves. Transgenderism is an idea but it is not an idea each so-called transgender individual either came up with on their own or inflicted upon themselves. In order to become the definition of transgender as described by the modern ideology of radical feminist leftism, one must submit to the mutilation of one's mind and body, an act or process that can only be inflicted by a trained medical "professional" who is an instrument of ideology, who performs an ideological procedure on the very vulnerable victim. In other words, someone had an idea sometime in the past that men could become women and vice versa; the so-called trans person neither came up with that idea or the process for attaining its corporeal manifestation. This proves ideological origin in that doctors/mental health "professionals" had to first be indoctrinated into the concept before performing the procedure.

Of course, and even though all the atheist trolls out there will have a field day, one could make a great argument for transgenderism being a satanic attempt to eradicate mankind. Only God can create new life. The devil or whatever philosophical conclusion one has drawn in the naming of the embodiment of pure evil or pure anti-mankind, cannot create new life so it desecrates life that already exists; mutilates it, morphs it, recreates it in a "demonic" form. That clearly sounds like transgenderism to me.

Finally, transgenderism is as much an attack on feminism as it is masculinity. Transgenderism destroys the essence of men and women and robs both sexes of the beautiful differences and unique qualities each brings to the state of being human. If transgenderism spread far enough mankind would cease to exist. Thus it is perhaps the most anti-human survival ideology of all time.

It is the logical extension of the Leftists/Liberals advancing victimology, and raising alleged victims to celebrity status.
Can you put yourself in the frame of mind for another…say, the Church officials in charge of the Inquisition, or of Lenin ordering the deaths of millions for the sake of the doctrines he believed would benefit mankind….?

Throughout history there are examples of horrific behaviors that their proponents fervently believed were the right thing to do. We are living through on of such times.

The delusional individuals and the alleged professionals who support the transgender fraud, probably believe that they are correct…as Lenin did and the perpetrators of the Inquisition did.

1.“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.” -– Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)

2. ”The epidemic of supposed gender dysphoria among children and adolescents — “transgenderism”—has often been described as a cult. The designation is in some ways apt. Though lacking a charismatic leader usually found in such movements, other expert descriptions of cults certainly apply: “designed to destabilize an individual’s sense of self by undermining his or her basic consciousness, reality awareness, beliefs and worldview, [and] emotional control.” Cults also lead the target to believe that “anxiety, uncertainty, and self-doubt can be reduced by adopting the concepts put forth by the group.”

The promise is a “new identity” that will solve all problems, even as it separates one from family and previous life.

This is especially true in cases of so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, in which previously normal teenagers (usually girls) suddenly announce their desire to transition to the opposite sex. It is readily apparent how a teenager struggling with severe or even common adolescent angst could be lured into such a group.

3. Perhaps transgenderism is better described as a form of “social contagion.” This term refers to “the spread of ideas, feelings and, some think, neuroses through a community or group by suggestion, gossip, imitation, etc.”

The explosion of cases of gender dysphoria, previously an exceedingly rare condition, over the last few years has coincided with a meteoric increase in sympathetic attention to the topic in regular and social media—thus suggesting social contagion. Parents whose children “come out” as transgender when their friends do certainly agree with this explanation.

Individuals who have been ensnared in but escaped from the transgender movement describe it as an ideology, with elements of both the political and the religious. The devotion to the ideology is so deep that, as one psychiatrist describes the mindset, “[a]nyone who hesitates in supporting transition and [sex-reassignment surgery] is a dinosaur committed to an outgrown, inherently discriminatory understanding of trans persons and needs to be defeated in court or in the public arena.” Will transgenderism be swept away by history?

Not the first time in history that belief triumphed over reality.
Your ignorance has just hit a new height. These people have a big enough struggle on their hands as it is, without ignorant haters piling on for nothing.
Really strange how queers call telling the truth about them "hate". It really is a sickness.
View attachment 272080
Denial is always difficult, but admitting your illness is the first step.
You're still at the denial stage. :highfive:
So you are saying that men with tits are women, and if anyone doesnt believe that they are in denial?

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